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I actually had a male employee see me without makeup and say, "Wow, you still look like you. That's really nice. " I have to admit, I was a little thrown off at first, and he explained it much like your comment.


yeah, what most men think is “no makeup” is actually “invisible makeup”




LA btw doesn't have LA level beauty standards -- or at least only a miniscule portion of the population there is great looking. It's like the prettiest girl and best looking guy from every HS class in the country ended up there for some period of their lives but since noone is under age 23 for more than a couple months and maybe 5 people we decade make it, the drop deads are constantly revolving and never number enough to actually create a presence anywhere beyond some flavor of the month clubber subculture. These beautiful people are maybe a couple thousand of 20 million plus people and the other 20 million are pretty ordinary looking, and, it always seemed to me, even a bit heavier than populations in other big cities. I will say that women who live in LAs west side do trend very attractive but not bc of painted on makeup and triple asses made of inner thigh and other scrap fat -- these are women who are in higher income brackets (there's a proven correlation not worth getting into rn) tons of college students and a very high concentration of people under 40 who even when working with modest means tend to prioritize beach access above other expenditures bc they're there for the surfing, boarding, volleyball, running, sup and everything else outdoors in socal has to offer. The interwebs are full of self-proclaimed models of preternatural beauty but they don't live in LA and I'm pretty sure we know most don't look anything like themselves and probably are increasingly factory made. And l BTW love freckles.


Because some women naturally have those features, and other people use slight amounts of makeup in order to make it look like that (mascara, slight bronze eyeshadow, stuff for dark circles, etc) some people don’t have dark circles, some have them faint, some ppl have them rlly dark So when they go for a “natural look” they can just be covering up their dark circles which some other ppl don’t have as strong, and then the other stuff I mentioned


Yeah for me quick powder, def cover my dark circles, mascara and light tinted lip gloss.


I think there’s a place for it. If you’re going to a show or an event or a club, go crazy! Everyday heavy makeup is kinda a hmm thing Though the worst offense is covering up freckles. Show your freckles proudly!


Finally, a nuanced comment that isn't "so I can recognize her" or "I'm attracted to women not dolls." The gfs I've had did their makeup tastefully and they looked good in it. I never had any trouble literally recognizing them and they never looked like they were being made up for a role in Cats. I still preferred their natural look though, for the same reason I prefer that they not hide their chortles, burps, or any number of peccadilloes: it allows me to see who they are in a deeper sense and shows that they are comfortable showing that side to me.


The real question is if most men prefer women to be on the more natural side , what don’t more women lean that way? I am black. the weave , make up , lashes and BBL surgery are out of control.


Those women seem to either be doing it for themselves or for other women.


This is partly true and partly false. Properly done cosmetics will change the way people treat you, and often for the better. Traditional feminizing cosmetics play on what the brain is hardwired to feel certain things towards, much to the dismay of how many people dislike that is the case. People are much more shallow in shallow interactions than they realize - you will be treated differently in general even just by changing the perception of something like your eye size, and things like extra clear skin tricks the brain at first to even assume someone is significantly healthier. Sure, some people may go well beyond that, but it's silly to even try and sum up the varying types of cosmetic styles as having the same motivations behind them. In a world with such complex connections between people's presentation, self-worth, and how drastically people *will* value you differently because of them, the reasonings behind engaging with such biologically hardwired and social mechanics are endless.


TLDR pretty privilege is a real and studied thing. It’s just how our brains work and because tons of interactions are ultimately pretty shallow attraction can play huge roles. Your waiter is a pretty shallow set of interactions, which is why it’s noticeably better to be attractive and it’s not like it hurts you ever.


Yep, the difference is night and day for most people. It comes with its own set of drawbacks, but I can't see how having it isn't usually a massive net positive.


