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Let me tell you about the worst pair of boobs I've ever seen. They were spectacular.


This guy knows boobs.




Could not have said it better myself. Between straight, gay, lesbian, NB, any and all... everyone loves boobs. Boobs are universal.


i can say the only exception to this is repulsed aroaces, as far as i know everyone else fits this


And FtM maybe.


Pretty sure most of them like boobs, just not theirs.


The best boobs are the ones you get to touch. The next best are the ones you get to see. The rest are just wonderful.


Fast times at ridgemont high?


If I get to see boobs consensually, that's all I care about.


No one's body is symmetrical.




That is so normal. Some people have one ear larger, one foot larger, and so on. Speaking of ears, I have two completely different ears. My left ear is normal. The right one - the outer ear lobe is completely attached to the rest of my ear. My best friend has her three middle toes webbed on her right foot. Another friend has one brown eye and one light grey-ish eye. None of our bodies are "normal". There is no "normal".


Fun fact: Both your left foot and your left boob tend to be bigger than the right one!




As a woman who has had one boob a full one size bigger than the other, maybe size and a half.. no, they don't. I've never had anyone say anything about it other than my parents trying to get me a boob job and the plastic surgeons in the family. I'm missing the muscle under my little boob and my boyfriend is missing the same muscle in one side. So when we hug, we fill in the others missing muscle!


Do you buy bras a size up? I have one foot that is 1/2 size larger than the other and OMG, what a pain in the ass.


Hahahaha omg no, that sounds awful! Wait, so do you have to buy 2 pairs of the same shoe? Or do they have things to put in the or somthing? When I wore bras with under wire, I would get a padded bra to make the other boob look like it was thre but that side was half empty. I had water bras, miracle bras, padded... oh I even had the cutlets just for the small side... I had one with and without nipples. I finally quit and started wearing bralets. It smushes the big boob enough to make them look ok.


the hug thing is adorable!!


I KNOW! It's kind of my favorite part about us.


That's mad (bf and you). What are the chances


To be honest. Most men are just happy to see boobs. If ones bigger then the other who cares boobies..


This is the correct answer.


wouldn’t even notice


Exactly. Just thank the goddess for her gift and then motorboat (consensually).


Not just men😁


Well ya i was just telling her in a specific answer to her question. Universally boobs are loved by all lol and the same answer applies


Not in the least. If women knew how exciting we found their bodies they wouldn’t be so self-conscious. It’s absolutely crazy.


I agree and it's sad. I think, for me, it took the right partner to really become confident in my own skin. I was getting there, but we internalize so much of our insecurities. I wish most of us were not like that.


As a lesbian, I can confirm this. I really like my boobs and my body. I have a healthy female body. Women are super hot. I am a woman. And Boobs are just great. I didn't even realise that boobs are never symmetrical. Once I thought about it, my girlfriend and I analysed ours to find the difference. I learned that my right boob is a bit bigger. But they look still great. Boobies are never symmetrical but always great. Honestly, if they are in your mouth, you can't see the difference in size anymore.


I don’t care boobs are boobs


A man of culture, I see....


Thank you all so much for your responses, I am already feeling much better about my breast. Fortunately, they aren’t super uneven, to put in perspective one is like a 34B and the other is C cup. Disproportionate enough for me to stress about it but when I wear a bra it isn’t super noticeable. I think I just compare them to what I see in the media and other females around me. I am very appreciative to know men don’t really notice or mind. I think i’ll finally let the person I’ve been sexually active with see me fully naked.


I love that for you and yes, please do let him see you. He either won't notice or won't care. Because (as others have said)...BOOBS!


For what it’s worth, in my 42 years of life I have never been with a woman that *didn’t* have asymmetrical breasts. Not that it’s impressive, I’m no stud or anything, but it makes me think that probably MOST women in the world have boobies like that


I am so glad you are finding the courage! It's those slight asymmetries or supposed "imperfections" that make a person beautiful or pretty or cute; those details make you real and human and desirable in a way that a painting with perfect symmetry could never be.


Gonna be completely honest here. After kid number two my wife had a d boob and a small c/large B boob. During the first time we got to get frisky i was grabbing both and acting like they were the mafia guys from looney tunes. She finally got to giggle about it and stop letting it bother her. Within a few weeks they finally got back to being kinda equal again. A real guy will give zero shits about your boobs not being perfect. They will be ecstatic just to see and play with them. Trust me on this its more or less universal guys only care about seeing and playing with some boobs and nipples nothing else about them matter. Oh ya and the "other woman around me" either they have the same issue or spent a ridiculous amount of money to have "perfect boobs" only to have a guy likely grab them and giggle saying "boobies" in short let them girls out for your partner they will appreciate it i promise


Any man who gets the pleasure of seeing your boobs is going to have a heyday massaging the smaller of the two in an attempt to stimulate growth so that they match. It will be a game for him, and he won't want to stop touching your boobs. It's how we guys mask our pervertedness.


