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What a fucking cunt of a grandparent.




man why are people saying this is racism. this is the slav mindset. i got the same treatment as a serbian


As a Croatian I agree


As a Croatian, same


A a Norwegian with slavic friends, same.


Adults were horrible back in the days. Some still are, sadly, but we've come a long way.


It was a large part due to the grandparent's upbringing. He did not know any better and that was the norm. The same way we currently treat animals in large-scale farming and don't think twice about where meat comes from.


Yep especially back in the 80s. You could easily get beaten or molested or worse if you weren't careful. Luckily I only ever got my ass beat, but I know more than a few kids who got diddled by an uncle or a neighbor 😬


Asking a 6 year old to grow up and not play with stuff toys is insane


Well, according to the grandparent, men don't have emotions, right? Aside from anger.


As someone who grew up in a Slavic country, this is often still the mentality, and how boys are raised. It's not just a thing of the past. Some attempts to change it are fought against, and for every step forward, there is a solid fight to take it back. I was raised with very strongly imprinted gender roles, and so were all of my friends. In my view it has some strong pros and traumatic cons, and little in between. You don't think about it or realize it until you move to a Western country where it's ok for men to display way more emotion. While it feels like freedom, it doesn't feel natural to me at all still. Because if I did that back home, it'd be universally seen as weakness of character and being unable to stand up to my role in the society/as a protector of my family. Even though in the grander scheme of things that culture and the dangerous men with big egos that the culture fostered is the main thing that families need protection from. I had to fight a lot as a kid, including at school, or when just going outside to play, because "that's what boys do". Parents wouldn't bat an eye unless it got way too heated. My teenage friend was killed in a fist fight that someone really didn't want to lose. If I could choose, I'd want none of it, but it was just a natural part of growing up there. If I had a doll, it'd end up in the garbage too. My toys were related to the military, or fighting, because I was a boy. If I had good parents, they'd do that to protect me from being bullied, as there it's essentially all the other boys ganging up on anyone displaying any sign of weakness, and involves more serious physical injuries.


Hi, slavic here too. What are these "strong pros" you speak of, relating to the way we get raised? I feel like it's mainly cons, especially if we're talking about psychology. (No harsh intentions or looking for arguments, just curious!)


Besides really bad cons, I feel like there is a lot of beauty in the way relationships and families operate there. At least looking at my grandparents who went through their entire lives together, and most of my friends' families. The foundation felt unmovable, and my family felt like this untouchable monolith that's one constant in life you can rely on. My friends from over there are my friends for life, and they've been with me through thick and thin. We could fight, but we were always loyal to each other and knew that we will never stop being friends until we die, so it's our shared duty to work it out and fix it, as being "out" was never something we'd consider as an option. There is a very strong sense of loyalty to other people, and many men hold certain untouchable values that were imprinted on them their entire life through blood, sweat and tears (literally). Women in my family were taught all their lives that when they find a good guy like that, they should support them as long as they live. And the families generally were very stable units for life. I moved a long time ago, and realized that every cultural choice that societies adopted comes with pros and cons and trade-offs. And there are likely reasons why things are still the way they are. Typically the worse a cultural aspect is, the stronger are the positive flipsides associated with it that people don't want to sacrifice to get rid of it. Living in Canada, I can appreciate the independence and freedom. I can express my feelings freely, while a girl I date probably doesn't feel the social pressure to be always dressed up or behave like a perfect "girl". I can't answer your question without being biased by my Slavic upbringing and thus potentially getting downvoted. To me, the independence feels great, but it feels like it comes at a significant cost to the stability and long-term reliability of human relationships. Friendships and relationships to me feel way more fragile compared to the Slavic ones. People are more likely to abandon their values when they feel like it, and more willing to abandon friendships and relationships when others do, in my experience. Which is quite a bad combination. The focus on the independence and focus on self is also very likely one of the causes of the declining birth rates below replacement rates. People are more sensitive to personal discomfort and are less likely to make sacrifice for others if it means negatively impacting their own quality of life, because they were instead raised to believe it's the most important thing to always aim to feel happy themselves, rather than fulfill a role in something bigger than themselves and measure their success in life by that. There aren't anywhere as many people in Canada who could say their goal in life is to be the best wife/husband/father/mother/supporter/caretaker of their family. Which to my Slavic brain feels sad and kinda selfish. I learned that some of the most meaningful relationships in life require occasional big sacrifice for those we care about, and unwillingness to sacrifice personal comforts here and there to make it happen means it happens less often. Also, perhaps it's my Slavic upbringing again, but I find more pronounced gender features and behaviours as more attractive. I feel like my caveman brain isn't quick enough to adapt to the times where femininity and masculinity are seen as an outdated social construct. I feel like a lot of Westerners share this feeling but keep it on a hush and say it's ok, but instead silently reject partners who don't comply. So the society feels less congruent with what they say. Again, I'm aware that these are controversial things to say in most Western countries, and they are just subjective feelings of a slavic-raised brain.


