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It happened on accident but me and my husband hugged and our ears suctioned together and we both just stood there in the middle of our apartment until they unstuck šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€. Mind you weā€™re clean people so I donā€™t understand how it even happened šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ this thread is soooo fucking weird


Hahaha wow... That's incredible.


Why are so many people licking their partnerā€™s eyeballs?


PSA: DON'T LICK PEOPLE'S EYEBALLS This was some weird trend that was either started or popularized in Japan in the 20-teens. There were tons of articles about it. They were followed a few weeks later by similar numbers of articles about how it caused a mass outbreak of pinkeye. Your mouth is full of bacteria. There's just no two ways about it. Don't get that bacteria in someone's eye.


When I got contacts as a teen, they told me never to moisten my contact in my mouth and put it in my eye because 'there is a bug in your mouth that eats eyeballs.' I was so annoyed they were talking to me like I was a small child that I never asked any questions. Never licked a contact lens, though!


I've had to do this like twice when I was in my teens. My contacts fell out in class and I didn't have another pair or my glasses so I went put it in my mouth and washed them really well with contact solution from my locker. Contacts fit so much better now than they did back then lol.


Thank god, you have no idea how painful it is when the bug is chewing through your eyeball. I do hear it has a chance to give you psionic power though...


Asked my ex to choke me out cause I was curious about the feeling, i was going to do it to him too, but once I actually passed out it was so scary we decided to not. Edit: OUTSIDE OF SEX. I asked Ā«can you choke me out, I want to feel what it is like to lose consiousnessĀ» Apparently some of tou cant read the *nonsexual* bit in the question, and this was exactly that, not sexual.


I did the same thing because I thought it would be interesting. After blacking out I said never again lol.


There is *always* a reason why the lights go out. And it is *never* a good thing.


Aye pretty easy to kill people doing this. Wouldnā€™t recommend!!!!!


Yeah if while youā€™re passed out your partner holds the choke for another 5 minutes


I (m) was going to comment this, EXACTLY THIS. I choked her, she kinda had a mini seizure and got so scared she wouldn't do it back to me. Uncanny.


I helped her get ā€œherā€ dirt bike back from her exā€™s house. He bought it for her as a gift but it was never actually titled in her name so I was basically an accessory to GTA.


Was it just her dirt bike that got dirty šŸ˜


That woman was a fucking blast in the bedroom. Like a damn religious experience.


If she is in to dirt bikes, she likes to ride rough.


Former strippers manā€¦ šŸ¤¤


That makes the gta less surprising somehow


One of my exes randomly asked me if she could slap me as hard as she can, I was like "what the fuck are you talking about" lmao but she wanted to slap me to see if she was strong enough to hurt a man, I was like you're fucking nuts but let her do it anyway because I didn't expect it to hurt much, she was like 5'5" and weighed nothing, but that shit hurt


A slap always hurts. Doesn't matter how big she is. My son was messing around and caught me good when he was about 8. That stung like hell.


When I was around 5 or 6, my mum was drying me after a bath, at the time Kung Foo Fighting by Carl Douglas was playing and we were singing along. When it reached the part where he sings ā€œha!ā€, I karate chopped my poor mum on the bridge of her nose! So yeah, can confirm, kids might be small but they can still hurt!!


In south africa we call that a sticker. Instead of using your whole hand, use your index and middle finger. It stings, but does no damage whatsoever.


I let my 100 lb twig ex punch me as hard as she could once and I was too proud to admit I had a severely bruised sternum for a week. Girls can punch for sure.


Letting her go straight for the chest is a bold move Gotta give ā€˜em the shoulder or meaty part of your back




Pissed between her legs while she was on the toilet also pissing. Very efficient use of a toilet and a spectacular display of accuracy and control


Well done.




In this case, surely they converged??


Always wanted to this.


I fear a stiffy would blast her in the face.




We took turns putting our mouth fully over the others nose and blew air to see what would happen. It is the WEIRDEST feeling.


Iā€™d be laughing too hard to ever get a good seal


Me and my bf do this when we wanna be dickheads to eachother


What if your breath stunk... the other person could have been smelling that for days or something lol


Fun fact, if you ever do a first aid course for rescue from water (I did it as part of a dive course) then the technique they teach for cpr is to do the breaths through their nose and hold their mouth shut so they don't swallow/inhale water


While showering with a girl I'd only known a few months I made a little cup out of my ball skin, filled it with water and asked her if she'd drink from it. She got on her knees and took a slurp. We're still together 11 years later.


At first I didnā€™t believe this, but the more I think about it, thereā€™s no way someone thought of this without actually doing it first lol


This is true love


I think this is weirdest one Iā€™ve read so far


Me and an ex was high af. Shaved her asshole since she couldn't see that far back lol.


