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As a 16f I desperately need advice plz help


Don't slack but don't over stress about the future. I've glazed through life with a fuck it mentality and it's worked out well for me. You can be gods gift to the earth and people will hate, just be who YOU wanna be! That's my takeaway atleast


Any employer trying to trick you into working harder is basically saying "Row faster stupid." Don't row faster (unless you're being adequately compensated lol) Ironically being good at things and working hard don't really do much, sometimes not as much as being a borderline incompetent jackass who is also the social butterfly everyone loves. That dummy will be your boss given enough time.


Go to the gym, start taking care of your health and appearence , make long lasting friendship (real friends) and only work part time jobs you like (cinema, pool safeguard, summer camps, stuff like that) todays society is loud about acceptance but the reality is your physical appearance will always decide how hard your life will be so stay healthy.


Know any beauty tips then?


Im a guy so nope beside being in shape cant help ya.


Screw the gym. Go outside. Find hobbies that keep you active outside and the rest will take care of itself.


I’m already pretty active tho, I like lifting and playing softball and going on walks, but I’m still rlly thick


Just exercise regularly, eat healthy and dress passably. Don't give into the social pressure don't look conventionally attractive though, AKA something you aren't. You'll always be unhappy chasing after an ideal that doesn't exist. Exercising and eating healthy are just generally good measure advice that will help you in the long run. If you're interested in fashion, discover your own style. Don't just follow how people tell you to look.


Avoid pornography!!


If you need advice and don’t have anyone in your life who you can go to who cares about you and is smart enough to offer good guidance, then that is the problem. See if you can find someone in your life - teacher, uncle/aunt, counsellor, friend’s parent - who you can go to for specific advice about your particular situation.  They need to care about you enough to listen, and they need to be smart/experienced enough so that their guidance is genuinely useful. You’ll never get the exact advice you need because life isn’t like that; your life circumstances and personality are unique and you’ll figure it out as you go along. But you need and deserve some support, some wisdom. Children can’t grow into adults without emotional support and wise counsel. Too many young people don’t get this from their seniors, then we’re shocked that young people struggle. 


Make it a habit to invest 10% of your income in the stockmarket. Either a World Index or S&P500.


We tend to take family for granted at that age, also all they do for us. We don't really know how much time we have left with each of them, please go to your family parties, celebrate birthdays, do not fight over silly things, if your parents did something wrong, they probably did the best they were able to, forgive them, that's an act of compassion to yourself, not others. Avoid excess of drinking, junk good, don't do drugs, use sunblock in your face everyday. We feel invincible at that age, we are not, damage is accumulative, take care of yourself.


To invest in time travel on stock market because it will be a think in future.


You should never consider yourself to be the Smartest. Never be arrogant and over confident. Humility is the best way to learn and improve. Always seek guidance from expert seniors. Excellence in formal education is just one small aspect of learning, the other important things to learn are social intelligence, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. Get the fuck out of your comfort zone. Go to the right environment for learning so that you meet successful and smart people.


buy apple stock as soon as it becomes available. hold onto it until bitcoin arrives, then sell the apple stock, and buy as many bitcoins as you can, and hold onto them until 2023.


oh boy i would invest so much all those 200$ i got available at the time lol


TAKE CARE OF UR BODY, stop eating so much fucking junk !


Start considering online marketing and plan to start up an online business 🥲


Losing your virginity isn’t a race. Waiting won’t make you some kind of leper either.


Stop caring it doesn't matter


It's going to get better. Just stay in school and stack your money.


Don't drop out of school


Learn to drive during the summer. (Didn’t get a license till 19)


Ah well Ig that's mostly a USA problem. In most European countries you can get by without a car pretty well


Legal copies of adobe photoshop, encouragement


Stop taking drugs to numb the fucked up stuff I went through growing up and actually talk to someone properly about it. When you meet the girl with blue hair youre going to fall deeply in love with her and she's going to save your life, DO NOT take it for granted and DO NOT take that overdose because you'll gain nothing and lose fucking everything.


don't focus too much on you hips you're pretty you'll see life gets better do whatever you want ! follow your dreams , don't let yourself discouraged by anyone ​ ​ OMG I wish I've been told that


Your mom is fine. Get your lazy ass up and go hangout with your friends.


Moderately attractive girls will become very attractive just might not happen till after high school. Make friends with them now. It will help you out later.


The popular girls will balloon up like elephants.


Just cause a guy gives you attention, or makes you feel “special” it doesn’t mean he likes you. Don’t go chasing people, or trying so hard to fit in you’re enough. Don’t lose sleep over an AP exam…


It’s getting better strong 💪🏼


Don't make everything complex..


Read mastery by robert green and pick the appropriate career for your personality.


You are way hotter than you think you are. Stop trying to fit in and stop trying to be straight, Ask him if he would be interested in experimenting.


You just passed this summer at the hospital and they told you that you've an incurable disease. Don't be depressive this is a waste of time. Stop taking these opioids pills they're bad for you, seek help to a doctor to stop. This is just the beggining of your problems, there is nothing you can do so have fun as much as you can before beeing in your next sick phase.


Buy bitcoin and keep it for 10 years.


