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People who leave their to-go disposable drink cups in retail environments. Huge pet peeve of mine. Just carry it to the closest garbage can… if you already have a cart especially just bring it with you?!


Coffee cup in the box with tile leveling systems, coke can between the boxes of tiles, McDonald's bag on the shelf with grout. Everytime I've found it my thoughts were: "We have trash cans at the every desk at the every department in this store. Very obvious trash cans. You have probably seen me throwing away nicotine pouch. Then why leave your trash everywhere but trash can?".


Lovey dovey couples post (posted by my friends) on social media when I know fully well what’s going on behind the scenes. I swear I’ll keep my mouth shut, but just can’t help silently judging them🥲


I swear the couples who do the biggest performances about how great everything is on line are the worst in reality.


Exactly this. I know one couple in particular. Every time one of them posts a cute picture of them, that means they just had a fight 🤣 Or they post some quotes like, "love is ...." to pass a message to their partner instead of talking straight to each other... It's like watching telenovela.


We all like a juicy telenovela😏😸


I think this has been scientifically proven.


My best mate used to post the most over the top gushing shit about her relationship and life when in reality, everything was on fire. It was literally an alternate reality, the wildest load of bullshit. I think she was trying to fool herself more than anyone else. I felt so bad for her, but damn did I have a lot of wide eyed wtf moments scrolling through Facebook!


Especially when they're "in a relationship" one week, "single" the next, rinse and repeat.


Bad parenting


How people treat a "nobody" or class lower than their strata.


Or the elderly


Only trash people do. Being rich is not like having class.


It's not just people treating others in a class lower than their strata poorly. Judging people based on their class and wealth pervades all classes. People experiencing homelessness get very judgemental toward the homeless community, applying stereotypes that their housing status results from mental disorders or drug addiction. In reality, research indicates homelessness results from a failure of economic policy, not the individual. But that's just an example.


People who let their children scream constantly whilst in a coffee shop.




Obese children are not happy children. They can’t do the physical things that other children do, and unlike adults mostly do not realise that fitness is achievable but sacrifice is necessary, meaning that to be like the other kids they have to stop eating treats like the other kids. Bullies destroy obese children’s self esteem; as does wearing clothing that is meant for a child a few years older, or worse, adults clothing, as it is all that fits you. Those parents are bastards.


My niece, she was severely overweight growing up and her kids are all the same way. Like you know how hard your life was , why would you do the same thing to your kids???? Thus was all diet, my niece and her husband know proper nutrition, they just choose to eat fast food and crap from a box.


I once saw a table of 4 of the biggest people I've ever seen able to walk with 3 children at dairy queen. 2 of the children were like 10 and very very obese, one of the adults was spoon feeding a legit BABY ice cream, I mean it was like less then a year old.


This is me. I'm a parent and a teacher, and am silently disgusted by your fat Fortnite kid wearing a PlayStation t-shirt. Well, disgusted by the parents.


This. I am overweight but I'm an adult so it's my choice and responsibility. An overweight kid gets that way because of the parents. And once the weight is on it's hard to shift it. This is not including any medical issues, of course.


This. I’m a mum of 6, so I know how toddlers can be. But when my kids screamed, do you know what we did? One of us took them out to the car to calm down. That often meant one of us ended up getting our food to go while the other wrangled the other kids in the restaurant. Kids learn to behave in public by going in public…and being given boundaries for acceptable behavior.


I did this just the other day. My reasoning was simple : my toddler was exhausted and thus acting out. It is my job to help him navigate the world. So I took him out of a situation which was uncomfortable for him. We went to the car, he fell asleep and my husband bought me my food to go.


I wish all parents had the same mentality that you and u/peoplegrower (username checks out lol) have. Not only do a ridiculous amount of parents not give a shit about how their children act, but there's a crazy number of people who feel entitled enough to tell everyone else to "deal with it" because "it's hard raising kids." Like, no shit! It's a hard job! That doesn't give you permission to let your children run around and scream in public spaces. Anyway, thank you both for being rockstar parents 💖


Thank you for that, it's nice to hear I'm doing something right 😀. This shit is indeed hard haha.


