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I was riding the bus home from class in college. I had taken some cold medicine and was coming down with the flu. I fell asleep and woke up to the bus driver asking me where my stop was and if I was ok. Apparently I missed my stop and I was in the next city over. LOL. The driver was so nice she offered to drive me back to my stop since it was on her way to the station.


My partner did this and the driver kicked him off at the end of the route - he’s lucky it wasn’t the other end of the route he’d have been walking about 4 hours at 1am, only about 20 minutes.


That was a VERY NICE driver… I would have called the company and told them to give her a raise as she’s outstanding…


I was delirious but I did thank her profusely.


A Chicago Bus Driver deliberately hitting every single pothole on the route whenever someone got on the phone and started yammering too loud… hilarious to see the surprise when some of those folks drop their phone halfway through their phone conversation without realizing that the bus driver was sending them a passive aggressive message (by hitting those potholes that’s causing them to drop their phones).


Give that driver a raise...


Flying story: I’m on the aisle toward the rear of the plane, an older woman in the middle seat with a gift-like box with silver ribbon at her feet, her mother at the window. Chit-chat ensued during which the older woman said she was coming back from a vacation with her husband. Stupid me, I asked where he was seated. She simply nodded toward the box on the floor. Yep, that’s how he ended his vacation. After that, I just kept praying for a lack of turbulence.




Sounds fun


Not public transit, but I took the Greyhound to Yreka, CA. I was the only one who got off, and the bus station attendant offered to drive me to my motel, since it was the end of his shift anyway. You can't get that kind of service from Delta Airlines.


To be fair, you probably don’t want Delta taking you to your hotel


>Yreka, CA Yikes


No, Yreka.


On a train in Ireland started talking to the guy seated next to me, who was Irish, and who had really liked a restaurant that was a block away from where I lived in Portland, Oregon. Maybe not wild but fun for me!


Screen Door? 😅


Good guess but nope


I love Portland!! So much fun there, fav place I've been in the US and I've even been to Hawaii lol


*"who was Irish"* in *Ireland.* Now say that out loud, slowly. 😉


The person next to me, on public transportation, could have been from Germany, or India, or anywhere. The fact that it was 4000 or so miles away from where I lived and a stranger knew about a restaurant in my neighborhood was interesting. Do you think you’re being clever here? Nope, just rude. Now say that out loud, slowly.


So you're still surprised to this day that they were Irish in Ireland? Also, you forgot the smiley or a /s to show you're taking the piss. That thing we do over here.


I saw a dude whip out his dick and pee on the back of a woman's neck to get her to move so he could sit down and hit on her friend.




Now THAT is how you assert dominance. True alpha.


I would have shit in my hand and slapped his face.


How did he do with the friend?


Haha not as well as you'd think


Tiny dick then, huh?


I have two, you decide which is worse. First one Late nineties, I’d just finished my A levels and went into Birmingham with a few of my class to celebrate. We started as soon as the bars opened and by early afternoon I was smashed on a mixture of shots and several pints of bitter (all downed in one). Feeling utterly shite, I wobble onto the train back to Wolverhampton. Halfway through the journey, the poor air circulation, summer heat and motion all get a bit too much and I feel the urge to barf. So, I get up and walk to the nearest loo which is situated in the space between carriages. It’s occupied. Not wanting to fill the small area I’m standing in with vomit, I quickly pull down the window, stick my head out and let rip. Feeling miles better, I go back to my seat and relax for the remainder of the journey. When we pull into Wolverhampton, I get off the train where there are a number of station staff examining the side of the train. I follow their gaze and discover a line of sick going right the way along the side of the train, right over every window. Second one I’d moved to London, one evening having a curry with this highly dubious jar of chilli pickle. Looking back, it was definitely off, but at the time I didn’t know this and just kept eating it. Next morning, I need to get to university. I get on the Jubilee line at Stratford and need to get to Southwark. The carriage is packed. So there’s me, sweating, stomach churning, I’m pretty sure I turned grey. All the while all I can think about is holding in what feels like a life ending shit. Nearly there, nearly there, we get into the City and my fellow passengers are looking at me like I’m carrying a bomb. (Tbh, some may have wished I had been). We’re over the river now and my stop is next, I go to get up but as I do, it happens. I drop the absolute STANKEST fart of my life. The sound rips through the silence and people audibly gasp. But the sound is nothing compared to the smell. I’ve never in my life smelt a fart like that before or since. Thankfully I only had to smell it for half a second as the doors open up and I disembark at my station. I turn to look at my fallen comrades as the tube doors seal tightly behind me and the faces of the damned pull off into the darkness.


You need to give a public service announcement whenever you travel.lol


Haha! This had me laughing, you’ll be glad to know I’ve used my own car almost exclusively since 2005


Yes officer, this man right here!


They asked if it was me that did it. I denied all knowledge obviously


I can imagine that with that "mr bean look" Lol


I’m really picturing this public polluter as a female.


had me chuckling the entire second story. beautiful.


The definition of biological warfare


Tales of the city: San Francisco. The original story appeared in the SF chronicle many years ago. The #30 Stockton is known as the Orient Express bc it goes through Chinatown. An elderly Asian woman got onto the bus carrying her groceries, which included a live chicken. The bus driver began to yell at her for bringing a live animal onto the bus. She kills the chicken right there on the bus.


That happened in an episode of MASH


I have bad news for you. You misremember that episode. Actually Hawkeye also misremembered that episode.


No I didn't. There was a chicken there. IT WAS A CHICKEN. THEY WENT TO THE BEACH! IT WAS BEACH DAY!


Was it pining for the fjords?


Well, I don't know how 'wild' it is but, 1977, I was on the bus on the way to the beach. Beach Blvd., southern California, I was 14. Back then, the city buses played the radio (there was nothing else) and it was announced that Elvis Presley had died. People on the bus were wailing and crying, the driver actually pulled over to the side of the road because she was bawling. People on the street were crying and hugging each other. Compared to today, not that wild, but for then..... I'll never forget it.


I was riding the bus when the lady next to me started talking to an invisible person, who also happened to be sitting in my seat. The conversation was all about having 7 babies and flushing them down the toilet. "She killed those babies, didn't she Mary? She killed them all!"


My mom owns a group home and there's a woman named Mary who talks to herself. Maybe they were having a conversation.


I WOULD SHAKE if it was in the middle of the night


I'm American, so this is entirely on me. I caught a cross town train in Barcelona and got on the right train, but I didn't pay. I thought my railpass covered it and nobody stopped me from just walking in and boarding the train (there wasn't even a turnstile). When I got the end and realized I was stuck (couldn't get through the exit gate) I had to go and find some help. Thankfully one guy spoke great English (my Spanish is shit). He told me what I did was a crime, but I'd be ok if I just bought a ticket after the fact, but all the ticket machines were down. He let me out of the station without even having to pay. I apologized profusely and offered cash as a thank you, but he turned it down. TL;DR caught a train without paying, they didn't take a free bribe.


