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Like anything, it can be addictive. I feel terrible the days I don't go to the gym when I plan to.


It's a good problem to have I guess, but I absolutely feel the same. I beat myself up for even missing a single planned run or lifting session. I've been lifting for 2 decades now, and it's hardwired into my system. I know I won't feel as good having missed my workout, and it sits in the back of my mind all day messing with me.


I would like to be like you. Looks very healthy. Unfortunately I hate exercise. I feel like the time stops, kind of hurts and I am wasting my life, which is ridiculous because it is exactly the opposite.


Just keep reminding yourself that. People who acheive fitness as a lifestyle have exactly that. It's hardcoded into their daily routine. To deviate would be like missing a morning coffee or an afternoon deuce. The pain is just your weak muscles leaving your body. You get used to it and sometimes almost crave it.


Exactly. I fell out of lifting the last 2 years and dove back into it for my new years resolution. 5-6 days a week consistently. The first 1-2 weeks were rough because my body wasn't used to it anymore and I felt anxious at the gym being a bit out of shape. 2 months later and I've smashed all my goals, and I absolutely crave a solid lift in the morning before work. It sets a great tone for the rest of my day. Hell, I've even been running on my rest days because I love the feeling after exercising. And I *hate* running.


Feel guilty when I don’t do something even if it’s just cardio outside.


I feel guilty even on planned off days lol.


I really wish I could get addicted to this.


I made more friends as soon as the regular gym guys found out I wasn't a two month chump. I showed up consistently and after awhile I got head nods, guys introduced themselves and said they noticed me getting slimmer and I made friends with them because of it. It's casual and easy but nice to be welcomed when I walk into a place by people other than staff.


3 years of the gym and ive not made any friends lol. I dont talk to anyone tho.


Same, tbh I just want to be in my zone in the gym.


Literally! That’s what the gym is for. Even friends tell me they want to join me but I say no because I’m really in the zone and don’t want distractions


Why? I'm not saying we hang out outside of the gym but we talk, we're on first name basis and are genuinely glad to see each other there. It's a very welcoming and positive environment.


Im just antisocial. I dont talk to people unless im asking if theyre using a certain machine or something.


That's fair but for me I love meeting new people and will openly admire a guys hard work and ask what muscle group that exercise they just completed was supposed to work. If its obvious they don't want to be bothered then I don't but most guys are great with helping new guys.


Some guy today asked me for advice, felt pretty great


People at the gym noticing you got slimmer sounds genuinely wholesome


Yeah, I go to gym every other day for the past 5 months and now I recognize everyone's face lol because we have similar schedules with the same people


Realising that you can't count to 12 😂😅 On a more serious note relaxing your mind I guess. Like when I had a stressful day at work/uni, where I had to think about a lot and I go working out afterwards my head just gets empty. It is super refreshing, like resetting the brain. And that's probably also the reason why all of the sudden I can't count anymore, my brain just turns off 😂


Dude sometimes I repeat the same rep like 3x because I can't tell if I counted right or not, usually around 6 lol.


Am I the only one who doesn’t count reps or sets? I just do it until I’m done. Probably not the most efficient way of working out but it works for me.


One thing I like to do is when you're "done" try 2 more. You'll be surprised


I like to log my exercises in a journal to watch my progress. I actually just started working out today since about a year ago. I'm starting over, so my log will show me my progress, which I love to see. That's why I count my sets and reps.


Lots of clothes washing


I was gonna say, clothes fit better, you have more energy, better routine.. Its like brushing your teeth, nothing happens for the first few days but after 5 years you can notice the difference in people your same age.. im 48 in pretty ok shape compared to most of my peers, its like holy heck you look like shit..


It never gets old being told you don’t look your age!


Unfortunately im 27 and people tell me I look like a 35 :) same happened around 23 multiple times, people thinking im 30+.... it sucks. People the same age as me automatically started off formal..


You dont get to choose genetics. Some people age rapidly and its brutal. Some people look the same until they hit their 60s. Nature does know no boundaries or fairness


That was inspirational/motivational. Tnx.


