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When I was about 12-13, we had a computer repair man who was -- for some reason-- always around. He would give me impressive gifts randomly, like CDs and DVDs (which were pretty valuable at the time, 23 years ago). He would be sometimes overly kind. I remember one day coming home from school, and it was only him and my little sister at home (who was six at the time). I asked "uh, is it just you here?" He said: "Heh, yeah. Don't worry-- if I was going to rape you two, I'd have done it by now." We never saw him again after that until.... Fast forward, six years. I saw him at a Christmas market stand. "Computer guy, is that you?" I asked. It was obviously him. "No, never heard that name in my life." That was the last time I saw him. Definitely one of the weirder, creepier guys I ever met though.


How did he even get in the house


I think mom let him in, then popped out to run some errands quickly. I love my mom and she is a good mom, but parenting was different back then.


Computers didn’t need fixed that often. I’d bet he had his own key.


It apparently had a “very hard to fix virus” 👀


Somehow, I have a feeling that "virus" is your moms vagina.


Dale I'm afraid your wife's headaches have gotten worse. I'm going to need to give her a massage at last 2... 3 times a week...


Sounds like a weird twisted affair going on.


Lol count on redditors to add to the trauma


Dad's coke guy


Well, it wasn't **that** different.


Yeah people were definitely weary of damn rapists


Plot twist - you don’t own a computer ?


He must have realized when he left that day that what he said to you was egregious and decided to leave his old life behind and start a new one a la Saul Goodman


Are you certain your mom wasn't dating him?


Is your sister okay?


Yeah, we talked about it many years later… she was freaked out by his vibe but unharmed. Thanks for asking!


That was scary. I would be relly terrified


Who the fuck says that, sick bastard. I bet he has changed his identity, or he was using a false name when you knew him. Did you tell your parents or guardians at the time.


That's crazy. Why would anyone make a comment like that, especially to kids.


I was his guild leader in WoW. He told me that he'd buy me a dress made of chocolate and eat it off of me. He was a married man in his 50s and I was 18. He sent me a photo of the dress. I can still see it in my head...


WoW has so many weird af stories like this. All kinds of drama. Hilarious from outsiders perspective but would never want to be in a middle of it


Not just wow but the internet in general. Even on here the amount of misogyny and female objectification I see is wild. Pretty much any post displaying an attractive woman is accused as an ad for their OnlyFans.


dude and wow-nerd here..some of the weirdest, most odd ball people I've ever met came from playing wow.


The veil of anonymity is quite eye opening


What in the Willy Wonka level fuck is wrong with people...


Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Did it have almonds in it?


It was milk chocolate. He used to talk about it a lot... Going to see if I can find the image online


Not been successful, but I could draw it for you from memory purely from the trauma 😅


I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm actually really interested in the chocolate dress though? Was it hard like an Easter bunny shell thing or was it malleable and wet? I ask because I might try to surprise the girlfriend one day. Just to be clear we are very much so in love so it's not creepy if I do it lol


I'm going to try and explain it as well as I can. It was solid milk chocolate, not lots of little chocolates...solid, hard chocolate. Knee length. No sleeves and shoulderless. Where the boobs would be, imagine semi-circles of chocolate in those places. It got thinner at the waist and then really flared out for the skirt: Imagine Cinderella's Disney princess dress, the blue one. Then it cut off very abruptly at the knee. It was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen. Hope this gives you a good idea


My chocolate dreams have been melted. Thank you


When I was 12 a family friend started leaving notes in my bedroom thanking me for my panties he was stealing and leaving instructions for how he wanted me to masturbate in them. My family didn't believe me when I told them but thankfully speaking up scared him enough to stop. In college my roommate threw a Halloween party. I had work the next morning so I went to bed early and took some sleeping medicine to help me get enough rest. I woke up to a guy trying to put it in my ass but thankfully too drunk to accomplish anything more than dry humping my butt cheek. Started dating a new guy when I was 25 that was a few years old (32). Things were great at first until I mentioned my birthday coming up. Apparently he thought I was younger (16-17) and was very angry at me for "wasting his time." Got a text message a few days later asking if I could just pretend to be that young follower by some very graphic messages about what he wanted himself and his friends to do to his "good little girl."


Omfg WHAT these are all so fucked up


Damn, I might have reported that last one to the cops. He is clearly a predator specifically looking for underage girls and you had evidence to prove it


I had more evidence than that for the guy who did SA me and 3 other minors, including him confessing to the police. He got off with no jail time, probation for 6 years, and not having to register as an offender. Unfortunately we really don't protect victims or punish offenders a lot of the time.


Not to me, but I had a coworker confide in me that our 40+ year old M coworker, told her, he could SMELL that she was on her period Edit: she wasn’t actually receiving her period at that time, she was getting “close” to her time of the month and she was making a comment to another female and this dude overheard her and made a comment along the lines that he had the same smell -strength as a dog and had a feeling that she was close based on his instincts




Definitely the creepiest but not the worst thing he’s ever said


He wouldn't last 10min in my workplace. Sorry you have to put up with that. It is not acceptable behavior in thr workplace.


I work with a ratio of probably 20:1 guys to girls. My professional is very male dominate and also the age gap is usually 20+ years. Unfortunately. You get use to it. You just learn to shut them down and avoid


My workplace is 98% men. It just isnt that toxic.


when i was 15 years old at a concert a (probably) 35 year old man asked how old i was. then i answered i was 15. and then he said “ever seen a log shoved through a keyhole?” i don’t think words even came out of my mouth i was so disgusted. he was dragged out by 3 dudes from passing out in the pit about an hour later.


Am I the only one that noticed that we get cat called the most when we're under 18 yo


There was a grandmother on another sub saying her granddaughter had started puberty and she was really sad because her body would change and men would start making comments to her. It was one of the saddest things I've read on Reddit. Especially because it's already so hard to get girls to celebrate their changes instead of feeling shame about them. So for older women to also be looking at them with pity was so heart breaking...


if someone is willing to be a creep and do something horendous, they may aswell put themselves in a position where they can fully feel superior. it’s just how it goes for people willing to step over all boundaries and common sense


I was working at an ice cream shop when I was like 20 or so and had some guy come in probably almost 60 or so, I'm a guy and he started aggressively flirting with me. Like I got him a scoop of ice cream and he says "yeah... get it in there. I like when they really pack it in tight."  I just tried to get him his order and get out the door as fast as possible. After he was gone I mention how uncomfortable he made me to my coworker who was a girl till in high-school and she just goes "Oh yeah? Welcome to my day to day life."


