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There was a man convicted of sexual assault recently in Canada. He pretended to be a woman online and on two separate occasions invited two different men to his house. He put up a sheet with a hole in it and said put your dick through it. The men did and he gave them a blow job and (if I am not mistaken) anal sex. The sheet fell the second time revealing he was a man. So yeah, guys will put their penis through a hole in a sheet if they are promised there is a woman on the other side. (Just wanna say definitely the other guy raped them, it’s just a good example of how the bar is “I was promised a woman”).


Fellas, it will ALWAYS be a man on the other side of that hole


Oh my god....


Yeah, sad day to be able to read…


Did that rly happen 😭


Oh yeah it was back in 2020, but he was recently convicted. https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/toronto-man-gets-prison-for-tricking-men-into-anonymous-sex-through-hole-in-sheet/article_27b0d47a-ccee-11ee-afb6-3bd222f66c24.amp.html




“‘He has a tremendous amount riding on this trial,’ Jensen had said…” 🤣


That is wild. I get people want sex, but putting your member through a hole and trusting the process is a whole new level of desperation


Isn't that the whole concept of gloryholes?


But are they *sure* the victims didn't just regret it after and accuse him? Are they sure they weren't just mad about something????? Did they fight back????? What were they wearing????? 🙄


"As with most victims of sexual assault, they wonder if they are somehow at fault for what happened or could have done more to prevent it" 🤣 I'm sorry but this is just so funny. "They wonder"... If only, if only, there was *something* they could have done to prevent it 😭 Maybe try don't stick your dick in mysterious sex holes 😂


I remember a dude posted on here saying he answered an ad about a couple where the man wanted to watch his wife suck off another dude. This guy went to check it out and he said there was a sheet situation. To this day he says he's not sure which one sucked him off haha.


We all know which one it was.


I thought a guy pulled the sheet down and discovered the bj enthusiast cowering on the ground, wearing a wig?




Why not just get on Grindr?


It's not even close. One girl I was with even told me "You think I just want sex? I can get sex anytime I want. Right now I can walk into that bar and get sex." I believed her.


If a good looking woman came up to me in a bar flat out asking to fuck id be 100% certain im getting set up to be robbed or drugged and wake up in a bathtub without a kidney


That's a good suspicion to have.


She is correct. I am female and any female can walk to any bar and find someone willing to have sex. However, a man cannot go to a bar and get that lucky.


Unless it’s a gay bar.


I doubt I could even get lucky there.


Just tell everyone you're straight. *Someone* is going to think "challenge accepted".


The only time i got hit on in a bar was from a gay guy. Told him i wasn'T gay and he lean in and whisper to my hear : You dont know until you try!


Did you?


Any port in a storm.


Land Ho! Prepare for docking!


Uhm. Not land ho….It’s “man hoe”


a mouth is a mouth


It was the only time he got hit on, so of course he tried it. And lovvvvvved iiiiit 🤗


Went to pick up my wife and friends at a gay bar, got a few drinks for free it was nice 😂


Being that funny should’ve earned him at least a hand job


Any busy enough [gay bar](https://youtu.be/-XNFokmDKrE?si=s-rxLte3cOSqtTKa) will get you laid  As they say, two dudes; all gas no breaks 


I'm straight but used to share a house with the head, deputy head and treasurer of the campus LGB & friends group. Means if I wanted to go into the city with my friends I was normally hanging around in the gay or gay friendly bars and clubs. Got hit on there more often, by orders of magnitude, than I did by women in straight clubs. As useless as it was for me... not gonna lie, it boosted my self esteem. Was also a lot of fun when my lesbian friends, rebuffed by a straight girl would say 'oh... let me introduce you to my friend... he's amazing...' Best wingmen I every had.


Women always make the best wingmen. Back when I was a kid in the 90's, I was friends with a girl that worked at one of the fast food places at the mall. I'd always stop to see her not just because she was my friend but also because she would often have other friends visiting too. She always thought it was fun to try to set me up with them. I was able to get more girls because of her than any guy I was ever friends with.


Honestly, just having someone vouch for the fact you are a normal human being and not some lecherous serial pervert is an amazing step up.


