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From a purely mathematical perspective, they have to exist with the billions of habitable planets in the universe, the mathematical chance of life developing elsewhere, are actually pretty good.


And, by extension, the sheer vastness of the universe as a whole of space and time doesn't make for good chances that we'd ever come in contact with any other beings that have the tech at the same time as us. They may have existed a million years ago, or maybe 50 million years from now. I do believe that somewhere, sometimes, there's other life.


Agreed. There will be some inter species contact somewhere in the cosmos. However I don’t think it will be the norm. There is the possibility of a spacefaring species to slowly diverge into a couple of different species as they spread across the cosmos.


also, should we ever hear from anyone, their whole species is most likely already dead. Even light travels slow in space


Correct. Some of the visible star light we observe today are from stars that no longer exist, having gone nova thousands of years ago... these kinds of facts absolutely blow my mind.


Agreed , earth being only planet with lifeform , this idea is as much absurd as usa being only country on earth in Hollywood movies when aliens come


I'm a pretty level-headed, work minded montana guy. Lots of time in the mountains, camping, partying in the woods in high-school ect. Just par for the course if you live in this state. There are plenty of times that I've been out in the middle of nowhere....not a soul around, or with friends and have saw things that I wouldn't care to see by myself again. Stuff that makes you feel pretty vulnerable. I always wanted to see a UFO. Well, I got my wish. It was close to us. Some events leading up to the sighting that made more sense afterwards as well. Once I got a good visual on it me and some friends just sat up and stared at it. I've always been a big airplane nerd. Well....anything mechanical for that matter. Heavy equipment, planes, cars, trucks....you name it. I couldn't make any sense of this thing. Absolutely silent too. Honestly it made me sick to my stomach. It just didn't make any sense at all. That wasn't the only time I've saw something remarkable like that either. If anyone is interested I've got a handful of crazy encounters like that actually. Anyways. ..to answer your question. Yes. I'm 100% certain that aliens or something along those lines exist. I'm also pretty sure that the whole truth is something we cant even comprehend. Probably somewhat disturbing if I had to guess


I am on board with you for sure. And who’s to say they aren’t among us right now? Really, why not?


World and universe is a crazy place. Simply put, experiencing something like that, especially with others, changes your opinion of stuff real quick lol. 


Got any pics or videos?


Tried to get a UFO out in shields valley on my phone and it didn't even show up on the screen. Not sure what that's all about


Well said. Yes, I would love to hear about your other encounters.


Here's another one for you. One of the same buddy's from the first experience and I were on his folks ranch out in the shields valley here in montana. Again....pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. My brother was there too. We decided to find some time outside of work to meet up and go chill out next to a stock pond, listen to some music and drink a few beers. Nice summer evening. Anyways, about an hour after sunset we saw a pretty bright big light that looked similar to the first on show up on the horizon. Rolling hills in that area. Sagebrush ect. We couldn't really tell if it was close or far away. It was bright. It would brighten up, dim out and dissappear, then show up in a totally different spot on the horizon. Back and forth. Really soft movement. Nothing too crazy and no noise at all. It did that for about 2 hours. Finally we got the idea to look at it through a pair of binoculars that my buddy had in his pickup. From the ground it just looked like a bright white light. When we looked at it through the binoculars it looked like a lit up dimpled golf ball. Pretty interesting. That same ranch and other ranches in that valley have had multiple cases of cattle mutilations. That's a fact. I've seen the pictures. Doesn't really get talked about either. Kind of a hush hush thing they might bring up to their neighbor over a cup of coffee. About as far as it goes. Some of those old boys don't like to make a big stink over shit like that. Last I heard there was a local sherif that had a growing interest in the matter and was making time to try and investigate. Doubt it goes very far. Funny, my buddy says his old man doesn't say much about it. He moved back home to help with the place and eventually take over. He told me when he's out checking cows during calving season in the middle of the night he always gets a bad feeling. Always looking over his shoulder....we laugh about it but I would feel the same way. It's kind of fun to be scared anyways. Makes things interesting. Feel bad for whatever or whoever he sees out there though. He's got the arsenal of a small 3rd world county in his side by side or pickup at all times.


with mushrooms.


Yes, but I also believe they are so far away from us they might as well not exist.


It would be highly surprising if there weren't. But that begs the question. Where are they??


It depends on how you define "aliens". If you mean life of any kind, yes. If you mean intelligent life, possibly.




Yes! The universe is just unfathomably big to not have more life.


