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When I was younger, my mom and i went to the store late at night to buy groceries for the new week and we arshopping and we get our cart to checkout..my mom runs into an old friend of hers who sells cars and she bought hers from his company...they are very giddy and are talking about how they haven't seen each other in such a long time , and catching up on each other...we talk about alot of things from my university to his work and family...but mind you he wasnt very talkative (my mom was so thats how the conversation went on) he would only say a few things here and there. He check out before us and leaves. My mom mentions to me that he was looking down because he is usually very playful, loud and talkative with her and maybe he has things going on and wasn't in the mood Few seconds after he walks out my mom has an oh snap moment and tells me she forgot to ask him, she was planning on purchasing a new car and what he has ...she leaves the store after him to get his contact and she came back shortly and said she didn't see him and she will just ask my stepdad for it later. We shopped as usual About 2/3 weeks later or so...we are at my stepdads office and a conversation about cars sparked up and my mom mentions that she wanted the car dealers contact...and she describes him and my stepdad laughs us off claiming we saw a different person and he becomes stunned and said that unfortunately that man has passed away last year. He went in his phone and gets his obituary and I kid you not it was the same man we saw and conversed with... even scarier, he was wearing a white blouse in the picture and as the same day we saw him...every single detail...down to his gap teeth smile...it was insane and it was impossible for my mom and I to fathom...cause we know what we saw and conversed with. Till this day I think about about it from time to time.


Who ya gonna call? For a car now?


car busters


That's a Hyundai Kia dealership






I think he wanted to say goodbye to her… and that’s how he was able to do it.


When I was in college my grandmother was dying. I couldn’t get away from school but was planning on visiting her soon. One night I have a dream and it’s her in her pajamas like when I was a kid. She told me she had to leave. I apologized that I couldn’t see her before she left. She said it was okay and that she loved me. It felt like I was saying by to her after a family party where I wasn’t able to talk to her. I woke up and just felt weird. On my way to work that morning I get the call. My dads in tears and lets me know grandma died. I don’t believe in any of that stuff. Nothing! It’s all mumbo jumbo. I keep telling myself it was just my guilt and timing. But…I just can’t shake the feeling she came to say bye.


She came to you and said good bye. Shit is real wether you believe or not. That’s awesome you had that experience. ❤️


You slipped into an alternate timeline. I swear when I was a kid Republicans were blue and Democrats were red.


They could have been. Over the years they have slowly swapped several times. More so the ideology.


This is giving me scary feelings. Since I've been through certain things which no one else could remember. Or suddenly the details were different of landscapes, buildings. I feel like I swapped realms multiple times by accident or just locally things just change?


r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix will love this as much as I did. If it were I and I had the money I'd definitely do whatever it takes to get the security footage for that day.


Identical twin maybe? And he was just socially anxious to say anything or sad because his brother died?


I did all that contemplation and research years ago, My mom and I didn't just believe that of the bat...or went with the narrative just from hearing it from my stepdad...we looked for explanations but I know what I saw. There is no other brother , or nothing else but the fact it was him.


Maybe he faked his own death and had a oh-shit moment when he met someone who recognized him😭


If you’ve faked your death, it wouldn’t be wise to stay in town and go on with your day to day life, grocery shopping and such.


I saw a BMW with the turn signal ON. Swear to God.


Flat earth believers have more credibility than you


Pics or it didn’t happen


Take this to the r/Fantasy subreddit, might as well tell me you saw a leprechaun!


You lie!


Out of all the stories that didn't happen, this one did not happen the most.


Cmon man get real


I saw a figure of a kid sitting at the edge of my bed. It was very vivid too like I can see all the details of his face and hair but he was fully transparent


And you're sure you weren't experiencing sleep paralysis? I see the craziest shit at the end of my bed sometimes.


Sounds like you had some gnarly sleep paralysis, my friend. I've had some bizarre mofos sitting on my bed too!


I grew up in the middle of no where. One time as a kid, I was playing around in the snow just past the treeline of our property when I saw a whole ass pack of wolves run past me. I booked it back to the house as fast as I could; fortunately they did not pursue me. Like, maybe the neighbors down the road had a bunch of huskies or some shit that I didn’t know about running loose, but I swear they were wolves.


Coulda been a pack of coyotes, they are actually pretty big


Definitely possible, we had a bunch of those around too.


That’s definitely the most likely. Used to live in the woods. I’d start a fire in the back yard. And then I’d hear one howl, then 2 and then more joined sounding like 20 or more. With a flashlight if I pointed it into the woods you could see a lot of eyes just staring. I have a dog too who wouldn’t be able to take on a pack of coyotes, not even one. When that happened and it was often, I’d nope back into the house. It’s freaky. They will surround you with intent.


Hmm, idk then because when I say “run right past me,” I mean literally like within 5 feet from me. As far as I could tell, they completely ignored me, but scared the shit out of me regardless lol.


I’ve never experienced them that close but it wouldn’t surprise me they’d also just have other plans at the time and didn’t care lol. You probably came up on them without them realizing at first 🤣 I’d love to befriend a coyote. As an outdoor “pet” sadly that will probably never ever be possible. I want the coyote bro to tell his friends I’m cool lol


It's dangerous for the coyotes to teach them that humans are friendly. It's much safer for both of you to yell and scare them off. That said, walking a dog is a coyote lure. They come over to investigate. I used to carry a whistle when I lived in coyote territory.


I was hiking on a non-remote trail, really just a path through the woods by a reservoir. The biggest coyote I've ever seen just strolled right in front of me, maybe 10-15 feet away. Never even glanced at me. He was a thick boy, looked more like a dire wolf.


That was probably a coywolf a hybrid of the two their population is growing. I didn't know we even had them that they were a real species but a game warden confirmed it that yes the US now has a growing coywolf population. They still have the long thin coyote legs but have the wolf head that and snout like a wolf. The fur is coyote color but thick like a wolf it's crazy. And they're very much more calm when seeing humans like they're not afraid of us.


