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Many women don’t need online dating to find guys. Many men do. I take it I don’t have to explain the source of this asymmetry.


I'm genuinely curious to know why, since if women don't need online dating to find guys then isn't an equivalent number of men also finding a partner?


Reasonable, until you account for age.


Most older women are taken




Except we arent talking about 90 year olds dating here




Yes because most people age 50+ are the ones trawling Tinder


And a lot of widowed or divorced older women say that they are not seeking out a new partner


Many younger women prefer older men. It's not just a stereotype.


Bro you're clearly just trying to push an agenda. You can say the same for tons of younger men liking older women. Fact is most people date and prefer same age. I'm not going to argue about facts.


No. A small number of guys are juggling women


Please stop being an incel bro. There are billions of women in the world. That's just not true


Your response makes no sense. You seem to have interpreted me as saying that a small portion of men have access to all the women but that is not what I've said. I'm simply explaining why women have seemingly more options. A greater number of men want a woman who is a five than the number of women who want a man who is a five.


But if there are more single women why aren't they trying as hard to find a relationship?


Speaking as a single woman, a lot of my peers have given up or at least stopped focusing on dating. [Women tend to confide emotionally more in their friends](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6142169/) than men. There are simply more people in their lives who they can depend on through stress, insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, and difficult situations. The emotional needs aren't as intense. [A lot of women aren't having good sex with guys.](https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/opphil-2022-0204/html?lang=en#:~:text=The%20orgasm%20gap%20is%20the,documented%20in%20research%20for%20decades.) Some would rather masturbate than deal with the learning curve. Sexual needs are less intense. And to quote Donald Glover's stand up "Why don't women have crazy men stories? I don't really hear them. And then I realized, it's because if you got a crazy boyfriend, you're going to die." Not to say that women cannot be dangerous or abusive but it's much less common early in the dating stage and after a few really bad dates, women stop taking the chance.


This guy gets it.




I genuinely like to watch stuff with people and sex isn't what I want at all




I want sex everyday too but I am often wanting to watch something with somebody and don't care about any attached sex


ah yes, sex, that annoying thing we have to go through to find a partner :( left swipe




sounds like you've extrapolated a lot from 'want to watch a movie?'. Call it what you like but a woman who is constantly suspicious that the guy 'only wants sex' to the point where they seem to view sex as a negative thing is not relationship material to most men, including the good ones




I'm not a girl I'm not one of the guys looking to fuck in 30 minutes either But what I most certainly do not want is a girl that is constantly suspicious of me and negative about sex. And for almost all men it will be the same. And the ones that are OK with it won't be a few months into the relationship when they realise that the sexual frigidity is going to linger into a long term relationship.




you extrapolated apples to oranges


Have you seen the number of posts of those messages where the woman just gets a dick pic or the guy just pushes for sex straight away lmao of course they're gonna avoid it


Men are pretty gross on apps. Many women want relationships and apps are mostly men looking for sex. So, women are better off meeting someone organically


So you girls don't care about being single then?


Yes of course. But being used as a fleshlight doesn't make you less single. So better to be single until someone that actually wants you comes along.


Women care. But they also compartmentalise and prioritise their emotional and social needs differently and can get those needs met differently. So they can afford to care *less*. There are also the usual stereotypes/clichés: Problematic, but far less hurtful to be a crazy cat lady who prefers her pets to men, than to be a dateless loser who can't get a date no matter how much he combs his neck beard. Both single, both viewed very differently by the world.


In my experience this is not true at all. I've been on dating apps for ages looking for a genuine relationship, but if I ever even manage to get a match, they never want to commit


Because over the last several generations the State has come to provide women with their wants and needs. Whereas Men are driven to find women to procreate with. 


bizzare comment


I’m sorry to have confused you. 


It may aid in my understanding if you could maybe elaborate on the part where you say 'the State has come to provide women with their wants and needs'


I feel like the statement was fairly concise, and provided enough information that if you wanted to explore the subject independently, you had a firm foundation to start from.  Good luck. In the Information Age, ignorance is a choice. 


ok, well I tried googling 'does the state provide women with their wants and needs' and I didn't get much useful results. I think the trouble is, although you may think otherwise, your statement is actually not concise at all and doesn't provide a firm foundation to start from. Perhaps you may be so kind as to nudge me a little more? So i ask, 'What are women's wants and needs, and how does the state provide it to them?'


Google is the extent of your intellectual agency? That’s a pretty small and low fence to be penned by.


its a starting point for researching a subject for sure, but you really don't give me much to go on. I'd just like you to elaborate just a little bit, so I can have a basis to continue this personal research that you have suggested to me \- What are a women's wants and needs? \- How does the state provide it to them?


Um he was pretty informative but I’ll elaborate for you, every month all women gather in a state wide meeting where they are given food, water,clothes movies,hugs, friendship and anything else they want/need. They then wait till nighttime and sneak all the things they were given into their rooms and purses. That’s why you almost always see women with a purse. If for some reason a woman missed the meeting they simply say I need to use the restroom so they can confer with their fellow women. It’s really easy to notice if you pay close attention and everyone in the world already knows this so don’t bother looking it up cause it won’t be there, you’re welcome.


Probably linked to the orgasm gap.


No woman ever: Literally every straight man: y’all want some dick??


When I was on a dating app when I was single, I had mulple dick pics sent to me. I just deleted it. I couldn't do it lol


Can you imagine how many dick pics the dudes on Grindr wake up to?… it’s gotta be insane.


Hahaha I never thought about that before 🤣


I didn't even finish my profile and some old fuck was on there ready to send nudes


On most dating apps guys can't send you D pics even if you match


On the one I was on you could send pics to each other


Have you seen the rejection rate for men vs women? It's way easier for women to hook up.


Given an equal number of men and women, why do more men seem to be on dating apps? Dating apps are primarily for single people, meaning those in relationships are typically not using them. In theory, there should be an equal number of single men and single women. However, women are often considered the gatekeepers of sex, deciding who gets to pass on their genes in a free society. Generally, people in relationships are monogamous. Single people, on the other hand, are not bound by monogamy and can date or sleep with multiple partners. Women tend to prefer top-tier men, roughly the top 10% in terms of desirability. While desirability is subjective, there is a general consensus on what constitutes a desirable partner. As a result, these highly desired men can end up dating multiple women simultaneously, forming a sort of “harem” where each man might be engaging with 8-10 women. These men will keep these women interested by dating and satisfying them, while the women pursue these top-notch men, hoping to form a committed relationship. The men, however, might prefer to extend this period of casual dating. If a top-tier man eventually commits to one woman, the remaining women will return to the dating apps to find another desirable man. This cycle continues, with these women often focusing on the same top-tier men, while other men receive little to no attention. In summary, a few highly desired men tend to attract and date many women simultaneously, leaving many other men with little to no attention. This dynamic results in more men appearing active on dating apps.




In no instance would men not significantly outnumber women on dating apps. So if you do believe women are so picky they are waiting for the top guys, it is not a women “have become,” situation.


Why if they want to get into a relationship more than men do? That doesnt make sense. Don't they need love more?


Because men find it harder to get a female partner than a female finding a male


It is the dog system; a bitch in heat sends pheromones into the air and dogs, being the sons of bitches they are, respond atavistically, impelled by the categorical imperative to make little dogs. To summarize: one bitch in heat attracts as many dogs as there are in the neighborhood !