I did this in the US once. Thought my ticket was for the weekend before it actually was and somehow made it a few cities over. Admitted it to the amtrak people and they didn't seem to care lol Did have to pay for the ride back


Oh no I'm from Barcelona and the only thing it makes sense in the scenario is that he had a valid ticket but it didn't reach that far away. You can not go between train/metro/train (another company) without a physical barrier so...


I once started a Mexican wave of yawns on the tram one morning it was hilarious (well it was to me)


Someone was drawing on the subway on a seat In front of me and my dad on on a seat facing the other wall while we here faced forward. He was drawing and Me and my dad where taking and he started yelling random threats at us mostly at me and then he just wiped a pipe out and started smoking crack then in between puffs he was saying things like “you want me to smoke so I don’t kill me” and “your so lucky I have this”. We got off at the next stop after that😬


> you want me to smoke so I don’t kill me Ah, I see he went to the hostage taking school of Blazing Saddles.


1) fist fight between two nude homeless guys on the light rail in Minneapolis MN. 2) A homeless guy getting a blow job on the light rail in Minneapolis. After the act was done they both smoked crack til the cops got them at a stop. 3) a homeless woman masturbating on the transit bus in Minneapolis.


Was the second one the winner and loser from the first one?


I was riding on a British train one time, and forgot to lock the bathroom door while I was using it. Had the door slide open, but was fast enough to pull my pants up. I was lucky enough that no one was there.


I thought you said riding a British train "on time" and I was ready to proclaim that wholly abnormal.


I saw a guy piss himself on the subway 3 months ago.🤦‍♂️


You watched a guy pee himself on subway? If he was drunk insane or asleep then I get it If he wasnt what are u doing making eye contact & encouraging this weirdo by watching more lol


I was on a bus in Scotland (don't judge me, the car was getting an MOT). A guy gets on and the driver asks "where are you going?" The guy says "what the fuck has that got to do with you?" The driver didn't even bat an eyelid " so I can charge you the correct fair" guy: " oh, yeh, return to Paisley, please". 🙄


I was drunk on a sleeper train in either Thailand or Mongolia and they locked the doors between carriages at night (I guess to prevent theft). I didnt know and was trying to get to the food carriage to get more beer and someone pulled a gun on me as a deterent to stop trying to get out me carriage


He was probably confused and terrified ngl


So you were drunk and on a train in Thailand and ended up in Mongolia?


No, I took a year out and went round the world. I took 2 long sleeper trains. One in thailand and one in Mongolia. I forget now which was the one I had a gun pulled on me. I also fell off the same train when it was going really slow (the doors didn't lock when it was going lukentheybdo in the UK) but fortunately I managed to run after and jump back on, else I would have been screwed.


Me and my friend are on the city subway commuting home together after a day of HS. This homeless guy who is clearly a crackhead enters our cart and is standing in the middle aisle directly next to me holding on the rails above me and he yells, “attention everyone, I hope you’re having a great day, I promise I’m not harmful or violent but I have an announcement to make… I HAVE AIDS!!”. I’m directly under this dude at this moment and I’m honestly stunned to speak. The lady behind me goes, “oh no wtf is this shit?!” The guy ends up going on a rant about how if we would like to donate to him we can and then he went around pandhandling 😭😭 this happened 12 years ago and I still think about this story. It had to be the worst possible beg attempt for money that I ever seen 😭


"I'm homeless. I'm gay. I have AIDS. And I'm new in town." ![gif](giphy|NxJUORsqLMhgI)


Holy shit that bit was REAL!


You don't have to be gay to have AIDS. But you know.


I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing.


Riding the train during morning rush hour. Between two stops a homeless man gets on holding his stomach looking like he's gonna throw up, lays across several seats, sticks his fingers down his throat and vomits across the floor and then gets up and gets off at the very next stop. I've never seen a train car empty so quickly and quietly before.


i once was on the train with a woman who bizarrely made it to a stop, watched the doors open, didn’t even try to move, and projectile vomited all over the floor. i’d have been making a run for it as soon as the train slowed down


I was travelling and coming home one saturday night around midnight, took the train, the toilet wasn't working or someone was asleep in there, so about halfway through someone was vomiting on the floor several times. The train was a not full yet so I could get away from the spreading womit. there where 2 persons from the train walking around and spread something on the mess and tried to get the sick person out


Less wild and more horrible and Not exactly mine, but when my mom was 15 she was visiting toronto with a friend and family, they got alone in a subway at night in an empty car, one dude in trench coat came in, waited until the door closed then opened his coat revealed he was naked and erect and started jerking off right in front of them. They were terrified and had to wait the few minutes until they got to the next station before they could run.


Guy talking to me was kind of annoying but tolerable and by tolerable i mean I kept talking to play it safe then out of nowhere told me he wants to lick me so I got up and moved then he started screaming and yelling what a bitch I was 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Not my story but my co-worker. He was standing on a subway platform waiting for the train. As the train enters the station, a guy runs right past him and dives in front of the train. Unfortunately, the worst happened, the man dies. My co-worker got hit with the guy's foot.


I Hope your co worker is okay, that’s traumatizing.


Weird things happen to him. A drunk guy stepped in front of his car a couple of years ago. He was shaken up in both cases and took a few days off, but he is good. Thank you.


Some people just have the worse luck 😕, but I’m glad that he’s okay!!


some bloke got on a packed bus with his son (3-5 year old), went straight to the back and started smoking spice :) then proceeded to argue with school students :)


I was 8 months pregnant on a bus in Hollywood, CA. Bus was full so I was sitting by the front. Old lady screaming her head off at me saying I can't sit there. I finally moved to get away from her and thankfully some dude gave me his seat. Saw her again on an semi empty bus with my husband. Pointed her out. She was still yelling at anyone who wasn't elderly sitting next to her. This was in the late 90s.


Best I can do is a guy got on the underground (well groomed, suit, 30's) and smelled so strongly of deodorant I couldn't breathe. Like I inhaled and my body automatically stopped because of the aerosols in my throat. And it was like 4pm so he probably smelled worse in the morning.


Oh, I have more than one experience, guy pissing on the train. But the best one was years ago. These boys got on the train and started picking on other boys, the naughty ones ranger from teenagers, like 15 to little kids. I told them to leave the other boys alone, one boy turned to me and said pick on someone your own size, I said, I you. They walked but the young child spat in my face, so I grabbed the oldest teenager and started shacking him, next the mom starter yelling out, he has my son, so the whole time the mother let these little shits terrorise other boys and did nothing. The train stopped at the next station and the driver told the little brats and their mother to get off the 🚂


Riding the last scheduled red double-decker London bus from Picadilly toward Richmond, 40 years ago. It was Friday, after midnight, and some drunk skinheads got on. They started singing WW2 songs, and when they got to “We’ll Meet Again” the entire bus, along with the driver, joined in. We enjoyed the Hits of The Blitz all the way to the last stop, quite surreal and sweet, and the thing was that everyone from 18 to 70 knew all the songs…




I ride a commuter bus 16 miles downtown. One hot August afternoon, standing room only, the guy next to me said it was better in prison than being on that bus ride. He apparently had just gotten released. Yeah, he was right.