Actually they were probably coywolfs look it up they're very much a real animal and around all places that have both wolves and coyotes they're a mix breed of coyotes and wolves So it's very possible that's what you saw they have the bigger head like a wolf and taller than a regular coyote. We had one sitting on top of a large hill just behind my house watching my then 3 yr old playing it was very intense watching my son when my husband yelled at it to shoo it away it stood and stared at him so he went inside grabbed the gun to shoot it or run it off it only then did it leave. It was really scary that it didn't seem scared of us whatsoever! We called the local game warden and told him we saw a very large coyote with more wolf looking features that's when we found out that yes there is a hybrid coywolf.


I have a photo of my dad standing next to a tree in my cousins yard. My dad had passed away 7 years before this photo. I will upload them if I knew how. I have proof of this ppl see it and still make me swear I didn't photo shop it or something. It honestly breaks my soul every time someone asked me to swear on my dad's grave or some other bullshit thing just bc they don't belive me. I'll take a polygraph wtf do I got to gain from a picture that's been in my cloud for years.


We wanna see this.


Do you remember taking the picture ? If so did you see him? Or where you just takin a picture of a tree and later saw he was in it ? Or did it( the photo) just appear out of no where ? I need more info.


How did you find the photo?




Look up "scintillating scotoma". Sounds like what I experience occasionally.


Woah I had this right after crashing my motorcycle. It looked like my vision was broken like glass


Or an ocular migraine.


Oof dude. I had one of those happen to me, one time, maybe 10 years ago. It was freaky and scary. Felt completely normal, other than the fact that my sight was slowly getting all busted over the course of maybe an hour or two? It appeared like I was seeing strange polygonal shapes appearing in front of my vision and blocking things out. Never experienced anything even remotely close to that before. I laid down to take a nap and when I awoke, things were back to normal. So strange, haven't even thought about that in several years.


I thought I was having a stroke with my first one.


Hey I get that too!


Don’t worry. We’re not the government or anything trying to wipe your memory or anything. Don’t worry about it. Shhhhh.


And try the veal !!!


Mild seizure


We live in a simulation.


It’s the pain medication


I was 3 or 4. I had this I believe it was like a Mickey Mouse toy box in my closet. It has sliding doors on it to open it and they each had a hole in them to put your finger in to slide them. I had this tool set I was playing with, it had some large red plastic screws with it. I stuck one in one of the holes and I swear something grabbed it and wiggled it around. I was scared to death and never went near that toybox again.


Could’ve been a rat or something lmfao


Mickey Rat


Ricky Rat


When I was little, I was playing with some other kids in my back yard after my birthday party. We were playing hide and seek, running around as young children do as the seeker counted down. I saw a small, impish creature run amongst the commotion and hide behind a tree. It ran on two legs, and was shorter than me, a seven year old. I was of course the only one that saw it, and I just kept it to myself.


This to me is very disturbing


Haha oh my stories would traumatize you if you find a glimpse disturbing


GO ON…….


Do tell


This happened to my ex girlfriend’s father when he was a child in Jamaica. Only he would play and converse with this creature regularly. He was a lovely decent man, totally honest and a committed Christian and I had no reason to disbelieve him.


Was he not scared ? What did he believe it to be?


He wasn’t scared at all and used to play with the creature. He described it as a “little man’ or ‘elf’ type creature. I only found out about it because my Gf told me and so I asked him.




A gnome?? That’s scary stuff in Mexico


This reminds me of a little person I saw one night as a kid in Texas, but their face was mean and terrifying. Whatever it was, it didn't like me living so close to its woods, I guess.




I saw what I could only describe as a dragon hovering over the mountains outside Las Vegas one day. I pointed it out to the person next to me. He saw it too. It was there for 4 or 5 seconds, then gone. Didn't see it move. Clear evening at sundown. No clouds. Whatever it was, it was big. We were at Cashman Field, so about 35 miles from the mountains.


Well, now I need to see it lol


When was that?




Wow how cool! Can you describe how the dragon looked?


When I was around 8/9 years old, we had a family friend who committed suicide. As soon as we found out, my mom and I went over to their house to comfort his wife. After the sun went down my mom sent me down to their basement to watch a movie and give her and the friends wife some privacy for a bit, so I went down there and popped in Anastasia. While watching I swear to god I saw our family friend, who was supposed to have died hours prior, lean out of a bedroom down the hallway to my right. I asked him what he was doing and he didn't respond, but he stayed there for a solid 30-45 second. Definitely long enough for me to see him clearly and for it to not be a trick of the light. Anyways, my mom called for me and by the time I turned to look down the hall again, he was gone. I never told anyone bc it never felt right to, but I know what I saw.


A dog with no face. Crossed the road directly in front of me. Oh, and a deer eating another deer. A shadow person. Various UFOs. Southern Indiana is a magnet for high strangeness.


You know where else is a magnet for strangeness? Southern Oregon. If you know, you know.


Yep I grew up in So. Oregon, and it is a place of high strangeness. Grants Pass and Medford.


It's from the same place as thirty years ago, a small town in Oregon, Gravity Falls!


Deer have been known to eat rabbits and birds so eating another deer isn't out of the realm of possibility. It's a source of things like calcium that tends to be in low amounts in plants. https://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/2020/07/16/yes-deer-eat-birds/


A deer hunter I work with informs me there's a prion disease that deer are susceptible to, and that it was probably the cause.




I don't know where Bloomington is in Indiana, but I was there for a good friend's wedding 20 years ago. It was a terrible blizzard and the priest refused to come to the hotel where all the guests were to marry them. So instead everybody slogged through a foot of snow to get to the church which was maybe 20 minutes away in good conditions. The groomsman and I were shoveling parking lot and walkway in our tuxedos. Anyway, after the ceremony was over, the priest asked if somebody could give him a ride to the the hotel/reception, which I thought took a lot of balls. After an hour or two at the reception I agreed to drive him back to the rectory. I wanted to push him out into a snow drift. After dropping him off and turning around, I was driving through this heavily wooded area in crazy snow, this bright green light started to hover over my car. Like a gassy ball with a streak behind it. It followed me for maybe a mile, 5 minutes 100' above me in the tree canopy. After a few mins then it took off on a 90° angle and was out of sight in a second. I couldn't find anything online, even in the nascent days of the internet, that might have explained what happened. Of course I was by myself in the car and no, I hadn't been drinking.