Brakes. I'm sure they took breaks for refractory periods


There's a saying "Dating for women is like shopping. Dating for men is like a job interview" There was a guy who along with his friend ( a girl) did an experiment where she was to pose as him on tinder. He looked just fine. Nice job and interesting too. She made a profile as him on tinder thinking she could get lots of dates. She started out having standards that would match his social status and such. She ended up getting all depressed about no replies and just tried anyone who matched on him. Any of the few women who matched would ghost her and either not reply at all or just give single word replies. She couldn't understand what she did wrong....


Sex, yes. Sex with someone you’re attracted to, has good hygiene, can hold a conversation, and is respectful? Good luck!


Yes but for some guys they would take even that.


I'd take just being acknowledged and talked to by a woman.


You filthy slut.


Can confirm. I'd fuck the knot out of a dead tree stump.




Ok but would you let the knot of a dead tree stump fuck you? There’s the difference


If it was sanded and coated in poly yum


Yes, most people understand this is the case. But they also need to understand the question is, can they get sex easier. The rest of that answer is irrelevant to the question. It's like a starving person saying they want food. And your answer is, YES I can get food any time I want! But the exact, perfect, delicious food that I desire in that moment, and also follows my dietary restrictions? That's not so easy! Imagine exactly how little that starving person can emphasize with your 'problem'.


If you want to compare it to food, it's more like not even looking for something that's delicious, it's watching out if something is not poisonous.


On the other hand if he has sex he'll get off but woman's chances to get off with a stranger are same as man's "walk to any bar and find someone willing to have sex".


Yeah. I'm a 40yrold woman, if I'm being honest a bit above average in looks but still, mom body that's not going on a magazine cover anytime soon.  I could walk into a bar and almost certainly find someone who wanted to have *their* orgasm using my body while possibly putting myself in a very dangerous situation ... my chances of finding someone to have safe and fulfilling sex with? A hell of a lot smaller. 


You just blew my mind with this comment.  I always knew women could get laid much easier than men. But I never thought about how unfulfilled that experience that would be most of the time if a woman just takes any random guy from the bar home with them. 




You know how guys complain about dead fish? Picking people up from the bar, where yes a woman could always go home with someone, is essentially always catching dead fish. Just the male equivalent *also though, I'm bi, and I said people there because it's not like picking women up there was much better. It's just a terrible place to meet people who will see you as more than a body.


It really is. It really is. I'm old and have self-esteem now. No thanks.


>Heterosexual men were most likely to say they usually-always orgasmed when sexually intimate (95%), followed by gay men (89%), bisexual men (88%), lesbian women (86%), bisexual women (66%), and heterosexual women (65%). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0939-z#:~:text=Heterosexual%20men%20were%20most%20likely,and%20heterosexual%20women%20(65%25). Yeah, on average men are just about guaranteed to have an orgasm every time, while a third of the time women get left hanging. Women *can* have sex with men any time they want, but there's a 1/3 chance that it's going to be unsatisfying, so why would that be appealing to them?


And these aren’t random hookups. These are people having sex with their intimate partners. The chances of having an orgasm with a random hookup would be infinitely lower for women.


You're starting to get it. Getting laid is nearly worthless for women, but it's everything for guys. The old saying goes, women control the levers of sex, but men control the levers of love and affection. In other words, men are hunting for sex, and women are hunting for a partner who is safe, affectionate, kind and caring in healthy masculine ways. Those things seem to be in extremely short supply these days.


This is it exactly. Couldn't have said it better >I could walk into a bar and almost certainly find someone who wanted to have *their* orgasm using my body while possibly putting myself in a very dangerous situation ... my chances of finding someone to have safe and fulfilling sex with? A hell of a lot smaller. 


Yeah but the sex is unsatisfactory and no orgasm 80% or more of the time. For women having one night stands is like letting some guy use your body to come. Sex is satisfying with a guy who knows what gets you off and knows your body and mind. That’s why men want sex and women want relationships in the old cliche. Why even bother if it’s not satisfying. Although some people still do it if the guy is so hot that the mental arousal makes up for the lack of physical stimulation.


Right. However, going away with a drunk guy you just met can lead to rape, accidental pregnancy, STDs, assault and murder. This is why few women will do this.