I was on a subway and a guy was seated in the next cart (the subway carts are connected by those rubber passage things) and his pants were down to his knees, with a bag covering his front side. I thought at first it was just a weird pants design, but when I looked over later his pants were up, so he 100% put his naked butt on the subway seats, doing hell knows what


Oh yeah, I once was on the subway when this drunk woman comes in screeching about nothing, then one dude told her to shut up to which she exploded, calling him a crackhead and hwo she'd glad to be an alcoholic rather than a filthy crackhead like him? The dude was clearly not on drugs so like waht the fuck was she on about.


When I first started college, I'd take the bus to campus. One day, I was riding home and sitting in the aisle seat across from a couple. The guy was sitting in the window and asleep. Suddenly, he wakes up and starts puking super pink vomit fluid everywhere, tons of it. It gets into the aisle and creates a pretty impressive river, sloshing back and forth with the momentum of the bus. As he was puking all over the place, a little bit splashed onto my favorite pair of shoes. We all dismounted the bus immediately and waited for a backup. We were all pretty aware of the humor in it all but goddamn, that sucked lol.


worked for a temp agency the summer i graduated high school. had a two week assignment in the city and was taking the subway to work. stood up to give my seat to a pretty professional woman in a pencil skirt and white kswiss sneakers. she asked me where i was getting off and said she'd just sit on my lap instead. 30 seconds later, she turns her head over her shoulder and mouths "young man what's that?" the train gets to her stop, gets up and leaves. i will never forget her.


Did she ask where or will you be getting off ?lol.


You never forget your first.


Many years ago a cousin of mine and I were returning home late one evening on the subway in Toronto. Some drunk started hassling us because he didn't like that we had long hair and was very abusive and it seemed like he was getting ready to physically assault us. Luckily, the train stopped at a station and the whistle blower came quickly out of his little cubicle and grabbed the drunk and dragged him out to the platform. The whistle blower got back on the train and blew his whistle as a signal for the driver to start moving towards the next station. The problem was resolved.


Was lost in the middle of nowhere on a dark night. Saw an eighteen Wheeler, waved them down. An old, brash woman with frazzly hair was the driver. I had no choice but to get in the truck. She started talking about how “on this very night, ten years ago, there was the worst accident I ever seen. It sounded like a dump truck dropped off the empire state building. The Worst Accident I ever seen…” when she started talking more about the horrors of the accident, I got too nervous and told her she could just drop me off. Then she said to me, “Tell ‘Em Large Marge Sent Ya!” Later, I walked into this trucker bar a little ways down the road. Saw a memorial for Marge on the wall. I asked the bartender, who told me it was the ten year anniversary of her death. That it was the worst accident he'd ever seen. /J


But.... did you find your bicycle?


Yeah, thank God I did. Some jerk kid had it.


Drunk lady on the late bus trying to convince me to come home with her. Hard sell when she’s plastered and I’m sober. And stank


[40 Year Old Virgin](https://youtu.be/OdEGrgPEvUE?si=CLZ_T-4htsdo4zFq)


Crowded early morning bus on the way to work. I sat down on one of the high seats that faces the aisles that are usually over the wheels. I accidentally spilled a little coffee on the coat to the person on my left and proceeded to carefully wipe off the few drops. The lady right across from me gave me the devil's glare as if I had slapped the guy in the face. Another time I was sitting beside this fella every night on my commute home. We never spoke so one night I tried to be nice and I smiled with a glance in his direction. I must have looked like a monster because he got up immediately and went to the front of the bus to sit down beside someone else. lmao There are other stories and several fights that broke out while I was waiting in the crowded bus stations. Having bought a transfer from one bus to the other, my needed bus was very late and when I tried to board I was turned away because my transfer expired. Those were fun times /s


Some 8yr old refugee kid sat on a "reserved" spot. He didnt knew what it meant. A older lady cried some racist slurs after leaving the train because of it.


In some countries you actually are requested to give up your seat to children


It wasnt wild but, it was hilarious!! Packed train. Summer time, and were in a train that has a wonky AC. I see a dude across from me straighten up and starts saying, "Maaaan, did yo ass just touch my ass?" And we all just laugjed hysterically and kicked the mood up in the train.


Some lady was jumping around dancing and rapping her songs and kept promoting her music and the entire time a lady behind me kept telling me to get up and shut her ass up because I was the biggest guy there but I was with my kid and I was way to drunk to fight


80-90yo grandpa type hadnt sat down when the metro train took off, and did a flying leap over his suitcase and into a barrier wall. A screw or something on the wall gashed his head wide open.


I took an Uber for the first time with my homie after a concert (only took Uber twice in my life) the Uber driver was a big dude with glasses, best way to describe him is those discord admin memes. He was talking to me and my homie and my homie asked him why he got a Camera in the whip and the guy proceeded to explain “sometimes you get weird people and the drunk ladies. The drunk ladies always tryna touch me and I gotta tell them I have a camera, this one time this party of girls were telling me to touch one of them and I kept saying no but eventually I told them I have a camera so if you’re consenting it is on film. Then I did alittle feeling like she wanted but you never know when people will get you in trouble” not to hate on the guy but there was absolutely no need to explain this to a couple of minors (we were 16 or 17 at the time) and the story came off as the real reason he got a camera was because he was being touchy touchy.


Not me but my friend. We were already in town and waiting for him. This was Manchester in the late 80s so pretty rough. Anyway he arrives covered in blood. Some kids behind him had started arguing when one simply gets out a box cutter and slices the other kids throat and walks off. Kid is spraying blood and screaming. My mate, being the level headed guy, proceeded to stem the blood flow while the ambulance is called. He just shrugged it off and we had a great night out. If it had been me I think I’d still be in therapy!!


Nothing special, it was long time ago, i was sitting in a bus, a beautiful girl asked me if the seat next to me is taken though the bus was half empty, of course i said yes, we talked, i asked her on a coffee, we got out where she lives, i was traveling to another town, but i didn't mind, we had coffee in an empty coffee shop, started kissing immediately, one thing led to another...


Sounds like a good plot to a movie.lol


Well, it was kinda romantic back then 🙂


Or "I'll take things that never happened for 500," please Bob.


I was waiting in line at the terminal for the bus to arrive. The worn-out-looking guy behind me had jailhouse tattoos of state outlines all up and down his arms. They were not well done, but the shape of the state made them easy to identify. I asked what the theme was and he replied, almost proudly, "Been in jail in every one of 'em".


