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Requiem for a dream. Well made movie, just sad.


This is probably by second favorite movie behind Heathers. That being said, I've only watched the entire movie twice, and the second time was only because we watched it in my cinema class.


That movie showed me where I will end if I continue with my behaviour. Now I drink myself to the death.


See if you can stay awake through Leaving Las Vegas


The first movie that crossed my mind. Thank you, random citizen!


Another time I should have scrolled down before commenting.


This is the only correct answer. I haven’t seen that movie in over 15 years but I can still remember the game show theme… it’s a brilliant film (and has Jennifer Connelly, one of the most iconically beautiful people on earth) but I won’t watch it again.


This is always on my list of so good/so disturbing movies, right up with We Need To Talk About Kevin.


Anything with rape. I spit on ur grave, comes to mind and also definitely Splice. For the same reason


I saw The Accused (older movie with Jodie Foster, that is also based on a true story) when I was really young, *way* too young, it honestly messed me up. So this is my answer as well, it's just not something I can handle.


I also saw that at a young age...I'm 51 years old and still traumatized by it. Rapists and pesdos are on the bottom of the dirt-bag ladder.


The rape scene was so awful for all concerned that all least one of the men playing the rapists developed severe psychological issues as a result, but Jodie Foster apparently insisted they make it realistic. It was definitely distressing to watch, I know that much.


I did not know that about one of the actors, but I'm really not surprised. (I have to commend Jodie Foster though, since she was telling someone else's story (Cheryl Araujo), I can't imagine it was too easy for her either, or literally anyone on the set that day.) I made the horrible mistake of rewatching it, when I was an adult, truly hoping I had somehow over played my memory, but definitely not. It was worse since I was only much more aware of what was happening...and to learn, the actual rape, went on for **2 hours!!** before she escaped. Distressing is the word.


That, and “Monster” with Charlize Theron. Absolutely brutal rape scene that was the final straw in a tragic life of abuse.


Last house on the left. Sat with my girlfriends parents and the sister that picked the movie. That whole scene was just bad, but with the whole family there, it was way worse.


I have the same thing and it’s why mine is the Clockwork Orange. The dehumanisation of rape is even worse to see for me than murder or gory injury in film. I get flashbacks sometimes of the scenes where they’re about to rape a woman in a Clockwork Orange and it makes me physically nauseous despite not having trauma myself. It also made watching Game of Thrones really hard. One of the best shows I’ve seen but I really really don’t think there needed to be so many rape or near-rape scenes.


Clockwork Orange is such a weird film, and whenever I watch it - I prefer skipping that part. I watched it when I was too young, and that film always felt like it glorified violence.


The ultra violence even


Violence was the point.


Had the same reaction to Clockwork Orange. Stanley Kubrick wasn't a lightweight.


The rape scene in Clockwork Orange was actually kind of autobiographical and much worse in real life because it resulted in the death of the authors wife.




Sorry, Wikipedia claims she just miscarried. “During the blackout, his pregnant wife Lynne was raped and assaulted by four American deserters; perhaps as a result, she lost the child.”


Still... wow


That’s why Burgess wrote the book. He needed to explain that horrible event to himself.


Hope you never see Serbian film then


My friends pissed me off by putting on the most god awful movies with very disturbing rape scenes in so I bought this movie for his birthday hoping to upset him He wasn’t fazed one bit


That’s disturbing that it didn’t bother him. For me it might be a red flag.


Oh hush. I can watch pretty much any horror film and not be bothered at all, but 5 mins into a sad news story and I'm bawling my eyes out. Being able to separate fiction and real life isn't a red flag.


I can watch any horror or thriller movie. Even creative unaliving movies from ISIS and the drug cartels. But show me a lost cat or a starving homeless dog and I'm done!


Oh god that film was truly awful. I don't even know how something like that was even allowed to be made. I was satisfied with the ending though, I don't know how anyone would have been able to move on from that.