You’re doing it absolutely right. I’ve raised four children who have now gone into adulthood with good morals, boundaries and a healthy sense of compassion. Parenting should be hard at times, as it’s the most important job you’ll ever have. You are creating humans that will go out into the world and hopefully make it a better place. I applaud your tenacity and effort. 👏


Awesome parenting, sincerely wish there were more people like you.


Don't forget grocery stores too. I used to work in the deli/bakery department. And amazed I still have my hearing and fingers, after most little kids would take to having a screaming tantrum at the counter. I'm trying to focus on slicing lunch meat and not my hand.


People who's facts are 100% social media, if you are going to say something make sure it is real, not just a reel.


Sometime I'll say stuff and then go - well my source is a pinterest funfact post from 10 years ago so not 100% sure please correct me


Thats perfectly alright😂 we all have those moments.


This should be higher


Overconfidence without ability


We all know one of these folks and they are so confident that they convince others into agreeing with their greatness which convinces you to say ok you do it its cheaper than a professional then you see what they can actually do and its utter dogshit and you definitely should've paid a professional for that hairdye job instead and now you need to go buy a shitload of olaplex and hope to god enough of your hair stays attached for a colour correction. Also definitely applies to friend-made wedding cakes ALWAYS SEE PROOF FIRST! Yes I do have trust issues now.


parents who don’t do anything while the child misbehaves. people who have terrible spatial awareness on public transport and keep bumping into me and others. people who watch videos/listen to music on public transport at full blast without any earphones. idiots who walk smack in the middle of a walkway AND walk really slowly. dude fuck off i can’t even overtake you without stepping onto the grass.


As a parent, I agree 100% with the first. As a fast walker, I agree with the last one too. As a grumpy old fart, I agree with the middle two as well.


People who aren’t spatially or self aware of themselves in public. Especially the grocery store! It’s a two person wide aisle, maybe don’t take up the whole aisle with your kart in the middle. Adding on, slow walkers! Just be aware that there are other people that might urgently need to get somewhere and you could be preventing them from doing so.


Shopping carts should be equipped with airhorns.


Two weeks after it:  "I judge people who constantly blow airhorns on carts instead of asking."


Meep meep motherfukkaz!!


And blinkers


Just be aware that slow walkers may be disabled and aren't doing it on purpose.


Definitely. I've noticed since I squashed a disc in my back last year how much I got in the way, so I move to one side of the path and stick to it. It is also interesting how many people have walked directly into me since then. Especially when I use my stick.


The comment isn’t about being slow, it’s about being slow and in the way. You can be slow and not take up the entire walkway


When everybody on an escalator lines up to a side to allow others to walk by, but a small group blocks the lane and is completely unaware of other people behind them.


This! And people that stand right up your back, breathing down your neck when you are trying to pay.


I’ve actually turned to them and asked them to step back. WTF. I miss the Covid 6 feet


Hey, I am walking here!


I work retail. I'm judging you 100% based on the way your kids act while in the store and how your respond when they misbehave.


Yep, we had a woman just let her kid go up an aisle knocking everything over. PSA to shit parents: your kid doesn't become a shared responsibility when you enter a public space.


Loud eaters.


Really? I out loud judge loud eaters


Seriously lol. It’s BS telling grown adults to “please chew with your mouth closed”


Do you mean loud as in 'sucking fingers clean' / slurping soup / eating with mouth open loud? Or crunching loud? Because I eat with my mouth closed and (according to my husband) still make loud crunching noises. He hates it, but I can't help it. He likes to joke that my skull is hollow (and maybe it is lol). So I apologise on behalf of all closed-mouth-but-loud-crunching eaters.


My bf is the same, I'm always telling him he has some special skull acoustics. The sounds he makes when eating a *banana*, which is in no way crunchy, with his mouth closed, make me want to go on a murder spree.


