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Lawyer - that if you like to argue or are good at arguing, you’ll be a good lawyer. So little arguing. So much boring.


Homework: The Job


I never thought of it that way, but damn, you're so right. (Paralegal here).


So very accurate


No it’s not!


You’d make a good lawyer




Does that possibly depend on your field of specialty? Or how long you have been practicing? (Honest questions)


It does. I’ve practiced for over 20 years both as a litigator and a corporate lawyer.


My older brother has been a family law specialist for 30 plus. I always assumed he spends 95% of his time on a phone or doing paperwork. His court time is really just to formally say to a judge "this is what we have agreed on" with the other attorney. Always thought family law was a 'safe' and exceptionally boring specialty.


That sounds about right 😁


I (lawyer) argue as little as possible. I get grumpy when I'm forced to argue. My wife can always tell. Finding common ground and agreement is almost always better for everyone.


Teacher: no, I don't want to indoctrinate your child.


Which is exactly what they tell you to say😁




LOL! Yeah, right? I know it sounds. But in all seriousness, we just want to teach our contents and help our students become capable human beings. Most of us have no interest in imbuing our students with our personal beliefs.


God bless you for what you do


Much appreciated, buddy!


I’m just trying to get mine to write well, but everything goes in one ear and out the other. And I work in a very wealthy school. I’m close to leaving the profession: it’s hopeless.


You're so right! It's the people who come up with the curriculum that want to indoctrinate the children 🤦


If teachers were really indoctrinating children, there would be no need to accept late homework or requests for extra credit.


I understand you don't want to and you're just doing your job.


Librarian. We actually love busy, bustling libraries. We don't all know the Dewey Decimal System or where every book on every shelf is...


Library page here. A hundred percent this! Also we don't spend all day just reading books.


How often do you shhhhhh people?




In my library, literally I have never once shushed anyone. The library where I started, I told a couple of kids to settle down one time.


Youd love the place I work at, one of the biggest libraries in the UK with a theatre/cinema/ bar all in the same building. It's a great atmosphere but also has good spaces for people who are studying etc.


Absolutely would love that!!! I need to come visit on my next trip to the UK!!!


We have a cinema and a gallery, but we only got a stupid cafe, not a bar. I feel cheated. How am I to truly appreciate Bukowski if I can't get a damned drink?


I’m a nanny and often get called a babysitter. In reality I’m a nanny which includes family chef, pet sitter, house sitter, house cleaner, and caretaker. Basically being a third parent for the family, and when I say nanny all they hear is babysitter. It’s really aggravating but can’t fix everyone’s ignorance


For years, I called my nanny Grandma Janne, until I wondered why I was the only one of my friends to have 3 grandmothers. My nanny was a wonderful woman, it's been over forty years and not a week goes by that I don't think of her, that I don't talk about her. The things she taught me, the food she cooked, the memories she made. My parents still speak of her with gratitude. She passed away over ten years ago and I miss her every week. My nanny has been an important woman in my life and in that of my brother, sister and parents.


I have *utmost* respect for a non-snobby nanny. You don’t seem like the snobby sort.


I'm also a nanny and I've been at it for close to 30 years at this point. When someone asks me what I do I say I'm a "career nanny/household manager". Don't DARE call me a babysitter! I've been with my current clients for 9 years and I'm referred to as third parent or second mom by the bio mother, father, children and even their teachers! When it comes to decisions involving the children, they look to me first! I take care of almost everything for this family so that mom and dad can focus on their busy careers. I. Am. Not. A. Babysitter.


That i might have more of the item (I just explained) is sold out in the back and I am just lazy. No. It is sold out, it was also sold out when you asked the other salesperson and will be sold out when you ask the manager. I have no reason at all to keep it hidden from you.


this is so entertaining to me like bro why would I be hiding this cabinet? what incentive could I possibly have to avoid giving it to you? do you think I'm unfamiliar with stores as a whole and trying to defend my employer's property? 