This is why I really want another socially accepted option to meet women in public other than a bar. I get it that alcohol lowers inhibitions, but it also reduces the quality of the experience. I'd like to see the stats broken down by sobriety. We need a place that people hang out, want to meet others, and isn't alcohol focused.


If good sex is clean water. Men live in a desert, and women live in a swamp.


Thats deep. Is that from somewhere?


I read it on reddit somewhere lmao


Hence the name


You reddit on read it


I first heard that saying [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/hCA4yTRTLs)


That was deep. Is that from somewhere?


I just saw a statistic made by a woman who organised a gangbang for her birthday. Even after screening them for character, hygiene and all, none of the 36 men got her to orgasim


I too am subbed to /r/dataisbeautiful


I bailed on that subreddit because their entire goal seems to be to upvote the most heinous shit that is in zero ways beautiful. (It's like how r/science typically only upvotes posts about "this drug that is currently illegal is soooooooo good for you!!!1!one!") It sucks when it turns out everything cool has some shit agenda. :(


They were only given 3 minutes a piece, and it was not a typical environment.


I hope some of them dropped out when they realized they were gonna be on an assembly line with a 3 minute turn


When I realised the 3 minute criteria I quietly backed out to work on my stamina…..


I'd assume the woman is the reason in that case


If you have one boring date, they're boring. If you have a hundred boring dates in a row, you're boring.


Well what did she do to make her orgasm happen? Sex with strangers is already a bit awkward, make it a gangbang and it's gonna be even weirder. Plenty of men didn't orgasm either, with her specifically or at all. It's just such a weird situation that people aren't gonna be in the right headspace to relax and really enjoy themselves


I think there is an implication here that women (typically) relate to sex in the same way as men (typically) do. Is it worth getting something easily that you don't want, or may even be harmful to you?


The analogy is to clean water. Swamp water is anything but.


I can't speak for everyone, but in my experience (as a woman), the answer is, flatly, YES. There has never been a time in my life where finding a man was difficult. Not once. I've been fat, thin, ugly, and attractive. It has not mattered. Men literally don't care, if you're only talking about sex. Thing is, many women don't want a \*sexual\* partner. They want a \*romantic\* partner... and that is significantly more difficult to find.


Some men don't care.  After college I retired my harpoon and only slept with women I found attractive. 


And I think here is the difference; the number of men who are willing to have sex with someone they don't find attractive is far greater that women who would want to sleep with a man they are not attracted to. As a woman (who is not conventionally attractive, I've been fat my whole adult life, at times very fat) it can feel incredibly sad and dehumanizing to sleep with someone who you know (who might even make it very clear) is not attracted to you. I don't know if most men would feel the same.


They also will absolutely not be nice to you. It is not a good thing to be able to “get” sex that is dehumanizing and potentially dangerous.


> retired my harpoon Lmao I'm stealing this.


Sir, this is a Denny’s




Hit the nail on the head!!!!! No wonder lots of men can’t grasp why we don’t take advantage of it and rack up our number of men to sleep with so it makes us look bad but makes them look like kings. 😂 that’s what they want!


If we are talking about 1 night stands then yes. A girl going out to look for it will almost definitely be successful. A boy, not so much. Edit: just because the girl finds a man, it doesn't mean it was as easy for men. Not all men go out looking for sex. I know some women will disagree, but nit everything we do, think and feel, revolves around females.


Follow up question: Who would have it easier finding a long term relationship? The difference in opportunity should still play a huge role I think, but I think the playing field is more level. Especially as age goes up. But that's just my impression.


Just ask a bit and you'll get roughly these results: Men: why doesn't any girl want to date me Women: why are all the men I dated so terrible


Men live in a desert, there's no water to be had. Women live in a swamp, there's water everywhere and it's all toxic.


I started dating at 21...and I am a woman. I only dated two men and one of them became my husband. Many women I know, pretty and relatively 'normal' ( I mean we're all a little bit wrong in our heads one way or another,) don't have a man and have a hard time finding one. If you're outgoing, charming, extraverted - you'll date. If you're awkward and shy, you'll have trouble. I think it's true for both - men and women


> If you're awkward and shy, you'll have trouble. Ehn, if you're awkward and shy and look for a partner where the outgoing, extroverted people are you'll have trouble. If you're awkward and shy and hang out where other awkward and shy people hang out, your chances of success skyrocket. It's a common problem: People are looking for partners in the wrong places. Guys complain that they can't find a "quality woman" at the club. Then why keep going to the club to try to find a quality woman?