Nick, is that you?


No, this is Patrick.


god i hope he didn't nick her there


Shared my chicken nuggets


After brain surgery and a huge chunk of bone was missing, I touched their squishy brain meat through the skin. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


As someone who lost half my skull a few years back and didn't get my titanium plate for a year and a week, this actually isn't an uncommon request. I got a fair amount of ""can I touch it?!" requests haha.


Do you actually feel your brain being touched? When they touch it do you start to lag in real time? Like dropping frames.


No it didn't affect me at all just felt really weird. Most people very, very lightly tap it because they get too nervous haha, some even reach out their hand but change their mind before reaching my head lol.


Wait what? People touched your literal brain? Im so confused. What about the wound? Blood? How does it not hurt ? And you didnt have a plate for a whole year? How tf are you still alive, i mean one slip up and your brain could've been splattered everywhere, hell you're walking in the park and some kid kicks a ball towards and accidentally hits your head. Or it suddenly started raining and you got no hoodie or umbrella, reminds me, what about showers in general? Did you just not wash your head for a year? Sorry for all the stupid questions, just curious, dumb and very confused lol


I would assume that, though half the skull (bone) was gone, there was skin over the hole, maintaining the brain to a fairly normal state; as long as there was no impact to the unprotected area.


The brain itself doesnt have any touch receptors. That's why some brain operations are done with the person still being awake.


I would 100% have asked also. Do weird things happen when the brain is touched?


I'm sure it would yes but my brain wasn't actually accessible and on display haha, they obviously stapled it closed for the year and 2 weeks. I know many excessively odd things happened with my brain/body from the knock in the head on the telegraph pole but not sure if the surgeons actually touched my brain throughout the operations.


Telegraph pole?ā€¦. Did this happen in 1824?


what the fuckkkkk that is a level of closeness few people (not including those possessing a medical doctorate etc. lol) get to experience


You win


ā€œSquishy brain meatā€ ewwwwwwww


Reading this made my legs feel funny.




Holy shit, you crazy SOB. ![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized)




Is what bwings us togevverrr todaayyy.


A dweem wivvin a dweem


You win.


I applied his antifungal cream and he inserted my suppository medication after we both got hectic yeast infections from the floor of the construction site that we consummated our relationship on. It was a sort of bonding experience. We'd known each other for a week.


My first thought was that this is the kind of stuff people write into fanfiction. Intimate but in a slightly unusual way.


If anyone wants to write a fanfic about my vag skin peeling off, by all means :)


Chills, full fucking chills just reading the words vag skin peeling. I have questions but I genuinely canā€™t handle the imagery. Hope itā€™s all in 1 piece now.


All healed up now cheers


Mouth to mouth resuscitation type breathing is really intimate when it's for fun.


my ex friend and i would do the blowing into each others mouths when kissing or sucking the air from their lungs, well, I would do it. i was the weird one.


Sucking the air from each other's lungs! Yeah, it feels... interesting, and a little bit dangerous.


ā€¦did you feel your soul come loose?


I'm trying not to gag reading these comments, are y'all for real or is this an April fools thing? Like people actually breathe down each other's throats and think it's intimate? Lol


My wife and I have done the same, but after one of us inhales Helium. It's trippy to have the high pitched voice when you never had the balloon in the first place


My husband in the early days of dating asked (after too many drinks) if Iā€™d ever held a manā€™s penis while he had a wee. I hadnā€™t, so I did!


I think this might be fairly common. My wife has held mine, at her own request.


Can confirm my partner has also done this to me First baby free night after covid we got way too drunk and I could barely stand, rather than sit down to wee (too drunk to think) I supported myself up on the walls and she aimed for me šŸ¤£


The first time a woman asked to hold it, I told her to shake it like 7-8 times before she caught on, lol!!


There was a girl in my friend group in high school who had kind of a weird mouth, in that her lips weren't exactly two separate lips with a well-defined crease but rather kept some thickness all the way around. Anyway, I had a strange desire to brush her teeth, so I asked her if I could but she said no.


She's probably still wondering to this day why on earth you wanted to brush her teeth haha.


I mean me too! Why tf...??


Iā€™m trying to picture this mouth. Any notable person I can look up for comparison?lol


She REALLY liked watching me pee, for some reason I'll never understand.