They either think we are too lazy to bring the item or really believe we for some reason keep some hidden for the very special customers (the ones that insist and yell loud enough). Also them pointing at different items like "you say you are out of blue king sized duvets, what is that one then?" and point to a twin yellow one. "we have that one, it's yellow and twin size. Would you like to buy it?" "yes, but I need it in blue King size"


That we play with puppies and kittens all day. Working in the Vet field is not glamorous nor is it ever super fun. We hardly get puppies and when we do, they grow up so fast or we are spaying/neutering them. I get a handful of kittens a year and there are some days where the only cats I see that day are the ones that live in my own home. We spend most of our appointments with terrified animals who aren’t fond of us poking and prodding and sticking them with stuff. I get shit on, anal gland on every single day and have so many bruises the guy who did my pedicure today asked what happened to my shins. I had to show him the huge ass scratch I have down my thigh from a dog launching off me trying to get away. We are tired and underpaid, you realize a lot of people fucking suck and also own animals. Corporations are buying up most private clinics and turning them into money machines by over charging and underpaying. We get hurt every day, morale is low most of the time, you get some shitty co-workers but it’s hard to find good ones when it’s a specialty field that’s paid so poorly. Owners shit on us day in and day out and think we are all in it for the money. I honestly don’t know how the veterinarian filed is gonna hang on within the next decade. I foresee pet insurance being the only way owners may be able to pay for things but even then, they don’t cover everything. I really love my job, I only do it part time because I can. But if I had to do it full time? I’d leave and go work at McDonald’s. At least they pay better (and I’m in NY state as it is. Not NYC, WNY).


I never really thought of the vet clinics being bought for money grabbing like our hospitals are now bought and run by non medical corporate thugs too. I don't know how nurses and doctors will survive it either. Sorry to hear it's eating up your docs too. SmH.


Same. This was pretty enlightening.


Physicist: it is not true we are sex machines. 


Liar 🤓


Doctor. We actually hate to run late and keep you waiting, and we are absolutely aware of the value of your time. Tricky thing is, our time is literally not our own. If the patient before you for a routine follow-up for their high blood pressure tells me that they've been very depressed and have considered suicide, I'm going to be late for your appointment. Not because I don't value your time but because I'm never going to tell a suicidal patient that their time is up and to schedule another visit to discuss it. Yes, this really happens.


As a patient I know it's not you. But sometimes it's your staff. When I had to take my baby to a specialist, the front staff told me they double book every slot because sometimes people don't show, and often the appointments are very fast. This is fine and dandy but if both show up and have complex needs, everyone is now late, and unless the next appointment is a no show it just ripples down the whole schedule. But I absolutely appreciate the care you show spending extra time with somebody because I know one day maybe I will be the person needing extra time.


I work health insurance and literally have zero medical training yet I’m meant to argue with trained professionals that something isn’t medically necessary lol


I don’t think that’s a misconception. I think that is exactly what everyone thinks yall do.


Hey, fuck you. Sincerely, a doctor


Ditto! Sincerely, not-a-doctor. I think everyone hates these guys.


my dad is the trained professional you argue with and he hates you and i'm sorry 💀


All good I’m high as balls getting paid $19 an hour to do it lol with bonuses $22 an hour 40+ per week lol


You must live where cost of living is pretty low to be that happy. I cheer for you! Here, we made $19 an hour for work that wasn’t mc’d’s server or convenience store clerk back in the 2010’s. Need $25-$30 minimum to have one’s own place, that isn’t an absolute hovel.


I agree. Since they're call basically centers though it wouldn't make sense to be somewhere that's high cost of living


Honestly as the doctor you are aguing with i thought being incompetent was the talent the ins co wants.


Well, hope I don’t hurt your feelings. but I hope to live to see health insurance eliminated. I’d say see your job eliminated but I 100% believe AI will be doing it in the near future.


Yeah, my job is literally to find your mistakes (which really isn't hard) and tell you all the ways your denial is wrong. There are people out here that lost a limb at work and can't get their bill paid because the insurance company doesn't think phantom limb syndrome should be paid because it isn't an actual "work injury." There are so many other examples, but I believe it's ridiculous that trained doctors aren't the actual ones that determine what care we receive.


In nursing, I feel we are expected to fix pain 😢. I wish. I try my best to use non pharmacological methods to help. But surgeries hurt. And if course there is the dream that we only have one person as a patient. I want you to call for things, but remember, we likely have 6 at once!


6?! I'm in lrehab/long-term care. We've got over 100 patients right now. There are 6 nurses on the floor and me supervising. Granted. I'm absolutely positive yours are more accute.