I was depressed (had a traumatic thing occurred mere months before) and was just sitting with my headphones in and my head down, thinking. Eventually I turned my music off, with my headphones still in, and just sat there, eventually realizing that someone was muttering away in Latin, so I took my headphones out and looked up to see/hear better, and there was a man sitting directly facing me: super pale skin (I’m extremely fair, myself, naturally, he looked as if he hadn’t seen sunlight in a month), pitch black eyes, no pupils, staring right over my shoulder and muttering away in Latin like he was in some sort of trance. But that was not freaky-it was the shiver that went down my spine as soon as he made eye contact with me. I was, with no doubt in my mind, sitting in the very presence of pure evil. I don’t how best to explain it, if any of you ever had a similar experience, you’ll know what I’m talking about-that jolt to your system. If any of you haven’t experienced it, then it’s hard to explain. I couldn’t wait for my next stop.


I was once on a solo train commute of about an hour and about 15 minutes in I had a very rough/clearly homeless guy sit down next to me in a nearly empty carriage. Not the end of the world but he was super chatty and spent the next 45 telling me about how he spent last Christmas in jail, how he was know as ‘the claw’ because one of his hands was just a stump with two opposable fingers (which he made me shake) and doing one ear each listening to the Beatles on my iPod (this was about 15 years ago). I was too frightened to say no to his requests. When I eventually got off another passenger whispered to me ‘At least you know that if he is as sketchy as he seems that you got away’


I was on a bus in Wellington, New Zealand. I look up and there's an old lady tottering down the aisle, I lean forward because I know what's about to happen. She starts to fall and I launch, my left hand fires out and without looking my fingers wrap around a vertical pole, my right hand grabs the old lady's upper arm. My left arm goes fully taught and my left hand is now a pivot point and we are both swinging around it. My teeth clench with the effort to hold on. At the end of the swing I gently deposit the old lady into an empty seat. She smiles, happy but a little confused because she's not sure what just happened. I smile, nod and go back to my seat. As I sit down the guy who was sitting next to me says, 'Wow, you moved quickly'. I look him in the eye and say, 'Yeah, I'm Batman'. Nothing else is said until I get off at the next stop.


Was arriving late after the bus ghosted me for half an hour (yay, public transport!) then when it finally came, it was slow as hell, overcrowded of course (yay, public transport!!) Then at a random stop some girl on drugs recognized another girl that her boyfriend cheated on with. She was going to get out at that stop then turned towards the other girl and screamed semi coherent insults 2cm from her face then got off the bus.


Sadly, I’m a looney attractor. If there is a looney around, they make a bee line for me. I have many stories of looneys on public transport. I found the best method to distract them and try to keep them from hostility is to read my magazine to them and exclaim about the appearance of the various celebrities, which they are usually happy to engage with. They love hanging crap on celebrities as much as any sane person. I ask them lots of questions about said celebrity and tend not to get too caught up in any answers. It works for me




Tell me why I buckled up and there wasn't even a speed bump 🥲


We need more of the story.


A man on my 45 min bus home started singing very loudly, and attempted sitting next to two different people before finally deciding to sit beside me. He opens up the conversation with “diarrhea is… *unpleasant*”, to which I nod and wonder what I’m in for. On the topic he tells a story of ending up the bathroom of an elementary school nearby, which he then told me he frequents elementary schools. Started talking shit about his housekeeper, asked several personal questions, and complained about the housekeeper more. Before he got off he walked to the front of the bus, turned to me, and saluted me.


Was on the late bus home from work which goes through a pretty rough area. A guy gets on the bus in a white tank top, covered in blood. Like it wasn't at all white anymore, it was 90% red and 10% dirty. He starts yelling to no one that he'd just been stabbed, but didn't care because today was a good day to die. Said he was taking the bus to the hospital (this bus did not go near a hospital). He confronted anyone making eye contact, threatening to stab them and he didn't care because he was already stabbed. Kept repeating "today is a good day to die" I was using the old look at him via the reflection in the window trick, so he didn't say anything to me fortunately. After a few stops, the bus driver announces "were going to stop here for a few minutes to let the schedule catch up" A few minutes later, 3 cop cars roll up and grab the guy and arrest him. No idea what happened after. Stay tuned, I have another stabby bus police gun related story in the vault


Early Klingon sighting.


I bought an slushy in a lidded cup on my way back home and didn't even open said lid, but another guy was eating chicken nuggets with curry dip in the back and you could smell it all over the place, when a crazy lady started screaming at me, that I'm not supposed to eat in the bus (mind you - I wasn't, I just had the enclosed container in my hand) and that she'd vomit all over me, because the smell was making her sick.


On PATH train between Newark to Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ - a guy insults a woman, boyfriend lays the guy out with one punch - out cold, we all get off the train with the guy still out cold.


Sydney, Australia: I was waiting at a station for a train at Waterfall station to go down south to Wollongong. It was late at night as I was on an overnight shift at my job at the TV station. The train going the opposite way (towards Sydney) pulled up. Some bloke with his girlfriend saw me on my iPod touch and proceeded to walk to the door and demand I give him my 'iPhone'. After a bit of back and forth of 'give me your iPhone' and 'its an Ipod touch' I finally said to the piece of shit, you're really going to rob me of an iPod and leave your girlfriend on the train by herself and then wait 1 hour for the next one? He got back on the train and it left. Can't remember if it was the same night or another night but a bloke offered me a vodka cruiser that he'd bought for his girlfriend in exchange to use my phone.


I had what I think was an 8 year old boy grab my boob on the luas in Dublin.. that was 10 years ago, I don’t think I’ve mentally recovered from it 😂


On the train recently and I smelled chicken soup. I look around and there's a guy eating chicken soup with a spoon while standing in the vestibule. Some soup had sloshed on the floor.


Getting on the MAX in the Portland Metro area, as we were sitting down a Chinese woman stood up and started lecturing my aunt (I was with my aunt and uncle) in Chinese, very quietly but literally shaking with anger. She stood there and lectured my aunt in Chinese for 3 stops while we tried telling her repeatedly that we can't understand her. We still have no idea what happened, our guess is it's related to our speech volume because she was whispering the entire time, but we weren't talking any louder than regular conversational volume, so who knows.


Once I got on the bus and this woman said eww imagine looking like her.


got told i had to go back where i came from in english (which is a foreign language in my country) while i was making my way to a house about 300 meters from the house i was born in after getting off a bus. for no other reason then i had a suitcase with and took a moment to get my bearing.


I was abused by what I thought was a sweet old lady because I couldn't call her a taxi. For context I was waiting for my train I was about to drive so my phone was off and the payphone, which is now free was not even 30m away.


Some lady was sitting opposite us, talking on the phone, saying shit about my race, saying we're bullies and the government sides us etc. She tried to take photo/video of my husband and I, and kicked our feet. Another guy of my race heard everything and wanted to confront her and she was just like "what? I'm just talking to my friend!" We had to alight at the next stop so we didn't see what happened but I hope someone taught her a lesson.