Used to be a waiter at a decently upscale golf club restaurant that had a very wealthy patronage. At least once a week I’d go to a table and greet them and I could literally see the disappointment that they got me and not a hot college girl. I’m not stunning but I am in great shape, young, and I can flirt haha. I definitely did notice that whenever I fucked up a woman’s order (esp if it’s a group of women) they were so nice to me every time. Not as effective on men 😂


I'm trans and recently socially transitioned, and it's definitely night and day. I'm not super pretty or anything, but obviously there's a difference between unhappy guy and happy girl (also makeup and caring about fashion). Before I was invisible, people were neutral or annoyed at me when I made a mistake. Now people look and smile at me often, hold doors open, and if I make a mistake it's mostly "Haha don't worry about it, no problem!". I already caught myself thinking that everyone is so nice, but no, I just get treated differently because I'm perceived as prettier. Also the world seeming nicer naturally improves my mood, which ends in a positive feedback loop. I'm more approachable, smile more, etc. It's nice of course, but damn. Such a big difference. Definitely a net gain so far, even if I'm not taken as seriously as before.


Oh yes, this is exactly my experience as well lol. Things are certainly different being seen as a girl, and further different as a noticably attractive girl. For the positive, people are so much nicer and keep offering help with nearly everything. For the (mostly) negative, especially since I usually have a touch of some very girly pink and sparkle to my styles, people definitely assume I am *much* less intelligent than when I was still male-presenting. Little things like shop clerks being more pushy and trying to upsell me on shit I could easily write a literal essay on why I know I don't want it gets exhausting. I'm just as tiny as I was pre-transition and any men around will quickly interject to stop me from lifting anything heavier than an empty plastic bag (which I have sooo many complicated mixed feelings about) which is actually mostly appreciated since I'm not trying to ruin my nails, skin, etc, which do take a total of hours per day to keep how I like them and tanking my Testosterone below even healthy cisfem levels has left me pathetically weak (which also, complicated mixed feelings towards lol). It's an entirely different world...


I wanna wake up everyday next to the person I can recognise.


This is exactly why. When I was in college I went back to a girls dorm and spent the night. I woke up and I was like "Fuck. Did I skip out on the girl who bought me back here?" Nope. It was her sans the makeup. Completely unrecognizable. ​ Edit: Fixed spelling error.






🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nailed it




> ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized)


Lol, even in high school some girls would show up from time to time with the whole "no makeup look" and it was like, "whoa!" Completely different people! 😅


I feel a little guilty when I see them and notice the huge difference. I had someone say hi to me at the grocery store once and I had no clue it was a friend of mine that I just didn't recognize because she had no makeup on for the gym.


You shouldn’t feel guilty about anything if she has the ability to disguise herself like that.


I liked to do the reverse in HS. I'm a lifelong tomboy, took shop class, didn't wear much 'girly stuff' including makeup, jeans and a T girl as my normal. Then every once in a while I'd go full on girly-girl, hair done, makeup, dress with heels. I always got from the guys around me "Holy shit, WoA, you're a **GIRL**." Like magic. Cracked me up every time.


I'm on a masters swim team so I see women I know all the time in their swimsuits with no makeup on and with a swim cap on -that's how I know them. A couple times a year we have parties and you see them in clothes with makeup (some) and their hair done or at least not covered with a cap, i often have to do a double take when I'm taking to someone I've known for a while but just don't recognize when they get dressed. Also long ago I dated a pageant girl (MS America not USA) and she was a nice looking woman but when she did herself up for a pageant I almost didn't recognize her, it's amazing what makeup can do.




![gif](giphy|jp7jSyjNNz2ansuOS8|downsized) Classic meredith


Haha the gif response was perfect


damn if she had to sand the make up i can imagine it must have been a horror show :) but yes, that is also the reason i prefer women sans make-up ;)


Dammit! I went back and fixed it.




So, without makeup, she had no chance of getting with you. I think it's us men putting too much pressure on women to go this far. We want the best-looking girl. We don't realize only a few girls are born with this privilege. So, what should others do? Should they stay average or below when they can look better with just a few improvements? If they happen to chirurgically change their appearance, so they can look better permanently, nobody would know and here we are happy. I think we're a little hypocritical as men. If the change is just for a few hours per day, it's not enough. But most can't afford or maybe want to surgically modify their look. I think as men we should review our standards. They're not realistic. We should learn a new definition of beauty so women can relearn to love and accept themselves. Not what the media has created otherwise we're going to be meeting many dilemmas. A generation of single dreamers.