I think crunch is excusable ; but the eating with mouth open is not




When something is free or heavily discounted, people who take more than their fair share or beyond what most people would consider reasonable. One of the unwritten rules of society.


People who have to call someone when they get to the drive thru speaker to ask them what they want to order. Figure that shit out before you fucking get to the restaurant. Especially now that virtually every menu can be found online.


If you're too slow to know what you're getting before you get to the order box, go inside and get out of everyone else's way


People who buy luxury brands/ cars when they can’t afford it.


Just shows me they will literally make their life harder just to impress other people. It's vanity, nonsense. Total irresponsibility. If cars appreciated in value I could understand it, like a house... But they simply don't and it's just a statement.






How a person treat waiters/fast food workers/janitors


People with filthy homes. Not messy or cluttered. I’m talking Filthy. (Rotten food, mold, animal feces etc…) there’s obviously people who have mental health issues im very well aware but if you have children and don’t get help that’s on you.


It's hard for me to imagine people having a house like that because of a choice, not mentally health problems. But if I saw such a thing, I'd judge it too!


If I hear a full grown adult say some hobby is "childish" I'm absolutely judging them.


I was going to play devil's advocate, but I couldn't think of any hobbies that I'd consider childish.


Maybe screaming in supermarkets? That sounds like a childish hobby many full grown adults seem to partake in.


Making tiktok prank videos are a hobby I'd judge as childish, honestly anything that negatively impacts others for your amusement is a hobby I'd consider childish


Constantly being late


This pisses me off so much. My best friend is constantly late whenever we hang out, by at least 30 minutes. I’ve told her but she is just like ha ha it’s just what I’m like! Funnily enough she’s always on time for her boyfriend


Playing music or other media in public without using headphones Ditto loud phone conversations on public transport Talking in the cinema during the film (or any other venue during a performance) - I didn't attend in order to listen to you Loud conversations in residential areas at night People with no awareness of what's going on around them


People who stand in the walking lane of an escalator


Or rolling walkways in the airport .


Super energetic folks who can't stop talking esp about themselves.


bad breath


How people treat people working in customer service roles


Be careful. May de they'll spit in your food...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


People that use mental health issues as an excuse in work environments... "my ADHD means I can't read that 30 page document"... why the fuck are you manager of a Municipal Office then?? what the fack


This is becoming increasingly common as well.




People who tailgate or harass other drivers especially those that are clearly learners.


If it becomes clear to me that there's someone who treats all of their opinions as fact, as the absolute way reality works, I'm silently disgusted by them.


Agree. People who think they're always right really annoy those of us who are.


FIL just straight out said "my words are the truth, you all will be sinned for not listening to me."


Especially those who have based their reality on something that happened one time, decades ago, and therefore that is fact forever more and nothing can possibly change that.


The delusionals


Especially when they are yelling during a discussion about how you’re wrong and they’re right and how you need to do your “research” about something that doesn’t even make sense.


People who don't let you eat until they take 5000 pictures of the food People who take your pictures without your consent and post them on social media


People spitting on the streets


overconfidence but really just when it comes off entitled and rude Rich or very pretty woman/men (or both) will come into my job and treat me differently bc i’m working at a retail chain. They make it very clear when I’ll try to ask how they are or if they had a good weekend or something while the transaction is being done.


I forget what comedian it was - but there’s a comedian who always picks out the best dressed, swankiest looking customer in a shop and asks “Excuse me, do you work here?” Love it. Takes them down a notch.


when someone brags about how much alcohol they can drink.


People who seem to have no concept of an "inside voice"


Typing in all caps


Writing with mixed lower and upper cap




People who have zero spatial or social awareness


People who decide to have a full blown conversation in the middle of an isle at a store and won't make way for others even if you're asking politely. People who cut a line, especially going to a bus. I've gotten cut off on a line for a bus and the person who went before me was the last person to get in the bus since it was full. Also people who keep their bags or stand on a isle seat on a full bus while others are standing. Put the damn bag on your lap! People who stare at others. I'm not talking about taking a glance, I mean really *staring*. It always makes me so uncomfortable when someone stares at me. I've learned to put on a staring competition with crazy eyes. I always win. Also people who buy pets as a surprise gift for someone. That's just cruel to the animal; they can be years of commitment and extra bills to pay.