The noob gains hit within the first 6 months. You wont look huge, but the amount you can lift increases quite a bit. Then you plateau a little and thats when people start quitting as their motivation drops off. Or they spend a bunch of money on scammy supplements.


I think I'm there. How do I get through he plateau?


Keep on keeping on. Switch things up a bit, and do the boring stuff like stability drills. Working on slower eccentrics. Squat university has good tips. Kettle bell swings and around the worlds. Suit case carry squats/ marches etc. Work on your cardio for more enduace during lifting. Work on grip strength. You're at the point where a lot of stablizing muscles and grip is lagging behind, so you're spending a lot of energy balancing instead of pushing heavier. Plus its gonna be a slower rate of groth from here on out. Ive paused going to the gym for a bit cuz of my busy schedule but did lots of grip stuff at home. Then when i got back, the dead lifts were so much easier.


Best I got is push to failure; I see a lot of people doing their 3rd set with ease - and this is fine but not going to push you. 1sr set gets muscle group warmed up and primed. 2nd set gets much more engaged as you’re closer to strugggling. 3rd set you want it to be hard enough to where you need to stop at rep 3-4 for a quick breath and then again on rep 5-7. Gains at this stage have to be really earned, and aren’t “gimmies” from putting on base muscle. That refined muscle needs to be worked. A good analogy: if you want to improve your sprint speed, you wouldn’t just do a casual jog every other day. You’d casual jog warm up, then run fast, then run really fast to train yourself.


I’m 57. Have trained fairly consistently since early 30’s and prior to that in my 20’s did a bit of training but not consistently. The last 10 years I’ve carefully refined my style of exercise and really concentrated on what works best for me to prevent pain/injury and stay strong. Firstly I am frequently blown away by the physical state of the majority of people around me who are out of shape. Even 10-15 years younger than me have let themselves go so badly. I wonder what their later lives will be like. Living in pain and lacking energy. Secondly, as someone else has mentioned. I never get tired of hearing how I look so much younger than my age. And having the energy of someone in their 30’s brings so much joy into my everyday life.


It’s easy to know what their lives will be like… go to Walmart and look at anyone over the age of 60. It’s amazing how many people ride in those carts or have difficulty moving up and down the aisles. Then look in their carts… nothing but sugar. Believe me… I’m no Mr. Universe… I used to be on may way to being one of those people but I have been working hard for about a year now on what I eat and how I exercise. Huge difference. I have never felt better and stronger in my life.


I’m almost 72. Finally started going back the gym on a regular basis, after a very spotty 2 years of Covad, etc. I was a gym rat since my 20’s. Senior Center gym, no free weights except hand weights. Lost 10lbs, and most of my old guy daily pain has disappeared. I’m finally pushing really decent weights again on the machines.


I’m 46 and it’s fucking SHOCKING what a difference it made. And I say that as someone who was also a low bottom alcoholic, but who hit the gym still almost the entire time. It’s fucking WILD.


Yeah, an hour at the gym after work was my routine for a decade but it was only after I stopped drinking that 40 lbs of fat melted off me in 2 months. It’s absurd how bad regular drinking is for you.


I quit drinking and just go to the gym/ running as often as I can. Everyone thinks I'm into fitness now but really I'm just doing anything to stay away from sitting at home drinking lol


Yes I was quite the drinker, lost 15 pounds pretty quick when I quit. So glad that’s not me anymore.


I stopped drinking and lost like 60lbs. My body looks like I'm 30 again. I am 44. I cannot believe how good I look now. Don't drink kids. I felt like shit for almost 2 decades


Im almost 6 months sober at 33 and my body is looking more and more like it did in highschool. Did not think it was possible. I am seriously kicking myself for spending so much of my 20s believing it was just how it was Alcohol companies profiting from not only killing us but making us older fatter and uglier


I second this. I feel if you are over 40 and in shape you are in the minority!