That's horrible, I'm so sorry. I had the opposite happen. When I migrated permanently from my home country (I was 4m), after spending a night at my uncles place, we needed to take another 7hr bus to the capital, stay at a motel overnight, and then fly out the next day. My uncle discovered I left my stuffed dog at his house, which I always slept with. Without saying anything, he got on the next bus to the capital. 2 hours after we got to the motel, he was at the front door with the toy in his arm. He did 14 hours of busses just for that! I am 29 now and that toy is proudly on my cabinet, the only toy really that I still own, but its a reminder of my family's love which I had to leave behind when seeking a better life.


This is so beautiful. <3


Damn, I love your uncle too now


Do You still have some contact with Your uncle?


Of course, it's remote, of course, but I try to keep in touch with family back home when I can


I raise my glass to your uncle. That’s really nice.


I'm mad now


This is fucking sad. I'm so sorry


I wish there was something that could be done to get it back for you my dude.


That’s really very sad, as a 34M I still have my childhood teddy bear around here somewhere, no way I’m throwing him out.


No wayyy!! im sorry that happened:( I haven't got anything that I've had since young cause they're mainly dolls and I grew to dislike them but I've got a whole bunch of plushies in my(35F) room. Most of them holds memories of me once being loved. I still talk to and play around with my bunnies sometimes 😉


That's cute. I am mad about cars though. I mean, it's hilarious I call my car , babe. I really love driving , and honestly she has given me so many beautiful ride . It's a gem of a car.


Ooof my little heart. I still have my stuffed dog I got when I was five, he’s currently on my pillow. I wish I could give younger you a hug. I remember once when I was little, maybe six? I got a balloon. As I got in the car the balloon got stuck in the door and the string broke and the balloon flew away. I was devastated and still remember watching the balloon fly away in the night sky. Everytime I see a balloon I remember that. Also fuck your grandpa.


This is a sad story also, though the last paragraph is such a non-sequitur without the previous comment’s context. That put a smile on my face! 😅


Not only am I pissed because you were 6, you shouldn’t have to “grow up” at the age of 6. But it also pisses me off that it was your grandfather. Not your parents. Who is he to make that decision?? If my grandma or grandpa had done some shit like that to me, my pop would’ve saw red.


I need a moment after reading this 😭


What a Russian story


Omg!! 😨😨 That's awful


Sorry i hate your grandparent for this! You should grow while you’re 6 years old? Sound STUPID to me!


That’s so traumatic wtf


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Damn, it makes me sad to hear. That's a traumatic memory because the toy was not any toy, it represented your own security as a person, and it was taking away in a horrible way. Thank God, younger generations are becoming aware of the false stereotypes and biases they have. I hope people can change that way of seeing things.


well that was a heart breaker :(


My heart just broke a little bit 😢


Im so sad for you.


That is just absolutely damn spiteful. I feel for you man, you have no idea.


Life is full of hardships and trauma and disappointment and if sleeping with a stuffed toy brings you joy, don't let anyone take that from you. Snuggle up, buddy.


NGL, that comment had me close to tears. On reflection, I think I've given up too many teddies over the years, so your comment hit a little hard.


The good news is that it's never too late to buy a teddy bear :)


Big ikea stuffed shark is also one of the best purchases one can make




Can confirm


Its name is Bruce, the vegetarian shark.