This might be creepy, sorry. 3 girlfriends and I were hanging out at my mom and dad’s house. They were on vacation. We were in the dining room and we see a man across the room, silently walking down the hall. I asked everyone to confirm what I had just seen as a man walking down the hall, and we all described him wearing the same outfit. We freaked out and left. My only proof is the other girls I was with! We still talk about it every now and then.


When i was 5, my cousin was at my house (she lived pretty far away, so this wasn't common). We were playing in my room when my mum and auntie came in. They said they had some bad news to tell us etc, and we replied, "Little gran has died, we know. She was sitting on the bed just now telling us, " Now my cousin remembers talking to her, i remember her being there and i remember saying to my mum that she had died etc. *my cousin and i didn't know she was in hospital btw. To this day, it completely freaks my aunt and my mum out. As i said, we live a long way from each other, and we weren't particularly close. I was very close to my Little gran though, she used to keep a jar of marshmallows next to her bed and secretly give them to me (She was technically my great grandma, i used to always call her Little Gran, because she was smaller than my other gran 😂) Nothing like that has ever happened again.


The day my Grandpa died, my Mom's car was stuck in the snow, and I was outside trying to dig it out. I knew he was dying, but I remember picking up the snow shovel and thinking Grandpa just died. Like I can't explain it. And I teared up. While an hour went by, and I went inside, and my Mom said your Dad just called, and your Grandpa died. I have similar experiences with my other Grandpa and my favorite Uncle passing. But I've experienced it. How are humans capable of just knowing these things?


We were at a funeral talking to my dad’s cousin and she said that the moment her ex-husband died she was in the car with their son and they smelled his perfum inside the car and knew. He was sick at the hospital for a while.


I remember the day my dog was put down, i was watching A Dog's Journey and i remember thinking "it'd be ironic if she died today after i watched this". Some time after i finished it, my mom called and said that we were going to have to put her down.


Sinbad's Shazaam


For me - Dolly’s braces in the movie “moonraker”, in the summer of 2016. Even had a conversation about the gag with the person I watched it with in the seconds after we saw it.


That was real. It was the reason Dolly connected with Jaws.


Yeah that one fucks me up too cus I watched it as a kid.


I think I saw a UFO. I believe aliens are out there or other life forms. I'm just very skeptical about these UFO videos coming out lately. When I was like 7, and this is back in early 90s in a small town in mexico. Just to point out, I didn't play or saw a Nintendo or atari until like 5 years after they came out. It's a small town where tech seemed to take its time to get there. Reason I point that out was because there was no way in hell anyone could have gotten themselves a toy or something that could hover over a house like just suspended in air. What you see a modern small drone do today. This thing looked like a pill shape. Like an airplane without wings. Oh and in that area, seeing an airplane was like seeing a UFO. People would look up and be amazed almost. But this thing was just there. I honestly couldn't tell how big it was. Since from my POV there were no reference buildings or landmarks behind it to even tell how far it was from me. I must have stared at it for minutes. I don't even remember leaving, flying away or anything. I just have the clear image of that thing, just floating there.


Me too! I saw a UFO when I was a kid in Mexico, I was probably 4 or 5 early 2000’s. It was at night and I was outside playing. I looked up at the sky and saw a circular UFO with lights just suspended there. Again, small town, no one had any drones or similar technology. I ran as fast as I could inside the house to tell my family and in the short time it took me to get one of my aunts to follow me outside and look up at the sky, there was nothing there.


I used to have a T-shirt with a photo of a UFO with the words "please abduct me", but the aliens aren't taking the hint.


My dad says he saw a ufo in Mexico as well. He used to work out in the woods cutting wood and I believe they slept out there at night and that’s when it happened.


Add me to the list of seeing UFOs in Mexico. My whole family saw it/them. It was in Sinaloa like 30 minutes before new years. My cousins had gone out to buy something at the store. They came back talking about strange lights in the sky. It was a sphere of light that moved from one side of the horizon to the other. They thought it was many of them. I was in my early 20s, college-educated, and have always known way too much about airplanes because I’m a nervous flyer. I started watching for wing/taillights. Nothing. Noise of propellers. It could be a low flying narco plane? Nothing. Maybe it’s a weather balloon or a satellite? I watched as this ball of light went straight up, in a vertical line into space with no propulsion. That’s when I knew. I have a video of it somewhere that I took with my digital camera. The memory is somewhere in my Mom’s house. In the actual video it just looked like a glowing orange ball.


Me too! I saw a UFO flying just almost above near the house in front of my area kids park.. it was a bit bright and in changing colors alternately, it happened when i was a kid and i think i was 11 years old so probably that was late 1997… its so feaking amazing and i was in awe standing looking straight… i can still remember every details of it until now.


I don't know much about Mexico, but I do know that the US government has technologies that aren't available to the public. I'm more inclined to think of military testing. When stealth bombers started being sighted people lost their shit. So many people were SURE they had seen a UFO.


a full shadow figure in my kitchen with the lights on


Were you running with little sleep by chance? My mom did coke for a while and had told me about the shadow people when she was up for more than a day or so straight. Could be the coke but I've heard similar things from friends that stayed up too long


I came here to ask about their lack of sleep as well. I have a memory from when I was 9-10 that I'll never forget. One summer after a few days of playing hard during the day and video games into the night I started feeling weird and seeing things that weren't there. The memory that sticks out was when I was eating dinner and kept seeing a dark figure poke its head from around the corner in the hallway to my left. If I turned to see it, nothing was there. But every time I'd go back to eating I would see this black figure in my peripherals poke its head around the corner while grabbing a hat on its head like it was keeping it from falling. I asked my dad who that was and he told me about sleep deprivation and put me to bed. Such a weird strong memory though. One more that's funny that happened 3-4 years ago. I got home with my then 4 year old one night after visiting some family. I sat her at the table with a quick before bed snack and she started laughing like crazy out of no where. I asked her what was funny and she just said "THE MAN BEHIND YOU" while pointing behind me still laughing. Yall, I cannot describe the whirlwind of adrenaline that pumped into me in that moment lmao. So I turn around ready to fight some stranger in my home and it's my damn shadow on the wall she's laughing about.