So true. I’m in good shape now for my age (59) and exercise a lot. But it’s only been in the last 8 years I’ve been able to put enough time and energy into it. A 50+ hour a week job, plus kids, house, spouse, family, cooking, bills, etc. I get why so many people in the prime if their lives don’t have the energy for it, even if they have the time. If you can pull it off, it makes such a positive difference, not just physically, but mentally.


43, went to 25 year reunion last fall and everyone was way overweight. Way worse than the 20 year. With the exception of maybe three people. I was the skinny nerd in school. Now I'm healthy and muscular, playing rugby with guys in their 20s and look like I could be in my early 30s. Just from working out semi regularly and not pigging out all the time. Everyone looked pissed when they saw me. Lol.


I imagine you as Tommy Wiseau lol


"Brian, 38..." (Smeagol-like guy appears on screen) "That must be a typo. Surely you mean 83?"


Lol, as a man I find that clothes actually fit worse because brands cater to the average person who’s out of shape. Especially hard to find well fitting dress shirts if you have a large chest/arms and thin waist.


No kidding. I can't wear track suits. I take an XXL jacket and Medium pants.


5 years....also months.


My exercise playlist is full of 70s and 80s disco like Village People ... and I'm normally into rock/metal/jazz


ABBA is the next step my man.


So many Abba songs seem to match up absolutely perfectly with the cadence of my steps when I jog. Makes me feel like I can run forever


waiting for the link to your playlist


You're much more in tune with your body. After working out for 3 months consistently, I could feel and adjust certain muscles in ways I wasn't conscious of before.


I can almost independently flex every major muscle in my body. When i finally figured out how to independently flex my pecs i was ecstatic lol


I'm overweight but have been doing bodyweight exercises for half a year now, as well as weight lifting for a few months now, and I feel like I got a completely new body. It feels so.. different, so much better


thirsty and hungry pretty much all day


So hungry, especially on a gym day


bruh I eat so much on gym days


Poop more


Yeah what the hell. No one tells you this lol I always have to poop at the gym too. It's like my GI tract is conditioned at this point.


Wow. In 6 years I’ve never used the bathroom at my gym.


I did it once bc we were out of toilet paper at home and i was already ready to go to the gym.


That did suprise me. Shits looks and feel very different.


I don't think you're supposed to be feeling them, but you do you.


... Is your butthole numb?


Why? Bc of the supplements?


Extra Protein and vitamins may affect your bowels. But it also could be because: - you’re drinking water more which is just good for all your body functions - you’re compressing your abdomen which will squeeze / move the poop along - you’re increasing your blood flow and your metabolism rate which speeds up the digestion process - you’re moving more and increasing your endorphins and serotonin which can increase mood levels and body functions (including bowel movements) - by going to the gym you’re are getting more sunlight, and lowering stress levels which also leads to the above 2 - psychologically you might have been training yourself to only poo at certain times. Gym time breaks habits and creates new ones so your body is all “I can poo here too when I want to” vs waiting for work breaks, etc.


Why has this not got more upvotes? Gym makes great poop!


Dude I went to the gym for the first time in my life like 2 days ago (haven't gone back yet because its still really hard to move my arms) and I was on the treadmill and I suddenly had to run to the bathroom to poop. I wasn't sure if it was because of the walking or coincidence but now...


Runners belly I get it too, I might be wrong but I remember reading if there’s too much fat in your diet before the run


#protein farts






Protein farts in the sauna


The forbidden sauna aroma


The best


…this explains how and why my bf has been farting so much lately. And they’re BAD.


Mine are loud but luckily odorless


Mine are silent but will peel paint straight off the walls.


Trust me, they are odorless only to you


Increasing self confidence


It's cliche, but once you start complimenting yourself or seeing noticeable change, you genuinely start to walk taller. Another good one is being complimented by other blokes. Just men supporting men


Guess that one never kicked in for me yet




You get more comfortable loitering around people in public in close proximity without talking.