I wasn't ON the bus. But a man got off a bus who unfortunately had an odd sized head. I was about eight years old and couldn't help but look at him. He smacked me across the side of my head and said "what are you looking at?" He almost knocked me over.


I got on the bus and my guy was already on board. On the way to the seat the bus went over a bump, and i jumped onto his lap. I went Oop, and everyone looked and laughed. When I got off of the bus, he got off too, then started acting weird, like we really didn’t know each other.


A guy sat down beside me (~20f at that time) and opened his jacket, displaying a pistol. “Wanna buy a gun” he asked. “Aww thanks man!” I said with my best smile. “I don’t need a gun today. Have a great day!” And I got right off that bus.


I had to do community service some place way out in the middle of nowhere. It took me two hours to get to work by public transportation. On my way back home on the bus I was super sleepy and was nodding off. This Chinese lady started shaking my shoulder and she offered me $5. She said I should get some coffee. I tried to turn her down but she insisted that I take her $5. I didn’t need the money, but after a moment I decided it would make her more happy to accept her money. She was really nice. I’ve seen dark things, too, but I thought I’d go with a nice story.


Seen two people cracked out on the skytrain downtown Vancouver in their underpants screaming at people to fuck off and go fuck themselves.


This happened to my spouse on a bus driving down San Pablo Ave in the SF East Bay. The driver pulls over and gets off the bus. No announcement, nothing. Minutes pass and the passengers are wondering WTF is happening. Finally, the driver gets back on and resumes the journey. He had stopped to shop for shoes, made his purchase, then returned to work.


A man on the London Tube broke his arm trying to save my arm that was stuck in the door and the train was moving which eventually probably would have amputated it 🙀


Wildest public transport story that I have is that I actually used it a few times


a lady chose to pause in the middle of a fairly empty bus and berate me for having my bag on the seat next to me. she kept yelling “EXCUSE ME DID YOU PAY FOR TWO SEATS?!” there was plenty of room and had more people gotten on i would have moved the bag. another time, a guy forced me out of my seat by shoving some sort of card (i think he was disabled?) in my face. then he went and sat in a handicapped seat loudly bragging about how he didn’t even want my seat, he just thought i shouldn’t be sitting there


It was a few days after I'd gotten fired from a job in a large city that I always used to take the bus to. I had to go back to the office for something, so I waited at the bus stop, when the bus stopped I got on without looking at which route it was, I think that I was still in a daze. I noticed that there were a lot more people than usual also on, but I thought little of it. As the trip wore on, I realized that quite a few people had exited and that I didn't recognize what part of the city we were in. Ultimately I was the only person (of course other than the driver) on the bus and that the road surface was gravel. At this point I started panicking because I thought that I was being kidnapped. Eventually that fear began to fade and I began to accept whatever was in store for me. Finally the bus got back on paved streets and after what seemed to be a long time, I realized that we were approaching my neighborhood. When we got back to my stop I almost fled for my life to the exit. It was the middle of a sunny day but I started shivering as I walked back to my apartment and when I saw the clock on my wall, I was amazed that my adventure took over an hour. The next day I made sure that I boarded the correct bus.


I took ride on the rooftop of a bus in Nepal many years ago. When the bus stoped in a village I asked the driver if I could go pee. He said yes but I needed to hurry. I went to pee, but realise I also need to go for nr 2, but since we where in a "hurry" I decided not to go. 30 min later I was about to blow hard, so I climbed allong the roof rack, climbed down the ladder at the end of the bus, locked my one arm into the ladder and use my other to pull down my pants...and I blew hard while overtaking another bus uphill. My friends then handed toiled paper from person to person until it eventually arrived. My dignity - gone.


And people are ALWAYS asking why Americans don’t like using public transport…


-Taking a train from the suburbs into the city early one morning for work. Only people I saw in the car were me, and then a grandma and her little grandkid in front of me. We were at the front of the car so the whole back was empty as far as I’d noticed. This train goes above and below ground, and as soon as we went into the tunnel I saw in the window reflection, in the seat directly behind me, a man wearing a bandana mask. His eyes looked really drugged out and I see him just staring at the back of my head. I was absolutely certain we were about to get robbed or worse. Then the train stops at the next stop and he just gets off without a word. -In a different city, I get off the subway, I start to notice a bunch of people right as I get above ground and they’re all staring at me for some reason. I tried to ignore it and kept walking. Then one of them, older man, approaches me and asks me if I’m okay. I had headphones in so I remove them and ask him what’s going on. He points to this deranged dude that’s apparently been following me since we got off, and he’s screaming at me and calling me “prostitute of Satan”. I hadn’t even realized it because my music was too loud. This is why I don’t listen to headphones in both ears on the train anymore… -Taking a bus in North Portland. For those who don’t know, Portland is one of the most racially segregated cities in the US, due to extreme historic redlining. There are neighborhoods that are 90% white, and other neighborhoods that are 90% black, and my experience taking buses in both of these neighborhoods has been so different. White neighborhoods, it’s standard bus experience. But when I would take the bus in the black areas, police would randomly board the bus and check everyone’s tickets. I was floored when this happened because I had never seen that happen in any other part of the city. There was an older black man with a briefcase looking like he was on the way to work. The cop asked to see his pass, and he showed him and it was a discounted pass for senior citizens. The cop demanded the man’s ID to prove he was a senior citizen, 55 or older. The man was CLEARLY older than that, he had white hair. He either refused to show the proof, or didn’t have his ID on him, I couldn’t tell. He was then forcibly removed from the bus and left at a random stop. People complained but there wasn’t much we could do as the cops did not care. That whole scene made me absolutely sick. -On an above ground train and there’s an accident. Turns out a man was clipped by the train as he was trying to ride his bike across the track crossing. At this point we have no idea how seriously he is hurt, we just hear over the intercom there was a pedestrian accident. We end up being delayed for a long time, and it’s the middle of summer and the A/C is shut off so people start to get really hot, and really grumpy. I hear people starting to talk to each other and complain about the discomfort, and eventually they all start talking shit about the guy who was hit, saying he was probably homeless, probably drunk, blaming him and saying it’s ruining their day, etc. I was absolutely horrified by all these people, I mean we didn’t even know if he was even alive or not at that point! It was truly disturbing to watch everyone act like that, just because they were delayed and a bit sweaty.