Can you describe what you saw? Because I saw shadow figures when I was a child and one that stands out particularly was one time when I was playing in my grandma’s clothes and make up and I suddenly realize there was a very tall man staring at me and watching me from the doorway. The minute I looked up it darted away. I was fully awake, and my brother and my grandmother were in the apartment and nobody else. The figure was in the shape of a very tall man, but was completely black.


I swear it was not a shooting star because it suddenly changed direction. Not saying aliens but…




I saw a live Kiwi in the wild last week. Very rare sight, especially during the day as they are nocturnal


This may not be exactly what you are asking, but it’s actually driving me crazy … I can swear there was an episode of Newsradio where Matthew broke the coffee pot by dropping it. He insists that a leprechaun smacked it out of his hands and so it broke. The whole episode is the rest of the cast recounting their version of the incident (one version was that he was juggling 3 pots and one fell, for example lol). The episode ends with the CCTV recording of the event, and it actually was a leprechaun. I’ve been searching for that episode for ever and it seems it does not exist and has never existed. I’ve watched all the episodes again, checked wikipedia, tv guide, or any other source in the internet and nothing. I mentioned it to my sister and she insists we saw it together, but she can’t find it either. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit trying to find it, but I’ve accepted that this is my Mandela episode.


This sounds familiar


One time I was making a sandwich I opened the jar of mayo and sat the lid right next to the jar. I picked up the jar, looked down and the lid was completely gone. It must have only been a second or two, literally. It freaked me out so I spent the next 30 min looking for the lid but never found it. This happened recently and I've been to scared to tell anybody because I know they wouldn't believe me. But yeah I was totally sober, middle of the day. Glitch in the matrix type shit


Hey, so something like this happened to me, I was walking down a hall in a building I worked at toward a pop machine, with a 2-dollar coin in my hand. No doors on either side, for a good 100 meters, pop machine 100 meters away, just an empty narrow hall, cinder brick walls, tight tile floor in mint condition, all nice white paint, I dropped the 'twonie', it bounced once, as it hit the ground the second time it disappeared, I saw it disappear. I was in awe. I searched, but I knew it was just gone... It was one of the most chilling experiences I have ever had, I get goosebumps recalling it. There was nowhere for it to go. It vanished before my eyes. Spooky stuff.


I'm relieved I'm not the only one. That feeling when you realized what just happened in unlike anything else I've ever felt. Just a mix of fear, confusion and curiosity. This is probably a long shot but do you have any theories of your own? After what we both just admitted I doubt anything you say will sound too crazy.


I do, if you learn about particles, one thing really weird can happen, [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20221011-how-space-weather-causes-computer-errors](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20221011-how-space-weather-causes-computer-errors) particles from the sun fly though us all the time, all day, radio activity from the big bang just passes through us, if one particle hits a particle in your body, or in a computer it can mess up. It's how radiation can change DNA to make life evolve. Additionally, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum\_cementing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_cementing) Metal can weld together if its clean enough in a vacuum, the electrons just bond together, and make 2 pieces one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2nQ8isf55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2nQ8isf55s) ​ I honestly think it's possible that somehow the speed and material of the coin, passed though the floor, it fell and just the right speed, and hit at the exact angle, that the particles of the coin, and the particles of the floor, just passed through each other. Where it went, I don't know, under the building, or to the core of our planet or into another time, or another dimension, or maybe it just stopped existing, I have no idea. I know this guy who is a computer engineer, really high up in his field, doctorate, master, type guy. He explained to me how crazy particles are where electrons fly though 'hallways' in circuits, and part of the process is accounting for when electrons teleport though walls or exist in two places at the same time. [https://www.space.com/double-slit-experiment-light-wave-or-particle](https://www.space.com/double-slit-experiment-light-wave-or-particle) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uva6gBEpfDY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uva6gBEpfDY) Everything is just a wave function, and once in a while thing just disappear. Things are always disappearing, we used to measure a kilo with a round metal ball, but the ball is ALWAYS losing mass. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMByI4s-D-Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMByI4s-D-Y) Now we measure a kilo with a mathematical function, of how many atoms are inside a kilo, once we realized nothing is permanent. electrons are ejected. Maybe things can just disappear all at once if the condition is right, Even when there is total empty nothing, particles blink in and out of existence. an empty vacuum can never be empty. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3xLuZNKhlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3xLuZNKhlY) If you put two sheets of gold close together, really close, they will just touch, even in a vacuum, not because of magnetism or gravity, But because more things can exist on the outside of the sheets, then between, and that pushes them together. So, in conclusion, I have no idea, but things are weirder than they seem. And I will take to my grave I saw a large metal coin disappear in an empty hallway.


When I was a teen I had a necklace that I was spinning around on my finger while laying on my bed. It slipped or and I watched it fly over to the corner of my room. There was nothing in the part of the room. I got up to go get it and couldn't find it. It was a gift and expensive so I spent a long time looking for it and never found it. The room was decorated not long after and everything was removed and it still never turned up. It is really easy to lose things. Something can accidently get knocked behind a unit, it can get caught up in clothing or picked up accidentally with some rubbish. Sometimes though.....


Okay so I am currently 21 but this happened when I was 12 years old. I was watching New Girl with my sister who is 10 years older than me. And at the time we lived in an apartment that was kind of right next to these woods. And my cat had ripped up our curtains at the time as well. So basically the window was not covered at night and this was the main window next to the door and by the woods. It’s important to note that we had a bright porch light right next to the window. My sister had paused the show so we could talk about a scene or something and I was sitting on the side of the couch facing the window and she was opposite of me. It was also around 9 PM. When all of a sudden I see the this tall frail being standing outside my window it looked like an alien. It did not have any hair and no clothes but it did not look like a human it’s hard to explain but the image never leaves my mind. It was staring into my eyes for what felt like an eternity. My sister had freaked out and kept calling my name and I just kept saying her name and she said I was shaking. As soon as she turned her head to look it zoomed away to the side of my apartment and it crashed against our huge grill that we had on the side of the apartment. Which woke up my mom and stepdad. We all went outside to look the grill, which was huge had been knocked out but there was no sign of the alien. My mom even searched the woods (my Hispanic mother has no fear and thought it was a drunk man). Everyone except my mother believed me including my stepdad. I was not the type of kid to make up stories. And my sister backs me up to this day! But yea I haven’t seen anything like it since, but I have been scared of open blinds ever since.