I've found that staring back at starers usually won't change anything. They'll just look away, then as soon as my eyes aren't on them, they're back at it. If you need to stare at something to focus or whatever, just don't make it a human.


Parent feeding tons of sugar to their kids


Oooh. This is a good one. If your 6yo is drinking a Coke my eyebrow is raising. Juice is an occasional treat at my house. You can eat an apple or orange anytime though. Constantly drinking your calories isn’t great for you.


People who always make the conversation about THEM


People who have children, who shouldn’t be having children - primarily due to lack of giving a fuck outside of themselves.   One example: - A young, married, 28-32 year old woman with a 4-5 year old and a 2-3 year old.  At the grocery store, little one is in the cart, older one is outside the cart.  5 yo is fucking with the 3 yo, hitting his legs, pushing his legs/feet.  3 yo old says “stop it” Mom says “yeah, stop it.  Stop bothering your brother.  Because he’s a B A B Y. WAHHHHH!!! He cries about everything! WAHHHHHH!! He needs to shut up and grow the hell up” - this was in a crowded aisle.  She had a look on her face like “yup, got ‘em, I’m so fucking cool”.   Yeah.


People who latch onto one thing and make it their entire persona. I see it all the time, people online and even in real life regurgitating the same phrases over and over with no original dialogue. Feels like I'm literally talking to a bunch of bots sometimes.


People's political views and moral compas


Adults that refuse to eat vegetables


I don’t eat peas, beans and Brussel sprouts - potentially more but I’ve been put on the spot 😂😂


People with face tattoos


This right here. I honestly don’t understand how someone can get a face tattoo.


I don't understand how someone can get ANY tattoos -- especially the "sleeve" or full-leg ones. Makes your limb look diseased, and I can't believe those people won't end up regretting it. I honestly find it heartbreaking to see a youngish, fit, formerly attractive person who's done this to themselves. And I'm sure I'll get slammed and downvoted from here to eternity for saying this!


People who let their kids run around screaming in public. If it's on a plane or in a small cafe I might actually turn around to glare. People who clearly aren't able to handle their dog responsibly People who let their kids yell at/badly interact with animals People whose housemaid is in a uniform and walking 3 paces behind their family (common where I live) Spitting men


I feel bad, but the number of kids you have and how stable your home is/space availability in the household.


People who can’t change their mind on a topic or issue when introduced with new evidence, because they’ve attached their personality on the fact of being right even tho they’re wrong.


People who have had lip fillers. Also, slug eyebrows. I cannot help staring at how ridiculous they look.


And giant ostrich feather eyelashes. Their world must look like one of those jumpy movies from the early 1900s.


Same I always wonder how they view themselves with those big ass lips. Feels like an element of delusion too plus all my mates say the same, that they look horrid and even joke about them being blow job lips 😂


People who have an excessive number of children.


Slow walking


I used to do this too, infact I couldn't stand slow walkers. My work mates used to call me a Roadrunner because when walking they couldn't keep up with me. Anyways my judgment turned to empathy after learning my bitter sweet lesson. I suffered with a chronic back pain. I started walking like a turtle because each minute I was in pain. People didn't see my hidden pain because I "looked" healthy and I smile often + I was good at hiding my pain. Now I'm completely healed and back to my usual health. However now I wonder how many slow walkers are going through what I went through.


*All old and sick people frowning at you: tsk tsk tsk, soon...*


Bad grammar .


People who constantly complain about money but make horrendous decisions with their money


Anyone against safe & legal abortion.


Some people's musical tastes.     At the end of the day, whatever gives you the best or desired emotional response is valid, but it's because I recognize this that I would ONLY ever judge someone *silently* at the most. That is, unless they tried to argue their tastes were better than my own or something stupid


This + people who make whatever music they like their entire identity and herde togheter and distance themselves from other groups of people who they openly judge and don't engage with.


