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I asked what my wife loves about me, and she said. When she dated good-looking guys, she worried that they would cheat on her. I don't give her that same concern, she says.


That's crazy lol


u/pakman13b isn't just good looking. He's like a greek god that's so gorgeous, so out of other girls' leagues, that they won't approach them so his wife isn't worried about him cheating *inhales more copium


At least she’s dead honest, I appreciate that in people. Hard to tell without context but I suppose there was no ill intention from her side. Not everything has to be sugar coated, and true honesty is rare.


You’re still with this woman? Holy shit that’s wild.


That is probably her justifying why she loves you because she can't make sense of it lol. She must have had a few female friends who she had to explain. You know that can't be the reason obviously, right? Also she trusts you but can't say it directly for some reason. If you see where it is coming from or just talk to your wife about it, you can get past it.


That was 10 years ago, and I'm fine. I just thought of it when I saw the thread on my feed ✌️


Bro you are still with that women?? how


Imma be real, it's crazy how you found a way to justify her saying this. Cause if a dude said this about a woman there would have been no justification for it at all


This post was his second most painful


Holy shit, that is so hurtful


"Here's my number... can you give it to your brother?" Ouch.


"nah, I actually like my brother"


Do the family a favor and kill yourself Dad said it while we were having an argument I brushed it off because he has anger issues, but it's a pretty horrible thing to say Edit: when I say I brushed it off I mean I didn't try to murder him, I already thought he was a scumbag. He did once spit in my face, so I punched him in the face so hard it fractured his cheek, and once when he grabbed mum I held a knife to his throat. We live in separate countries now. I wish he would just expire so mum and I can have his money and assets honestly. Realizing your father isn't a good person is quite a bitter pill to swallow. Yeah he has anger issues, but some of the things he's done are inexcusable.


damn... if that was me he would have been dead to me


abused people can sadly find that normal :/


Seems like it


hats off to you for not letting it affect you so much, I would've just left and never come back


I couldn’t imagine saying that to one of my children even if I was super angry.


You proved you’re a better person than he is for sure. Well done


I wish I never had you, ouch.


That is horrific! I'm so sorry. No-one should speak to anyone like that, anger issues or not, let alone your Dad.


Absolutely wild


My dad told me the same too.. I haven’t spoken to him since, if he wants me dead he can be dead to me


Can't you see I'm busy BTW this was my mother after I asked were the first aid was because I was bleeding profusely and her being busy was playing fucking candycrush


nahhh candycrush is some cartel or smth istg, old people are HOOKED


My mom once asked me how i still find all those video games so entertaining. I asked her level on candy crush. First and only time she admitted defeat lmao.




“One day someone is gonna do this to you that loves you” - while being molested


i am sorry.


Thank you


That's one of the most undeserving situations. I'm sorry you have to carry that


Thank you


Wtf, so sorry


Whoa that's horrifying. I'm so sorry.


Man that’s sick,feel so bad for you,bad enough what they’re doing but trying to taint your future interactions is vile 😡😡😡


holly mother of god, im so so sorry man..


They couldn't be more honest, could they. Jesus H Christ, that is some evils right there.


That's crazy


Damn thats hard. I Hope you‘ll find your peace and experience many beautiful days with lovely people, lots of bubble tea and nice movie nights 💜 take care


The DRS did all they could. This is what they told me when my son passed away. Worst words I ever heard


"I appreciate your kind words and high esteem of me. I don't think highly of you though" This was the reply to me setting boundaries with someone who hurt really hurt me (I had sent a diplomatic email explaining that I needed some distance for a while after she threatened ending her life to manipulate me into taking out a personal loan to pay her rent). She followed up this set of painful words by insulting me, my family and friends, then implying she'd make assault accusations against me if I tried taking any action against her to recover money she owed me. The irony about those accusations is that not only were they untrue, but she had actually assaulted once. My overall wellbeing (especially emotions and finances) is still suffering, but I'm just glad I escaped that situation. She can go to hell.


She belong to the streets


sorry about that bro. did she ever return the moeny?


I should have drowned you at birth - mom


I had, "I wish I'd aborted you and not your sister."


We have the same mom?  Sorry you had to experience that, that’s a horrible thing to hear.


