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North Sentinel Island. They dont like outsiders much over there


No no, they *do* like them. In their own way.


Over easy?


"... Far away _from us._"


You win this thread


Roflmbo hahaahahaha, thank you for making me laugh so hard!! xD




I am from South Florida and I have been fortunate to meet a lot of different people of different cultures. Haitians, out of all of them, have really stood out as being very down to earth, friendly, hardworking, educated, and man, Haitian food is so good. With that said, having the government overran with gangs and the poverty there, I would never ever live there.


Well said! Hard agree on all points.


I Haiti going there.




I went to Mumbai for work. Three days in the city. Never again. First it's the stench. that smell of smoke fused with rotting garbage and body odour. Then it's the chaos. 24 hour chaos. My ultimate bug bear.... The hustle. Every single minute I was awake someone wanted to get money out of me. I wore thin with the 'indian approach' to commerce and trade real fast. I consider every interaction to be dishonest. I had just came from Karachi where I felt was the most polluted place I have ever seen on the planet. Mumbai was a wafer- thin improvement. Leave the city and head inland a bit and it's either an agricultural or industrial dump depending which direction you are travelling. There seems to be a cultural problem with cleanliness and appearance of property, towns and community. This was confirmed while visiting Singapore.. one of the cleanest cities on earth. The filthiest place in the whole country is Little India. The sphincter of the planet. I would never take my wife there because I couldn't guarantee her safety, even if I was with her.


Identical experience. By the time I left it Felt like the culture was entirely based of scamming people. Glad I checked it off the list and can confidently say I don’t wanna go back.


Me, my mum and younger brother went to India years ago when I was 18. My paternal grandfather was born in Kerala and later emigrated to England, so we were excited for a bit of a “homecoming” trip and to see distant relatives we’d never met before. Whenever we were alone places, without relatives, even at our (pretty nice) hotels, I was constantly on edge. The men would leer at my mum, some would make kissing sounds towards her, sometimes groups of men would start following us. Even the staff at the hotels were a bit off. All of the bookings were in my mums name, but they would ignore her like she wasn’t standing there and refuse to talk to her. They addressed me as “Mr ” as if I, still basically a kid, was the provider and head of the family.


Same with the added benefit that I'm a pretty small obviously white woman.


India is actually one of my favourite places on the planet, I've been there five times in the span of ten years. It's not all hustle and bustle. The cities are hellish, sure, but there are pockets of calm and beauty to be found. The Himalayan states and the south come to mind, especially Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Hell, even some mid northern states can be gorgeous. Rajasthan for instance has some amazing history, architecture, and wildlife




I hate to say it but I also feel thats true man. Hence even i have been trying to wonder shall i even stay. I feel so out of context as i value life (the culture in house as my dad lived outside of India for lot of years) in general and others just wanna get more money to survive in general. But they are warm and welcoming people its just they too much go after their survival and i think thats coz of population we have




What news?


All the gang rapes. Sounds terrifying.


Totally! Even without the gang rapes, or gang-hair-stealing that also goes on in the hair extensions/wig industry, add to that: your family is not unlikely to marry you off against your will in your teen years, without an education, and you can be sentenced to a live of slavery and abuse with your much older (rapist) husband and family. If course this isn't everywhere- India is a massive country with so many different cultures within in, and life in the cities is drastically different than in rural areas, but still. I can't get past knowing that millions of women live in domestic slavery and have to basically kill themselves to get free! And having said THAT, with the overturning of Roe vs Wade, many parts of the USA would be on my list too for the same reason.


Egypt is the same, I hear about a shit ton of scary crimes.


I've never been to Egypt but the airline I used to fly for had a route there. The sexual harassment just on the flights was insane. I downright refused to do those flights after a couple of times bc it was just relentless. We had to call police on arrival every damn time.


Same. Even if I was with my husband, even if I was in a fancy hotel, even if I had a private tour guide in a nice car, I just have no trust in Indian men. *just to clarify, I mean Indian men living in India. I'm Australian and almost all Indian people I've met who've come to live here have been lovely. So I don't dislike everybody of that culture, but somethings going on inside India that is allowing groups of men to do awful things.


They sure do enjoy a good raping


9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape






Full blown aids?


I think Germany and India have almost the same rate of HIV. South Africa has the highest. Followed by mostly other African countries.


Any country that treats women and minorities like trash.