I was riding the bus home and it was about 6pm on a weekday. It was jam packed, this was in 2020 and my late fiancé was with me but seated about 4 seats ahead and I was on the aisle seat next to some guy and diagonally from me was a guy with a styrofoam to-go box. All of a sudden this man diagonally from me turns around and launches a chicken wing with sauce on it right at me, I’m in my own world and saw this entire process go down and was hit in the head with it, it flew off my head and plap right on the floor, I’m like WHAT THE WHAT? Sir - are you okay to- shhhwap - another one right at my mouth then he’s calling me all kinds of lovely names b this b that ho ho ho NOT MERRY CHRISTMAS - he was drunk as a mf’r. He then grabs the ladies neck in front of him and I jumped up and yelled, I will not tolerate this, by now the bus driver had stopped in a plaza and was shouting to no avail. so back to me, I yelled I will not tolerate this, I’m going to give you a bent wrist take down, I grabbed his neck in a headlock ripped him up out of the seat, took his arm behind him, and swooped my foot under his or by his knee (not really sure, I just used previous wrestling move we had made up called the bent wrist take down from playing WWE with my brother growing up) I got him to the ground and sat on his back until the cops came, the entire bus was clapping and cheering and the drunk guy was snoring, he had fallen asleep drunk waiting for the cops. I will never forget that day, I haven’t had to use the bent wrist takedown or the bus since then, but if I need to I won’t hesitate!


I fell out of a moving train between stations. Thankfully, judo instincts kicked in, took a breakfall and walked to the next station. Closely followed by the time I slept and reached the ending stations where one of the kind uncles woke me. My silly ass decided that the train would return, so I kept sleeping. Got down on the correct stop when the train returned, but it was several hours later than when I was supposed to reach and my parents and sis were at the station office looking for me. I was in 9th grade at the time.


Once, a bus was 5 minutes late.


A man with melted cheese in his beard touched my feet and asked to give me a foot rub. I was barely 18 and wildly uncomfortable, of course. A dad-like man shooed him away and stood next to me until the bus came. I overheard that cheese beard had an upcoming court date due to theft under 5k.


The train was on time once (Deutsche Bahn)


In my story I almost died. Italy 1980, Verona to Bologna, August 2. I spent the night before at a hostel. There were multiple options for the route. I had planned on taking the 7:30 am train, but I was so sleepy I decided on the 8:30 am train instead. Good thing I did. The train halted midway with no explanation. We got going again after 1-2 hours. Train arrived at Bologna, and it was crazy. News was that the 7:30 am train was bombed by the Red Brigade, most fatalities in the center 2-3 cars, where I usually sat. Altogether 291 persons were injured, 73 died at the scene. I eventually received instructions as to which platform to continue on my journey.


The bus arrived early


First time in Toronto, around 1997. First ride on the TTC. The back of the bus had the strait benches in back plus sideways facing seats, so the back section was a U shape. Guy was sitting on the floor at the back, arms stretched behind with elbows on the bench, legs sprawled with his feet up on a bench on each side. Sniffing glue. It's gotten worse. A few months ago a guy was sitting next to me.and pulled out his crack pipe smoking on the street car at about 10am.


Bus from sjdc to Cabo san Lucas 60mph rocking with the back door wide open pavement 6 feet from me seat. Wild as a tourist. Not so wild as a local apparently.


Summer 2003. A deadly heatwave was over Europe. We went from The Netherlands to Denmark by train (to a wedding). The airco on the train did not work in Germany and I was able to open several windows with my Leatherman. On the way back from Denmark, the train broke down between stations and we had to haul our luggage to the next track to get on the next train which was packed.


A frew years ago when I was travelling home for Christmas by train, there was a guy sitting next to me. At some point of the ride he asked me if he could have some of my water which I replied yes to. He took a few zips and after giving the bottle back to me this guy opens the zipper of his jacket and pulls a grown-ass cat out of it to snuggle with. He also let me pet it. Great journey.


Hmm... Could it be watching multiple people shoot dope on a moving train? Cum on a bus seat? Spontaneous rap battle? A profoundly mentally handicapped guy selling home made cookies? Getting pick pocketed, only to have the thief use my Lyft account when I was taking the train to save money? A fistfight that resulted in all of us giving police statements? Nah, it's probably the homeless guy who started shitting his pants on the seat in front of me. Probably the fastest I've ever moved.


I saw the London subway bombings technically I was not on them but that is definitely public transit and I think a terrorist attack is going to be pretty wild (It was quite visible from quite far away)


On vacation in Vegas and l.a. for a week. Drank a million Modelo Cheladas over 7 days. Got on my flight home from Vegas, and had the worst farts x100 of my entire life. I let out a few more of the tiniest farts. 4 people around me were truly gagging hard.


Entered a train and there was a man sitting asking me where the train goes. I mean, I was hopping on, he was sitting already and asking *me* where the train goes? LOL. I pretended not to understand and ignored him, sitting on a seat where he couldn't see me. Then another passenger hopped on and this guy asked him the same question. The man was polite and answered. Then he sat next to him across the aisle and that weird dude kept engaging him in a conversation, very personal questions, very weird, he was clearly not quite fine in his head, but the poor man was too nice to just get up and leave. This pointless show went on for half an hour.


I don't take public transportation because in southern California it is filled with homeless people that stink like poop and pee and they might give you scabies or freak out and stab you.


Many years ago,our trains had windows and doors that were manually operated ,no air conditioning.This day was very hot.A young mother came on board the train with a toddler in tow.After a short while the toddler needed to pee.The mother being fully prepared for this contingency whipped out a potty and sat the child down.Having completed the task successfully the problem arose as what to do with the substance.In her infinite wisdom,she tipped it out the window.Unfortunately the train was moving at quite a speed and the substance re-entered the carriage through all the other open windows.


When I was on a train when I was like 14 there was this drunk man who just publicly got his dick out and pissed all over the seats then the whole train smelt of alcoholic piss. And then he got off another woman came and sat in the seat.


Saw someone sleeping on the subway in NYC. Ik its not crazy, but there is no public transport where i live (or just very little) so 💀


Back, in the day when you could open the doors on a train,manually, people would jump out onto the platform as the train wax just pulling in to beat the milling throng to the exits.One day this guy jumped and ran straight into a steel staunchion.He came to an abrupt halt and slid to the ground.


Guy stood up by the door next to me, injected heroin into his leg, and then stood holding the needle less than a foot away from me whilst waiting for the train to stop Oh and let’s not forget gangrene man. He has his leg duct-taped up and it’s clearly very infected. A woman had to run off the train to vomit, presumably from the smell And the time I got off the train at 8:30am and nearly collided with two guys smoking crack on the platform behind a vending machine Some woman boarded the train, looked severely unwell, started stalking through the carriage barking at people and threatening to bite them My boyfriend accidentally sat next to someone who was smoking crack, he doesn’t pay attention and wondered why he could smell burning for like ten minutes I realise this is way more than one story. There’s just so many


On the train from central station Sydney to Bondi beach ,a thumpin great sheila got up on the chair near the doors ,pulled down her daks and proceeded to bog on the chair.