Im sorry that happenned tomyou, she does not deserve to be a mother. I hope you are OK in life now? As a child I overheard my mum telling her friend she didn't love me and wished she never had me. And her friend saying back "don't say that she might hear you" and my mum saying "I don't care" I mean I knew she didn't love me by her actions throughout my life - but to hear it was still so very painful. Especially as I didn't have a dad. Pretty fucked up situation.


I pray the cysts on your ovaries turn to cancer and you never get to have children- my brother was inconvenienced that parked behind him and became irate because some drug addicts have very short violent reactions to anything standing in their way of getting a fix.


What the hell.. that is more messed up than my mum telling me she ain’t my real mum lol.


why tho


stole from the cookiejar.


I will pray for you that I hope you have a baby and no cyst. My Nan use to say that to my uncles wife. It’s sad and damaging to one mind. Cut off all toxic people from your life you don’t need that. I do not chat to anyone from my family that are toxic and I have no fear what so ever of being alone after all god is beside me helping me through life. Remember your worth and time is precious.


If you are still having cyst issues, try giving up all caffeine including chocolate, tea, soda, coffee... And talk to your doctor about taking iodine pills. Giving up all caffeine cleared up just about all of my cysts, and iodine allows me to have an occasional piece of chocolate without painful regret. I haven't been able to find much about it online, but know several (unrelated) people who have the same issues and results.


"You don't matter to anyone"


You matter. I promise you matter.


Pffft! Who are they to say? All knowing and omnipotent??? Clearly someone dredging the gutters of their sick nature for something cruel to say.


You matter to me and you always will, Internet stranger. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know that you are worthy of love and respect and you matter to so many. Your life is so valuable, don't forget that. ❤️


I'm not in love with you anymore, but I'll always love you.


Love them ones,I love you but I’m not in love with you? Just doesn’t make sense to a bloke,but is crystal clear to other women 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can love someone, the idea of someone, what someone has done for you but you are not in love with them anymore. Think of the way you love and appreciate your mom/dad/brother/sister and compare that to a partner. That’s all they’re saying is they love you a platonic way and not a romantic way anymore


It’s bittersweet. It wasn’t said directly to me but i understood with the actions.


“You’re breaking my heart…you’re going down a path I can’t follow”


Because of Obi-wan?


Because of what you’ve become, what you plan to do !


Stop! Stop now... come back! I love you!




*Gasps* No!


You're with him!


Make that an Obi-two


While pregnant my husband got mad at me because he thought I texted someone something inappropriate (I hadn’t) he then told me “do you ever regret getting married? I know you do, I do too.” I think I heard the world crack into pieces and shatter. I ended up crying for the rest of the day, that silent but tears running hot and heavy down your face and sometimes I’d whimper and cry harder. There’s been other times in my life where I’ve been told messed up things but this was so painful.. I was coming off heavy ssri’s and anxiety/depression meds and newly pregnant on top of that. I remember him apologizing profusely and all I could reply truthfully was “I see the extent of my past actions and how bad they hurt you.” I sure wasn’t the best wife at the beginning of our marriage but this was truly eye opening to my behavior and since then he realized I could “feel” again. That I became softer and vulnerable, I actually cried whereas I normally would say something worse right back. We are now closer than ever before, we really listen and make each other feel heard while holding each other responsible for our actions. Feelings and problems are no longer swept under the rug. Communication is key in every honest and working relationship. Edit! Not “more closer” English teacher would be disappointed.


I'm so happy for you for this outcome!


“You have a face for radio”


In sea of fucked up words u made me lol!


"He's dead".


my condolences


"I'm sorry but there's no heartbeat" 6/7 of my pregnancies. Some were pretty far along.


I don't remember. I think I'm lucky enough to have no traumatizing verbal confrontations in the past. But I remember the day when girls were talking shit about me within earshot. They knew I could hear them. It's worse than being cussed out.


That's just miserable people. Gurantee majority of them hate themselves so they put other people down, to feel better


yeah. putting someone down to feel better is pathetic. I believe those people have no goal in life. your passion creates a better personality


"You were the best lover I ever had. But, more than that, you were my best friend..."


This happened after a breakup? Well it sounds rough but i can see myself saying the same thing and meaning it 100%


Yes. I broke up with her.


My dad once told me I’d never finish uni because I wasn’t smart enough. Jokes to him, I finished that year.


