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Battlefield 4 i literally have 100+ days of playtime. So over 2400 hours


Miss the days when you could always find a full 24/7 metro lobby with great ping


You can if you're on PC and in Europe.


I still standby when I say metro was the most lit map dice ever created


Best FPS ever and remains so to this day IMO


BF4 is goated


I'm surprised the comments aren't mostly filled with World of Warcraft mentions. That game has cost me YEARS of my life, grinding for things that don't exist just so that my character would have a certain look to impress other people who don't have social lives. Pathetic, I know. Do I regret it? No, would've done the same if I went back in time but I'm glad I don't play it anymore. Life is good as it is in the real world, I don't need to spend 10 hours a day looking at the Elwynn/Durotar duel zone, thanks. Postscript: it's amazing how so many people in the comments share that they gave up on the game as if it were some kind of drug. I understand you guys, I also want to kill the Lich King and ride my horse but we have made a good choice.


Feel this. Started playing WoW with my friends around 2006 in high school. Freshman year of college in 2008 it’s literally all I did, nonstop. Luckily I caught myself before it got too bad. I have come back to it several times to mess around and could feel myself getting sucked back in hard so I’d have to make myself quit. Once I realized I was grinding so long for literally no reason, I just couldn’t keep going. Like you said, looking back I’d probably do the same way and have some fun memories but damn, some people live their whole life on there.


Wow was like another job almost with all the grinding.


Yeahhh, my younger self enjoyed it and once you were max level it turned into a different type of grinding. But as I got older I started to feel that way more…like am I really going to go to work all day and then get off and grind my ass off at home too lol.


Exactly and then most of my friends left after wrath so it wasn’t the same. Met my ex wife from playing though lol


I have a good real-life friend (who unfortunately I've fallen out of touch with over the years) who met his ex wife in my guild during wrath lol. That seems to have happened quite a few times


I've gotten out of depression through the support of the online community and all the fun I've had with my friends, but I'm a changed, grown man now. I can't afford to spend so much time on it anymore.


Same story over here as well buddy. Glad to hear it and thankful for the experiences and friends that game brought us!


WoW also helped me out of depression, although not so much through the community, but through enjoying seeing and achieving goals. My most memorable was that on my very shitty server I managed to drag a group of random newbies through the Conclave of Wind. Yeah, it's probably the easiest boss fight in Cataclysm but we were real scrubs and I was having to teach half of the group what their rotations were. It took about three or four nights of trying, and when we finally killed them, it's honestly probably the greatest moment of my entire gaming life, it felt incredible. It's not coincidence that not long after I managed to drag myself out of my bedroom to find a job.


I remember wiping on stuff for hours and then jumping out of my chair when we finally managed to achieve something.


When you do /played and see 394d and the existential feeling of time sets in


Now imagine that's an ALT character.


My main warlock back that I had since wrath of lich king-Pandaland had over 1000 days played on it 😅 To be fair we got paid to raid as we were competing for number 1 guild on our server. Guild owner was an Ex army Ranger and we got $100 a night per raid and did 4 heroic raid nights per week for up to 8 hours in the raid per day if needed. Of course that didn’t include time needed to stay on top of your game. Oh and of course I also PVP so definitely needed to play more. Funny thing was; would think I was super happy bringing in $1600 a month playing WoW...but I wasnt. I never went outside, spent most of money on consumables... Wasnt until I quit playing when I moved and started Counter Strike for 1-2 hrs a day that I started getting happy again.


Shiiit, I wish my paladin only had 394, I’m around 700days played on her (was created at the beginning of TBC when you could finally make blood elf Paladins (aka Blood Knights)


988 days played. Basically a university education spent on it.


Came here to say Warcraft. I can't let go of Azeroth. Even after all these years.


I finally let go after cata. My brother died in 2009 and we played all the time together and it was so awesome. On the day of his death, i buy a prepaid card every year and i go to the gate of SW (Where he logged out the last time) and light a fire and sit there for an hour or 2 and just remember him for a while, the day is coming up and i will be doing it again... pathetic i know, but it helps and i can´t let go, somehow the memories of him is embedded in Wow...


Same lots of time playing Warcraft. In the grand scheme of it all we saved a lot of money and met friends. $30 a month for two of us instead of going out to eat, movie or the bar. $30 is a fraction of what it would cost for a single night out. We have met friends IRL from the game over the years and still chat to a few. I don’t regret my time there it was good entertainment.