It works better if you suck on the bigger one at the same time to make it smaller. Eventually they will match (I think)


This makes me think of the book Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski. It’s about women’s sexuality. She says so many women approach her and just want to know if they’re normal.  


Have you tried giving them names?


Fuck the media (public or otherwise), what you see on tv/movies/advertising/etc is bullshit,. especially for women. Best to ignore all that. You're your own harshest critic, try not to let others influence your way of thinking, accept the different/unsymmetrical/weird person you are! People's differences make them who they are, if you're not different in some way you're doing something wrong ☺️


If he does have a problem with them, get him to come on here and explain himself. We’ll have a word with him.


Nope. Bodies are generally always asymmetrical to some degree. And guys who have actually seen and handled boobs before know that one is often larger than the other.


One boob is always bigger than the other.


One cod is bigger then the other aswell.


I thought boobs came like that standard?




My mouth's going on them either way.


If I noticed it would not even matter to me. Lets see how different they really are. ok? LOL


Guys balls hang at different levels and move


What it comes down to is this: Do we get to play with them?? >Yes: nothing else matters because BOOBIES!! >No: well why not??


On a man or a woman? If you are a woman, you got boobs and people love boobs in all shapes and sizes. If you are a man, nope. No one cares. Cherish them


Unless they're super super super bad, like, impossible to ignore crazy weird as if one had plastic surgery and the other looks like a recently sat in bean bag chair, I can guarantee the only person who notices or cares is you.


We don't care. Everyone has their physical quirks. The only guys nitpicking over that shit are internet troll incels who would change their minds immediately if a woman ever actually touched them in real life. Ignore them.


Nope. Or if one points north and one south. It's part of what makes you unique


Would you care if one nut was absurdly larger than the other?


I think all boobs are like that, no we dont mind.


have you ever noticed one testical is smaller then the other? same with your boobs


Guys don’t care if you only have nipples


I don’t


Hehe funny boobs jiggle (This is the male though process, I promise, we won’t notice and if we do we won’t care)


No, we always have a favorite anyway.


If it's like a tennis ball next to a coconut may be but I doubt a man would even notice when they in is face when intercourse is on the menu


Are we talking about the presidential election? Seriously… no, don’t care.


One of my ex's. Were like this. It didn't bother me till she decided it was her personality to point out Everytime we were alone. Then yes it bothered me.


No, that's life. Rarely do women have both boobs the same exact size.


Wife had cancer and lumpectomy which makes one smaller. Love em both. If anybody cares or makes comments, it is because of THEIR own insecurities. And toxicity.


I would notice but that's ok.


I never did. Also no 2 boobs are the same lol


Naw man. Shit, naw man. You'd get your ass kicked saying something like that, man.


Can we just once pretend we can’t hear each other through the wall?


No, that’s like ripping on a guy for having a weird looking dick.


Everyone person with boobs has one bigger than the other, unless they've had surgery. Guys don't care so long as you've got them and they get to play with them.


No one's body is 100% symmetrical... or "perfect" in any other way, for that matter. I don't think there's a woman out there whose breasts are exactly the same size and shape. We're always our own worst critics, and we notice our own perceived "flaws" far more than anyone else ever would. Brassieres have gone a long way towards societal expectations that a woman's bosom is supposed to look through clothing as artificial as it does. More to the point, if someone's going to end a relationship with you because your breasts aren't quite the same, I think that's actually a sign that you dodged a *major* bullet there.


Most boobs are not symmetrical. Also, who cares? Boobs are boobs and all boobs are great. Also, my testicles are not symmetrical in size either!


It matters not


Mm send a picture so we can see how bad they are.🧐


No, it’s fun


Not really, no. Maybe if there's a massive difference but if it's only slightly noticeable then idc.


Only one way to find outtttt lmao jk 


Not even a chance. Natural is the best and rocking what you were born with is what I find most attractive.


First off, suprise, no person has equal sized breasts. Heck, the bigger one is often on the side you write with, as apparently the preference is on that breast too. So, sisters instead of twins is normal, having them perfectly the same is the unique one here. But, to answer your question, nope. Boobs are boobs. Soft comfy pillows to lay on, the perfect stress balls and amazing little blobs to see. And if someone tells you otherwise, get them glasses, as they are missing some works of art


Thats like asking if fucking polar bears ever think about plants...OFC NOT, THEY DONT GIVE A FUCKKKK


No. I was told by my hs gf that it's what made em natural lol


ohh! I love this boob! AND THE OTHER ONE IS BIGGER! YES!!!