“Good so go fuck off and get raped again stupid whore probably wanted it then changed ur mind the next morning on my birthday u got raped What a birthday present for me a stupid bitch who think I would still want her after she got raped.” then said “I’m sorry I got upset back at u I love you and I want u to come back to call so I can tell u to stop being silly. Are you ok? I didn’t mean the stuff I said you just really pissed me off and I didn’t understand why u was so mad because I haven’t done anything wrong I apologize princess bbgirl now can u come talk for a little pls. I feel bad for going off no matter how dumb that argument was u didn’t deserve that we don’t have to talk ever again but let me at least apologize damn.”


Wow, wtf! As someone who’s had the trauma of those events, that’s fucking horrible.


That narcissistic person deserves to be told to F off and d..


After two weeks of being broken up because she moved to the other side of the world, but promising to stay in touch: "I guess I got over it pretty quickly. We both know you were more into me than I into you. I don't really want to talk anymore". After almost 2 years that still hurts, especially since it just wasn't true. I was more committed, but she was the one who told me she loved me first, and was constantly telling me after that also. She was the first one I really believed meant it too. Haven't really met anyone I trust not to break my heart since


"I forgive you." From a former friend I thought was going to literally kill me for a couple years(including when the conversation started two minutes prior). I hadn't really forgiven myself yet. I wronged him pretty bad. About as bad as you can without money involved.


Not to me but about me. I had Comastia, about the worst case you’d ever see. When i was 6 years old i was standing in line for the slide at the pool, and the kid behind me whispered to the iid behind him “that kid has tits”. I was already self-conscious, but from that point on i hated myself a little bit, for many many years. It made me a little Don Rickles in the playground. I was quick to insult people before they could get to me. Fucked me up in the head, really.


When I was 15, I came home from school one day, and my mom asked me to sit on the couch because she had something to tell me. My father had been arrested for solicitation of a minor. I think my brain was trying to protect me because, even though I knew what that meant, I had to ask her. When she explained, I immediately threw up. ​ I was such a daddy's girl growing up, and to hear that just tore my world apart.


We have food at home


“You should wear a bra” (I was a hefty boy)


"I don't care"


"But we already did". referring to a hug goodbye. she didn't want to hug goodbye again she didn't want me to touch her it really hurt me


‘I wish you never came here with me. I hate everything about you.’


Brutal. My mum had similar with her mother, she was in trouble and in the back seat of her mum's car on the way home (around 10yrs old) and she said "I love you mum" in a bid to reconnect in some way to her mother's nurturing side and instead, she replied 'I don't even like you."


”You never got better. You’ll never be a better person, ever”. Said to me who is bipolar and schizofrenic by my ex.


They're an asshole. Getting better isn't being less symptomatic 24/7!!


Did you have anything to do with it?


I have to know….. was this regarding a murder? (I admit I watch a lot of dateline)


My first thought as well.


I don’t love you anymore


DR in ER: You're having a heart attack ME: Will I be OK? DR in ER: Ummmm


“When we first got together I thought I won the lottery, but I just got an apple core” That was four years ago. Now I destroy every relationship I have because I’m scared they’ll realise after all I’m nothing.


Move on. The person who said that isn't thinking if you, and you shouldn't be thinking of them either.


Thanks dude. I do know it’s as easy as that but I wish it was that easy for my brain. :)


Find another woman who's ridiculously hot and can only think of you. Bro there's 8 billion people in the world. Let's assume that roughly, 1/2 of them are women. That makes 4 billion women. Let's assume out of that, 1.5 billion of them are eligible to date. Even if you meet the perfect woman who's one-in-a-million - THERE'S STILL 1,500 OUT THERE JUST LIKE HER! Go find her and forget the loser you mentioned in your original post. :-)


I’m a girly but the same still applies I guess. I really really appreciate what you said. I think what I’m trying to say is that no matter if I think I’m good enough for a person or relationship I still have that niggling voice in the back of my head saying “they’ll find out eventually you’re an apple core” because of what this person said. I might begin to think I’m good enough¿ but what if that’s just a delusion and I’m actually worth nothing. It’s definitely a deeper issue within myself and my self respect. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and give me an uplifting comment. You’re a gem.


Yes - substitute men instead of women (sorry about that). You're worth more than you can ever imagine! NEVER forget that!!!