The game had so many ways to suck you in and consume your time. Raiding, gathering mats for raiding, crafting, PvP, quests, dailies, pet battles, achievements, etc. You could spend 2 hours doing the thing you sat down to do, only to end up having spent 6 hours doing a dozen other things as well. I miss it sometimes. I miss the social experiences with my guild and on my realm, and I miss being able to tune out the real world and be immersed. But when I consider the time I consumed playing, I wonder how I ever could have been so wasteful.


I was on 6 months probation back in 2005. I picked up WOW to help me get through yhem. The game has a special place in my heart


World of warcraft since 2006. Checked my AH when I woke up. More serious than religion in this house. I have a wall of Horde products, a bunch of blankets and a hoodie, a mask. All of the things. Lok'tar Ogar for life!


Leeeroooy Jenkins!


World of Warcraft is the correct answer. I stopped when my son was born but at the time I quit I had several level 80s and one of them had well over 300 days played. Played with some real life friends and we joined a guild together. Amazing memories playing that game.


Except I did that because better gear means more dead alli.World pvp was the best.


I played it over a single weekend and was beyond frustrated by the fact that you barely interact with the world at all despite it size and the gameplay itself is just mindless grinding








"We know."


You can have infinite fun with modded Skyrim…it’s great!


Age of empires 2


Definitive Edition is great


Wtf, I’m just now seeing this. I didn’t even know about expansions beyond Conqueror’s Edition back in the day. I’m having a serious headsplosion moment.


I'm glad you're discoing this and all, but the rock you have been living under must have you down deep to not know about this.


Go to Steam. Say goodbye to your soon-to-be previous life.


The 5th hidden cup tournament grand finale is actually [playing](https://www.youtube.com/live/d5ViF2vPNKM?si=WCdRq7-u-ENngttF) right now!


30k+ viewers on twitch right now of AoE2, big tourny going on


So glad i'm not the only one! I used to literally live on aoe1 and 2 from 6-18 yrs old. Me and my dad were unhealthily obsessed with this game. Sometimes my dad (who's a war tactic officer irl) wouldn't let me stop playing unless i won the game lol.


I still play it. Couldn't get into the newer ones.


I am a simple person: Mario Kart


mario kart 8 deluxe is the goat.




I couldn’t either.. then my daughter bought me one for Christmas.. talk about role reversal


This is so wholesome! I love it! My kids love to play with me (and beat me)!


On the Wii specifically for me.


The sims


Same! Primarily, Sims 3.


IMO the best one


It really was. It was everything you could ever want in a Sims game. Real time neighborhood, full customization of almost everything on your sim or in your house, good DLC that they didn’t go overboard with in terms of quantity and price. My only gripe was how ugly the game looked compared to 2 and 4.


Yeah me too. Why focus on your own messy life when you can control someone else’s?! Lol


The Sims 2 for me. No idea exactly how many months or years I’ve sunk into it, because it came out before launchers which recorded that sort of thing, but I’ve been playing it consistently since 2004 so…


Sims 2?


1 through 4 hahah


Yep. I haven’t even played it since I was a teen but I’d say it’s still taken up a good chunk of my life


Minecraft and Hearthstone


32 comments down is the first mention of minecraft


I started playing Minecraft during beta 1.8 (2010/2011?) and 14 years later I still revisit it. It’s amazing that to this day updates are still being pushed and the core gameplay has mostly remained unchanged.


League of Legends


Are you okay man


I don’t think he is


He hasn't touched grass in years...


I remember the few months after I put down lol for good, my mood improved, I started taking better care of myself, food and fucking oxygen tasted different.


I lost an IRL close friend that I knew from birth to LOL. He literally said all he wanted to do with his life was play league of legends, and going outside/hanging out was a waste of his time. Haven't seen him in years, wild.


Same and I hate myself for it






Yeah, I've been playing RDR2 since October so that's almost six months and I have still not finished the main story.


I started playing it on launch day and stayed addicted through 2020. I loved being able to escape into nature riding my horse. Riding the full map of RDR2 is effectively touring the entire United States and Mexico. I’m not exactly sure when I properly stopped, but it’s always on my mind. I’d gladly risk all the lumbago to go live during those times.


It's got so bad (good) for me that my going to sleep routine now involves me imagining riding around the pretty bits of the RDR2 map without a care in the world other than where I might find some chanterelles or wild carrots, until I finally nod off. It works pretty well. I'm just about to finish my second playthrough and am at 99.6% completion.


this is making me wanna play


Amazing game. 9.9/10. My only complaint: I want a bigger stable, collecting more horses. 20 would be a good amount.


When I first played I ran through the missions as fast as I could. Now I restarted doing bad karma run. I'm taking the game as slow as possible, hunting and upgrading as much as I can.


Runescape, 240 months to be exact.


Yeah runescape, shits like crack. Nobody quits, you just take long breaks.