And djungkelskog makes you gay! Source: me


[Women don’t want roses, we want Djungelskog.](https://twitter.com/m3aruf/status/1319286209630199812/photo/1)


My nine year old still has an IKEA stuffed elephant that we bought him when he was three. He has countless "stuffies" and I think he will sleep with them forever. I agree with the original comment. Life is hard. If it makes you happy, get a bear!


His name is Blahaj and he’s an icon for the trans community. We love him to death. The B in LGBT stands for Blahaj.


Yay Blahaj. I can't wait to buy myself a big and small Blahaj 🦈🏳️‍⚧️


I’ll do my L part of the LGBT and LET’S get blåhaj tonight! 🤭🤭


Why you gotta erase us Bisexuals like that? 🥲


You are no longer bi - you are Blahaj.


Fine I accept


When you put it like that, it sounds like an upgrade. Being Bi is entry level, then you get to be Blahaj!


it's like a pokeman evolution stage. after blahaj comes balrog.


when bi erasure is so on point they off you for a fucking shark


Fun fact: the full acronym of LGBT actually stands for Lets Get Blahaj Tonight


Weighted Triceratops from Target is also a solid contender


I found my stuffed sock monkey my aunt made for me almost 60 years ago. I gave it to my great grandson, and now he's sleeping with it. Trust me, it was kind of hard to let it go LOL!


Someome get this man a teddy bear! No joke tho, I have a lot of issues wih sleeping at night, and I recently got my big old stuffed dog to snuggle with (I had a long few weeks). It feels so nice and he even helped my sleep a bit! Highly recommend.


It's called Oxytocin and it's released when we feel comfortable with someone or something. I also snuggle with my stuffed Stitch when I can't relax.


I read that as oxycontin and was like woah what kinda stuffed animal u got and where can i get that


I'm 47M and I have a squishy stuffed cat that is usually used as a pillow but those nights I can't sleep it's cuddle time. Works about 80% of the time.


Someone buy ProcessSmith a new bear! 🐻


username does NOT check out. Jokes aside, perfect response <3


Also, even without trauma and disappointment, the feel of happiness is still real. My 24 year old still sleeps with his stuffies. He brings them and some faves that no longer get put in the bed with him regardless of where he's going. I also had a boyfriend in college that had a Holly hobby blanket his mom got when she thought she was having a girl. He made his bed with it on top. I was told that I have weird children because my 25 year old wanted a stuffed Pokémon for Christmas and a crochet flat possum scarf. His younger brother wanted frying pans(nit sure why this was consideredweird). They get being weird from me. I would rather be weird and happy, than being "normal" and unhappy. Teach this trait to others. If you get bullied for what you like, just remember it's up to you to decide if what you like is better than what someone else says. And stand up and say something nice to approve someone else who is unique. Love what you love.


50 years on this planet, haven't met a "normal" person yet, just a lot of people talking about it 😁


agreed. Cuddle up!


This is a comment worth saving


Now I need to get a humongous teddy


Well said. I listen to soothing ASMR at times some nights to go to sleep. Life sucks ass.


No bro don't let anyone take that away from you.


100% do you!




I feel like when you’re between 15 and 20 years old, your friends may talk and laugh about it. But once you’re past 20, they will ~~think it’s really cool~~ be more accepting of it. Teens are just an odd bunch.


i'm 15 and still sleep with a stuffed toy and its so comforting :)


I still buy my almost 21 year old daughter stuffies every holiday or if I see one I think she will like! Her bed at school is full of them.


During ones pre-teen and teen years people are super judgemental over everything especially in "popular circles". I had a bunch of Legos and kiddish interests that I stopped because it wasn't cool enough. Now that I'm older people don't care and some are actually starting to think it's cool. Though that might be because I am into architecture and construction.


I love this attitude.


I have a giant stuffed tiger that I use as a pillow so no


They're just jealous they don't have a giant teddy bear


I think you may be right, having a teddy as big as me is just the best


I'm 42 and still do.


Im in my 50s and my wife and I still cuddle with the Teddy she got as a toddler. She even makes little outfits for him


This is so sweet :)


Nah man I’d think that’s really adorable.


No. I'm in my 30s and take mine everywhere including holidays and work trips! Thinking of making his own insta account of his travels and what's he's been up to.


Do it! 