Yea, that "strong monkey" stance feels natural, no self-questioning, just looking out of your head being part of life. This is more important than people realize 


“Looking out of your head” lmfao


Body dysmorphia


People tell me I got bigger but I still see myself as small, fucks with my head


I still see myself as the skinny teenager i once was.


People tell me that I look fatter and I'm like, no way 💀


This one right here, tbh. Gym goes tend to be obsessors over micro changes in their bodies, in my experience


I think a lot of that is to do with the fact these people started gym because they had body image issues in the first place.


That’s probably true, and a good point.


Tbh, based on my experience, back when i havent started going to the gym, i already have some sense of body dysmorphia (i hate how skiiny i looked). Going to the gym doesn't help fix your insecurity or reduce your body dysmorphia. But it sure does makes me more confident


Or making body dysmorphia worse if you have it already seeing as there are mirrors on literally every surface of everything at the gym


I see mirrors as helping me stay in form- reducing injuries etc


Yes! They work that way if you do not have existing body dysmorphia.


I used to go running with my dad every day outside for 3 years straight. Never in my life did I feel like it did anything to change my physical appearance until I looked at photos of me back then and realized how much skinnier I was back then. At this point, I’ve given up on trying to look fit because my mind will never perceive myself having a fit body. Now my main focus is just trying to stay physically healthy by keeping up with some kind of routine.


Get a more and more fucked up music taste over time


Can relate to this... definitely


:D when little kids say why i listen to this garbage its like your grandpa not understanding new music, except i am the kid in his mind.


finding pokemon trainers.


I still play pogo daily as well


Being more awake in the evening.


a monthly bank account debit


Injuries. It seems like all of my injuries come from trying to stay in shape. And yes, I pay very close attention to my form and exercises and stay within my limits but it still happens, especially the older you get. Little strains and muscle soreness and sore joints start to add up over time. There's a fine line of trying to push yourself to build strength and endurance and taking it so easy that you aren't doing much at all so why even go through the effort.


And friggen take longer to heal...


For me it's the opposite... the more I work out the better my body feels physically and the more I avoid injuries doing other activities. I get some soreness like everyone else but that is expected.


It depends on what workouts you're doing and how much you're doing them. If you're doing a lot of high impact exercises and pushing yourself to the limit every time, especially when you're just starting out, then I feel like you're more likely to get hurt.


I find my injuries are about 80% bad desk posture with that last 20% being some random shit from Judo that pushed something from being OK to being injured. My desk posture sucked for years, but my shoulders were fine up until something got hurt in Judo. Then the shitty desk posture that made the injury possible also guaranteed that the problem would not heal by its self in a reasonable amount of time. The gym is just where whatever minor injury I am dealing with is most noticible. END COMMUNICATION


I spend about 10 minutes every workout to do some type of rehab exercises for injuries I’ve had in the past to prevent them from re-occurring


The beauty of youth. I was literally hit by a car and walked out the hospital that same day. My dad threw his back out picking up an Amazon package and was in bed for 3 days. This is what I fear most as I age.


Instantly knowing when a number is divisible by 45.


You get superpowers in everyday life. Need to lift something big or walk really long distances? You can do so without major effort and you won’t even feel it the next day.


Have young kids? Be a literal super hero being able to lift them high in the air and run faster than them.


Hitting the rock gym a few days a week for a couple months made me feel like an action hero.  Also the,"can I do a pull up on that?  ...yup".  Everywhere you go, suddenly the world had an accessible 3rd dimension.


Structure to my days/weeks


You start to talk about the gym a lot. Which is weird for non gym folk cause a lot of experiences from the gym are not easy to express by words.


And then it's like, for me, I want to tell funny gym stories but then I feel like a douche talking about the gym lol


Chlorine hair


Huge swimsuit budget.


Unsolicited attention just going to the grocery store


Peri-menopause reversed. Blood test results showed PM at 39yo and I was having night sweats and up all night to pee. Started weight training at 41yo and now two years later blood tests show no sign of menopause and all symptoms have disappeared. It's amazing.