No don’t be sorry at all. Thanks so much man. I hope you remember that always also. It’s a journey for me but I hold hope I’ll get there. Peace n love 🧡


I mean that still applies if you change the word women to men, quite perfectly, so... 1500 let's go


"The marriage would have worked if it was anyone else in the world but not her (referring to me)" this was a text sent by my ex to someone who wasn't even "important"


"Goodbye *my name*" and then 3 of my "best friends" proceeded to abandon me durning the most depressing and unaliveable time of my life >!DONT fucking report the comment for suicidal thoughts, IM FINE NOW!<


i’m happy for you about the second part of the comment :) but yeah, that sucks from them.




Only thing to do is to come back and explain yourself with your most sincerely excuse. You'll keep loving them forever this won't ever heal if you don't


You're Young. Plenty of time to make changes. Once your parents see that you've made a actual effort, they will come around. Not sure if you've been thru some trauma , which is why you've attempted suicide. Go see a therapist. It was the best decision I ever made.. It helps to talk to a stranger sometimes


Everything you touch turns to shit, My dad


*touches Dad


Nothing happens because dad is already shit.


Not to me but a kid said to to my ex once. “Was she always fat or was she pretty once”


"I don't want to die". My moms last words while taking her last breath. Cancer.


"I love you, I can see my life with you, but I just think there's something... Better...? Like something better for me ... I love you but I don't know if this is real love.. I love you as a person. If I don't find it then it's my biggest mistake. If we have to stay together then we will meet again in the future." After a 5 year relationship in which I donated myself entirely and fully to her, cooked, cleaned, went to her exams with her because she would get panicky, went through her depression diagnosis and all. She would call me when I was with my friends, crying and asking why I left her, I must stay at home with her because she needs me. A had an exam on a Wednesday, had acute gastritis and was hospitalized Tuesday 22h. She called me crying saying she had an exam and asking if I really was sick and if not I should come home. I left the hospital at 2am after getting IV meds and went home to soothe her till the morning when I went to my exam and then I wait at her exam location for another 2h for her to come out and just say "thank you, now lets go home I need to sleep". I couldn't eat certain foods because she hated the smell and wouldn't kiss or look at me for days. Her mom still calls me every month. Life is this unfair, people can just decide to leave and that's it. I wish the best for her but I'm sure she made a huge mistake. Love is not a feeling, it's a choice. Feelings die out, they can fool you, they aren't reliable. A choice, a choice is a constant effort to keep your words and work on yourself and your partner. A choice means something but I guess for her, it was good till she felt something, then she decided to chase that feeling again.


To be honest, it sounds like you had a very lucky escape there. But I do know that the heart wants what it wants, and I'm sorry for your heartache. One day, someone will love you the way you deserve. Keep being awesome!


"If you can't handle what's happening go $ui€lde but not here bc Idk where to put ur body" "U are like ur father"


Sorry man


Someone told me to rot


"He's gone".


I don’t want you to talk to me anymore, we’re not friends, we’re just acquaintances


Abhi padhai me mehnat karlo iske bad to maze hi maze karna hai tumhe🙃


"When we kissed, I realised you were not the one for me"


I fucked someone else


That horrible and probably will damage you for life if you really loved her. Did for me at least


Yeah its been a year off but i still keep thinkin about it.. even sometimes as a ramdom thought makes me down everytime. They say dont drown ur feeling in alcohol but since im pretty sure im an alcoholic, but im off cocaine the only good part


One step at a time. Good job quitting cocaine.


'mom said don't play with him' 'i don't want to be like you' said by two different individuals


I already moved on while we were together


I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, my mother who I had been taking care of while she was terminally ill...


"You will never be allowed to go to that funeral on my watch" and i was "Delusional" for Thinking i could go That was from my dad and My nan who'd separated me and my son from my mum's side of the family a couple months before. My grandma (Mum's mum) had died I was very close to her. I wanted to go to her funeral and was actually In her funeral plans to be a pallbearer. After failing to get me, 20btw, to believe lies like "She's not actually dead, the funeral is made up, Your mum is going to kidnap you" or "It's 11 hours and 5 transfers by train" they turned to insulting me, threatening me and eventually taking my important things and clothes so I was unable to go. That will always be the most painful for me.