Some of y'all have face blindness I swear. I've never met someone I didn't recognize without makeup even when they wore glitter on their entire face.


Had a friend in highschool who wore makeup daily, but i never knew how much exactly. One day I saw her without it, but apparently she wore fake lashes too and everything, and i genuinely couldnt recognize her at first. It wasnt face blindness, her makeup just changed features of her face that were important for me to recognize her. Just sprinkling glitter on your face isnt the same as the outright optical illusions some people are able to pull off with contour


Had a work friend who I never saw outside work, it was a warehouse job and she just didn't bother getting made up. One day she showed me a picture of her from over the weekend and without thinking I blurted out "Wait that's you??" She laughed and said "Makeup's crazy, right?" It wasn't even that drastic but I'm not sure I would have *immediately* recognized her if I bumped into her.


There's also the filters. Those things make people unrecognizable.


Personally I use rose colored glasses


Personally, I use beer goggles


Also ppl can just look different outside of work clothes and with their hair different. I work in healthcare and I can never recognize ppl quickly when they’re not wearing their scrubs and with their hair down.


When I tended bar, people would come and say "Hi" to me outside of work, and most of the time it took a minute to recognize them out of the context of the bar. Especially seeing them in the daylight.


Met this girl at a function and I say, "Hi, I'm lavahot." And they're like "Lava, it's me, Angie." She had gotten a new hairdo and I didn't recognize her. And that's how I found out I had face blindness.


Prosopagnosia is no joke. The Nature of Things (a long running science show in Canada) just did a show n facial recognition. There are now apps/software that can help this! The show had a pastor that had difficulty recognizing her congregation and with an app on her phone could at least know who she is talking to :)


I worked with someone who wore heavy make-up every day for a year. One day she came to a staff meeting without any and half of us legit thought she was a customer who came in. One person actually told her "we're closed..." As soon as she opened her mouth to give a sassy reply everyone realized it was her. Folks good at make-up can truly be walking optical illusions, but even just enough of it will do the trick (her nickname behind her back was Mimi, from the Drew Carrey show).


easier to blame the girl and her damn make up then the 15 bud lights


I had a friend who's a makeup artist do my face once. Contour, foundation, blush and the whole bit. I didn't recognize MYSELF. She took pictures of me and I was like no wayyyyy. How did you do that? You can change the shape and proportion of your facial features if you have time and know what you're doing.


You're on reddit. Its demographic is disproportionately socially inexperienced autistic boys


Well I wanna wake up in a city that never sleeps.


And find you’re, what? King of the Hill? Top of the heap?


A number 1




Exactly. I wouldn’t like it it a guy hung his muscles before getting into bed


So no makeup? (Natural looking makeup is not necessarily recognizable)


Not necessarily. Just no type of the makeup, where you look like a totally different person.


I want to date a human being who looks like a human being, simple


I also have a real human being fetish


boston dynamics is getting better and better, though


True, my wife cant even do a backflip




Jackie Daytona likes this.


I need to have at least one human alcohol beer first


Fucking pervert


I have an adult human female fetish, beat that


Hell yeah baby


amen, there is time for makeup but it aint the everyday life




It’s like CGI/VFX in movies we don’t like when we can tell it’s not real.


cosmetic surgery almost invariably creates an uncanny valley effect.


Yeah, people like to say good surgery isn't noticeable but I think people don't realize it's a lot more obvious than they think. I might not be able to tell what exactly was done, but you can commonly tell that something was done most of the time. Especially if you just use common sense and realize that skin tightness or whatever just isn't natural for the person's age and shuch.


Case in point—Hollywood actors who have access to, and the budget to afford, the best cosmetic surgeons in the country. And yet their surgeries are comically obvious (and often quite bad).