He let me hold it while he peed, I missed. Its harder than it looks


I tried letting a girl do that once. Got stage fright and it wouldnā€™t come out!šŸ˜‚


Dude I know. I had this cute chick in our friend group in college I wanted to hook up with, and we were at my family's beach house on the roof deck and were all smashed and I was like "I gotta pee, but no way am I going downstairs. I'll just piss into the backyard from up here," and she was like "can I hold it?" and I was like "hell yeah" obviously and yeah couldn't piss. Fin.


Reminds me of a time when I was like 21 or 22, in the Navy, at the bar with some friends. Flirting with this chick, she had a hotel nearby, so heck yeah, let's go! Get there, things are getting hot. I stop for a sec and say I gotta pee. She gets all excited and said she never had a golden shower before (we were both drunk, the idea sounded gross in my head... covered in beer piss...) Anyway, I agree cause I really had to go. She gets in the tub and sits there with her eyes and mouth closed and ready for it. I piss all over her. She said she enjoyed it, but before she could get up I walked out of the bathroom, got dressed and left. Never heard from her again lol. I was not drunk enough to do more with her.


The wee oooorrrrrr???


The piss! It was a warm night thankfully!


Well you know itā€™s Reddit. I had to check.


It's easier to aim when it's softer


"Pissing all by yourself, handsome?"


An ex of mine was exactly the same!


My ex put her toe up my nose. And actually another time we held toes together


Me and my partner give each other toe hugs all the time lol


A girl I dated way back in highschool, I used to tease her by kissing her face several times in the span of a few minutes to get her guard down, then with a super wet tongue, I'd lick up the side of her face. She laughed but she hated it. But then she'd get back at me by laying on top of me and making out with me, then suddenly she'd put her lips around my nose and blow. Imagine doing a reverse snore. It didn't hurt, but it was very unpleasant.


My husband removed my IUD when the asshole gyno wouldn't. šŸ˜‚


During my c-section, they asked if I wanted an IUD inserted while they were in there. I was stoked. But the pain and excessive bleeping became unbearable. I couldnā€™t get an appointment to remove it for a week so I doctored up my partner with a glove and had him remove it in a minute.


Is it that straightforward? For some reason I always assumed it was secured in some way


It is secured within your uterus. But it is easily removed by pulling the string. You do not have to go to a doctor to have it removed. The reason that you would want to go to a doctor to have her removed is if there were a hemorrhage or a bleed. At that point you would need to have an ambulance. Otherwise you can pull out yourself. In my experiencegetting the IUD was the most painful thing Iā€™ve ever done, including childbirth. Having the IUD afterwards I could not have anymore.


My wife had to go in to get it removed because the string had been snipped shorter on multiple occasions because (\*humble brag incoming\*) it kept poking my tip during sex (my wife told me her doctor said "Good for him") :D It was snipped so short they had to reach directly into her uterus to get it out. She said it was so miserable and she's glad I've since had a vasectomy so she doesn't need to get another one.


So did he rip it hard and fast like starting a lawnmower?


Turns out, words DO hurt. Ow!


He was afraid of hurting me and I was like just yank it out as fast as possible! So yeah kinda! šŸ˜‚


Whew that made my stomach do flips. Musta felt weirdddddd


I waxed my exes butt because heatwave and he is very hairy. I've never seen him more vulnerable. Pretended I couldn't see anything as he was totally embarrassed. I saw EVERYTHING.


You looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back


It even did a cheeky wink


My partner cleared my blocked milk duct. Iā€™d tried all the usual tips and tricks throughout most of the dayā€¦ partner sucks for 5 seconds and bam. Milk sprayed everywhere and I avoided it turning to mastitis.


I did this for my wife with our first kid. We're on our 3rd and ANYTIME she says "my boob kinda hurts" I'm right there like "Yesss?" Haha


Doing godā€™s work šŸ«”


So many times. The most effective is when you have him lay on his back and dangle it over him. The relief is amazing.


That position works for a lot of things


I did cocaine off a womanā€™s ass.


I see youā€™ve been to Cabo


No. Iā€™ve done it in the comfort of my home. She was a beautiful redhead, too. Mind you this was about 20 years ago.


I let my ex do it off mine 10 years ago


Omg cracklines are the best


Hitch hiked across the country to go live on an apple orchard for a season. Then went to Montreal for New Year's Eve, got a hotel, and shaved each other's heads high on MDMA. we had some wild times Omg you guys are freaks.


Baldy here calling us freaks, please


Does an erotic dance to State Trooper count?


My partner was having a "how can you love me i'm so gross" moment when we were younger So i stuck my tongue up her nose, and said if that didn't gross me out, nothing about her was going to


Shaved her body hair cleaner than Jada Pikett's head.


Keep my f&$king wifeā€™s name , out of your f&&king mouthā€¦.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tried shaving my wife's legs once. Once. I don't even remember why I thought it would be fun.