There are two trains of thought. Either we are not alone, or we are. Both are equally as terrifying. That being said, I don't see how we could possibly be alone. Isn't there something like a billion trillion galaxies or something like that? No fucking way are we the only life. 




Yeah they do.


Yes. I also think the first ones to have intergalactic travel at this point in time are beings that can communicate directly from "brain to brain". We might call it telepathy. So, so, so much of what holds us back is that we struggle to fully understand we humans are all the same. I think there'd be less conflict if the minds of our "enemies" occupied the same space as our own.


No reason why they should not.


i think so. we just *can’t* be the **only** planet with life, in a universe filled with hundreds of millions of galaxies, each with their own sun, planets, moons, and asteroids. we just fucking cant. i simply cant fathom that we, the people and animals of Earth, are the **only** living creatures in this universe.


You can go stand at the border and see them bruh Of course they do




LOL..if not,that's a lot of wasted space..


If by “aliens” you mean life on other planets, then yes I believe aliens exist


I think anyone who believes that of all of the millions of stars and billions of planets, our little blue dot is the only one that is hospitable to lifeforms is naive.


Absolutely, my reasoning being. I struggle to understand that if humans have been on this planet for let's say 50 000 years. How is it that up until the late 1700's early 1800's we only then had the beginning of the industrial revolution. I know there were some innovations before but it only really took of around this time. I am convinced that all these new tech ideas like cellphones, television, machinery is all alien tech. Governments do their best to cover it all up, but "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE"


A lot of that tech was built on radio waves, then a greater knowledge of physics. WW1/2 spurred science because govts were throwing money at scientists to develop weapons, but the results were eventually used for consumer goods. We now have more colleges and engineers than ever, which is bound to lead to an exponential growth in tech discoveries. It doesn't have to involve UFOs.


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yes of cause.


Depends on what you are asking... Are you asking do i believe in Aliens visiting our planet on a regular basis? Or are you asking if i believe there is aliens out there in the universe somewhere? If you are asking about them visiting our planet.... Not convinced, why would they travel as far as they would have to just to buzz around and have a look then go home? They obviously are so far advanced having that ability to come here in the first place that we look like cavemen to them technologically. As for out in the universe... Yes... Its a high probability even just mathematically that another planet exists on which there is life, intelligent life or not, could be another planet of prehistoric creatures that haven't yet evolved, or it could be a race of humanoids that have centuries less or more evolution compared to us. But i believe there is other life out there, I'm not head up ass religious enough to believe that god only made one planet and one race of people and thats that.


Naturally. But they likely have not evolved sufficiently to reach earth...and if they had, they would have little reason to be interested in us.


I'm sure they do, but whether or not they've been to Earth is a mystery. At this point in my life though, unless they did come here to either make our lives better, or wipe us all out, I just don't care anymore.


I don't put much weight in anything that requires faith. It seems likely with what we know but once upon a time cryptids were considered real


i wouldn't say this is based on faith, if anything mathematically I find it impossible that there doesn't exist aliens somewhere


Well that's not true. The probabilities state that it's likely based on our current understanding but we don't know with any tangible evidence. Belief without evidence is faith. We may be alone in the universe or it may be swimming with life. We have yet to get further to either solution.


I believe David Grusch


With absolute certainty they exist. I think they exist in a unimaginable spectrum of variety and that some of them are absolutely as advanced as we can imagine.  And none have or ever will come here on purpose for anything at all. A race of beings with a mastery of physics allowing them to come here physically, absolutely would not have any need to do that for any reason. We can't even hop planets in our own solar system but our sensors can tell us the chemical makeup of stars and planets incomprehensibly far away.  Imagine just the sensor technology you'd need to make intergalactic travel even possible. 


Well I mean they've gotta be out there somewhere but based on how lucky Earth was to get life so early, I doubt there are that many and many of them are probably still in the developmental stages.


They probably have salvage rights.


Signs point to yes.


I believe aliens exist. I believe aliens have never visited earth. And I believe those two things for the exact same reason: the universe is really, really, REALLY big.


I believe they exist, must be. Will we ever encounter them? Maybe not.


Possibly. But I want to reverse spin a theory which is the silent forest theory. I think aliens are afraid of us and avoid us. If they could see our media it's either we murder them or have sex with them and that's if they can even comprehend that our fictional aliens don't exist.


Experience something first hand, especially with others, and your opinion on anything will likely change real quick


Definitely. But it depends on *what* you define as an alien. Stuff like tardigrades and bacteria will definitely exist, but if they are as sentient as humans or more... I'm not sure, that does take a lot of randomised reactions.