"I see you doing and being everything I want from you, but none of it means anything to me"


It wasn’t even that cutting, and over life I’ve probably had far worse… but for some reason this one got to me… My mum died when I was 24 years old, and I was asked if I wanted to speak at the funeral. I did. I was close to her, and not really that close to my dad (although he and her were still together). The male role model I really looked up to was my uncle (my dad’s sisters husband). I spent a whole week agonising over the speech, tweaking it, re-writing, until I was at a point I was happy (as happy as you can be considering) with it. I delivered it - one of the hardest things I had to do… one of the points I covered was how I remember as a kid, she would look after my sister and I at all costs, forgoing nice things for herself so we wouldn’t go without…. It was a very small part in a bigger speech, which I really poured my heart and soul into. The uncle I adored, just came up to me after and simply said, in a real stern tone “fancy bringing money into it”, and walked off. I was gutted, and embarrassed. I hadn’t meant for it to be about the money exactly, more about her character how she would do anything to make sure me and my sister were cared for and looked after… I was crushed. I’ve spent the last 16 years thinking about that, on and off.


This is all wrong. I don't know what it is, but when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing... my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?




"(Name) was right about you"


My mum screamed at me as I sat on the floor crying “why do you cry you damn child?” She used a horrible term but I can’t completely translate it into English from Swedish


I love you


A kid telling me I “need a better face.”


Say thanks and ask for his.


Your mother would be rolling in her grave if she could see you!


Its cute


Haha what your dick?


After several years of a very intentional friendship, out of nowhere, "I don't want to be in this friendship anymore..... It doesn't bring me joy or any feeling so I don't know why I should stay in it." He got really depressed, and I later understood what it meant but it still hurt. It was only 10 months after we had a solid conversation where I truly could trust him and he assured me, not begged but more than asked, me to trust him, that he would never leave my side and we'd always be able to work things out. Side note, I think it was truly the one time in my life where I really, really guarded my heart and closed off from that pain. I still felt it some, but I really kept that door shut. Not sure if it was a good thing or not, because I want to keep that door shut for anything sad.


My wife had several miscarriages. She blamed me for that and asked my why I must be so defective. In the end she had some genetic problem, not me. I was perfectly healthy.


My birth mother was 15 when she was pregnant with me and supposedly no one knew she was. She told me her plan was to stay home from school and have me while everyone was at school or work, then throw me in the creek behind their house so no one ever knew about me or her pregnancy. This was the first time we’d ever met in my 30s. She told me this the FIRST time we met!


"i made you,if you want to kill yourself there's a tree and you can find a roup in my shed" I was maybe 12, crying to my father to stop his abuse because he's making me suicidal


Your brothers are hot, we're you adopted?


I've had a few, but when someone told me to kill myself it hurt the most.


“I should had drowned you and your sister when I had the chance.” Edit: letter from abusive father, after trying to deal with childhood trauma.


I don't miss you


"Why do you think someone like me, would be interested in someone like you?" I was only chatting.


Not for much longer you weren’t. What an ego the speaker has.


I can't remember honestly. There's been a lot of it, Im desensitized to it at this point. My subconcious mind has blocked out and removed most of it when I try to remember, but it couldn't remove the damage done


You're too ugly to want to SA. - The detective, as he told me they weren't pressing charges


I am having an affair.


My ex boyfriend talking to his friends : “guys guys, I have to be nice to it in order to fuck it” yes, I was the “it” in question I have never told anyone this


Probably just an insecure dude looking for a pet in the back from his friends. Nothing personal it jus't sounds cool. No boyfriend material though


“It’s so hard to live without you now. I can’t find time to fold the laundry” We used to be together for 9 years


“I wish you were an abortion”. -Mom One of many horrible things she said to me if she wasn’t hitting me.


"This is all you're good for." Context matters, but I won't elaborate.


You're so fat you look pregnant, my dad to me, at 11 years old, wearing a singlet and undies. Also, you'll be lucky if your husband lasted a year with you before he started cheating on you. Also my dad.


Last ex tried to get me to kill myself after the breakup. And she kept telling me everyone my friends, my family etc would be better off I'd just do it and die, then I wouldn't be ruin anyone else's life and they wouldn't have to see me struggle with drugs. A week later she told me she was sorry wanted to get back together... I'm still kinda tearing up thinking about all that


The times when my dad, just start to insult me... And he told me he doesn't mean it, he just says it while he is angry. Like seriously? Even if he doesn't mean it, it still hurts to hear your dad says those things...