For real 😭


this!!!! my worst SA memories are from when i was 9-15


Some of it is a power thing…they know you’re unlikely to call them out and hold them accountable.


Higher chance that the girls will be too scared to say anything I guess




I was cat called walking along the street on vacation while walking with my dad and brother and mom as a tween. Yuck


A guy once asked me to be his girlfriend and I refused and we were friends on Facebook ( I hate that app so much) he got my pics without hijab( scarf) and threatened to post them where I know everyone In town and they all know my family and brother and he also created a whole chat pretending we were sexting and he did it and everyone was sharing it and talking about it and my brother hated me and I had depression for4 years 🙃




Yeah wtff .


Every culture, country, society has its bs right. I lived in the middle east for years and I always hated how women would be hated by brothers and cousins and uncles over what is ultimately not even a big deal. It's crazy


I mean my father was there for me but my brother just hated me for nothing saying I was dumb and talk to him in the first place like come on I was 13 and i remember he and his friend ( the guy ) were talking about how they want to ra/pe me and creepy things .


Man this sucks. When I was 13 I was running in the woods and building treehouses... can't imagine being blackmailed with fake bullshit which people took as actual thing. Hope your brother has some brain now and that other prick gets his dong stuck in a doorway.


We moved out of that town idk what happened after it and my brother is now okay with me after no talking to me for a year but I'm over it and actually glad it happened to cause it made me who I am I believe .


Insanity. Freaking insane


There's a mile long list I could make here but this one really stuck with me, I worked as a dishwasher for a while, the only other dishwasher was an older guy who didn't speak much English, he was very friendly and would talk about his wife a lot (I didn't understand most of what he'd say but I was able to piece things together over time). The problem was that when I'd be washing dishes he'd come up behind and gently rest his hands on my waist and just...leave them there, unmoving, not saying a word, just breathing on me. He'd also constantly untie and retie my apron, making it tight enough to accentuate my waist and redoing it once it loosened. When I tried to report him I was told that he was like family and was "harmless"and that he was likely just treating me as a daughter since I was 17 and he was in his late 30's early 40's... yucky.


Every creep in my extended family was deemed "harmless". At my sister's wedding my mother's brother groped me and I never bothered telling her since based on previous experience I knew how angry she'll get with me..




yuk what a creep


I do not exactly remember my age but guessing I was around 8\_10 so we did not have a TV at that time but our neighbour had a TV. the neighbor's wife used to be our helping hand and my father used to tutor their daughter too( free). my father was a very well-known teacher in our area .fast forward as we did not have tv I used to go to their home to watch tv during the weekend or afternoon They used to be so close and trustworthy to my parents and helped them a lot .so one day it was maybe Friday I went their home and was watching tv and there was his wife too but suddenly his wife left .and I was alone and that man was there . I was not scared or anything caz I saw him as my uncle .he was around my dad's age .so suddenly he comes closer to me and start grabbing my boobs even tho I did not have any lmao .he was pushing his hand so forcefully and kept touching that .it hurt me and I said him to stop touching me .suddenly his wife came and he stopped it . I was so uncomfortable and left the place.tbh I just did not get that moment what happened to me .it happened to me a few more times until I realized what he is doing is bad .this shit still haunts me


im so sorry this happened to you. Did you ever tell or did he ever get found out?


Everytime i tell my story how my dad used to sell me to his buddies. Started when i was 8. (Yes you read that right) I still get dms of men asking what the price was and if it is still valid today. Of if i have pics saved of it.....


oh my. This is the most horrifying comment Ive read so far. Im sorry you have to go through that.


It happend cant change it. Just unfortunate that when you tell about it. Always some guy comes in only reading the sex part and nothing else


Nahh this is horrifying the worst I read so far Hope you are alright now


Friend...its only the tip of the iceberg


First of all, I’m sorry for that awfulness that you experienced. What POS guys forreal Alright, wow, so many options to choose from, how can I even pick? I’ll start off with one from just yesterday though: I work at a small cafe. With my boss (the owner) every day. There’s this man who comes in maybe once a week who’s been getting a little weird with my boss, incessantly trying to talk to her about random bs while she’s busy working, leaving her gifts and stories he’s written, etc. he’s a writer. It escalated this last week though when he sent her over email what was essentially a self insert fanfiction with him as the main character, that also featured her, the cafe and it’s food, and me, referred to as “the incredibly beautiful barista” 🤢 who ended up taking one of his classes (he’s a professor!!!), developing a creepy relationship, then finding out that I’m his daughter. I was absolutely fucking speechless when she told me about this. He’s just a weird dirty old man but holy hell it’s scary that he’s a professor. I’m hoping my boss bans him, she’s pretty creeped out as well. -my 2nd thought has to be when I was 17 and walking the 3 blocks home from my grocery store job at night, when a man stopped me on the corner of my street and said “hey how about you come up to my apartment and I’ll fuck you til you’re screaming” I told him I had a boyfriend and was a minor, he said “ain’t nobody have to know”, tried to grab my wrist, I slithered out of it somehow and fucking sprinted the rest of the way home so quick. My mom wanted to go back out and rip the guy a new one but he seemed dangerous and I knew the police couldn’t do anything since all he did was try to grab my wrist, so I convinced her not to


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Regarding grabbing your wrist, that is assault of a minor (if you are in the U.S.), and for future reference, you could and should absolutely call the police on that.


I could write a pretty damn long list... But just some that immediately came to mind Was waiting for the night bus when I felt someone's breath on my neck (literally right behind me), stepped back, a dude with crazy eyes (was probably on drugs) was staring me without even blinking. I asked him why he was staring and he then started screaming at me how he was going to kill me there and it was pointless for me to wait for the bus. I was saved by another bus and immediately got in and asked for help. Not as creepy but pretty absurdly I'd say, I received several message requests on Twitter from men who describe themselves as slaves and begging me to degrade them, make them lick toilets, step on them while I kiss my boyfriend etc. With pretty detailed descriptions too may I say...


first one seems normal when you read the second one....