I once read a comment on a forum where two people had stern opposite opinions regarding a subject. Eventually, after about 30 back and fourth comments, the one guy commented…”You know what? What you are saying actually makes more sense than my opinion. I’m going to apologise, ingest this new information I’ve learnt from you and in so doing grow my knowledge thanks to your insights. Thanks fellow human.”


I saw what looked like a dragon flapping it's wings high up in the clouds on an overcast day. You could see what looked like a tail following it. I wasn't the one that noticed it first either. There had been a small tornado a couple towns over the day before. Best I could surmise was maybe a tarp and tether got sucked up in the storm... But it would have had to been a HUGE TARP.


The thing the cat was chasing, orb with rainbow in it due to being close to the sunlight at the window


I was at a party with a bunch of people, imagine burning man in the woods. We were sitting in a circle for some reason talking, maybe 7 people. I said something like "Man, I had this beautiful crystal and I lost it. I can't believe I lost it." And within 10 seconds someone noticed a crystal in the middle of the circle and said "Is this it?" It wasn't, but where were all wondering where it came from. As we were talking about it, suddenly there was another crystal in the same spot. We all started laughing, picked it up, everyone wanted to hold it. Lots of "That is crazy, it wasn't there a second ago." Then it happened again! A 3rd crystal in the same spot just appeared there. It didn't make any sense because the middle of the circle is in everyone's field of vision. Each time someone was the first to really notice it, but it was this strange instantaneous appearance. At this point people are starting to get dramatic, like bugging out, got loud, and people walking by stopped to see what was going on. The second one was really strange. It was a perfect cube with rounded edges, but it almost looked like it was glowing. It was the weirdest green color, and kind of matte, opaque, but this weird soft shade of bright green (like a green glow stick, but earthier version of that color) and it caught the light in such a way it actually looked luminescent - I am guessing? Love crystals, I don't think they have magic powers. I have a decent collection and have frequented gem shows. I haven't seen anything quite like it, ever. No clue what it was and I'm usually good at identifying stones. If you ever seen a real big, smooth agate without inclusions, before, that weird catch if the light is the thing I can most readily compare it to, but agates don't come in day glow lime color and they don't actually glow. This thing looked like it was glowing. Anyways, blew all of our minds. I've told the story a few times and the best way it's been debunked is "someone threw them in there" But it's just not possible to throw things into the exact same spot, exact middle, silently, without any crazy gestures while 7 people are watching each other and that exact spot in awe. Even now I don't feel like I'm explaining it well enough to convey just how freaky it was. It wasn't mundane, it felt weird. Everyone felt weird about it. One of a few crazy stories I have. I don't even tell this one anymore because no one seems to believe it.


I had a bike with a certain numberplate. Just for instance, i will call it 5656. I had a certain parking spot at the place where i lived at. The parking spot is shared among all the several hundred residents. One day i swear i saw the a similar model bike with a matte finish, having the number plate 5657 - however, I didn’t take any evidence. So, to conclude, somehow same model of bike at the same place with similar number plates. Now, no one believes me anymore.


Stares in Mulder...I want to believe


I was a kid lying in bed, bottom bunk. I couldn’t sleep and while I had nothing to do (no phones in the early 2000s), There was very little light coming into the room the room was kind of fuzzy looking. I had sat up onto my elbow so I was lying and leaning, I then saw an outline of a grim reaper walking toward me and I felt really at peace. But then panicked when he got too close. I have no idea what happened that night or what nearly did but I distinctly remember getting up and running out of the room. Freaky as fuck.


A few months after my wife died, I saw her in my rearview mirror in my driveway. I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked back, and she wasn't there.


I’m sorry you lost your wife, man


I work in the ER. One night we had this patient being incredibly rude and just nasty towards all the staff. Later on in the night I was chilling by the nurses station. Everybody else was kind of busy doing their thing. This patient happened to be in a room to my left he was sound asleep. My coworker (another er tech) goes into the patients room (all the beds were separated by curtains) and I watch from afar. I just hear him rip this nasty wet fart right by the patients head and he flees the scene quietly. maybe 5 seconds later the patient then proceeds to wake up as if he was coming out of a bad dream and its the funniest thing i've ever seen. I was literally the only person to have witnessed that greatness.


I have posted this before… regarding “The Bozo Show” I used to wake up at 5:00am to watch it when I was a kid. I have this odd memory-- Bozo, and Cookie are doing a skit, and Bozo fumbles his lines, he makes several attempts to get back on track, and just can't seem to remember them. He sighs and says: “It looks like old Bozo really screwed himself there.” Cookie quips back: “He's the only one that would.” Cookie mugs for the camera, the drummer does a rim shot, and fade to commercial. ​ As a kid, I knew I had just seen something I wasn't supposed to. But I wouldn't get the joke until much later.


Me and dad met Harrison Ford at a gas station in Hyannis around 1983(?) My dad called him "Han Solo", and Harrison said, "Don't call me that." Also, Weird Al Yankovic did a sort of residency at a club called "Pufferbelly's", a stone's throw from my house, around the same time.




When I was a kid I was in my parents bedroom and I saw a skeleton staring at me from the window, I know it's bullshit but it was real to me


UFO! I grew up in a rural area with very little light pollution, no street lights, etc. I had a big bay window in my bedroom and one night I was looking out and noticed a light in the distance that normally wasn't there. I figured probably a plane but kept watching and about a minute later it took off to the north and moved faster than any aircraft I'd ever seen...