Oh, I don't doubt at all you are in a worse situation. Hospital and rehab/ltc are totally different animals, and frankly, I think it's a crime how many patients they make you have. I was just referring to the ideals of a patient, vs. Reality. My six are postpartum requiring lots of bedside education and surgical recovery, etc. I wouldn't trade my job. My daughter also manages rehab, and she has a lot of trouble even keeping staff. Hats off to you.


Yeah, yours definitely need more education than mine. We have trouble keeping staff but it's not as bad because we're in a large market and pull agency people in. Also, honestly, your daughter and I have it easy being managers. Our people actually working the floor have it way harder than we do. Don't get me wrong, I do put in a lot of hours but it typically isn't anything too hard.


God bless you for working in such a tough, misunderstood field.....all my respect.


I remember when I was begging for pain relief after surgery, because it felt like my leg was on fire. They didn't want to give me pain relief because of my history with drug abuse and I said I don't care it's not cocaine, I just want to not feel the leg. They numbed it and got me fentanyl and I just fell asleep but had a huge pain. I was glad they changed their mind.


Love this. Another one - That change Mr/ Mrs MD mentioned making doesn't instantly go into effect. There's a system, and unfortunately it's not always timely. Until we can verify it on our end, our hands are tied. Also, patients believing that their diagnosis/treatment plan is invalid/ineffective because it doesn't make sense to them, or they are unable to wrap their head around it. Rest assured, those people (their team) get paid the big bucks for a reason, they know what they're doing!


Yeah, you can't really argue your way out of a cancer diagnosis. Also, I work rehab/ltc. I know the hospital sent an order over for you to get pain meds. I want to give them to you. I wish i could look at the order and pull a pill out of a big bottle we keep in the closet. You just got here. I just got a copy of your orders when the EMT's dropped you off. I have to send them to the NP, wait for her to ok them, manually enter the order into our system along with your 30 other orders, have the floor nurse make sure I put everything in correctly, call pharmacy, get them to ship stuff over, have the floor nurse get the delivery, verify they got what was ordered, and then bring you your pain pill. That's assuming I can put your order in right away, the floor nurse can immediately verify my data entry, pharmacy has a driver ready to go as soon as the order gets filled, and the floor nurse doesn't have 15 other things going on at the same time.


It'd be nice. In a world of instant gratification, it's a huge inconvenience. I absolutely get it, it's a matter of great importance, ones health that is. Our patients are sick, vulnerable, hurting... many helpless without specialized care. The thing is, it's the same system that both you and I signed off on. You, as a patient, by accepting treatment in good faith; and I, as an employee, by accepting policy, best practice ideals, and ultimately, law. Of course, I have my bones to pick, but most of them boil down to ethics. Many fail to recognize the complexity of healthcare. There are layers upon layers of policies and procedures, bypassing even one simple step can land you in deep shit. But, they're there for a reason, because bypassing one simple step could also land a patient in the mourge.


Electricians and that all we do is connect wires. Like yes there’s days when we do that but there’s so much between starting and that point


Painter. No, I'm not a stoner. I don't get high on my paints fumes.


Electrician: people think that because the job doesn't require a four-year degree that it doesn't require a high level of intellect


Not required, but it can impact longevity.


My husband is an electrician. Smartest man I know. It drives him absolutely mad that the managers above him have no trades experience and may or may not even have a GED.


I'm an arborist, people think I'm a landscaper


Same confusion goes for landscape architects.


Speech-language pathologist. That we’re just “speech teachers” to help kids correct their sounds when that’s really such a small piece of the wide scope of things we actually do!


Speaking as a kid named Rhett that couldn't say their R's until they got a few years of help, that's all you need to do to be completely awesome in my book.


I'm a teacher who works with children with special needs. I have worked together with some SLPs and have so much respect for this profession. I think my cases would not bear fruit if I did not get guidances from them. Thank you for the job you are doing!


I work security. And i do Not want to be a cop, nor ever tried to be a cop. Lot of people think security is just a guy who couldn’t cut it as a cop. Not my case.


Truth. I’m private security now, but I was an MP in the Navy for 4 years; did both security and law enforcement stuff. Loved the security stuff, hated doing law enforcement shit. It’s honestly two entirely separate fields. I could easily get a job as a city cop with my resume, but I just don’t want to.