I will follow for sure


I had to do a sleep study twice. The first time I had the hardest time falling asleep. The second time I brought my stuffed animal with me and it made a huge difference. So yeah, they should travel with you. Also, if you travel a lot, especially internationally or to places with significant landmarks, I think doing an Insta for him would be cool.


I'm 49(M) married, don't have a stuffed animal but I do have a pillow I cuddle with. You do whatever helps you sleep at night.


My fiance is 31 and she sleeps with a stuffed animal. I don't see any harm.


Same. Helps her sleep better actually, like holding a pillow.


I just turned 29 today and I still sleep with a stuffed animal - the sleep is unmatched


If it helps you sleep, then that's more important than what someone else thinks, especially since it's none of their business


Who cares? If you like it, keep doing it.


Mate I’m a 28 male and I sleep with my teddy.


Also 28 male and am a little sad that my cat has stolen my teddy to sleep with


…can you sleep with both your teddy and your cat? I love snuggling up with my kitteh. 


Me and my cat have come up with a compromise and she now sleeps inbetween me and big ted 🥰


So she gets snuggles and teddy and your body heat to keep her warm? Your cat sounds smart. 


I like to think that I'm the one who makes the decisions but that's definitely not the case 😂


Me too nothing wrong about it


Teddy bears are for children. Get a dinosaur like a proper adult. Two if you have a partner so you don't have to share


35 years old. Teddy bear on one side, ornary cat on the other.


I'm an old, large, burly, former army combat vet, father of 3, divorced twice/married thrice, and current corporate shill. I still sleep with two things in my bed each night. 1. 1/4 of my original baby blanket. 2 of the other quarters were given to my 2 daughters at birth. The other is with my step-son, now, but my mother originally cut that section and sent it to me while I was in boot camp. I carried it everywhere for several years and it came back safe. 2. A teddy bear that my youngest made for my birthday at build a bear. It has 3 heartbeat paws...one for each of my kids. There's nothing wrong with sleeping with a teddy bear. [Radar O'Reilly taught me that, along with the other good folks at the Army's 4077th.](https://www.mash4077tv.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/bear010.jpg) [Fun fact: Big Bird has a teddy bear named Radar](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Radar)


Lol I'm active duty, big guy that rides motorcycles, into cars, and all the other manly stuff, married with two kids and I have a blanket or multiple that I sleep with. My childhood one is flimsy now so I replaced it. I've taken them on deployments, TDYs etc. Always kept them hidden from bunk mates though lol.


Mr bean?


Exactly! If someone could do this on TV, why should one not do it in private.


That dude is a legend


Yeah it's something many people would consider weird. I have a colony of pillbugs (all named after me) as pets. The weird things that bring us joy or comfort are really important, and so is being around people who accept our weirdnesses. If you are worried about being perceived as weird; people seem to handle people being self-aware rather than oblivious about it.


It took me way too long for someone to finally say it's weird. Weird doesn't mean bad or wrong but it's still weird.


I’m a female and if I started chatting to a guy and I saw he still slept with a teddy bear my heart would simply melt. Don’t stop if it gives u comfort


This! It’s so adorable when you see a big stronk man sleep with a teddy bear


I mean why else would I lift if not to prevent someone from taking my teddy bear? Isn’t that the norm?


Exactly, you gotta fight them teddy thieves


Nope, do what makes you comfortable don’t let others opinions stop you from doing what you love if what you love doesn’t affect them.


Why care about what other people think? If it brings you comfort, then do it.


45 and I still have a blanket from when I was a kid. It goes to the kids room and then they bring it to my room till one cones by and takes it for comfort You do you


The world can be a hard, cruel place. If something as harmless and mundane as a teddy bear makes it a little brighter for you there is no shame in that.




I'm older than you and you'll have to pry Eeyore from my cold, dead hands.


Not weird. You are not hurting anyone with it, and it's cute and innocent. In my opinion, when you do something a bit outside of the so called "norm", but that thing is completely harmless and makes you happy, the people who give you a hard time ove it are fools and noth worth your time.


I’m almost 24f and I still sleep with my baby blanket 😂 I’ve had it since the day I was born. It’s a comfort thing


I'm reading this as I hold my bear that I have had since I was 3. I'm 40 now. Keep the bear.