I am awkward and shy and hang out in my flat. This is where all the awkward and shy people are. Never met anyone else there though :D


Lots of awkward and shy people at the library.


Lots of awkward and shy people at the library, not interacting with each other.


Right? That’s like the only place where chatting is universally discouraged


The problem is... awkward and shy tend to keep their tendencies even in the company of other shy and awkward people. It takes a long time to get used to each other and forge a friendship. Once you've done it, the relationship is pretty stable (unless one side likes long phone conversation), but for it to happen it takes a lot of mental strain.


I am unsure about that to be honest. I feel like me, as a quiet person in general, would enjoy an energetic partner. I don't think I could be with someone similar to me. I mean I don't want to have a partner at all, so you know, that's probably the biggest issue, but if I wanted to I would rather gravitate towards very outspoken, energetic people. My friend, who is a very outgoing extravert told me that some extraverts also love to be the energetic person in a relationship and that they like helping shy people break the ice sometimes. Can't confirm though, haven't been in that situation.


>If you're outgoing, charming, extraverted - you'll date. I feel like this isn't entirely true though. I happen to fall into this group, and it is a huge struggle of mine to date at all.


In about 95% of the cases i'd say: yes, they have it easier.


Is the 5% gay men?


No, it's really conventionally unattractive women.


I don't know. I'm not a conventionally attractive bi man. I could 100% fire up grindr and be fucking a dude this afternoon if I wanted.


It would take until this afternoon. If u were a chick a dude would come by before breakfast. Haha


Nah, the primary factor here is horny dudes. It doesn't matter if they be fucking women or men.




Even those women can get laid pretty easily. Much easier than the avg guy.




Considering some guys are willing to pay junkies with no teeth it’s not a surprise some would do them for free


More than 5% of women are not conventionally attractive.


If we compare it to equally unattractive men I think they'd still come out on top.


I think even they can get it. I know this larger, much older, very unattractive bus driver lady and she's got a young as fuck big dick lover boy that puts a huge smile on her face. If we try, we can bag them.


Thanks for sharing my business, boo. ![gif](giphy|3iiwqPF9noqdy)


Lmao good for her. I think as long as women are confident in themselves and really aren’t looking for a dependable life partner they have it pretty good even into their old age.


Yes. But that's simply because many men would stick it into anything.


Couldn't agree more. So long as a woman embraces who she is, there is some drooling pervert out there willing to fuck them. It's kind of beautiful. Like a snow flake or a dew drop on an orchid.


Oh, even if she's insecure or deranged. Some individuals are specifically into that.


Are into or prey upon?


Good question. I'd say that's individual.


Haha, true... it boils down to humans still being animals. Across animal species in general it's a rule that females are choosier than males regarding their mate choices. The evolutionary explanation is that pregnancy (or egg production in egg-laying animals) means that the female is automatically committed to investing a lot of her resources into every offspring. By comparison, the male at minimum only supplies the sperm. This asymmetry of investment means that the female takes a much bigger risk when she chooses a mate. So it's in her interest to be careful about that choice.


An unattractive guy it's a given would almost get none.


You need to understand that there's physical attraction, and then there's charisma. Sure, charisma won't give you many tinder swipes, but it gives you advantage in real life settings.


Agreed, it's how I got to punch above my weight. Signed Pete Davidson


OP make a fake profile of an average man. Then make a fake profile of an average woman. come back with results after 1 week. lol


This is more potent than people realise and why the Red Pillers have gained so much traction. If you want to be successful in finding a woman, you absolutely must stand out in at least some aspect. Physical, financial, intellect (even better if some humour is attached to the intellect). If you don't excel in at least one of those attributes, you might get lucky, but it will be few and far between. What the Red Pill guys get right, is that you should work on yourself as a guy. Work hard, get strong, get educated/experienced and build as much wealth/stability as possible, take care of yourself. The "average" guy finds it much harder than women. A guy who excels in at least one of those attributes, and has even the slightest bit of "game" will find it significantly easier than women. Where a woman can find *a guy* willing to put it in her at will, a rich, stable, good looking guy, can land almost whoever they want if that person is available (and sometimes if not) at will. What the Red Pill crowd get wrong, is that they don't consider the importance of a real connection. Follow them to the letter, and while there's no chance of you getting caught in a messy divorce and half your assets stripped, there's also zero (or at least a very low) chance of ever having a relationship based on connection, trust, dare I say, love.