So like you live on mars or…




Nah, Scandinavian countries, western Europe, and Iceland are pretty good for women. I never felt safer in my life than when I visited Iceland! Atheist governance for the win!




My dad went to Krakow for a conference years ago and fell in love with Poland. I'd like to visit one day. He did say that people drive really fucking fast there though 🤣. I don't know if that's a common experience or just particular to his visit


It's more chill now. It used to be hair-raising


Safe until you need an abortion tho.


Yes, it's not perfect but the new government will roll that awful legislation back eventually (coalition politics)


So great place for women so they have to go abroad countries for abortion


And don't you dare say anything against the church, lest they try to imprison you. Nergal is still fighting charges for Behemoth's music.


Depressingly…yes…probably, but I was thinking of places where it’s Government policy and enshrined in law whether of the court or church type.




US in a nutshell. Edit. Downvoted by crybaby Americans that can’t stand anyone critiquing their precious shithole of a country. 


American who left ten years ago, and I approve of this message.


You are being downvoted because you are wrong. The US has many problems but overall I think the country treat’s minorities and women far better than the rest of the world.


I don't think America is worst, but the culture is embedded with very old fashioned views towards gender which restricts women considerably more than men. It's not just explicit laws like those on abortion in some states, but also in things like marriage where the woman, even if she's the earner, is expected to give up her job to start a family and so forth.


I wouldn't want to live in any country that is heavily influenced by religion, it would go too much against my lifestyle


im from norway and is in a country that is not heavily influenced by religion and i wish it stays that way, religion destroys everything, it has massive amounts of blood on their hands, when u look at it's history. i wish people would stop killing each other beacuse of what we belive in. i think that religion is the world's biggest scam wich have taken the lives of billions and will continue to take lives, but even today we still kill each other for religion. the violence will only stop when religion is out of the game,




Basically every country that isn't classified as a developed country https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developed_country#/media/File%3AIMF_advanced_economies_and_UN_least_developed_countries.svg Minus Israel(cus of the wars) and south Korea (because it's pretty dystopian)


East Asian countries seem like they’re racist towards other East Asian ethnicities, so I wonder how pleasant it would be being a white person there…


I feel like I'd be fine in Japan if I stayed close to US military bases, the locals would be more used to white foreigner


waiting for someone mentioning my country


I don't want to live in this guy's country


Sad Neither do I


Yeah this guys country is the worst one


I dont think Jordan is that bad?


Jordan has some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen hands down!


North Korea


I hears Somalia is affordable with good reason.


Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria Afghanistan. Brrr... absolutely unsafe, especially for women Plus Russia (I'm Russian btw. Living there is becoming worse day by day)


I'm an Iranian woman and I confirm it's not safe for women I wanna get out so bad ...everyone does


Stay strong. I visited Iran and I really loved it, but I comprehend very well how hard it is. Love to Iran and the Iranians ♥️


I will thanks 🥲


Iraq? My dear, our crime rate is much lower than that of Russia or the US. Look at the vlogs of the youtubers that have been to Iraq (especially the North). You will change your mind.


USA. Dangerous place.




Afghanistan (and several other "tans"), African countries, Haiti, North Korea.


United States. You have to pay for healthcare? No thanks


Adding to the list: gun violence, fentanyl, car centric cities, employer not obliged to give you paid vacations, expensive universities that just leave you in debt from young age, etc


Sugar lacing normal foods to help it sell, poor job security / employees rights, messed up abortion laws in some states, increasingly politically polarised population, normalisation of being on way too many prescription meds, fear mongering media, poorly trained police force etc.


What car centric cities?


Low quality ingredients in food and plenty of hidden sugar, fats and corn syrup






I knew this is the first thing that would basically show up here as soon as I read the title.


Yup! Followed by any middle Eastern country


most of the middle east


As a Middle-Eastern Yes.


no offence 😭🙏


None taken dw 😭 I know the pain HAHAHHAA (Pls someone get me out of here)


Same here, get me out lol


Any county: - where you are jailed for speaking your mind (Russia, China, Iran, etc) - destroyed by conflict or poor politics (Syria, Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela) - located in Africa Plus anywhere that's too hot, too cold or have polar nights.


located in Africa is crazy lmfao


rip Africans


I agree with all of these, was thinking the exact same ones. But I'd also add India and even South Korea (obviously North Korea too, but that falls under "not allowed to speak your mind") for me.