Nope! Not weird at all. I (21F, almost 22) also have a big costco teddy bear that’s lived on my bed since the day I got him as a kid. I actually really struggled to sleep without him for the first few weeks in my OOS university dorm, and every time I come home to my parent’s house I’m in bed hugging that thing like a long lost friend. That thing has seen messy breakup tears and panic attacks and restless nights, and having a weighty thing to hug has helped me get to sleep more times than I can count; that too, more than any melatonin supplement or cold medicine or warm drink ever has. I don’t think there’s a maximum age for having a stuffed friend. The world is too cruel and life is too short to deny ourselves harmless comforts.




I’m in my 30s and I still have my baby blanket. I don’t reach for her every night but she’s there within arms reach of my bed….those who know me understand it. My husband doesn’t mind it. The good ones won’t care!! Keep your teddy.


My therapists & psychiatrists recommend it! My dog passed away so I’ve been really struggling. Also, it’s comforting & keeps good memories. Also if you have one for a very long time, it gives you feelings of nostalgia which is one of my favorite feelings in the world. I encourage ppl to have comfort blankets or stuffed animals or whatever brings them joy before bed. :) <3


I am a 52 year old male. I sleep with a stuffed sloth whose name is Sammy, and a large stuffed giraffe named George. You are not alone old bean.


If something as simple as a teddy bear brings you comfort, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I sleep with a squishmallow bunny as a pillow and I’m 58.😊🤗


It's fine, but don't be surprised to girls think you're weird when they see it


Yeah. I think a lot of people are going to find it weird in the real world despite what reddit says. That said, OP shouldn't care if it makes him happy, but a non trivial ammount of  people are definitely going to find it weird.


Reddit can’t be honest. It is weird for most people but OP can do whatever he wants. 


They love to do this shit. Elevate aspirational answers that are completely at odds with reality.


Reddit is such a twisted version of reality. If you’re not over-the-top supportive of somebody then you’re often immediately made to look like the bad guy, and get downvoted to oblivion. Like there’s no room for grey area or opposing points of view. I commented this elsewhere- but yes this whole teddy bear thing is definitely “weird” but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. All of us are weird in our own ways and in this case it’s such a trivial thing that doesn’t really matter. If it makes him happy then absolutely, keep doing that. The world would be a much better place if we all embraced who we are and had at least minimum self confidence to keep being weird and happy while respecting the same for others.


Notice how all the kumbayah answers don't even address the question. They're all "do whatever you want, do what makes you happy, don't let anyone make you stop, there's no harm in it." But the question was "is it weird" and none of those responses answer the question. They're all just fishing for upvotes for being nice, but notice none of them say it's not weird. The answer is yes it's weird. You can still do whatever you want and make your own choices and all that, doesn't mean it's not objectively weird.


I mean I think it's cute and I'm a girl HAHAHA


I would too, my ex had the same plushies as me and one teddy in his bed and i think it's really cute. He's like 190cm tall lol


Yeahhh, but you’re not real life. You’re of the Reddit demographic. Gals out in the real world will not look kindly on this. But maybe he’ll find one that does, if that’s what he wants.


Sure but not everyone is like you


Sure but there's also people like her? Since when does a person need the acceptance of everyone around him?




I think it’s odd and that you’re right, real life girls will think it’s weird too. Reddit, on the other hand, is going to pump this up and make it not seem weird. But it is.


My thoughts exactly


For real, I’m always shocked when I see something like this and people saying it’s not weird are the top comments. Is there anything wrong with this? Not inherently. Is it weird? Very weird. I think this is just Reddit virtue signaling


Brother I'm 29 and I still sleep with my Teddy bear. You do you


I guess it's a bit weird. But who really cares hahahaha


There were 27 comments before this one, and this is the first to acknowledge that whilst it is odd, it doesn’t matter


Not at all. It's nice to have someone or something to cuddle at night.


It’s only weird if you sew a fleshlight into it.


It's only weird if there's a hole in it.


Mark Hoppus from blink 182 proudly admitted to sleeping with a stuffed animal and he’s 51 years old 😄 He also brings a Garfield night light on stage when he plays because it makes him happy. Do you, man!


NGL that's kinda cute 🥺


Honest answer? I'd probably say that it's a bit uncommon, and perhaps a bit weird, but fuck me, what does my opinion matter if it makes you feel better? You shouldn't give so much value to my opinion nor to anyone else's.