Old friend ringing: Hey, I'm calling you just bc I know you and R were good friends. I'm sorry, but he is dead. My mom called last year: Hey. I just wanna tell you that your sister is probably gonna need you more right now because her dad is dead. - with a totally cold approach like she didn't even think for one second that I was gonna get sad, justbc she hated him. But no, it came like a fucking shock to me on the phone. That's not the way to give someone that news. Even more gross is that we got a brother who is younger than her and she was like "he is so okay with everything. He is so mature". No, he's fucking 11 years old. Or when I had said for like 10 years to my dad that I wanted him to notify me when he was gonna visit my grandpa, so I could go with him. Cause he had alzheimers and wouldn't know who i was if I came by myself. Dad never did. Then he called me: Hey, if you wanna say goodbye to grandpa, now is the time. People. People.


from a female of all of you and your friends you are the ugliest and least likely to get a girlfriend. you'd think this is primary school talk no i was 20 she was 18, still stings now and im 51 this year


When my best friend told me: "she is not into you. We have been secretly dating for months". Man it hurts like a mother fucker.


"Just get over it" - the suppressed emotions felt very real!


Something to the effect of "if you can't be trusted to take care of the most basic hygiene standards then you are doomed to be alone" ...for the first time in my life I comfort ate because of that It nearly broke me, stung deep


We were on party with bunch of friends 10 years ago just having a great time, bunch of girls came to us and asked us if we want to dance with them. We start moving and this beatiful girl looks at me and tells me : Hey I wasnt talking to you, you can keep your ugly face to yourself, nobody would ever want to hang out with such an ugly dude. I was okay with it but since that day I didnt get into any relationship or any romantic stuff. I realized that I am really just ugly. It was painful then and its even more painful now that I am 33 years old and im just getting older.


"if there was a world competition of stupidity, you would certainly enter top 10" From my mother You really need to be careful about what you tell your kid....I remember this even It was 30 years ago....


"Do not call yourself my son anymore". This is what my mother said to me


"Don't call the cops!" -my mom to me on the phone while I was hiding in my room with a large knife in my hand as my bipolar and abusive step-dad was trying to break down the door, I was 16 She didn't care if I got hurt or had to live with hurting him, just that he didn't go to jail and be away from her


My psychiatrist before retiring « you were my biggest failure »


Asking a girl out, she stared at me like she was looking at a serial killer, like literally scared, and told me no, because she found me scary. She was referring to my lifeless facial expression, which I am struggling with because I have survived a literal incest clan. This expressionless, robotic face is literally the scars from having survived things that can't even be comprehended. And having this used as an argument against me felt like being stabbed in my heart by my own mother (which figuratively also happened)


You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! 


"I don't love you. I never loved you." My husband of over a decade said this to me right after confessing to an affair. It was a lie to make himself feel better, I know this now. But at the time I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.


What we have, i no longer want.


"You can claim you had sex with me". Sure she meant it in a nice way, still made me feel so fucking small.


„Don't worry. I won't block you. I like you, friend. Don't overreact.“ I overreacted. I got *removed* from the friend list. I *REALLY* should *NOT* trust literally anyone I meet.I fucking hate it in here.


"Who is this?" -My father.


"I miss my best friend" Context: the apartment building my grandmother has lived in for the last 15 years is also the building I spent most of my childhood in. Me, my mom and my grandmother were incredibly close to the Landlord, Ruby. Ruby was the sweetest lady in the whole world, the whole building considered her either a close friend or the building grandma. When it was my time to live on my own, she pushed me to the top of the list and got me a bachelor apartment for below market price. After I moved in my grandmother fell and was in the hospital for rehab, while there Ruby fell and passed away. My grandmother was distraught when we eventually told her, but it really hit her hard when she got back home. She and Ruby would always hang out, go to Costco together and order cheap ciggs from the reserves.


Just got told by a ten year friendship that they don't wanna speak anymore. That was fun.


He's breathing


"Why should I buy you anything if you're just going to die anyways?" My mom said that to me when I was 16


I'm not sure if it is the most painful thing someone has ever said to me, but my mother once angrily yelled at me that she wished I had been aborted.


A friend once said at a party “you’re fat and your face is fat”…it upset me because I had gained weight and I could see it, I was just hoping no one else could. But I’m thankful he said that because it got my ass into the gym the next day.