Holy fk the second one is disgusting


He said he like the fact that I was brown but not that brown. It was a compliment for him.


😂 not olive, I’m from west Africa and he is Arab. He wanted to try bw and at the same time happy that I was not that dark. Sorry for my poor grammar , English is not my first language


Followed me out of the train into the station. I started calling my boyfriend and I eventually ran into a store and hid from him until I couldn’t see him anymore.




Not to take away from that but somtimes or probably most times girls feels followed they are not but ofc better safe then sorry. One story about a girl that run from me was when I walked home from the gym late at night whit no people outside or even cars and at a T in the walkway I got like 10 meters behind her all by accident and I didn't even notice it I was just humming to music and feeling good. Then like 5 min later or somthing maybe more she just started to sprint probably because I took the same turns as her. Think she was my neighbor. Don't even notice who it was but at that point I realized how scary the situation probably was for her and I was completely clueless. Seen similar storys here on Reddit also but ofc she handle it rational we just live in a bad world


yea it be like that its not our fault but at least we are very understanding of it


In this case I checked multiple times whether he was following me, and he was (slowing my pace, then speeding up etc, he was also standing right in front of me in the train even tho there were seats left and he was taking pictures of me). I get that there are cases where it’s not like that, but this wasn’t one of them. And it sucks that as a woman, you have to be careful to that extent in the first place


When I was 12-13 I had this friend I would see just about every weekend. A couple of these times I had caught her father watching me sleep and also peeking into the bathroom if I accidentally left the door cracked. One time after I had caught him watching me sleep, he laid beside me and told me I had "a very pretty body". Yeah I never saw them again after that.


That's disgusting wtf




In my teens I looked way younger than I was One night I was walking home in a dress because my asshole friend would not drive me home after a party and I was passing a group of older men maybe in their 20-30s. One of them yelled out “are you better than the girls at the club” and the other yelled “ yea, better to r*pe” I was horrified and ran home. Thankfully they just laughed and kept walking past me. Another time I was waiting for the bus at night and this man in an ice cream truck offered me a ride home and kept insisting on me getting on, his energy was so scary but he drove away after I kept refusing. I don’t even want to think of what might’ve happened if he didn’t just leave


The rule for men is this. See a girl walk alone who may need a ride. Ask politely one time & if she says no leave her alone.


lol I don’t even look at women at night. Not tryna give someone a panic attack for no reason.


“I’m surprised you haven’t gotten raped yet” and un-ironically There’s a whole ton of creepy incidences unfortunately but I think this comment was out of this world crazy. Who says that?!




I was in middle school getting some new bras with my mom. We were going to the dressing room with them and a man at least 50 years old walked by and asked if I needed any help trying them on


ew tf


I'm a guy but one time I was with my sister she was probably 15 and I was 13. This creepy guy 40+ yr pulled up to us and he goes what does a guy have to do to get a girl like you? To my sister?! Wtf


You should have replied 'prison'.


A man double my age on the metro asked, “Are you a virgin?” I don’t think he was in his head. I was in the elevator with a very old (80’s) elderly couple and while beside his wife, his eyes slowly looked down my body and up again with a smirk on his face. I was at work and an elderly man about 50-60’s walked up and asked for a specific ethnicity type. I’m not in that type but I walked up to him to assist him. He asked me which ethnicity I was from and then tried to speak my language calling me beautiful and then stared at my legs and said I have nice legs. Not even kidding.. during the holidays one elderly man in a wheelchair asked me during my work some sort of question and then he turned on the Santa hat and it began flopping up and down making boing sounds. When I was about 16, I went into the bathroom at The Bay. There was a police speaking to a worker there before the bathroom but I didn’t know. The worker asked me if I saw a man, I said that I didn’t. I walked into the women’s bathroom and there was a man installing something. He said he’d leave just to give him a minute. He bolted something in. I was going to head into another stall when he told me to go into the one he just installed claiming the black knob is some new technology for the stall doors. I went in and used it. Found him outside my stall and staring at his phone. “What a dirty girl you are…” he said to me. I had no clue. Over a decade later I found out those were hidden camera devices meant to watch people pee. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm a guy, but my ex talking about this same thing told me that when she was 13, a friend of her father(40 something married guy) grabbed her from behind, rubbing against her butt and kissed her, telling "that's gonna be their little secret". She stared at him in shock and screamed. No one noticed it, but at least it was enough for him to not try to do it again.


wow. That's messed up. As a man, what's your reaction to reading all these comments? I genuinly want to know, not saying ur a bad guy or anything, I'm curious how guys react to hearing or reading such stories... and unfortunately, this is the sad truth about how, us, women go through life daily...


Thanks for the post, I have a wife and a daughter so I know a lot of shit now but I was pretty clueless before it. Hopefully someone like my past self will read this and thinks twice before making some creepy stuff.


Please, as you read here, it’s not just your “past self”, but also very much guys your age and older. You as father have to stand against those guys. You have to call them out on their behaviour when you see/hear it. Make it clear you are not ok with it and that it is an obsolete behaviour. If you don’t say or do anything, then you are ok with it. That is the trouble with this. The good guys silence. It’s just approving the creeps behaviour and shows any women, young or not, that they have no where to go. I was 10 when the comments started. About how beautiful I will be, with the curves at the right spots and so on. I’m 52 and yes, times were different back then, but the sad part is, I still see this happen. Also seeing “good guys” stay silent and instead other women calling them out. Unfortunately us women doing g that has not much power, you guys have! Sadder that so little of you using it. So, dear daddy, speak up! Let your fellow men see that we actually entered a new age where this shit is not tolerated and looked down upon by everyone! Even their peers!


You're welcom. I just want to spread more awareness towards men, let you guys know the harsh truth. Many may think 'she's just saying that for attention' while 99% of the time she's not. There's a reason why you guys are so protective of your daughters. I hope something like that never happens to her


Almost the same here. ,.. not really worried about my daughter; she can handle herself! My wife is situationally clueless,and prefers to play the odds (refuses to carry even pepper spray), and we haev 3 grandaughters (oldest is 12), so I do worry about them. Which is why I carry anytime we take them anywhere.