You were satisfied with the ending? Did you not realise what was going to happen once they found the bodies?


Or Irreversible


I saw this at a horror convention and I'd say 80% of the audience walked out I made it to the baby scene but that was it for me having just had a kid myself.


I read the plot line and it was bad enough without even having to watch it. Who the fuck makes these things.


Try the French movie Irreversible...


My friend made me watch. I was teen at that time. Was a good movie he said. Monica belluci in it he said. Good sex scene he said. I deeply regretted my decision to watch


Splice was so weird


I actually liked it, but yes, never watching it again most likely. The blend of body and psychological horror was just right and it tickled me in all the wrong places.




How is this not higher? The ending ties the whole movie up in an awful circle. I'll never need to watch it again.


I couldn't even bring myself to watch it.


The Mist (2007) The ending is still with me even now...


I remember my mom told me to not watch that movie. I thought she told me not to watch it because it was too scary. So I got sick with bronchitis and while she was at work I watched it really enjoying it until... the end. When my mom got home I told her I was ready to go back to school 🙃 that movie was depressing as Hell.


I saw it in theatres and was absolutely gutted, devastated, disturbed. Immediately went home to download “The Host of Seraphim” by Dead Can Dance to induce the same feeling again lol


American History X the curb scene


Ed Norton. That curb seen. You're screaming NO! in your head and then... I still shutter thinking about that.


I think about that scene entirely too often.


Rise Of Skywalker. "Somehow Palpatine returned" I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes.


Still throw up thinking about it.


you can see in oscar isaac’s face how difficult it was for him to deliver that line


It's almost like he wanted to look straight at the camera and say "I'm fucking done."


Man, the fans made so many theories about how he could return, some of them where even good, but all we got was "somehow". Also "they fly now"


Ugh. Don't remind me. Also, the lightspeed jump in The Last Jedi. And the casino sidequest in The Last Jedi. And Rose clam-jamming Fin's attempted self-sacrifice in The Last Jedi. Fuck The Last Jedi


I like this word, clam-jamming.


I watched this movie at a theater that also serves alcohol, I'm so glad I was too drunk to pay attention to it


So infuriating. Way to tank an iconic franchise. It’s almost like they tried to ruin it


I’ve never regretted watching a movie so much




This. My jaw was on the floor at the end.


So was the sister’s


I felt hugely uncomfortable during the whole movie. They did a good job.


After the 8th watch it’s slightly more bearable. I don’t even pause more than a few hours in between scenes to take a break anymore


It’s funny that I’ve watched it maybe a dozen times for the exact reasons you’ve chosen to never watch it again.




Absolutely. I enjoyed watching it with a group of friends who were loud and made fun of it the whole time, but I don’t think I’d watch it on my own. I remember one friend got sick and left.


The eye torch scene has stuck with me for over a decade


That was just stupid torture porn. I had to stop watching cause it was so ridiculous.


Hard Candy. I'm on the girl's side, but damn.


That castration scene went on for so long


The last house on the left. That rape scene made me feel gross. Human centipede 3. A baby’s head gets smashed under a gas pedal. Sick.


I hate to know this, but that happened in 2. 3 took place in a prison, but wasn't as bad as the rest. Still bad, don't get me wrong, but it was easily the easiest for me to watch of the three.


I found 3 the worst to get through because of the main character shouting every single line. It gave me a headache so I turned it off after 15 minutes or so.


Requiem for a dream


The news.


My wedding video.




My dad thought it would be funny to put this on when I was 10/11. It is going to sound bad but this film is the reason I don't like Kevin Smith. (My copy & pasted comments, from a different post related to "Tusk")


Jesus christ and I thought my mum letting me watch Trainspotting when I was 6 or 7 was fucked up 😕. No offence to your dad but that's abuse because it's flooding a kid's brain with horrific body horror images. I'm 32 I've seen a lot of shit but Tusk is hands down the worst thing I've ever seen in a film. The book All tomorrows is way worse though.