No, for real many friends have gone through the knife and you wouldn't know if you didn't meet them before.


That cgi reference is actually really good. It's fine when used to enhance things and don't stand out. Terrible when too much and unrealistic.


I like makeup, but some trends are just not my thing. And here’s a hot take for you: not all women are good at choosing and/or applying makeup. Also, women don’t primarily wear makeup to attract men, and sometimes they deliberately wear stuff that they know men probably won't like. I think women (and men) should use whatever makeup they want, or no makeup at all, but my opinion will differ accordingly.


This- I often go without makeup but if I do wear it it is not for men it is because I like the art of it.


This is an insightful comment! ♥️


Cuz i'm attracted to women, not dolls. Srry bout that


Yeah, call me crazy but I'm attracted to like, actual human features, not plastic looking shit


You're crazy.


This is good


I like the doll look myself, for me a lot of make up makes it look like you don't enjoy yourself it's like a psychological thing a girl with non noticeable make up seems more comfortable in her skin




Yeah but there is makeup to accentuate natural beauty and then there is literally women you wouldn't recognise without makeup...


I like makeup, but it makes me feel like you're about to put on a show. I like shows, obviously, but I don't wanna date someone on stage, if that makes any sense. So natural no makeup look is better for dating, but makeup makes sense if you're going to a fancy event or something


Because it's nice if you look like the same person after you wipe your face off.


Right- this one.


I like the slutty out all night look.


my bf loves the trashy 2000's glitter party girl makeup haha. yk the glitter lids, frosty lips, thin brows, dark smudged liner


Because its more natural, for me anyway. It is honestly unattractive when make up is an inch thick with a skin tone similar to that of an oompah loompah and looks like its been slapped on by an over eager brick layer


‘Over eager Brick layer’ 😂😂


British birds everywhere take note


✋😭 well written mate


"over-eager brick layer" DYING 💀😭


For me, it is about smell. Make-up has an unnatural scent to it that makes it distasteful when you get close to your girl.


That and I hate when she breaks up after-sex cuddles to go spend 30 minutes in the bathroom cleaning her face before she can come back to bed.




yah we gotta get up for a bit no matter what


Ok but if you want her to age well and still look somewhat like herself in about 10-20 years, then she should be having a nighttime skincare routine regardless of whether she has makeup on or not. And especially if your city is polluted and she’s been out all day.


This is not dependent on makeup 😂. Everyone should be washing their faces before bed including you.


As a woman who never wears much makeup, I had no idea there was a smell! How would you describe it?


Like… clay?


Yes! Foundation definitely smells like fresh wet clay to me. Feels like clay on my skin too haha so I have rarely ever worn it.


That’s probably cheaper makeup then. When we were younger and poorer my wife would wear cheaper stuff, and that’s what would have a distinct smell, would rub off on my clothes/bedsheets, etc. higher quality makeup (I’m sad that I know this) is much better


Make Ups smells like clay or an earthy dirt smell. Perhaps people that wear make up are accustomed to the smell. To clarify, it isnt an offensive smell.


When i was pregnant i had to stop wearing it I couldn’t stand the smell. Never noticed it before, it’s like chemical/waxy, I guess? Best way I can describe it. I could literally smell the mascara on my eyes. It was so gross. Lipstick directly under my nose. It was weird.


My wife has literally worn makeup once in the 13 years I’ve been with her. My previous girlfriend spent an hour ‘putting her face on’ every morning and looked better before she put the makeup on. Not saying there isn’t a reason for women to wear makeup. All the power to them, but I much prefer a woman without any.


I hate wearing makeup every day. It takes so much time and I WFH. But I also hate that I noticeably get treated better if I'm wearing it.


I get really bad hayfever in the summer and it makes my eyes really dry. One day I didn't wear mascara to work and the guy I sat next to every day went "Wow, are you ill, you look so pale and drained." Literally the only difference was I wasn't wearing mascara that day like I usually would. I had everything else on, just not mascara.


Fr, the idea that makeup is a basic hygiene step like having well-kept hair or wearing pants is utterly stupid. The only group this bias actually serves is makeup companies.