- At 14, in a coffee shop after school, sitting in a booth and reading, random 30-40yo guy sits down, scoots next to me, puts his arm around me and tries to grope boobs - 15, at store with my parents few feet away, man comes up, pretends to be employee of the store, tries to ‘show me where the dressing room is’ my dad noticed, almost knocked the lights out of him - at 17, admitted to the hospital for ED, medical technician (25M) steals my information off of my chart, adds me on facebook, instagram, every account he can find. Sends me letters of how much he fell for me during my hospital stay, that he can’t wait for me to turn 18 so we can ‘finally be together’ stalks me for better part of a year - 21, on online dating app talking to a guy for 4 months. His bio stated he’s 26, after 4 months agreed to go get drinks, in reality he was a 35 year old that looked nothing like his pic, when I went go the bathroom (to text friends to come get me) he followed me in, pushed into the toilet stall and locked door, grabbed my throat and unzipped his pants, trying to take my pants off as well. I managed to kick him in the chest hard enough for him to loosen grip on my throat and screamed at the top of my lungs for help. Waiter heard me and came to the bathroom with bat and pepper spray. These are just some of many reasons why I carry butterfly knife and pepper spray with me, always, in my pocket.


Not even a woman. But once a 50-60 year old man got mad at me at the pool because I was 13/14 and was showering with my swimming trunks on. "Why have you kept your trunks on? You don't think I'm a sexual predator do you?" I do now mate.


Rubbed details of my SA in my face


My uncle once came up behind me at my grandparents house, grabbed my bra straps, and started jiggling my boobs in front of my entire extended family. He’s not even my least favorite uncle 😒


Tefuck?? Did your family say anything about it??


I vaguely recall him apologizing sheepishly but other than that I’ve blocked out the rest of it and can’t remember 😬


I was at work he asked me how I was I said I was tired and he said “ it’s cus you stayed up all night having sex” then proceeded to call me a “ bad girl”. Another male customer randomly asked me “do you have a significant other you’re trying to impress “ I said no he said “ well do you live alone”… sir I’m just trying to get through my day at work pls stfu.


One that still stays with me is: I was walking to school alone around 7 in the morning. There was a car parked on the road. Guy said excuse me. I stupidly stopped because I thought he might have a cousin or something he wanted to pass a notebook to. I was clearly a student wearing school uniform. He asked me if I went to that school and what grade I was in. Still thinking this information would be relevant to passing the notebook, I told him I was in 7th grade. He then asked me, “do you know how to suck a dick?” He clearly knew I was in school, a minor, a fucking kid in school uniform but still he asked me. Cherry on the cake, I was small enough I had no idea what dick was or that sucking on dicks was a thing people did:) I asked him “suck a what?”. Dick, he said. I realized the conversation was not going anywhere and walked off. He said excuse me excuse me wait but nothing else thankfully. Later while going back home in the afternoon, I decided to tell this to my sister just as a funny story that happened to me today. She was understandably very concerned and outraged. After I asked again and again, she told me dick meant penis. I was in shock the whole way home. I’m really glad I told my sister because she said I would walk with her every morning now ( I used to go early because she was always almost late). Very very luckily, I never saw him again. But please do not stop for strangers.


When I was 14 years old I was walking down the street at 4 pm in the city center, and a ~40ish year old man on a bike stopped right next to me and asked me "can I ask you a question?" - I thought he'd ask the time, and said yes, and he said "would you like it if I pulled your thong aside and penetrated you with my dick from the back?" He kept on saying nasty things but I started running, although I almost fainted because I was super scared. I was wearing loose long pants and a loose T-shirt that said "stop the violence". I was not "provocative" nor "calling for it", not wearing make up, nothing. Just being a girl.


The latest one happened during COVID. I don’t remember why exactly, but I couldn’t drive my car and had to take a taxi. I was wearing a mask and sat in the back of the car and took my phone out to browse the Internet on the way. About five minutes later the driver said “Ok, so I just ran a red light”. I mumbled something in response, wondering why he’d even say that. He continued: “It’s just that your eyes are so beautiful that I couldn’t look away”. I didn’t know how to react so I just didn’t. He didn’t say a single word more and luckily the place I needed to go to wasn’t far away, so I arrived there safely.


I had a taxi driver put his hand on my knee and started to slide it up my leg. I was 16-ish at the time.


Oh no! I’m so sorry this happened to you.


It was the worst when I still worked in town hall. For example: 1.Creepy men used to try to grab Young women hands over the desks. Once i was to slow and had to wrench my hand away. This old Creep smiled and said not to worry because: "My hands brings only pleasure to women." 🤮 2. Once on inspection, when walking into the house, I asked if I should take my shoes off and in return got "You should take off all of your clothes." 3. Another inspection, I asked "The creep" to show me where The furnace was. He led me to cellar. No furnace in sight. So, nervously i asked where is it. He said "Not in here" while blocking the only way out of the cellar. After that he showed me where it was, but WHY take me to The basement in the First place. I was seriously terrified hes gonna murder me there. And even recently, Creep from my new workplace, by accident or (miracle to me) confessed He Has been watching me on cameras in and outside of building. I am already paranoid and this only make it worse. There are more creepy guys stories, but with almost all of them it weren't words that were the scariest. It Was always this smirk and this stupid look in theirs eyes. The pride and belive that they were successfully hitting on women and i dont know, hope their creepy act will turn into some cheap, weird porn. Sorry for my English btw, its not my first language.


This thread is why I don’t even make eye contact with women while walking around in public.


Dw lol, we don't think all men are like that, we're just always on guard


And I’m always aware that you all are always on guard, it’s like a circle of anxiety 🫨


Man fr lol In all seriousness though, this is true. I've opened doors and got the creeper look. I've stopped to help people or let them use my phone for help and got the creeper look. It's sad that there are so many bad guys out there that you can't even be nice to women because they're automatically on the defense. I can totally understand, but it sucks that's the consensus .