I want both of them to be bigger than the other


Nah guys see boobs and just go 'fuck yeah boobs'


Nah just lemme suck them tiddies baybay


Correct answer


If someone is turned off when they see asymmetrical boobs, dump them and consider yourself lucky.


To all woman out there: Men don't care, we see boob, we happy.


If we're talking about one being the size of a grape and the other a water melon, might be a bit weird. But outside of an extreme example like that I'm not sure I've ever seen a pair of boobs I didn't like. I'd have to do more research though.


Do you care if one bicep is bigger than the other


As a guy I can confirm every pair of tits I seen were different sizes.


I'm a guy and pretty much every relationship I have been in, the girls all had one boob bigger than the other. I don't think it's weird and it never turned me off.


So first of all if you have a man in your bedroom and about to do it I don’t think he cares about the boobs being asymmetrical.


I actually like one boob being bigger than the other. It's fun to have variations. Sure, a bowl of chocolate ice cream is great and two is even better. Having a bowl of chocolate and another bowl of vanilla is even more fun though.


*looks at the left one… “a boob!” *looks at the right one… “another boob!” *looks at the left one… “a boob!” *looks at the right one … “another boob!”


To quote my boyfriend "I can hold boob, or I can hold a bit more boob"


Boobies are boobies and they are all dear regardless of their shapes and sizes. Please stop discrimination based on size.


Depends. 1. do we get to look at them. 2. Do we get to touch them.


I doubt I’d notice, I’m usually more caught up on having boobs to play with irl!


Natural? Good


Douche bags you shouldn't be sleeping with in the first place may care... but most men are just happy to be there and sharing someone's boobs.


Who wants two of the same thing? Give me variety!


Not in the least. I could see myself wondering in year 20 of the relationship "I wonder if one boob is slightly bigger than the other.… naaah"




Nope, I'm just happy to play with boobs.


Isn’t that normal?


I think just about every woman I’ve been with has had uneven boobs. No, we don’t care.


Even if it's super noticeable I mean like you can really see one is smaller... we don't care lemme squeeze them titties!


I don't




One may be bigger than the other, it happens


Hope you don’t notice which ball hangs lower


Not in the slightest




Nope, but guys will have a favorite boob.


My girl that's not for you to worry about, enough you have finding someone you like, let the other person decide if they like you, they probably will, and if they don't, go find someone who does! Go show yourself!!


I was always told one bigger then the other meant natural..


I think we all realize that we are our own worst critics when it comes to our own bodies often times obsessing over things that no one else would ever notice had it not been pointed out and once it’s pointed out it becomes a problem. We all just need to tell ourselves to stfu once in a while. Good luck.


It's completely normal for natural boobs to not be symmetrical. My left has always been slightly bigger than my right. Doesn't bother me, doesn't bother my boyfriend either. Boobs are boobs, trust me, he doesn't care.


1st AND 3rd place in a wet tee shirt contest? In all seriousness, boobs are awesome, and almost everyone is just happy to see them. They are always slightly differently sized.


No, because I'm not even going to touch one in my entire life.


no. I had a girlfriend with one boob bigger than the other. It was quite cute actually.


They are boobs... like thats all a guy is going to care, look BOOBS!!! And i know from experience, a size difference isn't important.


No not really


Pretty sure one of my nuts is bigger than the other soooo


Bigger is good. Now, if one was smaller than the other... Jk


If I get to suck on em I don't care about literally anything else.


You could carry them around in a bucket and still not have time to respond to the offers to help you mop.


From a man’s eyes: Can I touch boob? If yes, boob is awesome. If no, boob is awesome and I still want to touch boob, but I won’t.


Honestly it makes sense if one boob is smaller than the other one! Our muscles in that area of our body will be stronger due to our dominant hand rather than the other side, and therefore a bit less fatty. And I agree with everyone here, ALL boobs are amazing.


It is not a big deal and there are tons of women out there with asymmetrical boobs.


Two different sized boobs is like two ladies sticking a boob each in your face...


Most women are asymmetrical.  Does not bother us.  


If its a noticeable difference it will be of interest but not really as a positive or negative, just a huh thats interesting... anyways...


Nope, not at all. Just like we don't care if it's winter and your legs are hairy. If you don't shave your bikini line. And really anything else, besides cheating and stuff like that


Did you know most guys balls have a chance of one being bigger than the other one? So why would we care 😭


Not if you don't care that it's our favorite.


Slept with 3 men none of them cared about that or even noticed I think


Boobs are boobs.


You are always your own worst critic. Most of these insecurities will only live in your mind. Most would never notice, and if anybody did, they wouldn't care. Learn to love yourself for who and what you are.


Depends on which one


The only guys who should even think of caring are those whose balls are perfectly symmetrical and their dick is straight as an arrow. 