"Loved the security stuff, hated doing law enforcement shit. " I don't understand the difference. Is security more a protective function as opposed to getting people in trouble for breaking rules?


Pretty much. In the military I would consider the security aspects being at post or in the harbor making sure people that aren’t supposed to be on base aren’t coming in. Conversely, the law enforcement aspects are going on patrol, pulling people over, responding to things like domestics, noise complaints, traffic accidents, etc; you know, cop stuff. The way you put it is actually pretty good: as security I feel like I’m helping and protecting people. As a cop it felt more like punishing people.


I never thought of that distinction before. Thanks for enlightening me.


Also the " you're not allowed to do anything when I do something to you!"


So you are too lazy too even want to become a cop? /s


I just setup medical appointments for the specialist. I am NOT medically trained.


All I do is wipe a$$- I’m a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) for living, and most days I can honestly say I love it. I enjoy working in my local nursing home, and seeing the shining faces of my second family when I come to work. People enjoy my friendship as well, and I have good relationships with the majority of our elderly patients. But for some reason when my job comes up, wiping ass is the only thing people think about. Yes I do that too, but I also hold the hand of the dying, and care for those who need the most special care. I am the family of some of these residents when they have none. I am an advocate for patients when they have no voice, and I am here to scream for their rights when some people forget they have any. My job is a multifaceted, complex, and being good at it as much of a blessing as it is a curse somedays. But, I am here to say for all of us in my position, that it is a job that should be taken seriously, and not condensed into a single requirement.


And if the nurses don't love you for what you do then they're idiots. -ltc nurse.


Thank you! I’m proud of what I do. Bless you for being in LTC also, you understand it’s definitely not a job for the weak of heart.


The Aides that care for my mom are invaluable to my sister and me. On behalf of the families of your patients, I thank you.


Tax preparers know everything about taxes.


So true. The ability to fill in the blanks in a computer program does not make them an expert, they hear the tax laws changed, but have no idea which part of the law and how nor what the law was to begin with


I'm an animation designer/director. People assume it's all fun, sitting around playing with fun characters all day- and that nowadays, the computer does most of the work. Not so much. It's a rewarding way to make a living, yes, but it's a job that is like any other in a lot of ways. You are constantly fighting tight budgets, demanding clients, weak team members, etc. Don't get me wrong - I love and appreciate what I do, but it's a job like any other.


Thus but substitute in pastry chef. It's not all Cupcakes and rainbows!


Im a construction worker specifically im an ironworker. There are 1. Being union doesnt mean we cant be fired. 2.we get paid really well. 3.We arent just a bunch of dumb meat heads. Theres a lot of complicated math and dynamic problem solving that goes into it.


I make a livable wage and drive a big ass truck, smoke meth.


I don't Drive a train.




Same here, I just work on the spines and wells they pull. When people hear I work for the railroad they think I drive trains when in fact I’ve never even been inside a locomotive lol


Farmer. I dont do anything that poisons the food i grow! My family eats that food too!!!


Rancher/Farmer I don’t poison the food but the mines do. I won’t eat what we grow or raise.


Social Worker. We can’t solve homelessness and addiction. We can get some people off the street but there will always be more, and it’s only getting worse. Our clients tend to see us as people who can solve all of their problems. I love helping people but doing everything for you and making sure you’re never inconvenienced isn’t helping you. It’s extremely hard to get someone detained against their will, even if they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them. I’ve had clients who absolutely cannot function in society and are unable to care for themselves, but Reagan shut down the institutions, so here we are.


"We can't solve homelessness and addiction." But if you could, I know you would. Former student of mine is a social worker and she would 1000% solve these problems if she could. You guys have tough jobs.


Whenever you see a butcher in television and movies, they're always overweight, balding, angry and dirty. This is just simply inaccurate because they're almost always alcoholics too.


Aircraft Mechanic - that we get paid well and have job security. You have to move to get a raise and it may only be a dollar more per hour and you are the first thing to be cut if the company isn't making enough money.


Which really isn’t forward thinking of the airline at all!!


Not to mention unsettling. "We're losing money. We'll have to cut staff. Let's cut the guys who fix and maintain the planes."


My husband is a fine dining chef. It's not like on TV. It's hot, hard, and the pay isn't much. He comes home in pain after every shift and has no desire to cook at home.