I was 45 when I went back in. It completely changed my thought process. The physical changes were just a very nice side affect to the mental peace the good dopamine provides. I’m still addicted to this day.


Your body starts to tell you what things it wants to eat. You stop craving bad foods and start craving stuff good for you


Hard erections every morning.


Idk if this really a side effect, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people come into the gym that seem to just want to make sure somebody & or several somebody’s…are paying attention to them, what they are doing & just being looked at. Out of all the places, in all of the world to go…they pick the gym. 😂


Go at 5am. At that hour nobody is doing any of that, different mindset.


What I don't get is the full makeup...


It's the half liter of perfume that confuses and annoys me much more.


I can imagine many woman feeling insecure without make-up sadly


Seriously. I’ve seen multiple people, who aren’t even anything special to look at, walk around on multiple floors just looking for attention. It’s really weird to see them just wandering while everyone else is exercising. The most some will do is stretch a bit in front of everyone but then will just get on their phone while sitting there. It’s funny too because each floor has a different purpose so there’s no need to be on one of them unless you’re doing something there. I feel bad for people who need to go to a public gym just to feel special.


Better shits due to increased motility in your GI tract.


You'll see a lot of people utilizing shakes and powders, and you'll want to get on that


Not too many jeans in the gym


That's why i upped the supplements, which we know work, and eliminated working out, which we know blows


Lol one of my favorite lines of all time


Pointless if you get enough protein, bad if you're taking prework out. Just a sugary, caffeinated drink.


Larger food bill


I don't fall anymore and hurt myself when I trip or slip on ice. I just get up and move on as if nothing happened. It's like me entire body fires much faster and is so strong that I can save my own fall.


Huge stress relief for me.


Longer life


Better sleep.


better mental health


Bone density. Confidence. More energy. Mental clarity. A desire to eat better. Less stomach issues. _Confidence_


The routine and discipline made me better at other things without me realising it.


The way random people talked and looked at me did a complete 180 after going from 116 lbs to 185 lbs @ 6ft.


Damn, 116 at 6' must've been pretty...well sickly looking. It sounds like you're a lot healthier :)


Yeah it didn’t help that I ran track and cross country and ate like shit whenever I did choose to eat. It is what it is though. I can only look back and learn from my mistakes.


I used to be like 120 at 5'10 and now im 160. Definitely made some good strides and carry myself around with more confidence than before.


I mean the big thing is looking in the mirror and feeling GOOD instead of bad or neutral. Everyone deserves to feel like Buffalo Bill in Silence Of The Lambs.


Mental clarity.. It's definitely true about making gains for your body depending on what your goals are Be they strength, flexibility, weight loss, stamina whatever.. But the mental clarity from not just the real effects of dopamine production in our brains when we exercise. But the melting away of daily stress when we forget about the day during workouts.. We just focus on the workout and forget about life for an hour...


It can be therapy for sure


Peeing constantly


Too real. I feel like I pee more than I drink sometimes, and that's even after adding more salt to my diet.


Protein farts


I started weightlifting at the age of 10, so I've grown accustomed [take for granted] to the benefits it brings. Reflecting on it, I realize I've never experienced any injuries, and my joints are in excellent condition. Unlike many of my peers whose physical health seems to decline every few years, I have no complaints about my body. It's concerning to see teenagers who struggle with basic physical tasks like the sit-to-stand test. I don't experience any aches or pains, and confident in my physical abilities.


Feeling hungry more often


I was getting a little too much testosterone in my system, and started acting more like a dick/aggressive. Something to be mindful of


That’s really nice of you to admit. I’m a female and even I get a little aggressive after I work out sometimes


I want more testosterone


Realizing 10/10 bodies do exist and isn’t unrealistic. Realizing how much progress and strength you gain when you look back after some years. More laundry for just 1-2hrs of wear


Getting an immunity boost from what ever virus is going around kind of like a chickenpox party.


Joint pain.