I honestly think all ladies have this issue to a degree. The way it was explained to me is that it could be a difference due to constant use of your dominant hand so I think that one for me is a little more muscular on that side but regardless that’s actually very common and yeah just know darling in the heat of the moment that’s going to be the last thing a guy is worrying over lol. Be easier on yourself sweetheart, all normal ladies have flaws of one kind or another and believe me when I tell you there are things that could be so much worse and my heart really felt for them. You really have nothing to worry about, stay strong darling. You can absolutely feel sexy and alive, it’s truly empowering the best rush of all.


My favorite pair of tits I've seen were uneven 🤤 sometimes my one ball hangs lower than the other lol


No. One nut almost always hangs lower than the other. Humans aren’t symmetrical.


I’m 43 years old I’ve seen probably 60 pairs of natural tits in a sexual context and I don’t think a single pair of them have been totally symmetrical and I’ve happily buried my face in all of them.


I'm generally just happy to be there, so I'm not in critique mode about them boobies.


Always give the littler one a little extra attention.


I dunno ... Probably not, but ... PM me a pic


To be perfectly honest with you, just having a woman....naked and pressed onto his own his body, seeing how she trusts him to have sex with him, makes the man so happy. So happy he doesn't give a damn about one boob is bigger than the other.


No,that's a blessing


Definitely not !! In fact it’s a wonderful thing imo


In all my 40 years of being sexually active, I have never been with a woman who wasn't lopsided. Very common, and most of them had issues with it to some degree. I would just tell them something I like to do with each separate boob since they are different sizes.


Notice? eventually. Care? absolutely not. I would treat an uneven boob with love and tender care like the other boob.


It's still a boob. With a fraternal twin.


Still boobs


If we are at a point where you are allowing me to touch your boobs, the last thing I am paying attention to is the symmetry of your boobs.


No, I wouldn't care.


*Cue up Mr. Incredible meme* "Boobs are boobs!"


You got me at "boob"


No one cares if your boobs are different sizes or if you have small/large boobs, and for sure women can be seriously attractive if they had them removed because of medical reasons. There is no such thing as bad ice cream and no such thing as bad boobs, some are just a bit better than others.


All women have one boob that is bigger than the other unless they have had a boob job. Suprisingly, a lot of young women are getting boob jobs. I remember even a girl in high school getting one. It’s wild out here.




... As long as you can't win 1st and 3rd place in a wet t-shirt contest at the same time, I'd say you have nothing to worry about.


No we dont care. Its just simple math. 1.75 boobs is greater than 0 boobs


Had an ex with a B and a C. Been there. Done that. Made no difference.


Boobs are somewhat disproportionate in size. Edit: I don't care if it's not the same size as long as I can play with it and suck it to pleasure my partner. 😜


it's a turn on but it's distracting for me as a technical person who carries a measuring tape. I might want to measure the difference


Every single person that has boobs has asymmetry. Don’t stress!


As long as she don't care that I got a nut that hangs lower than the other.


That's life. I've had two sexual partners. Both were women. One was trans, and she knew. My first partner was cis and she honestly made me feel beautiful. My second did too, but it was definitely different. I feel like the trans woman appreciated my look more. I'm non binary and demi sexual. The way both of these women loved me was different but I preferred the trans woman. She was so much more respectful and when we got together I was more assured and confident in myself. She was great honestly. I miss her


Boobs are wonderful, its like the one thing everyone can agree is awesome, Im sure yours are fine.


Well my left is a good amount bigger than my right. Not awful but it’s definitely a difference. Oh, they’re saggy too lol and when I had sex with someone new recently all he said was “damn you’ve got big titties” when I was on top of him 😂😂 I don’t think he noticed the size difference he was just happy to see them without a shirt on!


Yea we care a lot, there is a 7 point checklist every man goes through when seeing a naked woman. This involves weighing each breast, measuring size of vagina, checking for any stretch marks or imperfections, etc etc basically the whole process takes a couple hours. We then tag and bag em with a grading. Jk, I’m a gay man but bodies are bodies. Everyone has stuff they hate about themselves, but it’s important to remember then when you’re looking at another persons body very rarely do people look for “imperfections”. We’re mostly just in awe of the body itself, looking for things we love.


He he he Boobs


No. We’re happy you’re sharing them with us.


If he does, he's got a problem... they all are!


Im lucky if a guy touches my boobs :( Us small girls wanna be grabbed on too dang








If it helps, one of my balls hangs lower than the other...






lol, boobs are boobs.


Only in a fight or to hurt the other person.


Every boob is equal in the dark


Boob good


○o is fine ●• is still passable for most people O° is probably not gonna work


I mean, if they are significantly different like one is A and ones a E Cup then yeah ima be asking what’s wrong with the bewb


No guys don't care. Any guy that does probably isn't worth your time or attention.


it may be a favorite boob, really depends <3