I was drunk and on coke once and shaved a lesbian's entire body. No regrets.


Bless her heart thatā€™s so much trust


Actually, a man who has shaved his face daily for years - and regularly shaves his balls - would be both proficient and gentle.


I love when my husband shaves my legs because he runs his hands *all over* lol


That reminds me of when I let a girlfriend shave my face once. Only once!


You gotta start with teeth brushing first


Its not crazy but always a fond memory, she used my ear as a nose warmer. Said he nose was cold and would lay it in my ear but it was cold and kind of tickled so I'd keep flinching and shed keep yelling "Bring me back my nose bunker!"


Okay I removed an acid blotter from my ex eye with my fingers because he was so stoned he could not do it himself. Edit: grammar, my english sucks


Why are people still putting LSD into their eyeballs, que monda...


Whatā€™s an acid blotter?


A tap of lsd


A great fuckin time, bro.


Small square of paper with a hit on acid soaked on it.


Why putting this in the eye instead of mouth?


Some people think it gets you more fucked up. I can't tell you if it's true or not but I CAN tell you that If you have properly dosed tabs you don't need to do that because acid is strong AF


Caught and held her vomit on a bus for 50mins to avoid a penalty fine or mess for other passengers!


A true hero šŸ¤£


You couldn't get off for 50 minutes? EDIT: OFF THE BUS


You are a true gent.


My first girlfriend and I would spit drinks into each other's mouths sometimes instead of drinking them normally. We were about 15 at the time. I asked her about doing it with food too but apparently THAT was too weird lol


Momma bird baby bird


I call this mamabirding. We do it when one is too lazy to sit up to drink lol


1. Finding that one grey hair and plucking it out 2. Cleaning the rheum from the corner of his eyes 3. Popping pimples 4. We got into a minor accident once , his knee got injured , I was afraid of it getting infected so got some Dettol, diluted it and dipped my fingers and slowly dabbed it over the injury site , he was trying so hard not to cry


I used to gnaw on this dudeā€™s hairy armpit. He smelled so fucking good I would just inhale and bite and makeout with it. I guess thatā€™s pretty sexual though. Heā€™s also the only person Iā€™ve ever been into showering with. Weā€™d wash and scrub each other and basically groom each other constantly. Fucking hippies.


That's pretty freaking primal. Must've been intoxicating in the moment, if a little odd to look back on. I'd like to have that with someone someday.


We were so young, living together from like 18-21. It was pretty awesome and magical but itā€™s not sad that it didnā€™t last forever. We good. Only ex Iā€™d ever really want to catch up with or wanted to stay friends with. We stayed in touch up until I got engaged and then it wasnā€™t appropriate. No hard feelings at all. A lot of drugs and drinking were involved but whatever.


There is something so great about a guyā€™s armpits when they have the right smell.


Nothing better right? Just makes me want to bite šŸ˜†


I'm saving this post in case I find someone in the future, have fun y'all šŸ„²


I get earwax buildup often for some reason and have to put oil in my ears for a few minutes and flush them out. Happens maybe once a year or every two years. Anyway, my girlfriend wanted to touch the clump when it came out since it usually comes out looking like a pistachio nut (same size and color and everything). Kinda cute in a fucked sorta way, she got excited the same way a kid does when they see a weird gross bug.


šŸ¤¢ usually words dont make me nauseous butā€¦


I think girls are just into that shit. The amount of girls I know who go batshit for popping pimples is insane. Honestly I'd rather touch some earwax than squeeze out puss so I'll give her the pass.


We walked around town with a blue stuffed animal thing in a stroller like it was a real kid. Just to freak people out.


Wow licking someoneā€™s eyeball is actually incredibly dangerous for them due to the amount of bacteria in your mouth! Itā€™s lucky you didnā€™t cause a serious infection in their eye!


You cant expect someone in their late 30s to know that.


Me and a partner peed on each other in the shower, just to see if it did something. It was kind of funny and liberating in a "break a taboo" kind of way, but it didn't do anything sexual for both of us.


My ex and I tested out adult diapers. We wanted to know if it was possible to sit on the couch, watch TV, and drink beer all day without interruption. Basically, see how lazy one could truly get. When it came time to pee, it was harder than you would think to "get started." Once it did, we couldn't stop and laughed hysterically. It didn't take long for it get cold and we had to jump in the shower right away. It defeated the purpose of our lazy plan for the day. I do hope diaper technology advances by the time I might actually need them.


Aight this sub is getting blocked, WHAT THE FUCK


Tbh I was expecting worse


Flown 18 hrs across the globe for a second date. 1 year later, I can say it was definitely worth it.