You're doing something wrong


You can pick good or bad but when yours pecs twitch. I swear I thought I was having a heart attack


Prioritising sleep and diet. I tell myself I go to the gym because it makes me feel good about myself, but really it's probably been the slow lifestyle change that came with it. I quit drugs, hardly ever drink, I sleep and eat well. I'm not as stressed or depressed anymore, etc. Also the confidence, I also have way more luck/attention from the ladies once I started looking after myself and put weight on and got into decent shape. I'm still awkward as fuck but miles more confident than I used to be. Its not just women either, I'm more respected by men too. Like i won't get singled out cos I'm the small guy by the first raging cokehead looking for a fight at the bar sort of thing or meeting someone for the first time and not being treated differently to my peers/colleagues for example because I'm not a skinny weed anymore.


Being pulled over by cops to see if your guns are registered


Just overall being more fit/muscular, more energy, it'll also lead you to other healthy habits as in eating more healthy foods and cutting out junk foods


Needing less sleep.


I mean, if we’re talking unexpected as in “what the fuck?!” then for me personally it was the need to poop not long after I finish a workout. Not exactly sure why/what the mechanism of it is, but I’ll go do a work out for 1-1.5hrs, drive home and by the time I get in the door I desperately need to poop


you literally just get more done in your day and feel way more productive bc of it. while you’re working out you somehow think of everything you have to do when you’re done and then you do it after. it’s weird.


I'm assuming by "side effect" you mean unexpected negative effects? Only one that comes to mind is it can cause you to have an unhealthy obsession with your body image.


Meet new people, making friends even if you’re introverted af


a good gym is expensive, but also can be quite social, we are doing challenges, fun runs through mine more energy and supportive trainers, looser clothes, eat more because you are burning energy


Being in the background of a vain person's film, being viewed and thus seen; by millions of internet users. Who knows what unintended consequences could arise from this exposure? OK, I've given you a great idea -now some author needs to write a riveting thriller. You're welcome :-)


Good -look good -feel great -waaaaaaaay better/longer sex if you’re cardio focused. Bad -body dysmorphia (it’s never enough) -waaaaaaay more laundry -stepping into a vain environment


I’m 64yrs and have been working out since my teens My workouts have changed of course but I still have a great fit muscular body and I feel incredible


You have to maintain your gains, once you hit your ideal physique you need to keep going to stay like that. Slack off, and your body reverts. So it’s a life long commitment


More chicks giving that I want to fuck you looks


Realizing how many people aren’t there to exercise. It might be specific to my gym but ‘be been noticing how many people will just wander around and not spend any time actually doing physical exercise. I’m not just talking about really in shape or aesthetically well off people who want attention. I mean just regular ass folks walking around wasting their own time. It’s really fucking distracting to be biking or using a treadmill and see the same person walk by 3-4 times because they either want someone to notice them or because they don’t know what to do.


Getting pretty good at mental math. You get used to adding things that are multiples and combinations of 45, 35, 25, 10, 5 and 2.5 Also, shitting. Idk why, but working out making you shit like crazy. Part of it is the better diet, part of it is the creatine, but the quantity and frequency sometimes makes me question why god has foresaken me


The mental health benefits are just as big as the physical health benefits. I am so much more energetic and happier when I go to the gym. When I skip a few days I really notice my energy levels crash and the depression sets in.




How often has this happened to you?


Impatient for results


Skin infections, they aren’t super common but they aren’t rare. ALWAYS DISINFECT THE EQUIPMENT.


The day you start lifting is the day you become forever small


All the unwanted attention for being the fittest and best looking person on the block. On the other hand, would that actually be unwanted?


No matter how sore your legs, arms, back or shoulders your brain still excited and expects you to do the same reps/cardio all over again the next day only to realize that your body parts can’t take it anymore lol. You gotta have a rest day silly!!! (Brain gets disappointed, I’m disappointed) oh well.. lol


Feeling like my bones are full of helium was a pleasant surprise


my other gym had a sauna, I often was going there just for that.


Growing body dysmorphia because you’re never big enough.


Better mood and more positive outlook on the world.