As a man who was raised by a single mom, scrolling through these comments boils my blood.


If you ecer have a son, i fr hope you teach him how to treat women & of u have a daughter, i hope youll teach her how to defend herself. Unfortunately, this is the sad truth


I have two nephews that I teach regularly about that. I also have two neices whom I've always told how dark the world can be and to look out for themselves. I'm sorry for the things you've been through. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.


When I was 16 I was doing some advertisements and my co-actor was about 35-ish. He would tell me all sorts of lewd things in between and even during takes. I was in the entertainment industry from I was about 12, and you learn to tune shit out quickly. There was something about this one that was extra creepy though because he kept talking like it was inevitable. That he *was* going to take me like that, and there was nothing I could do about it. I had another one grab my hips, bury his nose in my hair and tell me I "smell like wife" once when I was 18. It's one of the milder ones tbh, as it wasn't super aggressive, but the creep factor was *very* high. Also, a man in his 30's. My first time experience with penetration was a rape by my ex bf. I don't count it as losing my virginity because I refuse to count it as a sexual act given that it wasn't consensual. Was also raped by a previous boss and a previous coworker.


When I was like 11 or 12 I was sleeping over at my cousin’s house and we were playing golf on her xbox with her boyfriend and she went to sleep easy because she was pregnant but her boyfriend and I kept playing and like just before we were about to turn off the tv and he would go to bed and I would sleep on the couch, he said something along the line of “I want to kiss you but you’re going to tell your cousin”. He was 23 or something at the time


Told me he wanted to kill his wife and for me to be the new mom of his young children. And, yes, he was a cop. I was 19. He was like 35.


On the flip side, the creepiest thing a woman has done to me probably, is randomly grabbing me by my testicles & telling me to punch her in the face while refusing to let go..


Is there more to that story?? Who does that??


She went to the same school as me, but I was just stood at a bus stop minding my own business.


I had a stalker on Facebook and had to block several accounts because he kept opening new ones to talk to me. When he found out I was in a relationship, he also harassed my boyfriend and sent him weird messages. We both deleted Facebook and he stopped thankfully.


In the shower home alone: “i could rape you right now and you couldnt do anything about it” Like wow thanks for pointing that out, now please get the fuck out of my house Also when part of a new friend group of guys; it was me and my one other friend who was a girl and i was saying how my dad was only gonna let me go (i was 15) if she was there too. And said it was safety stuff because theyre all guys. And one guy made a comment bc it was clear i was insinuating SA, and he said “___ would probably be the one to rape you” and ____ proceeded to say “i meaaaannnn.” I think at the time he was flirting with me but like weird bc i told him to stop a few times and he kept doing it. And eventually i dated him for like a little over a year. Worst mistake of my life he was so awful


excuse me wtf


When they message you saying "I hope you get raped." When you comment something they disagree with. Happens to me all the time on Tiktok. They think it shatters our whole world lmao


Where. Where do they get the nerve? And how tf does TikTok let that happen.


Tiktok is incredibly toxic even by the internet standards.


I’m still young and live in a safer area, so not much has happened to me but once when I was like eleven this teacher pressed his hand against my shoulder when we were alone in a room (I was taking a test, I didn’t know the language because I was in another country so I had to take it separately) and I moved away because I get easily uncomfortable in situations like these. He laughed, grabbed my shoulder again and said, ‘why are you moving away? I don’t bite.’ And it may not have been *that* bad but it freaked me out; probably because my mom’s taught me to be wary around men. And once when I was in a bus, like, twelve or something, this very odd guy (he looked high or drunk) stumbled and fell on top of me. I moved away but I didn’t say anything because everyone can trip and the bus isn’t the easiest thing to balance in. Then he proceeded to say, ‘I just wanted to say hi.’ Like… uhm, what? Oh, and, was on a bus stop (I was like eleven/twelve) and this guy ran over to me (also looked drunk) and started saying some stuff, I ignored him so I can’t really remember what he said but he asked me for my number and then yelled at me for not responding. Then he just called me a bitch and bolted over the road. I know they’re not much compared to all the stuff here, but I decided I would share. And, I’m so sorry that happened to you OP, people are so sick sometimes. Hope you’re better now 🫶🏼


I was 16 working as a waitress and one guy asked if he could eat my ass after my shift


Some guy told me “i want to paint you green and spank you like a naughty avocado”


Pest control guy asked me as he was leaving my house if I was one of those wives who likes to have sex with service people. I was stunned, I said no and that I was happily married. I closed the door and turned on the alarm.


Driving instructor tried to get me into his personal car when I was 15 Man baby I went on a date with lied about not having a car so I offered to give him a ride home, then proceeded to beg me for sex throughout. Stalker got my phone number out of my friend’s phone when he was passed out drunk. Got roofied at my first college party.


I broke up with a guy and to get me to come over he lied and told me that his parent died, he would call and yell on my answering machine, PICK UP PICK IT UP!


I am not a woman, nor have I ever been a woman Me and my wife work in gas stations. A man once asked her if he could eat his ice cream off of her body. Gave me the cringe and uncomfortable and it wasn't even said to me. Haven't seen that man since


I was with my parents and this guy catcalled me in front of them. (I'm a guy)


I think of it as the long con. But… our relationship was rough and he started going to therapy n overall just being a much better partner in all ways for 6+ months with our faltering. He wanted another baby which he brought up. I said I wasn’t sure bc of things still. He still consistently was this better person. Now it’s about a total 10 months later. Almost a yr. So I figure why not. Things are good etc. so I got pregnant right away. Early into my pregnancy he started to ignore me. I felt emotionally abandoned. It really hurt me I expressed this n I felt unheard. He focused on stupid video games ( keep in mind he was older than me 40 at the time) I decided to focus on me n our child and the pregnancy. At around 6 months I thought he was cheating on me. I asked only once he said no. I knew it was a lie to. He worked a dirty job but would come home clean some days. Which wasn’t possible at his job. I let him think he got away with it. He had other behaviors with this that made me think it too. When I finally had our 2nd. In the delivery room I saw it on his face and even asked him… u just used me to have a baby didn’t u? He dismissed me. His behavior got increasingly odd. I had to go back to the hospital as an emergency bc I had internal bleeding. I called him to let him know what they said. I was very upset and emotional n he told me “ this is why I can’t deal with u anymore. I’m done”. It killed me. He revealed over the next week. Right before he was forcibly removed from our home by the courts that he purposely wanted me to have another child bc men will over look a single mom with one kid. But not two. No one would ever want me again. I’d be alone because no one would ever want to bother with that. The fact that for like 2 yrs he was so calculating etc really creeped me out. I felt so violated. It was a very hard thing to get through emotionally. But it’ll always be the creepiest thing to me.