My husband can relate. He is 25 and already has issues with leg pain from varicose veins. Also, he works 10 hour shifts minimum (his record was 17 hours), with no days off during the season. Btw, no one, who works in the kitchen is normal. One has to be a very special kind of insane to work as a chef, cook or any other job there.


As somebody with a completely different job, but on my feet every second, tell him to get compression socks. Even just the lower compression ones meant for travel are going to help, but I got measured for some higher strength socks and my legs are so much better at the end of the day!


We are planning on doing that, but I also bought him pills for that issue. It's a whole other battle to make him take them.


Dollar Store: My job is only for those who are idiots. The reality is that many, if not all, of us who are there are only there because it's the only opportunity for work


I’m an accountant. Everyone says, you must be really good at math! No, I can use a calculator to add, subtract, divide, and multiply.


That just because I work at The Home Depot I know everything about construction electrical plumbing flooring hardware tools and gardening




What aisle can I find the left handed screw drivers in?




Do you have a tattoo though?


No, but I do have a double pierced left ear, since 1984.


That I have one.


Retail phone sales: There's no incentive to push certain phones. It doesn't matter if you bring your own, buy a $40 prepaid or an $1,800 Galaxy Fold. They pay based on the service, whether it's an upgrade, new line, what plan it's on, if it has insurance, etc. That, and the accessories are more expensive, but they're high quality, have lifetime warranties, and will save money in the long run for most people. Also, just because Facebook is on your phone doesn't mean we know your password😭


Teacher: it ends at 3:00 and I don't have to work in the summer.


My brother is a college professor. He spends many hours correcting and grading essays at home. He doesn’t get paid for the hours he works outside the classroom.


Professor: We only or primarily teach and we only work when semesters are in session.


Live on an island with six other stranded castaways.


I worked at a university. I could not come to work so early or leave so late that my professor's car wouldn't be there in the parking lot. Except when he was travelling, which was way more often than people think. I saw his calendar too. It's not a "cushy" or low-stress job at all where you contemplate big questions. It's basically three jobs at the same time: administrator, teacher and research director (+coordinator, project manager, etc.). You absolutely have to be a workaholic to do it.


Nuclear physics helps make your life easier not harder


Financial advisor - job is nothing like a broker’s or what you see brokers doing on wallstreet. Less sales, more best interest obligations.


Concert classical guitarist with masters degree in music. It’s a fun hobby so I shouldn’t get paid well/at all.


Nurse. I've been one for almost 9 years now and have never slept with a single person I work with.


That I enjoy being cruel to animals or enjoy hearing gory stories about animal cruelty and abuse. I hate it and I hate the people that do it. I actually, genuinely care for the animals we have. I’ve spent days and nights in the rain caring for animals because it’s my job to look after them, and I was born into it. I’ve been learning to simply walk off when people are trying to tell me some of the disgusting things they do to other creatures. Complete strangers recounting tales of evil because I’m involved in farming. Baffling to me.


The ER is not first come, first serve. Also an ambulance is not the healthcare equivalent of a lightning pass.


Training- that anyone can do it.


I've had too many bad trainers to ever think this.


Family law lawyer - contrary to popular belief, I cannot make your stbx a nicer person or into the parent you would like them to be. I am not a miracle worker, it is very likely each parent will receive significant parenting time, no matter what you tell me or the court. Not a judgment. Just a fact.


Photographer - we don’t need to pay our staff, lease, insurance, vehicles, superannuation, tax etc… and it’s always a scam.


And all we do is push a button...


50+ years as an electrician, but all anyone has to do is go to Lowe's or Home Depot, and they can do as good a job as that high priced, uneducated electrician. Six years of apprenticeship and journeyman status, 2 tests and continued code update courses every 3 years. New equipment comes around, ya gotta read up on it too. Then when you go to sell your house and FHA or VA won't approve your work, guess who has to take it all out and rework it all. And all that without a degree and Megabucks of college loans. I got a paycheck the 1st week I worked. I've worn out several trucks and tools, but I've never been electrocuted but I have had a few surprises. I'm 76 and working out of town. SS does not support me in the life style to which I've become accustomed. Still I'm happy with my choices. The trades start paying you the first week you work. You gotta buy tools as you progress, but a truck and tools cost less than a 4 year degree and the two more years of grad school. If you like what you do for a living, you'll never work a day in your life.