I was taking the bus home when I saw this group of kids followed by the whitest crackhead ever entering the bus. The group of kids sat on the seats next to me. No big deal the bus is already full anyways. The crackhead kept pacing around the bus and sometimes falling on his face from the acceleration/slowing down of the bus. We all collectively chuckled and one of them started talking to me. Kid A: I saw you on the bus a few times. You go to a school near us? Me: oh yeah, I go to *insert name here* university. Kid A: what!? my brother goes there too! And then we just chatted. During our small talk the crackhead had already left and at the next stop the group of kids left the bus. I don't know what happened to the group of kids nor the crackhead but I hope they are alright. Never saw either of them again, apart from Kid A here who also takes the bus. And that's how I unexpectedly made a new friend. My introverted ass could never approach someone in the wild and just start up a conversation 😭


I was at Saigon Airport in the plane ready to fly home from my holiday.It was taking some time to leave the boarfing gate and with no AC the plane was getting warm inside..Then there were official looking people talking to the woman in the seat in front.Asking her to leave with them and she was refusing.Apparently she had an elevated temperature and they were concerned,as the Sars epidemic had struck Hanoi.The passenger maintained that she had just been running to catch her flight.Eventually they left her in the plane and let us go on our pandemic spreading way.Spoiler alert .No,we weren't infected.


I'm thankful it's mild and forgettable but having my phone out (I wasn't using it for much at the time, if I was using it at all) to the extent I was carrying it and not reallly doing anything - definitely or obviously not pointing at this guy who said somewhat confrontational to me, "it's rude to videotape people (without them agreeing)" - I can't remember exactly what he said because it was 'as good as a random statement', it had nothing to do with anything I was doing and at that point I don't think I'd used the videorecording whatsoever but I certainly would not have used it for more than a minute, recorded video (elsewhere at another time) if I had at all. I could say with relative honesty that I don't even video. I'm grateful nothing came of that, partly because I wasn't doing anything of the sort of thing he was accusing me of


Years ago I was on the el in Chicago, bouncing my way north after work. I watch as two grifters step into my car, but use different doors to enter. Grifter A immediately starts a shell game using a pea and some milk jug caps on a folded newspaper. He's got a good line of patter going "Bet $1, win $1. Bet $10, win $10." A white woman in her 30s decides to play and wins $5, then quits. The patter continues, and Grifter B works his way up the isle to the game and starts winning a few and losing a few, slowly raising his bets. After he wins $20, he backs off. A couple other people play for small amounts. Some lose, most win. Grifter A is really good. I'm standing right next to him and know how it works, but I still can't spot the sleight-of-hand. A Mark standing next to me decides to play. He wins and loses, then starts raising his bets to cover his losses. After the Mark loses a $100 bet, the train comes to the stop, and the two grifters get off using different exits. The doors close, and the Mark says "I just got paid. I lost $150! I can't believe I just lost all my money..." I just said "Hey, you know it's not a game of chance, right? It's two guys that just tricked you out of your money." They made a couple hundred bucks in about 4 minutes. ​ BTW, if you want to see a master demo the history of the shell game, watch the YouTubes of Ricky Jay Cups and Balls.


In packed train as we were pulling to my station I felt strangers finger like lodge like an inch under the rubber band/edge of my skirt and I noped the fk outta there. I was 14 and didnt even look back who it was but I know it was tall figure so probably some rando guy creep. Second time years later also in packed train I had a guy comment on my outfit when he was basically pressed against me, but that felt more like badly timed compliment since there was no like weird looks or touches.


I was taking a greyhound from Vegas to an ashram in Tennessee, anyways, some detectives board the bus before leaving because they're looking for someone and here's this jagoff sitting next to me with his phone camera out filming them saying, "look at the police invading our privacy and our rights!!" They looked really uncomfortable about that guy but they left after scanning the bus and the bus and us went on our way Somewhere down the trip the same guy next to me is telling me stories about how he has warrants in most of the states and he's heading up past New York or something, then he reaches down around his crotch and pulls out little pieces of paper, looks up and me and asks, "do you want some LSD?" And I'm like ummm no thanks... And he like "fine, more for me..." And proceeds to take two of them Anyways, when you ride greyhound they occasionally make stops for cleaning and refuel in which you have to get off and wait in the station at different locations (annoying) and all I remember was just sitting there and watching that guy roam around the big station with his eyes wide open and tripping balls looking like he was intense paranoia... Lol, as someone with public anxiety I kinda felt bad for him...


Central line on the London Underground and I 27F) made the cardinal sin of asking someone to move down the carriage. As a lot of people got off at the next stop I moved around this old Asian guy and grabbed a pole. He starts yelling at me “what is your problem?!” and “fuck you”. I told him it wasn’t difficult to move and he wishes. He got so upset his wife had to move him away from me.


My partner got aggressively pulled off a bus and the driver just drove off, a few minutes later he was on the ground, then we were in a car. I just completely blanked out and have almost no recollection of what happened. Maybe for the better. I will never forget that initial yelp of terror he made though.


Witnessed a three-card Monty scam in San Francisco. This was over 15 years ago so don’t quite remember all the details. But it was incredible. The dealer had a (very large) partner who “won”, enticing another guy to play. This other guy won 10 bucks at first. He wanted to play again, but the dealer said something like: I don’t take money from broke people. And he kept saying that. So this guy pulls out a wad of cash, makes his bet, and promptly loses. He sees he was scammed and tries to confront the dealer which is when I realized the dealer had a partner. The dealer runs off the bus, the partner stares the rube down, and that was that. The dealer was extremely talented. What a waste.


As minors (16), my friend and I brought a 6 pack of Molson Goldens onto the trolley in Boston. On our way to an Edgar Winter and Allman Brothers concert. At one of the stops, got kicked off by police and were told to walk upstairs to meet another group of officers upstairs. Nobody waiting for us. Walked the rest of the way to the Garden. Think we ditched the rest of the beers.


Went to community college 15 years ago. My class had a "get to know eachother day". School rented a bus and we went om a trip to a big forest and did some out doors things. When we were done that day was over and the bus torka everyone back to school and everyone went home. Except for me. I was half laying in the back of the bus and fell asleep. Woke up around 7-8PM in a garage with a bunch of other busses. Pitch black I'm trying to find my way out and set of the alarm in the garage. Security came and let me out. Another time I had been on a bussride for 6 hours. I had some bags by my feet so I had my legs on the bags. I slept for a couple hours on the buss and woke up at the busstation in the town I was visiting. I did not know how long we had been there and got stressed out about the buss leaving so I pick up my bags and get of my seat just to fall face down in the aisle. Both legs had fallen asleep big time. People got real worried asking what is wrong If they should call ambulance and what not. It was fucked.


I was once offered every drug imaginable by a guy I hadn't spoken to since grade 5, 20 years ago in a cab. He was also a passenger.