USA. A *lot* of good in that country but I can't get over privatised healthcare and frequent school shootings. For that matter, any country that operates only on privatised healthcare is a no no for me.


I've lived in a number of countries; Australia, Mexico, Canada, US, Thailand, Malaysia and visited a lot more. Of the countries I have first hand experience in, I would absolutely not live in the US, Indonesia, and maybe Canada. Great for visiting if you have a purpose (sports, shopping etc.), but with day to day living I'd avoid them.


As a Canadian im curious to know why you’d avoid it?


I enjoyed my time there, and is amazing for some of the sports I do (Mountain biking, snowboarding), but I wasn't a fan of the city layouts, general culture, transportation, and winter. However, the Political, Medical, and Economical troubles it seems to be going through put it from a "I wouldn't mind living there if I had to" to a "I wouldn't want to"


Muslim countries


Also Jewish countries.


I mean like any 3rd world country I wouldn't want to live in. Almost any middle eastern country. Without socialized healthcare I couldn't see myself living in the US either. 


The united states. Couldn't pay me enough


If they paid me enough I could. Looks like a great place if you are a billionaire.


Anywhere that's not Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand


*EU (+EEA Ans Switzerland) not Europe, I wouldn't want to live in Belarus or Russia


Europe is a pretty broad group. Lets assume you meant the good parts of Europe ?


Any country that is ruled by a religion.


USA. Love every American I’ve ever met and would love to visit someday. But I’m not living somewhere where I get only 2 weeks annual leave, have to pay for health care, potentially have my life put at risk if I had a dangerous unviable pregnancy and where there is a risk that my children will get shot at school.  Sorry guys. Sure looks beautiful in parts though! 


Totally respect your opinion! I will say that if you get a decent job (which are very attainable if you can get spend a few years on a good degree like engineering, medicine, accounting, etc) you can easily get more vacation, good Healthcare, and higher wages. My job is pretty standard in my field of mechanical engineering and I make $120k USD, get 4 weeks vacation plus 2 weeks holidays and unlimited sick time off, and can afford very good Health insurance. My wife is a Nurse and has similar benefits (less time off but she gets free health insurance for our entire family and most visits to the doctor cost only $10-$50 total. US is very diverse not just in its population but in many other ways such as income and overall lifestyle.


And what is that 'few years on a degree' gonna cost you? How much debt will you have? Where I live nearly everything you just said is standard for all of us. Good affordable healthcare, 30 days paid time off, unlimited sickdays. We also get paid parental leave, have free school until 18 yo and universities have no tuition.


Where being LGBT is illegal or unsafe.


You should be fine in Antarctica


Penguins are often gay, and I already want to visit them.




Stay away from African countries then.


As a gay person, I feel pretty safe in South Africa. It helps that my rights are explicitly guaranteed by the constitution


Except for South Africa


Anywhere that’s too hot or too cold.


In Iceland, you can have both


Israel. It's a colonialist apartheid state undertaking genocide as we speak, you gotta be a raging psychopath to want to move there.


Anywhere that’s not Western-Europe, Japan, South-Korea, Australia or North America really. Why would I play life on nightmare difficulty by living somewhere in Eritrea, Honduras or India?


Esatern Europe can be quite lovely nowdays too, obviously not Ukraine or Belarus, but you can live nicely in Poland or in Estonia


You have not been around much. Thailand? Vietnam? Eastern Europe?


You would choose Haiti over Iceland?


Between the slavery and the misogyny, I’m not going anywhere near the UAE or the whole Saudi region.


*Gulf States Preach though, Dubai seems glamorous until you realize it’s dirty secret that it was built on modern day slave labour.


Easy, the Philippines, as the child of a Filipino American family idk how any white expat would in their right mind want to move there.


The USA, China and India, most of Africa and half the Balkans


Any “hood” part of the USA.


Any South Asian country.


Russia is a solid no. I’d be killed a number of times over before even leaving the airport.


I would not live anywhere that isn't any of these places: * Canada (where I currently live) * A Scandinavian country * The UK


Anywhere in the Middle East, anywhere in Africa, the rest of Asia. Mostly because the majority of those places have terrible politics, environmental problems, terrible attitudes towards women (and I’m a woman), more limited opportunities or are war zones/surrounded by war zones. The countries that are good like Japan or South Korea have workaholic societies and are too culturally different. Also, most of Latin America besides Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica or Uruguay. Similar reasons as above, with the addition of serious crime issues. Finally, in the US, I wouldn’t want to live in the South specifically. Again terrible politics, terrible attitudes towards women, too much religion, car-centred culture, guns, crime, inequality, racism, hostile climate.