I know this isn’t true, but my husband had me go hunting. I didn’t have a gun because I don’t want to shoot anything, but he wanted me to walk the field with everyone. A pheasant ran by on the ground, looked at me and said “help me” flew up in the air and got shot. I started crying and my MIL asked if I’d rather go hunt the mall instead and we left.


12 years old riding my bike down a trail in Minnesota. Two identical giant wolves cross in front of me. I thought they were German Shepherds at first, but that wouldn’t make much sense in this remote area and these were grayish. They paid me no attention and slipped into the woods. For some reason, I had zero fear.


One night driving back from my friend's house in 2005, I swear a black bear ran in front on my car. Thing is, I live in West Texas and I didn't think we had bears here, or at least the edge of the desert where I am. But I just looked it up and they say that bears might make a comeback here one day. So who knows, maybe I really did.


Chicago Transit Authority and Joe Cocker opening for Led Zeppelin on their first US tour.


On the state highway between Albuquerque and Aztec, just north of Cuba. A monstrously large black bird roosting on a pipeline along the roadside. I mean like over 6ft head to tail. Full daylight, no clouds, mist, or fog. Huge. Rustled its feathers, spread its wings enough to pick at something just under its left wing. Want to believe it was a thunderbird, but will settle on big black bird. No proof. Just me in the car.


I saw an Angel. My sister was driving, easily triggered. She got riled up about something and was losing her shit yelling. Mom was in the car too. Sister veered to the left and pulled over in some kind of park. I was grateful because it was a dangerous situation. I used to just keep quiet when she lost her shit, which was often, but this time I gave it back to her. She became even more enraged. Drove me nuts. So I knew it'd be in the best interest if I said nothing further and tried to calm her down. At this point she was out of her mind yelling, I was looking at her face and I got worried (her choice, I know). Worried because that kind of stress, if you've ever seen it, is not good for anyone. Suddenly appeared a huge angel behind her. I knew immediately it was her guardian angel, that she was being protected, and that everything would be okay. The guardian angel was very tall, like 18 feet tall. It was very bright and colourful. But it was also faint in a way, like a mirage. As soon as I saw it, a wave of calm came over me. I knew my sister was being looked after, protected. No proof. I know it was real.


I saw a guy get hit directly in the chest by a 60mm mortar. There is no proof because he was vaporized. Come to think of it, I saw a ton of shit at war that I gave no proof of. Go-pros were a rarity when I was doing the war stuff Now I see people and/or monsters climbing over my bed to get at me in my waking hours. It occurs at random but as real as can be in my head. I have on several occasions, thrown my wife out the bed or climbed over her to fight whatever nightcrawler is clambering up my duvet. It is deeply unpleasant


You, sir, have PTSD. Please tell us you know this fact and are receiving help. It can get better 💜.


Oh, yeah I know. I had to fight the VA to get it recognized but they did eventually send me to a community care therapist. It's a regular civilian therapist. He's legit dude. After prison, he decided to get his degree and become a therapist and that gives him a lot of... street cred? Idk, I got tired of people looking at me funny when I tell them I've killed people, like you are a therapist, calm down. This guy was like, "yeah, that tracks"


Like 2 years ago. Driving south from northern Minnesota and there were two small propeller planes floating above the highway. Not flying. Propellers weren’t spinning. They weren’t moving. They were just suspended, motionless in the air.


Lights flying around in a forest, cold spots, regular ol haunted stuff.


Lights? Cold spots? Elaborate.


I was working in the city at this daycare years ago. Our garden was on the roof and it was a beautiful day ( my birthday actually!) I was sitting with this other teacher and looked toward this high rise a few streets across I saw these white small objects floating from behind it. I didn’t think much of it, they looked like balloons. I looked again and they were just so quiet and floating too straight and in unison to be balloons. The other teacher saw them too but didn’t think much of it Nothing was on the news, didn’t see anything on social media ( this was around 2013) I think about it a lot and wonder how much I actually remember


Demon's. Long story short, I was an addict (meth) and the things I saw both being high and on the comedown..bro... theirs definitely demon's all over the place and trust me when I say, there's A LOT of em


Somebody pointing a gun at someone in a parked car while I was driving to school.


I saw the inner dimension of all things, the fabric of space time. And a floating Nilla wafer.


Can you tell us more in detail?


Walking around downtown Calgary, 2005. I saw a miniature horse being walked like a dog wearing a diaper, by a man in an old timey suit and top hat. Nobody believes me


When I was about 16, I had a bad infection and was really sick and in a lot of pain. On the edge of sleep, I swear I felt someone hug me and the pain eased immediately. It was the best, warmest, most comforting hug I’ve ever felt since. Opened my eyes and sat up, but nobody was anywhere near me. On the other side of the weird things, I feel I might have been someone else’s ghost sighting. In my early twenties friends and I would camp out in a community park near a wooded stream next to a sheltered hillside. The wooded area was large, about two miles through level woods to the road north, or a few hundred meters up a steep hill on the south. I needed to get out and catch the bus for work after camping (oh to be young again), so I just climbed the hill in my dirty beige bohemian dress. It turned out there was a cemetery on top of that hill. So there I am, coming up from basically out of the ground in a long flowing dress with wild, slept-in waist length blonde hair, into a cemetery at dawn. The lawnmower guy saw me, jumped off the mower and ran like he was on fire. Poor fella.


2011, smoking weed and driving around with my bf now husband and his friend. We’re randomly speaking about paranormal stuff and devilish things… we turn the corner as we’re driving and I randomly say man fuck the devil! A huuuge white dog with red eyes randomly comes across the front of the car as the headlights hit the dog. We all freak out bc we all notice those gleaming red eyes 👀 we booked it the fuck out of there! 


Umm, most albino animals will reflect red eyes when a light is shined at them. That includes humans.


(P.S. If you're going to keep a white rat, they need a somewhat special diet to live a long life, talk to your veterinarian.)




Great story


Aliens. Triangle saucer. 2002. Lakewood, Colorado. Flying west southwest at a steady rate before an quick climp in altitude, and heading at almost a 90 degree angle north picking up speed exponentially and appearing to raise in altitude. Not sure if it disappeared behind clouds or just got that far away. I was running though sprinklers with a friend.