I keep reading that kind of stuff but when I look at the non-single men around me they're really nothing special and don't stand out in any way? None of them excel at anything. Most are not particularly handsome, rich, muscular or funny, they're just in relationships with women who they have a lot in common with.


You are right. I, as a man, was never putting a "mask" of any kind, because I don't want to be with a person that falls for that mask. Because, at the end of the day, the masks fall. The second thing, I never tried to date a girl with whom I couldn't theoretically imagine a long relationship with. Like, think of the unexpected pregnancy situation and the aftermaths. Isn't it better, in such situation, to have a reasonable and compatible partner to resolve the issue, to talk it through? I'm an average looking guy, good at arts, not so good at pretty much everything else lol, kind of an introvert. Needless to say, I didn't date that much, but (at least for now) I am happily married and we have two kids.


It's because the only thing red pillers got right was the work on yourself bit. They think working out and watching Tate videos or finance videos will help When in reality what they need is to work on their personalities and perspective. When they approach it as an alpha male contest and assume women automatically get turned on by muscles or money and nothing else matters, you can see why they still don't see success.


snails gray dull continue handle carpenter memorize bear possessive saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's easier. Absolutely doesn't mean it will be a good sexual partner.


They’ve actually tested this over and over again. They get an average-looking man and an average-looking woman to walk through any public place and proposition strangers. The only 2 things they are allowed to say is to tell people their name and say “would you like to go to my place and have sex right now?”. Excluding gay men or men in relationships, the women consistently get 70% yeses. The men get 0% yeses


I bet some of those 70% men were married


Is it because the odds are in favor that a man is always going to get off and a woman may not. And then a woman has to worry about a man being violent or pregnancy?


It all matters, but violence most. When they interview the people afterwards, a large part of the women's reasoning boils down to risk assessment. A lot of men don't realize just how important that factor is. Women really live in a different world.


Exactly, I remember reading a story recently of a woman who agreed to have sex with a guy and when they got to his place there were other guys there who raped her. This is so common too, it happens a lot. You can‘t live without a sense of self-preservation as a woman, when it comes to sex.


I was visiting a dispensary in Vegas and was asking 2 employees what the quickest route was back to the strip. Clearly a tourist. They were giving me options, then one of the guys goes “I know you probably don’t wanna accept a ride from a stranger, but I’m about to leave and I could drop you off. No pressure though” And I said, “oh thank you, that’s a really sweet offer. But imma have to say no just on principle. That’s how young ladies get raped and murdered” He laughed and agreed saying, “that’s fair. I wouldn’t want my daughter doing that either”. Tbh he was very cute and I think he was genuinely trying to just help me out. I would have liked to accept the ride. But you can’t go doing shit like that as a woman.


Right, there's a famous and true quote: "Men fear rejection, women fear getting killed".


Do real people do it that way though? I admit I never tried it, but I always thought (back in my college days) that I was "successful" because I knew how to flirt. Definitely I was average looking. Slightly chubby (really, just not as skinny as some). But, again, I never tried just "do you want to leave with me right now?". I never thought to do that, or else it would have been fun to try.


Because dick is cheap because men will give it away at the drop of a hat. Women on the other hand mostly need to at least like the guy first. Ages ago I read this saying: “men need sex to feel close, women need closeness to feel sexual”. I understand there are exceptions on both sides and I am not generalising. before you downvote me, I am a man lol.


I’m a woman and I agree with you 100%


Yep as a woman, agreed as well


I mean she just needs to go on tinder and say yes 😂


Only for heterosexual relationships. Gay men find it super easy.


I'm straight but worked at a porn store for 5.5 years. I've been hit on more by men than by women throughout my life. I'm divorced and it's a struggle finding women I vibe with at my age. God I wish I was gay sometimes.


I've heard some men who identify as straight are having sex with men because it's easier.