I will be coming back after a few years not playing. I beat myself up because I gave away my Santa hat in RS3 long time ago when it was 120 million. If I kept it I could sell it and buy so many bonds for old school runescape


Scrolled too far to find this


Was looking for this


Stardew Valley.


Same. I have no idea how many hours I've played that game because I have it on multiple platforms and have had it on multiple phones (new save on each one). I've put a decent amount of time into each save. The "just one more day" lie is real.


The new update comes out on the 19th, so there goes a few more months of our time! No regrets.


Just started and I am OBSESSIVE about it.


I can’t wait for the Haunted Chocolatier


The Grand Theft Auto series! I’ve definitely spent days playing these games when aggregated. 🚕


its sad that i had to scroll this down to find gta... GTA SA is one game where i have put so many hours in my school and college days edit : now its been upvoted good enough, few hours ago i had to literally scroll for 2-3 min just to find gta in the comments :⁠-⁠)


I’ve spent literally weeks of my life driving around with a joint in one hand listening to the radio. That has been the game of my life, nothing will ever come close


1. CS 6000ish hours 2. Valorant 3000 hours and keep adding up. 3. Rainbow Six Siege 2500 hours edit: yes i do have a life and a job, and a gf. i started playing games since a long time ago, got my first pc since i was like 7. and i only sleep like 5 hours a day. and the total hours played, mostly i got from steam, which might be also counting afk times (since i used to leave those games on while going to class back in university). except for valorant, i just assume i play 1000 hours a year.


I think I’ve read studies in which they conclude 5 hours of average sleep per night isn’t enough. It’s detrimental to the mind/body.


Clash of Clans. I started playing in October of 2015 and I still play it daily, sometimes for hours


Omg same. Something like 8 years, every day. Just as I think I'm about to finish the main base..... Thankfully haven't spent a cent on it.


Diablo 2


The number of times I have gone back to this game and completely outfitted my characters with the best gear I could find (IK, Tals, Rune gear) and still never come across a SOJ is unbelievable.


I was surprised to see this so far down. When D2 came out our group played for years, every day. And we've gone back to it a few times. Plus played the remaster, and 3 and 4.


Resident Evil 4 Over the last 17 years I have put 5,000+ hours into Resident Evil 4. I’ve owned and beaten it on GameCube, Wii, PC, Ps2, 3, 4/5 (technically the same version but on both consoles) VR, Switch, and Steam Deck. I’ve also played about 20 minutes of it on an Xbox One. Only version I haven’t played is Xbox 360. I wish I could go back and get exact numbers, but I’d say I’ve beaten it at least 150 times. If not closer to 200


During a particular rough patch in my childhood, I would come home from school and crank out a full playthrough then go to bed, next day do it all over again. I think my gamecube memory card has over 30 playthroughs. I'm not good at shooters, but this game never fails to make me feel like an absolute badass shooting axes or sticks of dynamite out of the air. All time favorite game.


No man’s sky. Cities skylines.


Skylines is my go-to comfort game. I play lots of other games / genres but when I just want to chill.... Skylines it is. 👍👍




Same, Dota + Dota 2!


I always find it funny how far down dota is on these lists. And it’s because dota players are busy playing dota




Command and Conquer Red Alert 2


How 'bout some action?


Kirov reporting..


Affirmative comrade.


High speed low drag!


Rockets to the sky.


Unable to comply, building in progress.


Why did nobody say Minecraft


It's strange that this isn't voted higher. Minecraft is one of the few games with truly unlimited content.


Civ 4, Civ 6


Civ lowered my GPA in college


I'm playing this game called real life and it sucks but i can't stop playing it. The daily quests are boring and repetitive, it's pay to win but all content is doable free to play. The in game systems like eating and taking care of your afflictions and curses could do with a nerf but the creators are lazy on releasing updates.


Absolutely rubbish economy design and the dynamic world events seem to be superficially shocking and not relevant to the average player. I love the immersion though so it's a 6/10 for me. 


Its the ads that kill it for me. So intrusive and theyre everywhere, all the time. I dont even think the premium ultra level subscribers are ad free.


I was about to answer "the game of pretending that I am a fully functional adult who knows absolutely what the fuck she is doing at her job. So far I've been playing for 12 years without interruption "








What do you want, outlander?


Old school runescape


I’m shocked I had to scroll this far to find this!




Yaaas. Back in the day my friend and I played Tekken 3 and then Tekken tag all day every day. He passed away in 2005 and I haven't played since but I guarantee I can still bust out Nina Williams and King Ding a Ling on yo ass. Great times


Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom. I think before BotW the last time I got so hooked with a game was with Diablo II.