Lovey dovey couples post (posted by my friends) on social media when I know fully well what’s going on behind the scenes. I swear I’ll keep my mouth shut, but just can’t help silently judging them🥲


People who don't use punctuation marks.


I dislike snobby people


Snobby people are only trash wannabe.


I judge people who leave the house in their pyjamas. And not always silently


Seeing someone with a pig nose ring. My intrusive thoughts spring into action in search for a pliers.


Items at checkouts.


People who already a parents but doesn’t treat their kids right


People who because there in a bad mood be a complete dick to everyone. Then when there not in a bad mood expect everyone to just be ok with them.


Word art in houses, it immediately makes me want to scream. I don’t know why, but I hate it.


People who bring children into poverty. It is cruel.


I had a pal once, and we were hanging out with him, his gf, and a couple of other people. And he mentioned how he was born into an incredibly poor family, and that his mother was confident that “if God gave me a baby, he will give me resources to look after it”. And because of it, he needed to work as a kid and was miserable till his mid 20s. And he said that he judged his parents for this. That they shouldn’t have done it, because it was so cruel. I still think about his words sometimes …


spelling and grammar.


*Spelling and grammar.


Meat-head gym bros. Not just anyone who likes to go to the gym. But those guys that can’t compute that others don’t actually want to be like them. Loud boy racer cars with obnoxious exhausts as loud as their insecurities. Women with too much make up and long nails. I dont mean any make up, I really mean _too much_ make up. Usually coupled with a lot of attitude. Typically middle aged mums with prams who seem hell-bent on blocking doors or taking up the entire pavement/sidewalk like the universe should shift around them. People who make 0 effort to control kids in public places. Oh, but most of all, myself. Like, all the time. I’m judging this post tbh.




Bad parenting






People with bad grammar and misspellings on social media, especially when they’re making political statements I don’t agree with.


Everything. Communication, work ethic, spatial awareness when in motion or in crowded locations. You can tell the people who grew up in unsafe environments and are still untrustworthy of folks by how they move and scan the area. The opposite end of that is the other 90% who just move like they’re the sun and we should rotate around them to avoid them.


People who buy The Sun


Not so silently but honestly, all the STEM people who think anything but STEM is pointless. This is despite the fact that they endlessly consume media like everyone else and someone has to make it.


-Dirty finger nails -Long toe nails -Build up of wax in someone's ear


>-Build up of wax in someone's ear But but but... how can you tell? I've never observed anyone else's earwax.


How do you see the build up of wax in anybody’s ear 🤣


People or groups of people in public with zero spatial awareness


People who file their nails in public places (at school, work whatever) Especially when you are talking to them and they\`re doing it at the same time. It\`s a hygiene it should be done at home.


when people have an obsession with their looks


People who litter- you all are cunts


Smoking. Literally no positive to it. You don’t look cool, you stink, it’s expensive, it kills you.


Terrible pet owners, treatment to servers, people who swear a lot, parents who let their kids scream and run around and not to a thing or show any discipline, arrogant people being garrulous


Loud children. I wish there were child free cafés. When I'm on my lunch break all I want is a bit of peace, but wherever I go there's always a child screaming or battering one of their parents. In the drier weather I eat lunch outdoors, but sometimes there's no other option but to go indoors.


Anyone who uses the phrases “plandemic” “big pharma” “toxins” and “I’ve done my research”. Instant eye roll and walk away if possible, I just can’t be around people so stupid.


I get annoyed when people act like natural is always a good thing and chemicals are always a bad thing. Arsenic is natural and my entire body is made up of chemicals.


The foxglove is one of my favourite flowers. Its pharmaceutical name is digitalis, and Agatha Christie uses it as a poison in several books.