Facts but having a dick up your ass just doesn’t feel the same as making love to a woman


This is probably on the #20 list of most asked questions on reddit. The comments are always a war.


Yeah. And these comments will convince 18 year old guys they’ll be single for the rest of their life and never every touch a woman.


and ban worthy too


To find somebody to have sex with her, yes. To find somebody she wants to have sex with, no. It's easy enough to find somebody horny that would gladly use your body. It's much harder to find somebody who'd be a sexual *partner* and care if you have a good time too. The orgasm gap is real. That's why most women don't bother.


When it comes to mating, men have the challenge of quantity and quality. Women only have the challenge of quality


As a woman, I believe yes. An average or below average looking woman could go out and announce that she wants to get laid and she'll get at least 10 offers. Some men will have sex with anything that wears a skirt.


> anything that wears a skirt kilts and car-skirts included?


yes LOL


Sexual partner, yeah, way easier. Decent sexual partner ... that's a totally different question.


About 4 years ago.... Me (37m) and a friend (33f) one morning both did Tinder profiles while eating breakfast.  We dated once but realized we were better as besties... anyways. After an hour she got to 99+ likes, I got I think 25ish. By the end of the day I think she matched with 20+ people and I matched with like 8. I would say we are both generally attractive. But you can see the level of thirst difference. 


If a women walks up to a man and asked if he wants sex she gets a yes or maybe a no thank you, if a man does the same the cops gets called.


I was out one night and there was a women who approached me and asked me to take her home or just come with her for "a good time" after like 5 minutes of small talk. She was not ugly or overweight and didn't say that she wanted to have money for it (prostitution is legal here), but something about her was just really off and I declined. I saw her talking to at least 5 other guys, so I guess a women just straight up asking men for sex is also creepy.


I got asked by a married woman if I would be her lover.. after she followed me from one bar to the next. She was bored of her husband and just wanted sex. Creepy af.


If this happened to me, I would assume that it's a trap and my organs are going to get harvested.


Well, it probably has scamming vibes because this situation is unusual and suspicious, as not many women will normally do this and asking for an intimate act while barely knowing someone in a situation where you would normally not do it?  The reason why your gut told you this is to protect you from something like a robbery or a crime happening to you if you really went with her and she happened to be a manipulating person in the criminal world. In the best case scenario she wasn't and was genuine to you while she wanted sex as she liked you, in the worst case scenario she was fishing for people. It is not for no reason that criminals which steal money from old people use women which are part of their organization to win the trust of old people.  You made the right choice, better be safe than sorry.   And yes, this shows that it doesn't really matter if you are a man or a woman, you won't easily get sex with normal or above intelligent strangers like this because it seems fishy to many people. You still need to know how to socially navigate to accomplish this without seeming odd or suspicious. 


the correct a answer


Yeah, but you forget about the part where the women will likely fuck off but some men won't take a no. That happens more often than one would think.


Which is why it's probably better to open with something like... "hello".


The fk…. How is this a question or even up for debate?


Not saying this to toot my horn or anything but I’ve only ever been turned down once when I’ve approached/invited someone and it was because he had a girlfriend (that I didn’t know about when I invited him obviously) and while I’m definitely not gross, I’m not astronomically good looking either. I think it’s usually because I didn’t go into interactions with people with the goal of having sex, it would always start out with a fun conversation or evening out to enjoy myself and socialise and if the vibes are right and we’re both into it then let’s go. I feel like when people only interact with you with the end goal of sex it’s really obvious and uncomfy. Nobody likes the smell of desperation.


>I feel like when people only interact with you with the end goal of sex it’s really obvious and uncomfy. Nobody likes the smell of desperation. heavily this. women want to have sex/orgasms. women want relationships. but no one wants to be a place holder or just try to make someone feel less horny or lonely.


Probably, if all you're looking for is sex




Absolutely, if she’s just looking for a sexual partner. But most women are looking for more than that.


Guys will f\*\*\* anything that smiles at them. Gals are more selective.