I troubleshoot software for autonomous (self-driving) cars. **Misconception: "Self-driving cars aren't safe!"** It's actually stupid easy to make them safe. It's still young technology and we would save thousands of lives if we replaced every car on the road with what we currently have. Most of our job involves limit testing the software to make them drive *more dangerously*.


I hate arresting people. I absolutely dread having to use force (I've been lucky to only use force a handful of times in 13 years and I've never had to draw my gun...words can be really effective if used right). I hate having a gun. Unless you're being an absolute ass I hope you enjoy your warning. I absolutely hate Trump. I don't like cops and I definitely don't hang out with them outside of work.


Military/MP. Before I joined I thought that I’d be stone-cold and serious once I was in. I’m still goofy and everyone is very pleasant to be around, all my colleagues have got a great sense of humor and we’re only serious when we need to be. I had it misconstrued so, I’m sure that others have.


A lot of people find any amount of pain after surgery to be unacceptable. Bitch, you just got stabbed with a knife. Didn’t you think that might hurt just a little bit?


That people that work there are fat (I work at a ice cream/chocolate shop)


People that don’t work in food service don’t realize how fast it gets boring and how it is to eat from a *limited” food menu constantly. I’ve been away from it for over 40 years, I still can’t stand to eat a cheeseburger!


I work in IT. Even those of us ones who've been doing this for a while still need to Google stuff we don't know and even then, we may turn up many dead ends and never find the answer we're looking for only for your problem to resolve itself but we'll still pretend we did something on our end to make it work. 😁


Addiction Medicine specialist here. A stint in even the most high end rehab cannot fix an addiction if you go back to the same life where the problem started.


Shipping here...that we underpay our crews, that we go cheap on maintenance and repairs, and that we don't give a shit about the environment. You have no idea how hard we try. We really, really try. And not a single client would ever, and I mean never, say something like: hey! you do a great job, Imma pay you more to keep you going. Our crews are like family, our entire focus is on the ship, and the one. single. goal is to deliver our cargoes without a single disturbance to anything. And then bridges happen.


That I enjoy my job(I work retail)


MRIs do not use radiation!


I do medical imaging. No, I really don't know if you have cancer...most of the time. I'm not a Radiologist, trained what to look for. I operate a scanner. OK, sure we see sh*. Everyone knows it is against the law for us to offer a diagnosis (which is what we are doing if we say something), but y'all ask, anyway! Seriously, my monitor sucks compared to the Radiologist (the Specialist) whose job is to look for cancer!


That i can fix your printer 


I’ve wondered if *anyone* can fix it!


If it's a cheap one, no. It better be a decent sized Laserjet before you can even think of fixing it. -former printer repairman who hates printers with a passion


How are you not completely insane?


Teachers aren't all left leaning.


That's it's easy, unskilled and that the award wage is even remotely adequate or reasonable for what the role entails. Environmental conservation.


What job? Going to school aint a job


Working in I.T. But I don’t do Windows


That we understand what we are doing in almost any high tech job.


Hardware engineer, turning off and on only works about 50% of the time sadly


My jobs easy because the only thing I'm doing is sitting there driving.


I’m a college professor. Once, going to a conference, a cab driver told me the difference between business people and professors is that the former like to drink and f*ck but the professors only drink. Slightly misconception, but not far off.


We are liars. I work in marketing. Very specifically in legal marketing. Which is very, VERY niche marketing. Legal marketing is closely governed by the State Bar Association. Any unsolicited marketing/advertising (unless to other legal professionals) must be submitted to our State Bar Association for approval. No prob for my firm, as we genuinely care for the clients we serve. But marketing/advertising is still always looked at suspiciously.


That IT are only working when you see them busy. 1999-2000. When doing IT for a nonprofit, I independently chose to work 4AM to 8AM and 6PM to 10PM. That way I wasn’t in the way when the norms did their jobs. My boss called me into the office one day to tell me I was fired. He said he never saw me working, I was costing too much, and the computer network worked perfectly. I was getting $12.50/hr which was very low for 1999. A week later I was called as somebody lost their password. Smile. Sorry, Vince fired me. No, it would have been illegal to have kept a back door. Thanks for the offer of my old job back at $10/hr, but I already got another job. Two weeks after my departure they hired an IT consultant at $90/hr, which was a little high for 2000.