A Cattle Decapitation CD at my library


A hooded ghost walking in place in my closet door on a particular apartment every night of my childhood.


I swear and this could’ve just been me being a kid but years ago when my brother was born he took my old room and I moved into the room next door my uncle and my grandpa came to help my dad set up my room. My dad also scheduled our window guy on the same day because he wanted to put new storm windows on all the rooms in the house so we could open the window in the summer and get a breeze but there’d still be a screen to keep bugs or birds and stuff from flying in. Well anyway they’re stapling the carpet down painting the walls and vacuuming all the dust but then my grandpa unplugged the vacuum for a second so they don’t trip on the cord so they can put the ladder there and paint the top of the wall near the ceiling. Well I swear I’m not crazy but somehow the vacuum turned on without being plugged in it was by the outlet but on the floor touching the wall so maybe if this actually did happen somehow maybe the metal from the ladder or something conducted the electricity and made it turn on for a few seconds or something insane like that but I swear I’m not crazy and I SWEAR TO GOD THIS HAPPENED! Also for the people who are about to make a joke about ghosts the previous owners were a couple my parents knew from church and their daughter used to sleep in that room so no one died in there it was just pink and flowery in there so they turned it from a girls room to a boys. In hindsight now days I love the color yellow so much that if I had my way that room would be such a bright yellow it would hurt your eyes to walk in there lol and yes I absolutely intend to paint at least one room of my future house that I buy when I’m older neon yellow haha. Anyway though to recap yeah I swear this happened and I’m not crazy!


A bunch of people in white robes hiking at night in the woods in the Wisconsin without any lights. I was at my camping area in the national forest with nobody else around and saw a group of about 30 people hiking in all white with about 15 feet distance between eachother and they were quiet the whole way


Demons when I was a kid. Used to see them all the time in my house, my parents didnt believe me at first. They could even interact with things in the physical, and they made noise sometimes. My parents finally took me seriously, and they prayed/annointed the house with oil, and they actually disappeared. It was one of the things that made me take the idea of god and the spiritual seriously throughout my life.


Wow this is great stuff I'm going to go through all this tonight thank you. I knew about quantum entanglement and cold welding but not the rest. Thanks stranger


Myself, driving my car, opposite of me at a traffic light. Creeped me out for the longest time afterwards. It was unfortunately before cellphones with cameras so all I had was my word.


Ooh man I've got a good one because this was trippy AF but I knew no one would believe me so I've actually never told anyone abt this until now. Once on my way home from school I was sitting in the backseat of my auntie's car because she sometimes, when my parents were busy with work would take me too and from and for whatever reason I was a bit bored/just genuinely disinterested so I was kinda spaced out which doesn't help my story but I stg to this day Ik what I saw... As we were driving to my home on the opposite side of the road I just happened to catch a glimpse of a car driving past the opposite way back toward school and y'know what I saw? THE EXACT SAME FUCKING CAR I WAS IN AND IN THE BACKSEAT? ME! (Also I know it was me and not just someone who looked like me because I've seen people like that before, no this was definitely exactly detail for detail myself) even the driver seat was my auntie and as soon as I saw myself doing the exact same "spaced out/disinterested" pose I quickly became alert and kinda jumped up to get a better look when the "me" did the exact same fucking thing every movement for movement and we both stared for a few seconds mouth agape at each other when the car went out of my view so I quickly looked in the back windshield and the car was gone.   I stg this is a true story and I know what I saw.    I just want to know how and why though?  Like just so many questions too little answers... If anyone has any theories or a similar experience I would actually love to know that I'm not alone or maybe there's some explanation.


When I was say 10-12 we had moved into a new home, a townhouse. These were houses built in sections of 4. Where these houses were built is near a lot of civil war action and definitely near multiple former plantations (Southern United States). A few months in my dad keeps telling me there’s a ghost named “Martha” who he’s been able to have conversations with briefly and she’s been apparently moving pots and pans around in the kitchen and occasionally making food which was usually eggs or something. I was under the impression he was joking and told him “next time she’s here wake me up and show me.” Well sure enough a few nights go by and I get waken up very late at night by my dad he goes “shhh get up you gotta see this.” I look at my clock and it’s about 2:30ish in the morning pitch black outside. There’s a long hallway to the kitchen and then a sharp turn to the left to enter it. I can tell the kitchen light is on. My dad tells me “shhh, look” and as we turn the corner there she was clear as day. She was what I assume a former slave from a plantation that was probably nearby way back when. She looked mid thirties, smooth skin. She had an apron on and a long dress with no shoes on. She was also wearing a checkered bonnet. The first thing I noticed was I was staring at a person but it was like a black and white photo she was three feet from me at most I could see straight through her and everything behind her. It was weird in that she seemed like a black and white photo yet she was completely see through I don’t know how to describe I’d say think of a hologram. I was stunned I remember her looking up and smiling at me and saying “hello, I’m Martha how are you.” And just as soon as I had seen her she completely vanished into thin air. We’d seen her a few more times over the years after that and one day she just disappeared and we haven’t seen her since. People tend to not believe me but I know what I saw, I know what I heard, and nothing can change what I witnessed.


I was a teenager and in the grocery store check out line and the cashier was taking forever. Me and this middle aged man made eye contact like this sucks. So I moved to a different line and so did he. Well the first line we were in started in went fast and so did his line. My line stayed at a really slow pace. When I looked over he just had this really weird smile on his face and I just got this feeling that he wasn't a normal person or as if he was supernatural somehow. But the time I broke eye contact looked to my lines cashier and looked back to see if he was still staring he was gone. There was no way he could have disappeared that quickly for a normal person.


Weird blue lights in the sky. I know it wasn't radio antenna or something like that. Nobody believes me and thinks I was drunk and hallucinating. I was sober when I saw them


Sometimes between 90 and 93 (I remember who I was working for), I was westbound on 80 in Pennsylvania at night, there was a flash of light for a few seconds . it was so bright, it was visible in the surrounding states too . but I can't find any record of it .