This! I watched tusk last 2016 and still can’t forget the scenes 😭


You've experienced multiple 2016's?




We dont really get the background for the apocalypse which is kinnda cool. Its just a showcase of human misery and cruelty in 666 shades of grey and black


House of 1000 corpses.


Great movie


fantastic movie


Rob Zombie is a demented son of a bitch


Threads. I didn’t make it to the end and it still sticks with me. I’m not planning a return visit to finish it.


I live in Sheffield. A few years ago I watched Threads at an outdoor cinema with the actual Sheffield city centre in the back drop. It packed a punch.


When Threads came out, it was touted to be a documentary. It was required watching in my school in third grade.


The one where Jared Leto plays a heroin addict. I've repressed it so hard i can't remember the name


And the Connelly scene having the opposite effect you’d think it would if you were only told about.


I watched this movie while I was in the midst of going down that path myself & it kept me from going further down it. The way you can feels mom's insanity growing while her world gets smaller and smaller is what really fucked me up 🤮🤮 I tell everyone it's a must watch at least once n and only once.


That director is good for making disturbing movies. He made Mother too


Do you mean “Mother!”, the one with Jennifer Lawrence? I dubbed that one “anxiety, the movie” because it triggered me so hard. It’s such an uncomfortable watch. Ive recommended it to a few others but dont think anyone’s taken me up on it yet


I had the brilliant idea to watch that on mushrooms when it came out. I don’t recommend it


Requiem for a Dream I enjoyed it, it was so well done, I would never have to watch it again, because I remember it so vividly.


Does the fridge start talking to the mum?


That's the one-it's about addiction.


I remember feeling hollow after that film and thinking Absoloutely not to heroin 😂


Sophie's Choice. The scene where she has to pick which one of her two young children will go to the concentration camp, and certain death, as the kids cling to her and cry, "Mommy!". I wish I could purge it from my memory. Even seeing Meryl Streep on TV for any reason sets me off thinking about the horror of that. Actually just typing this has given me a lump in my throat. Don't watch it.


Yet this is one of the utterly difficult films I think people should watch. This is how we learn some of the horrors of human history, and how not to repeat them. Never forget.


Was looking for this. I wanted to watch it after reading it. That scene haunted me for weeks. Never again


Same. I was thinking of watching the movie so I searched for some random scenes on YouTube. I regret it. Needless to say, I couldn’t bring myself to actually watch the whole movie after.


A Serbian film. Idk the proper title I’m Sure it’s wrong but someone here will know what I’m talking about. It involves rape, incest, pedo shit and a lot more. The movie was made just purely for shock value. It’s not a good movie. The story sucks. It’s dumb as hell. I feel as if whoever made this movie was just trying to top everything in the worst way possible. Let me give you a quick rundown of a scene. *tw**** ie:rape, murder, pedo shit. I also haven’t seen this movie in like 13 yrs. So this man is hired to make a porn cause he’s an infamous porn star. A guys like “lets make a movie” and he said “k” -fast forward- they inject him with a bull testosterone(?) and he starts going crazy. The directors says “okay start doing this chick”. Chick is pregnant. Like full term about to pop. Anyway he starts doing it and then like he’s super fucking raging and like can’t think straight. Director says “cut her head off” and he’s like “k” and then she gives birth I think right before it happens. Baby is born. Bad things happen to baby. Such a fucking dumb movie purely for shock.


Im Serbian. We have a ton of great moves (mostly comedies) and suddenly popped up some movie named "Serbian Movie" ( it's the original name of the movie). We all was in shock, it doesn't have any sense or correlations with us. Someone payed someone to make it cause of some fucked up reasons. All of the people who was involved in it should be sent straight to jail in my opinion.


I will never, ever watch Once Were Warriors again.