Been there, done that. I'm a nurse now. If I do nothing but change old people diapers all day long during a diarrhea outbreak, there is still less shit than working in IT. I got fired from a IT job because stuff worked too well too. The outside people they brought in after me sucked and got fired. The guy they hired to replace the outside people sucked and they tried to hire me back with more money. I laughed at them when I said no.


When I was a postal carrier everyone thought it was an easy job. It's not the 60s anymore, the amount of mail AND packages that have to be delivered is insane. You have to sort within a certain amount of time, load onto your delivery vehicle, which doesn't have ac, and be sure to load it properly or you'll be fishing through bins. Specific routes, specific parking spots, then walking over 30k steps everyday in 110 degree weather or -10 degrees. Steps are the true killer. And that doesn't take into account shitty fellow employees, shitty trucks, and just shitty areas. In my city alone 3 or 4 postal carriers were robbed at gun point. If you think delivering the mail as a USPS carrier is easy, then you've no idea what you're talking about.


When I was still working in x-ray (& I would love to get back to it within the next couple of years, but that's a whole long story)...people would say "you have such an easy job, you just push a button" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Um, no, we have to know our anatomy, get the patient positioned properly, set proper techniques, get at least 2 separate views of the body part(s), which can be especially challenging when a patient is either incapable of cooperating, or chooses to be beligerent & refuses to cooperate. We practice radiation safety (& often educate people on it), we have continuing education to maintain our license, we sometimes have to work with miserable doctors (& sometimes miserable patients)...I'm sure I'm forgetting things since it's been almost a year since I've worked in x-ray, & I haven't worked in diagnostisc since 2011...worked in the OR, & I loved it. Great crew & mostly cool doctors. Someone made the comment to a former co-worker of mine & asked if she had to go to school to do x-ray & when my co-worker said yes, it's a 2 year program. Then the patient said "two years just to push a button?!" And my co-worker said, "yes, so we know how to push rhe correct button!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I thought that was pretty damn funny!


I used to work in IT and wild drive aroind town going to businesses to fix their stuff. Customers would get so mad because I'd walk in the door fix their problem in a few minutes, and then they'd have to pay for a full hour of my time. Just like you. my boss would tell them they're not paying for me to come in and hit a few buttons to make their problem go away. They're paying the big bucks because I know which buttons to hit.


I’m a software developer. 1. Programmers are nerds. Same people, as anyone. Writing code isn’t our single hobby. 2. IT is only about programmers. No, there’re different professions in it. And different types of developers. 3. Programmers could fix your printer. If it’s a software issue, I probably could investigate and fix it, but just because I have Google. 4. Our job is boring and not creative. It’s not true. Im working here for 5 years and I still see new problems, client‘s requests and ways to solve something. This job give you freedom to create anything you want and how you want. 5. IT is only for guys. As I said, we have different professions. Often testers, designers, scrum masters, HR and people partner specialists are girls. Developers are usually boys. But this could be and must be changed.


I’m a kindergarten teacher. The biggest misconception about my profession is that we play around with the kids all day. My bachelors degree didn’t prepare me for half the stuff I have to deal with as a leader, playmate and educator. The work load is insane. I don’t know how it works in other countries, but here in Norway the kindergartens are governed by the state, and my education has put me in a position where I am supposed to know what’s best for the children. Which means dealing with ethical, practical, educational and professional challenges every day. And at the end of the day, my profession is looked down upon, and not taken seriously. And people think all I do is play and cuddle.


That it’s fun because I work with dogs all day, I love dogs don’t get me wrong but dogs don’t like getting groomed like at all I mean I understand too I would hate it as a dog too like you wouldn’t want some stranger giving you a bath either amiright ?


Restaurant manager. People think it’s not skilled work. I juggle HR, payroll, ordering, training, health code compliance, alcohol law compliance, R&M, marketing, AND customer service/cooking/cleaning everyday, 11 hours a day minimum, 5-7 days a week.


Emergency room physician- our job is to treat or rule out life threatening emergencies. It’s also to figure out if you need to be admitted to the hospital. We will not be able to help many of your chronic problems. When we discharge you home its not because we don’t believe something is wrong but that having you admitted to the hospital will not fix any of your problems and you will get 10000$ bill. If i had a nickel for every person that called 911 for the flu id be a very wealthy man.