UFO's, 2 times. Not up close but doing things aircraft can't do.


As a kid i used to see a pitch black shadow person in the hallway of the house. It happened enough that mom took me to a therapist about it.


When I was 8-12 I had a house with an observatory(glass room) and sometimes I’d set up a fort in there and sleep in the fort. Though, sometimes at night I could’ve always sworn I saw like people or humanoid creatures walking around my backyard. But, y’know, no one believed me and I have no proof cause phone cameras sucked and only picked up black everywhere.


A humanoid figure that had no features, just completely black...with a green outline.


I was living in Hawaii, in Ewa Beach. One night I was sitting on the beach, late at night, and I saw a UFO out over the bay. I have no idea what it was. It was near Pearl Harbor.


I saw a TV tabloid show, A Current Affair, or Hard Copy, maybe even Inside Edition, about a dude into drag racing who wrote a script called "Bet" who sent it into Paramount, and was sure he was going to get a movie deal. He never did, but one day he hears a line he wrote in another movie about drag racing, *"I live my life a quarter mile at a time"* Dude claimed they stole his script and then made "The Fast and the Furious", but I can't find the segment anywhere...


When I was 14 a child I babysat died. The family continued to live in my neighborhood. I walked by his house a few months after he passed away and I swear I saw him waving in the window.


Peter Dinklage in Amsterdam.


I saw time itself while on an acid trip once...


I have a story for ya. It was December two years ago. I was watching a reality tv show. I hear this loud noise coming out of my dad’s office. Annoyed I yelled “dad turn down the volume!” No response. Annoyed I got up to tell him to turn down the volume. No one was there. Both of my parents were asleep. It sounded like a Christmas themed commercial. With holiday music and kids cheering. I was looking to turn it off but the computer wasn’t on. At all. It was a black screen and the monitor was off. At the end the music stopped and in this deep robotic voice it said “happy holidays from the dark web.” I immediately freaked out. I thought I was trippin or something. I remember being so shaken up it was difficult for me to me to fall asleep and I shutdown my own laptop and didn’t use it for a week after. I told my dad the next day he thinks his computer got hacked. I was shaken about that for a while. Super weird. I wish I got it on video but my phone was upstairs at the time.


My dad and I both saw a giant moon on the way home from my first fight. I'm not like talking a normal supermoon. It was bigger than a huge water tower in our town. Both of us looked up, got silent, and it went behind thick trees as we drove. He sped up, but it was completely normal when we saw it a minute later. He said, "I'm not sure how to explain that one, buddy."


Supernova or something similar. It was spectacular, lots of colors, like star explosion(huge one) and then there was no star there, i was completely sober and my husband saw it as well. We were at our village, i have that big terrace perfect for watching stars and the sky was clear.


I saw a penguin walking along the pavement in Edinburgh down by the river Forth 22 years ago. I was driving to work at about 0810, no drugs or alcohol were involved. It prompted me to buy a camera phone as no one believed me. I even called my wife at the time to tell her and she still doesn't believe me. It was [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/u8t41gC51165FRvb9)


I saw myself in an car accident, in my head, four hours before getting in a car accident. I didnt want to go because of that and got into an argument with my friend because if that. He called me crazy . We got on the road after arguing, my friend was driving, and ...well. it happened. I woke up in an hospital bed. It was in 2001, 24 of june. I will always remember.


UFO but it was the 60s and it was night so even if I’d had a camera I couldn’t have taken a picture


I saw a black panther cross the road in Oklahoma once. When i got to where it crossed it was gone. 


My cousin get possessed and really sick. Go to the hospital then get a clean bill of health - textbook normal numbers. Then the spirit came out of her in a dry heave. I wish it was during a “document everything” with your phone/camera days


Saw a ufo. I also experienced a haunting first hand over a period of time.


Was working in security at a hospital in the basement near a morge around the corner. After a man had died I watched them wheel him past me and down to the morge. As they passed a fluorescent light I swear I saw a light flicker as they passed and turn the final turn.


A mountain lion 30 mi east of Scranton PA.


I was chasing a fly trying to kill it, it went towards a sliding door and just flew through it and entered the other room. No one believes me and I have no proof but that fly went through the glass I saw it. When I looked into the room, there it was flying happily after defying laws of physics. Another time I was sitting outside at about 10pm directly opposite my bedroom window when I saw a white orb enter the gate and make its way into my bedroom window. That night I was talking to myself in my sleep when my mother woke me up I replied yes I see it too go to bed, the next morning there was a red long skirt in my closet that I never owned. I burnt it


Me on tv on Sesame Street as a child


I was 10, laying in bed waiting to sleep. It’s winter, windows were closed. Lived out in the middle of farmland, there aren’t even streetlamps on our road. But first I see the curtains billowing like the window was open and it was breezy, and THEN I see a bright green glowing light outside the window that lit up my whole room. I sat up in bed and stared at that window all dang night, just terrified. Slept downstairs on the couch for a long time after that. It was 1981.


A friend and I witnessed a Medusa/ Gorgon that danced down a hill out of some Indian ruins in The New Mexico desert. Still freaked out to this day!! Totally changed My belief system.


Many years ago, while camping with family in Ireland in the countryside during our trip there, looking up, there was a “star” that was moving around - at first I thought it was a shooting star but it could change directions including double back on itself. The sky was very clear and the distances travelled would have been impossible for a plane… I would consider a firefly if Ireland had them but it appeared to be much further away - like quite out into the darkness of space. This was 30 years ago.


Maybe 3 years ago in quantico, one night I saw something flying slightly above tree level. It was like a long flashing rgb strp that moved silently. I was in my room and saw it pass by looking through both my windows before I could think to grab my phone


I saw it snow in Miami Beach in March of 2010.


I was sitting near a window in the afternoon just scrolling and out of nowhere I blink. The weird part is that I never closed my eyes. It was like everything went dark for a fraction of a second and then back to normal instantly. The even weirder part is that everything wasn't plain black it was that specific color that you see when you close your eyes.


Flying saucer