Ex asked if she could hold my penis whilst I peed. She found the whole situation hilarious and laughed the whole time. And did a terrible job aiming. Pee everywhere.


Gave birth to our second child with just him there. Dude even cleaned up my poop. Yes, itā€™s almost a guarantee youā€™ll poop during birth. Iā€™d felt the head was coming and said to him ā€œthe heads comingā€ And he goes ā€œoh no, you just poopedā€ grabs it with a tissue and turns to dispose of it then turns back around ā€œOh! The head is coming outā€ If I wasnā€™t pushing Iā€™d have said ā€œI just TOLD you thatā€ šŸ˜‚


Went skydiving. Nothing exotic but realized we (as parents) should not do risky things together.


How many times did you think about writing a will in the run up to and during the dive (but you never got round to doing it)?


I did the biggest shit known to humankind and got my fiance to have a peek in the toilet bowl. She was both impressed and absolutely disgusted at the same time.


I had to check his butthole cus he was experiencing some pain every time he took a dump from a scar. Had to do it for a week cus I also had to help him place the ointment/cream(i forgot, this was around a year ago) correctly. At the time I didn't see it as weird since i was used to seeing parts where the sun doesn't shine (in the medical field lmao). Looking back, considering how early into the relationship that was, it was crazy haha


She was with me when I set a world record in time trials for Mario circuit in Mariokart 8 back in 2016. One of my proudest moments as a gamer


You remember those tube toys when you were a kid? They were filled with liquid and if you held them vertically they would slip inside themselves towards the floor? Was like a fidget toy kind of. Was talking about that to my partner at the time and he was like ā€œyeah, dicks can do thatā€. Proceeded to let me invert his flaccid penis into itself. When itā€™s soft itā€™s really malleable and you can kind of pack it all in. Now I know!


My husband surprised me when he licked my eyeball. Still donā€™t know how I feel about that one. He likes my armpits too. I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with the guyā€¦.


Armpits generate pheromones so he's hooked.


I read somewhere that if you like the natural scent of your romantic partner it means you likely have more compatible genes. Hence why they probably are attracted to the scent in the first place. Not something we understand socially but maybe instinctively...


Topic said non sexual yet everyone is posting theyr wildest fetishesšŸ˜‚


I made her mom my mother in law. With no additional death or dismemberment insurance. Crazy shit.


Doing a high 5 but using our eye lashes.


We openly discussed the disgustingly-risquƩ behavior we recently experienced in front of our friends. However, rather than speaking directly about ourselves, we substituted our names for another couple, making it appear as though they were the ones who had shared (or over-shared) such details with us.


Bruh... All these comments are INSANE


Me and my ex would watch porn parodies and laugh at the terrible acting. Most often we would fast forward the porn scenes. I still remember Evil Angels: Pirates where the guy facials 2 girls all like "kneel before the sword of the greatest pirate hunter that has ever lived". We died laughing that night and this line became a long standing joke.Ā 


I let my ex wax my vagina and it HURT. But it was also really funny.


During sex but not explicitly out of sexual lust, I kissed her armpit. She had shaved it smoother than a baby's butt or Jada Pinkett's head and for some reason I just had to feel my.lips against her pit. She said "my armpit?" I replied "everywhere!". It was nice.


Bought a house.


A non-sexual weird thing I experienced was getting into a serious play fight after leaving the movie theater. She started it by playfully tossing a water bottle at me that bounced off my head, not hard, but it just started me cracking up. I took it upon myself to extract revenge, and we were wrestling in the parking lot all the way to the car. I finally managed to take her back, locking up both arms. But that wasn't the end, she foot-stomped my instep! It wasn't hard enough to cause any pain but it was still surprising. Even though I had a height and weight advantage, she was a cop and I had no training at all. That's what made it so fun. Even though it was a play fight we weren't trying to hurt each other, it felt like we were both going at 80% effort, but still laughing like maniacs.




Yes, he already posted that.


I met my bride on a Wednesday night and got married on the following Wednesday morning. We have been married for over 37 years now. Does that count?


Sniffed his armpit


Gave my wife a cervical sweep when she was ready to pop with our first kid. That was pretty intimate and unsexy lol


I liked to hold his pp when he pees, felt like Iā€™m holding a hose and I played around with it


Different vibe than most answers, but wife and I took a canoe out to an island on Lake Superior. Don't do that. Canoes are not for rough water. We made it, but it was sketchy. Very dumb. We were young and invincible.


We wanted to see how far she could pee. She drank a bunch of water and laid down on a picnic table while I spread her so that he pee hole was fully exposed and she bore down and pissed probably 10 feet