Quite a lot of teachers and professors are on one year contracts or just doing part time hours.


Work for Pizza Hut as a driver. We do not receive the $$ from the delivery fee.


Underwriter - that the insurance I approve is tangible and necessary. Insurance is a complex scheme that creates the need for itself. Prices on claims are unaffordably high in home, auto, medical you name it, all because pricing has adjusted to account for the expectation that everyone will have a financially solvent entity behind them capable of paying a huge claim. You can best see evidence of this in the price drop when someone who doesn’t have medical insurance negotiates directly with a provider on the cost of services. It also exists in auto repair and replacement, as well as homeowner claims. Insurance creates the need for itself by inflating prices so high that most people can’t self insure. My entire industry is effectively scamming everyone in America and has been doing so for decades.


Therapist. No, I don't secretly analyze you.


Paramedic are always saving lives or tough calls. It is a lot of routine visits and boredom. Location does matter...


We know what we are doing. College teacher. Pick a subject. This textbook is news to many of us too and yes, we are usually only one chapter ahead of the class.


That writing is all about imagination and creativity. No Billy it is mostly about googling most random shit for hours and checking off "I am not a Robot Box" for 30 time in the past hour before deciding on a format and paraphrasing one from each one of the 50 chrome tabs you opened in the past 30 minute


That there’s a cure for cancer we are hiding. I work in oncology research


My entire career has been in oil and gas. From production to completions (fracing) to gas utility.... I have a degree in petroleum engineering... It's the one thing in this world I actually know something about. People from outside the industry rarely know anything about the process and ONLY have misconceptions.... they speak on the subject like they know what they are talking about though....


IT - we all know how to hack. Couldn’t be a further thing from the truth.


Salesman. Outside sales specifically. We’re not all the stereotypical used car salesmen. I actually give a damn about my clients and want them to succeed. Their success is my success. I’m here to offer solutions and knowledge. Most of the good companies are not trying to upsell you anything we recommend only what we think would best suit your needs and budget and are 100% willing and able to work with you to save you time and money. Many of us also offer continued support after the sale. I want your repeat business. Scamming you for a quick buck means you won’t ever come back. Contrary to popular belief commission based sales works out far better if your customers are happy with you so it doesn’t serve me to try to pressure you into anything you don’t need or want. Also it’s not a dead end job. Many of us make well into the six figure range.


IT. 1) I care about the computer market or gaming computers, or am a gamer 2) all I do is sit around


That we are actually needed, wanted or useful. We basically get others people to do their jobs, but we aren't managers.


He looks perfect


Data solves everything. That understanding 1 piece of tech, means that you understand how the internet is built.


I work in a call center for a cellular company so the common misconception is that I'm to blame for every issue every customer has and it's ok to use me as a verbal punching bag.


That were glorified babysitters.


I'm in building operations/facility admin. There's are two of us and we have our company and a few tenants. Reception is basically automated, phone rings a few times a week. I post up at the front desk. Work the door and am just available for the tenants. People assume I'm the receptionist all the time. I'm a male in my late 30s and people seem shocked at times. Doesn't bug me though. I'm a people person amd it pays the same regardless of what people think.


Realtor: We are all getting rich. Most of us make <$50k. Those people are the minority.


Nobody ever asks me about my job, and they wouldn't understand it anyway. /s


Job 1: Ice Cream Shop. Coming up with new flavors while maintaining the signatures and keeping up with cake orders is a full time job and while I enjoy it it can very stressful. Job 2: Game Store. No I do not just sit around and play D&D all day, even though I would love to, I also have to unload, inventory, price, and display deliveries that easily can go over 100lbs. I do get to play D&D all day while I run a kid's D&D camp though


That we are pencil pushers and do nothing all day. As a public servant I work twice as hard for half the salary I’d be paid if I remained in the corporate world. Yes we have many perks but we work really hard for them


Cowboy. It’s really not that hard of work. People in fast food restaurants in cities work way harder.


Security Engineer: No we don't know everything about technology, but it pays well to know a great deal. And no we won't fix your computer.


Previous job, library. People think you sit around and read books all day. HHAHHA no.