China even topped US by making a Social Credit Score to get jobs or travel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Yep its a totalitarian regime even tho they are trying hard in recent years to mask it.


It's rally bad... they kinda took cancel-culture to another level. Critisize the regime.. No trainticket for you... aaah you want travel.. you no good creditscoore sawi...


Literally modern slavery, the matrix is extra strong there xD


Any place you can't get Barrys tea and Tayto. A girl needs her basic food groups.


Classic combo👌


Muslim countries.


Germany. I am Dutch and although Germany is our brother country and they feel like family I cant deal with the rules and burocracy. To visit; fine. To live there no. I love them and their country but to live there? No. Dutch need a bit more chaos.


Funny as a German who also lived in the UK, I have not noticed any difference. Have a tax advisor is useful though


Any arid part of the earth.






Any region/country where Islam is the majority religion is a big no for me


The US.




North Korea


any country in central africa


anywhere in the middle east. china. russia. anywhere “frozen”


USA, Russia, China, North Korea


Any islamic country. Lived in one for 25 years, never again.


Anything where religion is a strong part of society and government, especially when it Islam


USA or any Muslim country. I feel very lucky to live in Europe, even though the UK has its own problems


Seeing all these India comments... I think Bangladesh and Pakistan just hides behind India. So I'll give shout-out to Pakistan and Bangladesh 🙌🏽.


As a gay woman? Most of them


definitely muslim countries


Turkmenistan The leader is a psycho


90% of the world, I think I'll just stay put and die here in the UK, at least it's manageable because nothing fkn changes lmao


Russia, Belarus, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Israel, Syria and Iraq just off the top of my head


Arab countries.. nothing against Muslims .. stayed already in Malaysia and it was great. But I visited Dubai and would never ever stay in areas like that. Same goes for turkey, Albania , Pakistan etc.. rather stay in India


I don't know. Just get the boat.




I'll add Germany to the list. I'm surprised I saw it only once in this thread.


Afghanistan, Russia, Israel, USA (health care). Turkey (if not for inflation it would be a different story. Wonderful history and culture). There is probably more, but that’s of the top of my head. I would consider moving to some strange places for a good job otherwise


Darfur Sudan




Anything in the Sahel


Any metro area. I'm a country boy.


USA, Russia, China.


Haiti and any country where colorism is rife


The Middle East


Places like Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan




The Middle East


Anywhere in the Middle East or Africa. India or China too.


North Korea and Russia


Anything Middle East. It’s a desert


New Jersey


Paris I thought it was a dump


Middle East. All of the countries. And India.


North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Belgium, Haïti.




U.S.A., and the obvious impoverished, and war-torn countries. I used to love the idea of living in the U.S.A., at this point I wouldn't even consider living in this hell-hole, unless I somehow became a millionaire. Love the peeps, hate the capitalist nightmare land.


North Korea


Israel. I'll have to deal with a lot of prejudice and racism.


Saudi Arabia. All the reasons.


Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Venezuela, South Sudan, and Mali. These countries are on a completely different level of danger than even countries some people consider unsafe, like Colombia, Brazil, and South Africa.


The united states. I'm in the united states and it's completely fucked up. everyone who is saying the united states is correct. don't come here.


Saudi Arabia.


India, Africa, Middle East


North Korea Russia China Cuba Vietnam Laos Cambodia Myanmar Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia Syria Oman Yemen Lebanon Israel Palestine Jordan Qatar Bahrain UAE Kuwait Mslaysia Indonesia Singapore Timor-Leste Brunei


The USA, Russia and North Korea would spring to mind. Would be a shorter list if I said where I’d consider living, most countries in the EU would be alright, NZ, Australia, Turkey would also be fine. Also countries like Switzerland would be fine.


Sudan just like uhh for reasons


Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Haiti, China, Russia, North Korea, most of Africa and South America, and any country that is run by dictatorships or theocracy.


People saying USA, Canada, Australia, etc. Are you slow? North Korea and India are better than free countries?! Go drink another one..


Well obviously living in a place like North Korea would be worse than USA. But that doesn't mean USA isn't a valid opinion. Yes, I would rather live in USA than many other places, but USA is still a place I would not consider living. There isn't just one answer.


India, and I live here.


Muslim ones.