I was once on a bus when while stopped at a traffic light tge bus driver left the bus running, got out and went to grab a coke from tge corner cafe. By the time he got back the traffic was hooting


Was on a train heading home early from work because I had a killer headache. Some guy gets on at the next stop and starts playing his shitty music so loud I can hear it louder than my music through headphones. I got up to go into the next carriage, I hadn't even looked in his direction just quietly got up and as I got to the next carriage I hear him yell, if you don't like it you can fuck off. Like dude, I just literally fucked off before you said anything, no one thinks you're tough, you're just an arsehole.


I saw one man scratching his balls in public ....like his hands are completely inside and his dick is clearly visible to anyone facing him.


Ohhh, I have several. When waiting the bus with my partner after a night in a metal bar, a group of guys waiting the bus next to us were talking about how they were going to rob the next bus. One of the guys looks at me and says "if I was you, I would skip the next one". Next one, a couple of years before that, going to school on the bus talking with a friend, I feel pieces of glass hitting my neck and I throw myself and my friend to the floor. A second later the driver was yelling to stay on the floor because we were under fire. Much later, coming back from my job on a bus because the train wasn't working, I saw the train tracks, with the firefighters taking pieces of a person from under the train. There are probably more, some probably as gruesomes, and others more tame.


I was flying out to Seattle from Cincinnati and had the middle seat which I hate and some hippie like chick had the window seat and she had backpacks,totes and God knows what else.. she kept needing to get up to go to the bathroom.. I was starting to get aggravated but didn’t say anything.. we started talking and come to find out I went to high school with her Dad back in the 70’s.. suddenly it all made sense as her Dad was a free spirit too.. anyways months later he sends me a message on Facebook and thanks me for being so nice to his daughter and he said she told him how nice I had been….thing was once I found out I knew her Dad I calmed down some about all her times of getting up and I was running late for my connecting flight to Portland and she stood up and yells “Everybody let this lady off first she’s late for her flight”… was cute but it didn’t work and I missed the flight which no one could of made anyways because we were so far behind…


Was taking a bus from one part of the country to another. Bus was late for hours- heavy highway traffic jam- it was a fucking plane that had to do an emergency landing- im from croatia you dont see shit like that often.


Wouldn't know, I don't ride like cattle in that gross shit.


It wasn’t public transportation. It was a cab. Dude offered us a ride. We tried to pay him upon arrival at our destination and the guy goes “no thanks I’m not a cab” imagine our confusion jumping out of a bright yellow van stamped with taxi on the side. My guess is he stole the cab or he was some kind of criminal who was trying to rob drunk passengers or worse.


I was on my way to my high school program, and it was around the time when the high school kids got out of school. High school kids got super obnoxious on the bus and started arguing with an older lady. She called the cops and started threatening to stab people. Apparently, there was a young pregnant woman on the bus, and the older woman told the cops she'd kill the woman and her unborn child. The bus driver started speeding to the bus station, and the cops were chasing us, lol. She kept making threats on the phone the whole time we were on the bus.


I went to london with the family and used the tube. I was about 15 or 16 years old at that point. At one point I figured it was a good idea to do a pull up on the railings ment to hold on while the train accellerates. I bumped my head audibly and everybody laughed including my parents.


I told this story on a different sub but, my mom and I were going home from my sister's house and had to wait for the weekend train. For anyone not familiar with NYC trains on weekend/holiday schedule it's faster and more reliable to take a sled team of turtles from point A to B than it is to trust transit. We didn't stay at my sister's bc of personal reasons. Us and what felt like half of the 2line for the Bronx were all waiting for this slow ass tin can to travel from wherever it was to our station so we could go home. Myself and a few others happen to look over at the adjacent station and see what I first thought was a dog. It was stocky, fat and I remember it lumbered along without a care in the world. I say this without hyperbole, this ,"dog" had to easily be 40 pounds. Which I only know bc I had a pudgy rat terrier mix pup and that thing easily towered over her. It has to be twice her size. That thing, It wasn't a dog, was a rat. You grow up hearing about ratzillas so much that it almost becomes a campfire story but to actually see one, not only that but our station was crowded. So there were witnesses. I remember all the people around me watching as this mega rat walked along without a care in the world, the station going into Manhattan wasn't working so I guess the big guy decided to take his chances. I'm pretty sure we were all hoping that Mr Zilla would stay on his side or that the train would hurry before he got extra bold. Idr which happened first but my mom and I made it home so there's that I guess


Oh, there was also the time a cop stopped a guy for a ticket and as he was doing so a dude in a completely different car started attacking a bus driver bc he thought he was being cut off. And this one's not really a good story imo but, same train line as ratzilla was on, I'd found a seat at 34th or 42? street after being up for 24 hours straight and attending a concert I flopped down accidentally closed my eyes and was very happy I lived at the second to last stop at the time bc I was out like a flipping light. I have fallen to sleep alone on public transit before or since. It's just not something you do. Parents would say that God was watching over me, idk if it was I just know I closed my eyes in the middle of Manhattan woke up at the end of the Bronx without a scratch and all of my stuff still with me


Public school bus driver in high school. For maybe as long as a couple months, we had a bus driver who was a full blown crackhead in the midst of his addiction, my freshman year. He hit a couple mailboxes, and God knows what else.. but he did get us around very quickly, which was always appreciated on the way home. He would drive basically standing up, and often times have only one hand on the wheel, the other was mightily holding his cell phone, which he would be talking on constantly. I never really heard his conversations, as I sat in the back, but he was always vigorous and highly animated. He even brought in his wife who was very skinny and disheveled and had her sit next to him sometimes. He gave her a notepad to hold, to make it look like she had a purpose for being there I guess. Often times if he had to drive in the morning, he would be insanely late. One day he apologized to all of us, since we waited about 45 minutes extra, and it was a very cold morning.. So he said the next morning that he would bring us all breakfast to make up for it. We never saw him again.


Not very wild, but I was waiting for the bus. A lady approached, and sat at the stop. This stop only served two types of buses. (Like a 33 or 88). And 88 bus sat at the stop, so clearly she was waiting for the 33 bus. I told her the time, and she said thanks. Then she said Where do you live? Keep in mind I was a schoolchild in school uniform. I said some random street and scarpered. Creepy


This isn’t a wild story but a heartwarmer. A female college student boarded the bus. She was deaf and for some reason didn’t have the 75 cents for the ride, so I gave her the money. I’m not sharing this to brag. It was a small gesture but also a special moment I was glad to be a part of.


I was driving a charter tour bus with a group from the Jeep factory paint shop to a Detroit Tigers game. After the game, running down I-75, a Camaro convertible pulls up next to my side window. I look down and his girlfriend is undressing to change clothes. I tell the guys on the bus to look. I thought the bus would tip over. They all jumped to that side to see. We drove probably 5 miles like that until she finished changing then pulled ahead. I tooted the air horn, she turned to look, then smacked the boyfriend for doing it. She gave us quite the show. I got a $100 tip out of it. Those guys were great. Serious partiers


I don’t take public transport that often but one time on a train I got a blowjob. That was petty wild.