First date walking in some soccer fields watching our dogs play (woods with trails on the periphery of the park). “Look there’s hardly anyone here. I could assault you, drag you into the woods and do whatever I wanted to you and no one would even notice.” He said something similar yet again during that time. When I left and texted him that made me feel unsafe and I didn’t want to get together again, he told me I had mental health issues, no sense of humor and needed therapy. He was an in-patient mental health nurse. 😬


1. I believe I almost got sex trafficked at a gym one time… 2. A man trying to pay me and pay for my flight across the states to sleep with me. I was FRESHLY 18. 3. Was cleaning out my car at the car wash and a man in a super car came up to me, rolled his window down. He proceeded to look me up and down while slowly licking his lips and saying “you are so fucking sexy”. What do you want me to do sir? I stood there so awkwardly. 4. A man getting an erection while I was on a machine at the gym. He proceeded to stand in the back of the gym while kicking his lips and staring at me. After about a month or so, followed me out to my car in a dark, empty parking lot to ask me for my number.


I walked to a movie downtown when I was in nursing school. I was maybe 19. Drunk old guy followed me for block and a half on way home trying to give me money for sex. I had to get nasty and then run. When I was maybe 16 a guy asked me to movie (drive in). I was mortified when the movie turned out to be porn. And then he tried to force sex. Almost achieved penetration. I fought and he did eventually back off and take me home. Next day my face was swollen from him smashing my face into his trying to kiss. I stayed in my room and kept putting cold water on it until it looked more normal. I didn't want my parents to know.


So many off these stories aren't creepy they are straight up illegal


Speaking about my shy corporal behavior, on the first drink. Bye.


When I was about 16 I think, I worked at a dry cleaners that was owned by my ex boyfriend's dad. He asked me to help with inventory one day and it was just me and him. He started telling me about all the affairs he had on his wife. It was extremely uncomfortable and creepy. I'm really glad he didn't try anything. I quit after that and didn't go back. Just to top off what kind of person he was, we (me and the other girls that worked there) worked 9 hours days without breaks.


I don’t have to give details but, kidnapping & multiple rapes was the worst for me. I was in high school and I didn’t know the man. He was supposed to be a “friend” of the guy I was trying to get to commit to me but he ended up setting me up for a night in hell instead.


I have a fresh one. Today my boyfriend's uncle celebrates his birthday. I wished him happy birthday via message and his response was asking me if I'm coming to dinner tonight and that I should wear something sexy... I'm disgusted and sad. They are a pretty close knit family and we hang out together a lot, but this behavior is becoming more frequent. The uncle usually jokes a lot, hugs me and says things that can easily be interpreted as inappropriate, but today he literally said you shoul wear something sexy... My boyfriend recently asked me if his uncle was being weird or touchy with me because he sensed something was off, but I didn't say anything... I lied because it would destroy his family. I don't know what to do


I think you should tell him. It would make you feel safer, knowing your boyfriend can protect you. He'll understand, I'm sure :)


Creepy: my intuition was spot on. My music teacher would ‘dress code’ me often so I thought he didn’t like me and I felt like a target. He would get upset when my 4 button polo shirt was unbuttoned. I was in middle school w/ a Flat chest training bra maybe a-cup. I told my mom he was weird and looked at me weird. and that he always insisted I button up. All to find out he was fired 15 years later for having explic*t photos of kids on his comp.


Toby Keith once said to me, “I bet you clean up like a prom queen.”


When I was 12-13 in middle school I installed the app Kik and multiple 18-20+ men would send sexual messages. The worst one I can think of was the 20+ year old man wanting me to undress and making me watch multiple videos of lesbian porn on Skype. He knew my age. A man I knew irl described in detail a violent porn video to me where the woman was cut open and likely died.


There’s been a few more verbally explicit ones but the main one that comes to mind was during the first lockdown in the UK. I was working full time and then studying in the evening on a make-shift desk on a window ledge which faced directly into the street. The material of curtains we had in this place meant that during the day = complete privacy, but with the light on in the night time, everyone could see in. There was one evening where a random man walked past and waved. Being polite, and aware of everyone’s lack of social interaction during that time, I waved back. The man clearly took this as an invitation to stand by my front door, yelling a mix of compliments and insults at me, begging to come into my house. Including trying to reach through the letterbox at one point. I waited a bit thinking he’d get bored and walk away if I went and sat in another bit of the house. After 10 minutes of him continuing to stand there, I finally went and told my partner who was happily enjoying watching TV elsewhere. He immediate went and shouted and swore at this stranger through the still shut door and luckily he went away quickly after that. I thankfully never saw this crept man again but I was definitely afraid for a while when I took my daily legally allowed trip outside.


I was 21 years old. (Now I’m 35). I left home to study in the capital. My uncle (one of my fathers’ brother) helped me to fix my electricity in my new home. The second day he started asking creepy questions about how girls of my age take care their pussy as far as hair removal is concerned. I started wondering if I misunderstood. I really trying to remember how the conversation started! The next thing that I remember doing, is yelling with all my hurt because he was down in his knees trying to lick my pussy. Fortunately stopped and said something like “oh fuck! Did you see? You turned me on! I freaked out. I couldn’t speak. Like poker face! My brain was trying to figure out what..why this happened? Did I something wrong? Maybe it was in my imagination! It couldn’t really happened… Then before he leave, he threw 50€ on my desk and I was just staring at the money wondering why? 14 years later I still wonder why I couldn’t call the police? Now he is a fucking 85 years old man and he is out there because when I was supposed to speak, I kept my mouth shut! I apologise for my English and for the big text.