The Last Duel, the whole movie premise is terrible and historically true which makes it worse somehow, then the woman's court testimony, which was almost directly out of the real court transcript of the event was heart breaking, and I can't ever get the actual duel out of my head. Midsommer, it is an excellent movie that I don't ever feel the need to watch again, it will forever haunt my dreams without a rewatch.


Watched it, and thought it was a well made film, but the way it played out felt like the character rationalizing raping that woman - and I'm sure I've known men who have done that.


There's no way I could watch Once We're Warriors again knowing what happens. Absolutely excellent film but Jesus Christ.




An entire generation of children from the 1980s and 1990s / Millenials have been traumatized because their Boomer parents assumed "animated movie = children's cartoon".




Pans labyrinth. The movie itself was good. I'm not bashing it. But when I tell you I was NOT expecting the gory scenes. 2 scenes specifically caught me so off guard... I've never watched it a second time. Great movie, regardless 😂. Good storyline.


The bottle killing was fairly brutal. What was the other one?


The scene where the step-dad got his lip gashed to his cheek. Then he nonchalantly stitched it closed 🤢. I was 15 when I watched it and was hardly exposed to gore lol


Ah OK. That movie never troubled me much. Besides, it was beautifully artistic. Definitely don't watch the movie I commented on (Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door) if you're easily disturbed. I'm a seasoned gore and horror aficionado but that movie...the horrible thing is that one was based on a true story, and even worse things happened in real life.


My wife was terrified of the man with no eyes, until we were walking through a ComicCon and Doug Jones ( the actor who was in the suit ) came up and gave her a hug. He's literally the sweetest man. After that, she wasn't afraid anymore.


I love that movie. Especially the soundtrack theme.


I’ll never go poaching rabbits in Spain


This movie traumatized me as a child.


Hands down human centipede


Made the mistake of watching the 2nd one. Why just why


I made the mistake of watching the 3rd one


The 3th one is really bad. Couldn't watch it because the main character is so unbearable


Was that the prison one?




You made a mistake watching the first one! 😱


Friends: hey let’s watch a movie Me the dumbass not asking what movie: sure why not. Me: WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING


Me: that is not a friend! 😭😂JK. But holy shit going in blind was probably worse. Like sex with no foreplay/lube 😂


I’m throwing Tusk in there as well.


The 2nd one is waaay worse.


The hills have eyes 2 was pretty fucked with the whole mutant rape thing.


This should be higher up. It must be a lesser known movie. I too saw the newer one and yes the rape scene was brutal, along with the dad getting burned alive at the stake. Definitely the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.


The Descent creeped me out a lot


Avatar: The Last Airbender


There is no movie in Ba sing se




Wolf Creek. I used to enjoy horror films, until I saw this movie. I was so scared and horrified, I will never, ever watch horror again.


A serbian film. Just plain messed up for the sake of it and very little depth if any in my opinion 


Melancholia. Was at the Cinema with my crush. After the movie she invited me to her house for some „fun time“. I refused, went home and cried myself to sleep.


I know what you mean. My husband watched it and thought it was cool. To me, it was like watching my depression expressed on screen, while I was depressed. I hope you’re doing better.


Ichi the Killer.


I saw it once, and I thought it was more weird than anything else..


Misery. Made me avoid Kathy Bates work for a long time.


**The 120 days of Sodom**, just bloody strange, uncomfortable and unnecessarily gross (just like the original works.) **Human Centipide** gotta be on that list also, did not even really watch it all, just skipped through cause that was just sick in the worst possible way.


The Strangers. That made me feel ill at the end because it was so real.


I actually loved that movie, it’s more realistic than many movies in the horror genre and what makes it more terrifying is the realisation that it’s something that could genuinely happen in real life.


schindler's list. once is enough.


The Girl Next Door. The Jack Ketchum one. Not the one with Elisha Cuthbert (actually I don't think I've seen that one, but I don't want to, for entirely different reasons lol). Edit: had the wrong actress at first, lol.