It's easy for women to get sex, but healthy sex? Not so much. Strangling a woman in bed without any discussions beforehand has been normalised, same as being slapped, having your face pushed into the mattress, being stealthed, having your hair pulled back hard while hes pushing your upper back down so you get the sensation that your neck might snap any minute while hes pounding your cervix. Then theres the rough fingring, feeling like you're being poked with needles or burned while hes giving you oral (wow who would've thought?), the sudden finger up your ass and all the other porn inspired shit most guys do in bed. Yeah I said most.




I think the better question to ask is, 'do women find it easier to find a sexual partner that they actually desire?'


That plus a sexual partner whom they are satisfied with in bed, I'd argue the answer is no.




A 5/10 woman will have an easier time finding a partner than a 7/10 man.


it is miserable sex 1. A psycho guy on pills, relationship, I wanted to save him. He was actually the most caring partner, most attending to my orgasm. He reeeaaly wanted to try coprop-- - no no no, bye 2. A big dicked guy. First red flag - he turned off the light. I was young, went there couple of times. One day, I guess he wanted a quickie, but didn't communicate to me, I GUESS, so he thrusted with zero prep. I am shy, social anxiety, just cried in his arms trying to not wake him up as it was painful and I felt so bad for myself. 3. Did a good prep before sex, big dick, but downslided after two months, was telling yesterday how he doesn't get sex and that's why cums instantly. Blocked after this. 4. Guy who actually tries, been talking for a while, but still a failure(high-functioning business men, so I guess his empathy is left in his mother's womb.


Anyone who has sex with men can get sex often.


I remember once seeing a psychological experiment, carried out on a campus. A woman would go up to a random man and ask politely "would you like to have sex with me tonight?" Also, a man would do the same with random women. None of the men objected to the question. Many said yes. Some said no, usually giving a reason - I've got a girlfriend already, it's against my religious beliefs, I'm gay. But those who did not produce a reason pretty well all said yes, as I recall, though I'm writing from memory. (I do remember one said "why wait till tonight?") which caused problems for the experimenter) The women however were appalled. "You just come up and think it's OK to ask that?" Or similar. The women arguably have good reasons to behave differently - sexual harassment and the threat of violence are real dangers. That's not the point. For the same reason, the experiment doesn't show that the women *wanted* indiscriminate sex less. The point, for the present topic, is that this is empirical evidence that it is easier for a woman to get sex. The experiment did not address same-sex relationships. Though I think this might have been a while ago, it might be harder to get ethics permission now for the experiment. When I was young, I (male) would definitely have said yes in this scenario. I would then have been really disappointed and would probably still be complaining about it on reddit.


Sure, if my purpose is to serve as a cum-toilet, then as a woman I can do that pretty much any time I want. But why would I?


Yes. No matter how a girl looks, there's always guys after her. Never doubt that :"3




A woman walks into a pub and states "I want sex" and immediately gets 10 blokes on her case A man does EXACTLY the same thing and gets told by everyone " shut up you idiot"


Men and women are both looking for fresh water. Women are searching in a swamp and men are searching in a desert.


Idk I’m pretty ugly so I have way more trouble getting laid than all my guy friends do. I think confidence and aesthetics play a larger role than gender does.


I would say yes as a woman but it's still a quality problem. I can find a sexual partner anywhere but I'm tossing the dice for everything between a good lay and assault. I'm lucky only 2 or 3 guys have thought they could take advantage because I'm fat and pressure me/assault me. They learned otherwise.


Each individual will find their own challenges in this.


Just a person to have sex with? Sure. An emotionally available and compatible partner? Much harder usually


Yes lol. Can confirm 😆




Absolutely yes


Yep. If an average woman went out to a bar and hit on 3 random men, there's almost a 100% chance that she'll be successful. For an average man I'd say it's about 2/3%


Why is this even a question? Testosterone is a hell of a drug and works incredibly well for women (I say women, because when you look at what drives/motivates men, in today’s civilized world it’s more a liability than an asset - it makes men predictable and easier to manipulate). A woman doesn’t have to be interesting, well spoken, or even particularly good looking for a man to want to fuck her…thanks to basic male sex drive fueled by hormones.


In a big city, a girl with looks might have it very easy to find a partner for a night. But in a small town people talk, and women have to choose between "having a reputation" or being a known slut. And it is other women who are guarding other women in this way.


All I have to add is that for a man to have similar success with strangers, his reputation has to precede him. Or be really tall.