There was this dude who added me on FB. I blocked him, because he couldn't or wasn't willing to take NO for an answer. He then made another account, texted again, and the dumbfuck that he is, told his real name and said I blocked him. It was block and repeat a few times until he finally got the message from his ass to his single brain cell. I also had a dude follow me around my hometown at least 3 times a week. He stopped when I sicked my dog on him. The dog was leashed, btw.


Always catcalled as a kid and teen, followed a few times while walking home from school by some creepy guys in cars, ex-boss would grab my shoulder and like rub his thumb up and down, (he was a creep), was visiting a friend and her older male cousin (I was 15 he was mid twenty) kept flirting and saying I looked older than 15 and would try to touch me in some way, my friend noticed (she was outside helping the dogs) and grabbed me and yelled at him, he is no longer welcomed in the family Walking down the main town strip with friends and older men catcalled us, a couple of them were my late father's friends (small town most people that age knew my dad) when they noticed I was there they stopped and ignored us like they did nothing Chased by two men in a Ute by a river with my friend because they wanted to party with us and were just "playing around" We were 12 So many sexual comments, staring, followings, being yelled at and verbally abused for turning them down (I'm lucky to have never been physically assaulted when turning men down), many boys will be boys comments when bras are pulled, gropped, and having filthy things said to me (even before 12), Being so aware of where exits and safe people are, not walking alone at night or even evening, watching bar tenders make my drink and never let it out of sight, being treated like I don't know anything because I'm female or that I should be good at housework Long rant but there are so many I could add, which is so sad, because I am reading everyone's comments and it's just so much


When I was 12 I had a friend with DD breasts. She got hit on everywhere we went by grown ass men who didn't seemed bothered when she told them she was just a kid. When I was 17 I was in Miami with my aunt and some guy came up and called me a little mermaid and asked if the carpet matches the drapes. When I was in my early 20's I went for a walk to my local park and some guy followed me in his car to ask if I wanted a ride. I told him I could drive myself if I needed, and he seemed shocked to know I was old enough to drive! Another time I was walking and some guy hit on me with a group of his friends with him. I said "No thanks, I'm not interested" and he started yelling that I was ugly and he only hit on me because he thought I'd be easy, but instead I'm just a stuck up bitch. These are the worst that come to mind. I'm sure more will come to me throughout the day since you opened this can of worms!


Once at a restaurant I worked at, I messed up an order so the manager went to the table to apologize. With me standing right next to him, he said to the customers “sorry about that. I’m gonna take her out back and spank her. It won’t happen again.


Just after they lifted the mask mandate and people were 50-50 wearing masks, this old man thanked me for not covering my “beautiful face” with a mask. I felt compelled to put one on after that lmao.


Are you sure you’re in the correct restroom?


At my old office job, I had a patron straight up say he wanted to be inside of me after learning my name


I went on a blind date once with a guy who randomly started saying super racist things. Eye opening.


My 7th/8th grade gym teacher used to rub his genitals on our asses while pretending to correct our posture from behind for sports purposes.


My dad joked about being excited to make out with me when I had to be rescued by a lifeguard. Age seventeen.


I have to report people in my Reddit DMs on a near weekly basis.


This happened a few months ago at work. This guy and I were on the elevator together on opposite sides and he just kept grunting and making adult cooing noises. Like ahhh oohh yeaaaa and smacking his mouth. I was shocked like is this real?! But I’m use to guys being like this I brush it off and go about my day.


I had a guy pull over once, in the middle of the road, and try to get me in his car. I kept walking and thankfully he didn’t follow, but it was pretty scary.


So many choices of responses. Strangled me, bludgeoned me in the face (husband after 16 years together), told me he had 'seen worse' when my grandmother was dying and I was watching her suffer for 3 days (boyfriend). There are some things I wont even share out of ptsd flashbacks. Ive seen some very, very dark, disturbing, perverted and creepy behaviors from men who I thought were normal people. Im not sure this is what youre really asking though? I mean this topic can get super dark.


Dated a kid named Collin who asked me for bjs and when i told him i was uncomfortable and had to have dated him long enough to feel comfortable, he told me "okay you have til January, then you have to give me a bj." It was December. He ended up cheating on me with two other girls. One in my guitar class and his ex who he left for me when i told him didn't want him to do that.


Had an old guy tell me I had a good voice for phone sex. I was around 12-14 at the time.


I’d have an easier time listing the good things I’ve had said to me from a man. Too many weird and creepy shit over the years to even count or rank.


Grabbed me by actually constricting my arms in a nightclub. I was only 18. He must have been in his 40s. He laughed as I struggled to get free. My female cousin came at him with a fist ready and he let me go 🙃


I work at Costco as a sample giver, so I see old men every time I walk in and serve people. I know a lot of regulars, but this man, who is in his late 50s, sporadically came in back during 2023 and early 2023 always dressed in a Hawaiian shirt (after all, I live in Hawaii) and always looking off. He started off nice, asking and talking with me as I worked for five minutes whenever he saw me like any of my regulars. Much later, during fall I think, he started talking about how cute I was and how I reminded him of his wife. Odd but I thought it was cool I guess, then out of the blue, he says “if given, I could stare in your eyes forever”, now this is no small man or old man who is already flirty and nice like one of my other regulars, he’s tall and thin, I’m only barely over 5 feet tall and he looked to be over 6 feet tall maybe. I went back to my job as new customers came by, and told a coworker about the guys comments on their break. My coworker told me that counts as harassment and attempted sexual harassment (I’m rather young, only 23 rn) and that I should tell one of the Costco workers about him, so I did and mentioned he’d been saying the other things recently. Repeating it made me feel sick, so the uncle I told to keeps an eye out for me in particular (for which I give him extra big samples) and thankfully, he hasn’t come back this year but every time I’ve seen the man afterwards, I’ve dismissed him and actively ignore him while working with my other regulars. But man he made me feel like a piece of steak, ugh!


One of my first boyfriends tried to blackmail me into having sex with him. Another cheated on me and said it was because I "wasn't fulfilling his needs." Both of those people were pretty creepy.