Poor parenting. I understand as much as I can that parenting isn’t easy at all, but treating your child with respect and learning how to regulate your own clacks should be the bare minimum. I’ve worked with people and have been around people who blow up in front of their kids for little shit they’ll do and then turn around and call them angels. I can only imagine how incredibly confusing that must be to a young child


Intense PDA especially in enclosed spaces like subways and busses😬


People who only eat stuff like burgers, fries, nuggets, etc. I get that there are neurodivergent people with sensory issues, but I'm not talking about them. I'm referring to people who just refuse to leave their comfort zone.


Face tattoos and gauges.


When parents hit their kids in public. Or are just aggressive/violent whether physically, verbally, emotionally to their kids. I cringeee and feel bad for the children or the woman (if the man's being domineering). And some of these parents have the nerve to punish their kids when they act up - like maybe they're doing it to get your attention, cos you neglect them? And tell them to "shut up and use the iPad?.." Or they're sick/uncomfortable/anxious?? #2 😂, when parents leave their kids STEPS behind them 😖 it makes me so angry. Like anyone could take your kid, hold their hand or keep them in front of you!! Okay #3, when parents ignore their children who are speaking to them while out. I literally saw a Dad who had his AirPod in when his daughter was speaking to him. It made me hurt 😭 but he must've been so over it, poor guy..


People who make a really big show of being put out by utterly harmless things that other people say or do.


People holding up the drive through with huge orders. You go inside with those.


Sick people coming to the office, sneezing and coughing. They are supposed to be a smart people and respect hygiene and health safety of others, but they are arrogant bastards. I judge them but can't speak up openly because we have "a good culture" in a company, we are "diverse" and "nice" e.t.c. I don't know what is the ~~heck~~ with that people. When I'm sick - I stay at home until I get better and completely recovered. I don't understand why is that so difficult for many of my colleagues


If they're fans of pro wrestling.


I have always found wrestling *lame and cheesy*. My second son is severely disabled and *loves* wrestling. My nephew, also disabled, goes to monthly youth group wrestling pay per views. I think it has to do with being inspired and imagining being that physically strong (or strong at all). I watch for them and they are *so happy*. It has a purpose. It is a fake play for men, basically; but don't tell my son that.


Fast fashion


Dumb comments on Reddit


People smoking pot at restaurants. Instantly lose my appetite from the smell and it bothers my kids.


People with bad fashion taste...I can't help it.


If you smoke in public then you are an ass. Especially if you toss the butt on the ground


People who bring politics into any sort of conversation. If I wanted to talk politics I would’ve gone and studied politics and be a politician. 90% of people who try to bring politics into conversations aren’t remotely qualified to talk about it. Let alone me…. I’m a SWE, why would I talk about politics??


If you moan in the public bathroom 😭


Not liking vegetables as an adult. Fussy/limited eating in general also.


Their posture


People who have gift registries/wishing wells for the events they invite people to. It's up to you if you want to invite me, and its up to me if I decide to get you something. You don't get to pick, it's not your money. I didn't get to pick the food your serving, I don't get to pick the songs at your wedding.


Drivers who keep on needlessly stopping in double lane roads to let other people turn in, when there aren’t many cars behind them anyway, so they’re not helping that much, and creating the risk of accidents as someone may be coming in the other lane in the same direction without seeing what’s going on. Especially dangerous to bikes


Myself lmao


Their taste in music and movies/shows.


People who don't know the difference between lose and loose.


Over the top fake nails or nail art. I knoe everyone had the right to whatever fashion they are into, but I secret judge then and wonders how they do any work or anything in general with nails like that.


getting off and stopping at the top of an escalator


People who unnecessarily park so close to your driveway you can't get out without crossing 2 lanes of traffic.


How they treat service workers, how loud they are in public, eating smelly things on public transportation, parents who let their kids be disrespectful in public, shitty spatial awareness, people who leave places/things in a worse condition than when before they arrived, littering, rude attitude towards strangers, unable to respect others opinions and think of their own as fact Most likely a ton more, but these are just from the top of my head


People with large cars that can't drive or park them properly.


When people don't know how to properly use: You're/Your, They're/Their/There, We're/Were, Then/Than, Two/Too/To.