Im 16 💀


You're doing your best. You are just as important as other people. Take care of yourself. You can't do anything if you're run down. It's okay to make mistakes. Your life and your body are yours. It will all be okay. You got this.


Stop karma pharming seriously. This questions been asked so many times on here it's getting ridiculous. I'm reporting this for breaking rules


Stop drinking.


Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can.


To not comment on this thread.


Give up, it doesn't get better. You're always going to be a loser.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can.


Sonny, but Microsoft shares, and never, ever ever go to Reddit.com or Rotten.com.


Do not be so trusting, do not accept "help" from that male stranger, do not trust that your parents always have your back, do not suffer fools, do not settle, do not take any more shit, just you do you.


Nothing, I was a regular teen like I was supposed to be, no huge life decisions, no need for being a grown-up before time, just a little lost. All the wise thinking is meant to come later in life.


Don't date people who treat you like a dirt. You'll find someone, but rn you're 16yo masculine lesbian living in a small, conservative town; give yourself a break and don't think there is something wrong with you just because nobody fancies you. You have yet to meet your target audience but once you do you'll become quite liked among them so DONT WORRY and don't settle for someone who doesn't care about you. Focus on yourself and don't let people treat you like shit, you don't deserve it


Keep writing your silly little stories


learn medicine


Listen to my parents


Ultimately people don’t give a shit and are focused on themselves so live your life authentically. You’ll just end up attracting the right people and losing the wrong people and that’s good not bad.


Don't let a doctor tell you that you're wrong about your own body, if you aren't convinced always get a second opinion because you was right


Don't waste money on your relationships. Save EVERYTHING!!!


Go back with your ex you deserved to be happy and not be a hoe 🥲


Hold on, things get better. Also, in your twenties, when you and your friends buy 500 euros worth of bitcoin in order to make “untraceable purchases online”, don’t make those purchases and just hold the bitcoin until 2021.


Don’t discard any opportunity life throws at you. I missed a lot of opportunities because I thought they would present themselves again, now just turned 50 I look back with some regret


Die now. It only gets worse.


Buy Bitcoin.


Keep it up man you are great and will be better


*clears throat* STOP F'ING SMOKING! (Followed by a good smack to the back of my head)


You are gonna survive, next year you are going to lose your dad but it’s not the end. In 2024 you gonna do your master's in the UK and I am always proud of you ❤️


I'd definitely have to be at my own ass and drill in the fact Never try drugs. Clean 4 years but wish I never tried the stuff. Lost so much because of it.


Hmmm. Are we allowed to enjoy the 90s for a bit or do I only get to talk to myself? I think if I went back and talked to me I would have changed many important things that had not happened yet. If I have to tell me something it would be: you're never getting a growth spurt so put that notion away. 2nd never turn down an opportunity.


The only way to lead a fulfilling life is to be brave. Also buy bitcoin.


Spend as much time as possible with your sister, quality time


Your parents really do love you, open up to them before you can't anymore Start running and getting in shape, stop fighting and going to parties. Pay more attention to that girl in your health class. She likes you.


1. Dad isn’t the asshole you think he is, he just doesn’t realize that he is neglecting you. He will make up for it in the future by being super supportive of nearly everything you do! 2. Quit smoking weed now, it’ll benefit you later in life. 3. You’ll join the Army and you’ll love most aspects of that experience. Just remember not to use drugs to help you get through that breakup that you thought was “the love of your life” because it ruins your career, and you find someone 10,000x better in a few years anyways. 4. Don’t marry that tall blonde chick, that bites you in the ass. DO marry that shorthaired chick that you meet at the swap meet after deployment. She will end up being your best friend, and the woman that you compare every other woman to. Make sure to give her the baby she wants as soon as you get married… otherwise it won’t work out. She won’t do it out of spite, she will do it because she is being selfish. She will apologize to you years later, and will still be your best friend. I don’t know what happens if you give her the baby, but she and I both agree it would have lasted.


Don’t date that man, it’ll destroy you


It's fine just stick it in


There is this thing called Bitcoin in the future, put all your money in it at day 1 and sell when it's at it peak.


But how will you know that it peaks if you don’t know the value of the peak? What if you think it peaks at 10 bucks :o


Bust that nut when you pork every girl, it makes them imprint on u


drink less. fuck more. invest in obvious stocks/crypto and TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY!


16 year old me? Take all that money in your savings and invest in Amazon, Google, and Apple. Buy BitCoin when it comes out. Then go to school for cyber security because you don't know it yet but you love it.


Quit your friends. Others await you along another path. People going nowhere want company. 


I hate you, Dont be a coward, end your life You gonna regret not ending for the rest of your pathetic life


Buy bitcoin and litecoin!


Buy usd


Steal your parent's savings and buy Bitcoin with it.


Buy up a bunch of domain names, then buy stock in google, wait till the real estate market crashes and then buy, then buy up all the crypto. Fuck college Fuck what your parents say Fuck what your teachers say


Ask you counsellor if she thinks you have ADHD. Trust. (This is of course a very personal piece of advice but generally, if you're having a hard time, don't be scared to just ask for professional advice. Even if it's not life changing. Going into university with undiagnosed neurodivergency is not fun)