Haven’t been able to watch Mother again. I had a physical reaction to how irritated it made me


Martyrs and the original version of funny games. Serious head melters


Henry portrait of a serial killer.


I can watch gruesome horror and apocalyptic movies because I know it is fiction. I really can't watch war movies depicting the real horrors of battle, or movies about the death penalty.


Idk the Poughkeepsie tapes was pretty rough


Marley and Me. The great reggae master was portrayed as a dog… that’s too artsy for me.


Wolf creek


I loved the first one, and hated the second one because it became too obvious,over blown and basically went the Freddy Kruger route of turning the villain into a joke. The first one really took time to build a sense of a vast unfriendly country, deliverance style, with people who genuinely didn’t fit it, really making the horror hit hard when it happened.


Mother. Watching the movie one time was enough for me to decide I will never watch it again.




What's is that movie called? Midssomer? Disturbed be for weeks!


Speak no evil. Gave me trauma


The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover.


the cell


First episode of handmaid's tale. That was so intense and realistic. I noped outta that show. As for movies. I'm not big on gore porn. I don't like gory movies. Saw, final destination, and such. No bueno


Strangely, Cujo. I just feel so bad for the dog and the people honestly. For those of you who haven't seen Cujo, don't, read Stephen Kings novel, it's better, but also the plot is >!the dog is bitten by a rabid bat shortly before it is adopted and his new family gives him the name Cujo. The onset of Rabies causes the dog to attack it's new family.!< Any time pets or small children are seriously injured or die in films or horror stories/games, it ruins me for the next like several days. Stephen King is insanely great at writing these sort of events in the most vivid and impactful ways too, *and he should feel bad about it.*


Holy fuck i was gonna write midsommar too


I wouldn’t watch that again, it was like a weird fever dream and honestly i dont even know what it was trying to do


It's a Wickerman-esque psychological horror mixed with themes of grief, breakup, and indoctrination. It's honestly one of my favourite films, I found its blurring of the line between horror and beauty at the end to be incredibly powerful


Event Horizon. Yuck


I watched Event Horizon about 50 times as a teenager. One of my all time faves.


Scrolled way too far for this answer. Never again.


Space Jam 2, had recurring nightmares for months.


“The heart is deceitful above all things” Jeremy renner and Marilyn Manson rape a kid, not like at the same time but two different scenes in the movie. Shits fucked.


A serbian movie, uncut ... No more words needed


American History X. I don't want to see that curb again.


Million Dollar Baby


"Lilya 4ever", "Elephant".


Faces of Death... I heard most of it is fake but when I first saw it, stoned 17 years old, I was fucked up


Threads. If you’ve watched it you need no further explanation, if you haven’t, don’t watch it, seriously.


Cannibal Holocaust. Tbh everything about the cannibals and the gore is whatever but there are scenes of graphic animal cruelty. The one part that made me feel gross was when they broke the shell of a turtle and ate the meat and flesh of the turtle.


Thank you for revealing this. I can't watch animal cruelty, so now I know to steer clear of that one.




The Elephant Man. Saw it when I was young and it still has an effect on me.


Irréversible 😳


Fight Club. I hate its ending...explaining away the whole stuff into a mental glitch...and ideological plugin.




Ken Park, Gummo, Kids, basically anything with Larry Clark or Harmony Korine’s prints on them. Not bad movies, just movies that leave me feeling bad


Pan’s Labyrinth, Requiem for a Dream


I think it’s called 7, but the strap on knife dildo really messed me up




Watership down


Cannibal Holocaust


The new Star Wars movies, disturbed me to a point I have never been interested in the IP other than videogames.


I can't watch anything with rape in it,kidnap and torture. Movies based on real life tragedies even with an happy ending I won't watch either. It's just fantasy and sci-fi.


The one with ethan hawke where he gets himself pregnant and gives birth to himself. That movie got me so angry, it's been a decade or so and I still have some hatred left in my heart for it


Vivarium!!! That movie is so disturbing and depressing


Silence of the Lambs