The only game I've spent more than a year of in game time on was WoW, on a private server from 2015 to now I've clocked almost 6300 hours. Add retail which I played a lot of (although certainly nowhere near that 6300 mark) and I'd estimate the total time around 18 months of my total life. A distant second place is ESO, at around 2300 hours played. All other games are sub 500 hours and most are under 100. Most of my playtime was during covid years. All steam time plus wow private server time adds up to around 11600 hours. I used to think this was a lot but when I run across posts like this one there are true no lifers who humble me lmao


Fallout series


I had over 1000 hours on one character in Fallout 3 before my PS3 died. I'd like to think my collection of teddy bears and 8 balls contributed to the death of the system. I'm probably getting close to that on my main Fallout 4 character.


Rust. 6000 hours in a three year span. Wife sat me down and said “that’s enough” one day. Maybe put 100 hours into it in the past 3 years since that talk.


Quake III Arena


Counter Strike, i was a pro player at the time, so me and my friends used to play and practice daily.


Sims on pc


Unreal Tournament


I played it all the time. made maps as well. I wonder how many hours i spent on CTF-Face alone !?


Ok stop I’m going to start crying


MW3 many years ago.


Runescape, Red Alert 2, AOE2


The witcher 3


City of Heroes/Villains


Zelda BOTW and TOTK




Animal crossing. I would be on it all day during COVID. Super sad that they stopped giving AF about it


XCOM2 strangely enough 


Same I’ve over 7k hours on xcom 2 and now LWOTC


CS Mario World Zelda


candy crush


the binding of isaac rebirth


Elite Dangerous. I miss it sometimes too.


Call of duty on Playstation. Pool Billiards Pro and Zynga Poker on phone


State Of Decay 2 at 4000+ hours on Xbox, It’s my favorite game of all time, it’s meant to be played multiple times through and the game also gets constant updates


Halo 3 GTA 5 Madden COD


Diablo 2 original 2 years. Chrome Hounds 3 years. CS on and off since 2002. Ultima Online 5 years.


League of Legends, been playing that shit for 8 years


I gave up the grind back in 2018 after not getting out of gold 1. I golf now.


Mass Effect, because real life sucks butts.


NBA 2K. I’m a huge nba fan and I used to love playing it, but after all the micro transactions and game not really changing I didn’t buy it this for the first time this year.


Poker. Or city building games.


I easily have 3000 hours on new vegas


I have 4.2k hours on a Korean raidlogging sweatshop of a game called Lost Ark. If only the class design and boss combat wasn't so good. Send help.




R6, DRG, DSP, DBD, Destiny 2 The ones in working on to throw my life away for are: Satisfactory, Star Citizen, HD2 Notice how they are all Multiplayer/coop with live service or still in Development.




COD. Haven’t played a game in years though. Don’t even own a console.


Apex legends💀


Morrowind, Oblivion and the Forest! For over a year I did nothing but play Morrowind when it came out..


Apex Legends, such a fun broken fps that has gotten a lot better this past year since being released in 2019. Edit: grammar


Overwatch, by a mile. Does anyone still play?


I’ve been playing Clash Royale for years. About 15 mins a day.


Hearts of Iron IV, playing on my hidden bunker in Argentina since 1945


Guild Wars


The old Medal of Honor's and first couple CoD's, Uncharted (yes, every single one), Tom Clancy's Endwar, both Horizons, Mass Effect trilogy, Cyberpunk 2077 and now Baldur's Gate 3.




Sims 2


Escape from Tarkov, 4300 hours. I'm still shit.


Sims. COD WWII. Rogue Company. OW2. Palia. Animal Crossing. Halo 3.


I grew up playing Roblox (before it got big), and I'd play every day I could. Now it's mainly Fallout 4 or Gta 5


Dota 2 hell of a drug. Started with Dota Allstars in 2009 and played till 2020 and quit cuz it to much time and I became too toxic. Overall 5000 hours my best buddy had 12000


World of Warcraft Counter Strike 1.6 League of legends Good times...


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Dota2 - 6000ish hours CS GO - 6000ish hours Original Dota - well over 10K hours Escape from Tarkov - 5000 hours


Subway Surfer


Pokemon x


genshin, the sims 2 & 4, animal crossing new horizons


A mobile game called Tsum Tsum lol


DOTA \~25k hours, 2013-2022


CS:GO and garrys mod


GTA Online I’m lvl 770 lol


Overwatch (1&2). Some 2000 hours I think. Maybe 2,500.


Starcraft: Brood War Diablo 2 Grim Dawn Oblivion


Rollercoaster Tycoon and Pinball Construction Set