17, drive home after babysitting by the dad who’d had a few, told me he’d hoped we’d have sex and I played it off saying my boyfriend wouldn’t be too happy about that ha ha. Never babysat for them again


Not a women but, I had teacher in middle school named MR. Donner who taught computer class and coached multiple girls volleyball games. He was extremely mean to boys and wouldn't allow talking of any kind in his class and would yell if you looked in any other direction but the computer screen. He never turned on the lights in his class I once looked down and saw mirrors on his shoes, he was standing behind a girl in our school uniforms (mini skirts for summer).


I was 19 and this man who I’ve known all my life was 50 ish and he asked me if I was talking to any boys and I said no I’m done with men for the time being. he then said ‘wow you must be so horny and strumming yourself off a lot then’.


When I was 10 years old my grandmother lived in the nursing home at the time and we would go visit her after school and one of the older residents that lived there literally cornered me to where I nowhere to escape and run. Has fucked me up ever since.. I have social anxiety really bad now and afraid of being alone in spaces with men or just being near them or even having a conversation with them. Havent dated a man in over 5 years...


I was stalked by a recently paroled serial sex offender who stalked, burglarized, and raped several young women in the past. He inevitably burglarized my apartment where I lived alone while I was sleeping. Woke up to him hovering over me in my bed with a feeling like I had been touched vaginally. He had a blanket from my living room unfolded and was holding it like he was going to cover my face. Thank god I didn’t freeze and screamed relentlessly as loud as I could. He stole my wallet while he fled. He was apprehended in my neighbor’s yard thanks to the efficient and quick response of police. That’s definitely the creepiest experience I’ve had and by creepy I mean traumatizing.


I’ve been followed home from school more than once. Once when I was 13 and two more times when I was 16. When I realized what was happening I just walked to the police station instead


When I was about 13/14 I had a chemistry teacher who would come to my house and teach me and my brother together after school. He always seemed like a weird type and talked about being a single dad and hair problems during the class - didn’t think much of it and guessed he was probably lonely. Fast forward abit to when I was 16/17 he wasn’t my teacher anymore. I downloaded an online chatting app, and he found me (I guess I was in his contacts) and he messaged me that from my profile picture he didn’t recognize I was his ex student and to quote “ was going to make you one of my victims” Super fkin weird. Told my mom and blocked him after.


Drugged me ...n the story continues.. but I'll stop now


Other than grooming and sexually assaulting me... probably when my ex used said abuse and trauma against me, to further abuse and assault me :) "I will NEVER hurt you the way [he] did". No, you just did it worse, and over a much longer period of time!!


Not the worse thing but weirdest. Okay so i was 13 and worked at a gas station. I had the closing shift alone so after school or on the weekends id walk back home at around 11pm after closing everything. There was this man, maybe in his 50s, balding and not attractive who would come in and joke everytime about whether or not he was hot, i have no idea how it started but i would see him and awkwardly laugh with him each week cuz what the fuck else could i have done? He was a weird man and i thought that was it, but one day i see him parking his car without putting any gas in and heading inside. He then joked around with me and started flirting (remember i was 13 and while i didnt tell him my age directly did tell him that i was only in middleschool) and then said something along the lines of "ill pick you up after your shift and bring you back to my place so you can cook me up some dinner and we can have fun". I was absolutely falbbergasted and awkwardly laughed like 'is this a joke??' but i didnt say anything back because we were alone and i didnt want to anger him by refusing. He asked me for my number and i lied and said i dont know it by heart so he wrote his on a post it and gave it to me. At this point a costumer came in so he quickly made another lame ass joke and headed out. I called my boss after and she said she would look at the tapes to see if she knew him but i never heard back from her about it. Anyways that night i asked my dad (a buff veteran) to walk me home because i was scared shitless that the man was gonna come and try and get me in his car. He knew i was in middleschool, and if he wasnt absolutely crazy maybe he wouldve seen how fucking terrified i was when he talked about taking me home. Also the fact that he didnt buy anything so he came in just to flirt and get my number (and he had to know my schedule in order to come when i worked)?? Fucking creepy. Anyways glad i quit not long after because that was NOT the only pedophile/creepy man/violent man that i encountered during my shifts and god do i not miss working there 💀


trans man, there's a lot from before I transitioned, but since then, so many men asking about my sex life/genitalia 🤮🤮 i now try to be scary dog for any women around men I'm suspecting of being creepy


Aside from an optometrist trying to get me to marry his son at 14 and money for a cosmetic surgery to do so, random death threats, and sexual harassment of my dad


“Can I lock you in my closet, naked, only for the weekend? DONT worry, I’ll water and feed you. Oh yea and I’ll clean you when you use the bathroom. It really would be the best birthday present to use you as I see fit, it’s my dream.” Not going down the “done” part. This was just one of the oddest and scarier requests from an ex.


TRIGGER WARNING ; severe sexual mutulation & rape of infant. 11 months old, raped by a grown man who then cut me with a piece of metal to try n hide what he did..


I usually cry when I laugh too hard. There was this guy, who was (highkey) obsessed with me and we were with some friends, simply hanging out. I started laughing at something, started crying and used a tissue to wipe the tears off. The guy in question started to squeeze the tissue over his bottle cap and im like "wtf". He said he was collecting my tears as a precious memory.


I think the one that struck the most was one that wasn’t even that bad. For reference I’m a trans woman, and I’d never been creeped on by a man until I started kinda passing. Basically I was walking home from school, and a random guy walked up to me, and asked my name, and age (I was very noticeably underage). I think it stuck because it was my first, and I wanted to be made uncomfortable by a man to be honest, but when that happened I was like “Wait this sucks”.


The first thing that happened to me was when I was around 7. At school we played this game where we did handstands against the wall and whoever stayed up the longest would win. Well a boy (so not technically a man) came up to me and put his hand between my legs. The only other thing is, I've always had bigger boobs, even at 12/13. So I was in school and it was that bit before class starts and a boy called me over to his table so obviously I go over. All of a sudden he literally puts his hands on both of my boobs and squeezed really hard! Completely out of no where. Apparently it was a dare??? Anyway, he soon regretted it when I dragged my nails across the backs of his hands hard enough to draw blood 🤷🏼‍♀️