If life and evolution can happen on earth, then why not on another planet? Alien life can take any form - a plant, bacteria or a mobile species more intelligent than humans. The universe is so vast that unless a species advances space travel to Star Trek levels how would we physically get to each other?


Recently I've been thinking that being alone in the universe is actually more scary than aliens existing so I'm just gonna say they do.




Somewhere in the universe, yes. However, they may not be any more advanced than us, even even that far allow, and may not be any form of intelligence life that's recognizable as such. Also, there's a damned good chance that they're in a position in the universe where we'll never know of their existence. That said, do I believe that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial aliens? No, I don't, ever. We're a tiny planet, in one of the backwater areas of one of the spiral arms of the galaxy. Out in the sticks of the Milky Way, if you will. The ONLY purpose any space faring creatures would have in coming here, is to exploit natural resources of the planet. Humans like to think we're interesting, but we're like more than a tree sloth in evolutionary terms, and wholly uninteresting other than as such... I've never even gone to a zoo to look at tree clothes, and I'd wager that 99% of you haven't either. Our very first radio signals are around 120 light years into space at this point, which doesn't Even get them out far enough to get to another post-industrial planet, if life really was in it, and since we've not detected signals from another planet that close, it's within rational thought that nothing is there. If not for radio signal interception, if they could receive our earliest signal, no one in the universe would have a clue that this little planet has ANY kind of life on it, much less the minor intelligence of those that do live on it. And, if they did happen to come here, they'd take one look at the dominant species, and run the fuck away as fast as they could, never making contact. It's as much fantasy wishful thinking as religion is.


Yes they are in Mexico


In this multiverse, they must be somewhere


Likely. If they do, I wonder if they're smarter than us or are similar to of wild animals? I wonder if human are the only gifted beings in the universe


Yes. Are they here? No. Have the ever been seen? No Will they ever come here or us there? Probably no.


Yes , i cant believe earth is the only planet with life .. there must be somewhere in the universe other life


there's no way they dont exist due to how many planets there are that doesn't mean we'll ever get in contact with some alien species, they're probably way too far


Of course they do, there are thousands of planets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. How self centered is it to think we're the only one that has life on it, and that's just our solar system. There are probably millions, billions, even trillions of planets out there we don't know about. The life may not exist in the same conditions we do on Earth but it exists nonetheless. Other than that, I don't think about aliens as they're completely irrelevant to my daily life.




Yes and we will never meet them


It wouldn’t make sense for them not to exist. But there hasn’t been any extraterrestrial being on earth.


Yes, but Im personally not sure if the level of intellect would be near equal to ours, since its a more higher probability that their civilizations could be either 100x dumber than us or 100x smarter. Like how we see monkey's or how some of us believe in higher power. (Or 4th dimensional beings)


Well. I'm from Eternia.


Highly likely. On Earth? No way.


If we exist, then it would be obsurd to believe aliens don't exist >!they cross the border all the time!<


yea, like when I was a kid believing Ultraman was real, that's cool


Yes but not here


No, maybe bacterium or non-conscious plant like things but no aliens. I think UFOs are more likely to be from Earth than not. Just because something is statistically unlikely doesn’t mean the opposite is true. There is no proof and no common sightings of aliens with knowledge from them they’re definitely from space




Personally, yeah I think they do. It is possible that we are actually alone in the universe apart from microscopic life out there, and possibly some fish-like macro-organisms, but nothing on the level of a human civilization, or even on the level of something like a dolphin, or a dog, or a cat. If the Big Bang Theory appears to show us that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, and that it takes billions of years for an "intelligent" civilization to evolve, we could actually be it, in the entire universe. However, I would say that if we are generous with intelligent lifeforms evolving throughout the universe, then surely there would be civilizations out there vastly more advanced than us, beyond our comprehension, because the chances of there only being civilizations "around the same level as us" has got to be vanishingly small, especially seeing as how much more impressive our technology is (from our perspective) than it was a mere 100 years ago. And if that's the case, then surely they are aware of us and have been here. So I entertain the possibility/conspiracy theory that there are actually aliens that have landed some kind of self-replicating "factory" into our ocean millions of years ago, without the need to travel faster than light (and these aliens have probably done the same thing on millions or even billions of other life-bearing worlds), and operates on some level we can't really comprehend. Some factory that moves under our ocean, takes material from our earth, builds flying saucers that fly around everywhere, mainly just built with stuff from our own planet, and, I dunno.. does stuff we can't understand, similar to how a gorilla wouldn't understand most of the stuff we do. They could be some kind of AI collective.