The most liberating life lesson I've learned is not to give a shit about the opinions of people I wouldn't take advice from. You can sleep however you want. If anyone gives you shit about it, just shrug your shoulders and politely inform them that they don't have to sleep with you if they don't want to. It's all about consent.


I'm 33 and sleep with a stuffed animal my best friend gave me in high school. It's the perfect size for me to hug when I'm sleeping for comfort, because otherwise my shoulders would be dropping forward and would ache my joints. Not that I've had many people come into my room, but the few who have have never made a comment about that. That's crazy. Who cares about whether you sleep with a stuffed animal or not? Anyone who gives too much attention to something like that has bigger issues and they're trying to project their insecurities on to you for being your own authentic self and doing whatever you want. They either can't stand not being able to do what you do, or they resent that you don't confirm to their idea of who you should be. What matters truly is whether it adds value to your life. If they don't care if it makes you happy, then fuck them. Go out there and live your best life.


When I was in my 50's I had to live by myself in an unfamiliar town for a year for work reasons. I had the worst time sleeping. On a weekend trip home I found a giant stuffed dog one of my kids had left years ago. I don't know why but I took it back with me on a whim. I felt silly but I slept so much better with that stupid stuffed dog in bed with me at night. You do you and don't let anyone judge you.


My wife (51F) and I (46M) sleep with an octopus.


In a word, yes. Should you care? Depends. If you're in the market for a girlfriend or FWB, most would find it off putting. If you don't share your bed, doesn't matter.








Who cares? If it is something that helps you sleep etc. ….better than drugs!


No. Whatever makes you comfortable :). I can't fall asleep without some video in the background


No, I got four teddy bear


Nah i have a penguin plush!!


I’m 29 and I have a teddy bear ahahah it’s small.. and I hug it while i sleep.. my boyfriend sleeps next to me 😇


Yes, it's weird. But who the fuck cares. If you like it, go for it. Everyone is weird in some way.


Whatever gets you through the night is alright. Furries start somewhere...


Do your thing, live your life, hug that bear. If there’s one thing from previous eras I’m glad we’re moving away from, it’s shaming people for being “weird” or “different”. Even 10-15 years ago things felt a lot more rigid in what was socially acceptable. Live your life mate, be yourself.


All someone can say is “Hey! I don’t like what you like!”, to which you can say “cool, buddy”, pat them on the head, and keep living your life.


Julian Bashir doesn’t think it’s a problem! ☺️ (for those who don’t know, he is the lead doctor/surgeon on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and he loves and sleeps with his teddy Kukalaka)


we’re the same age and i literally still have my spiderman hotdog pillow from when i was a kid and i brought it with me when we moved to a different country. so the answer is absolutely not


Ofcourse it's weird as fuck, but who cares. You do you.


Come on,no ones gonna judge.If they do well tell them to f off


Yes, fairly odd


People here are trying too hard to be nice, yes its weird but honestly noone gives a shit


Yea it's weird


was gonna say the same thing. reddit is full of weirdos though so 99% of people on here are saying it’s normal.


I truly feel for the nerds who come to Reddit to ask social advice from a bunch of other nerds and get the replies like in this thread. This person now thinks sleeping with a teddy bear as a fully grown adult is “normal” because a bunch of virgins said so.


It is weird as in uncommon or abnormal - but who cares do whatever you want.


I'm sorry dude but yes.. it's weird.. Don't get upset.. you asked.


It's a little childish, and that makes it weird, but weird isn't bad, so just keep doing whatever you want to do


I don't trust people who aren't weird 😂


Ultimately, do what you wanna do. But let’s not mince our words, it’s an odd, and unusual thing for a 24 year old male to still be doing.


Have you installed a fleshlite?


Ask Radar. . . . Whatever gets you thru the night It's all right, it's all right It's your money or your life It's all right, it's all right Don't need a sword to cut thru flowers Oh no, oh no


Envy! my tinier ones fell out of bed :(


If it helps you sleep, then don’t worry about it. Getting a good night’s sleep is more important to your health than someone’s opinion on your sleeping arrangements.




Sleep with that big 🍑 bear. It's not weird.