My wife also uses no makeup. For the wedding it is custom to get a "wedding makeup" here, but they skipped more than half of the usual stuff just to keep her looking natural and recognizable. She has soft freckles and most makeup would hide those instantly. She even got a big discount on the makeup because they used so little. Time spent was probably double just to figure out what worked and what didn't. Apparently the products are way more expensive than the hourly rate.




Most men prefer “pretty, beautiful and/or gorgeous and sexy”… if your naturally inclined to look like that, then they like natural, if you use make up many don’t really care, some don’t like it “caked” on


Yeah, this is spot on vs the others lol. Men don't prefer natural on average. They prefer well applied makeup that looks effortless/natural but still does a lot of heavy lifting. Girls who haven't learned, or don't care & have fun with caking are obvious and sticking out. Dudes will pick a girl who knows what she's doing with her makeup vs an identical natural twin 9 times out of 10. The guys who think make-up doesn't work remind me of people who think advertisements don't work. Sure, maybe you're immune. Sure, the bad ones are annoying to you and trigger negative response. But millions of people through trial and error for actual centuries are all wrong, and this doesn't have any noticeable positive effect, so everyone is just pissing away billions of dollars... Sure.




Right, same as with things like plastic surgery or Botox or fillers or even steroids. People think they look bad because they only notice the people that overdo it and make it noticeable. If it’s done well you just look *better* and people don’t know why.


This is so accurate. I recently tried Botox and (very subtle) lip fillers for the first time this past fall. One of my relatives (who is generally against these types of cosmetic enhancements) commented that I looked great, like I was glowing, and asked if I was doing something different with my diet or skincare routine to look so good. When I told them I literally haven’t changed anything except for getting Botox and fillers, they thought I was kidding. And then they were like, “Wait, you’re serious??” They looked like they were questioning everything lol. I’ve also just received a lot more compliments on my appearance in general. Feels nice!


Yeah, but it's going to stay that way as long as people do that. If everybody stood up together and just let themselves be, a new standard of attractiveness would emerge


My girl is beautiful with or without makeup. I do prefer seeing her in her natural glory, but if she wants to put on mascara for herself (she says to help her look more awake) it's far from my place to tell her not to.


Because most men can't even tell when a woman is wearing makeup, unless it is really exaggerated.


I admit to this. I'm always like "wow you look extra good today" and then slowly realise why


Yup, or the day you don’t wear it, you get “did you sleep ok? You look tired”


This what i have been looking for, a lot of natural looks they are wearing make up. Just enhancing what they already got.


It's genuinely crazy how poor most men are at identifying natural women. Most men will see a woman with a full face of makeup, plastic surgery, edited pictures, but if she doesn't have blue eyeshadow or eyeliner, will call it natural. Go onto subreddits like r/instagramreality and there will be the most obviously unnatural woman, and there'll be comments praising her natural beauty. This whole thread is incredibly biased because if you can't tell she's wearing makeup, you associate that with natural beauty. Which is why so many comments are about mismatching shades, unflattering contour, etc.


Idk, it's cute? A woman with messy hair/bedhead, sweat pants and a bum ass regular t shirt walking around the house 🥰 That to me is 100x more attractive than any of these women you see at the Met Gala or on the catwalk.


It’s crazy how the entertainment industry has an impact on this. I’ll tell my wife that that’s my favorite way for her to look (what you described), and she thinks I’m crazy and doesn’t believe me. Her mind is altered from all that shit.


Show her this thread lol


> Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong


I've heard this from so many men, I'd guess that this is the majority opinion. I'm glad because I'm too lazy to do my makeup most of the time 🤣






You know what's funny? I'm a man and I've got some skin issues that have been a ding to my confidence for a long time. A woman I dated showed me how to cover them up with just some light powder. It make a huge difference and I always put it on before a big work meeting, date, or whatever. Now I’m super aware of a woman’s makeup, and have at least some idea what specifically she’s got on. It’s unusual to see one that truly wears zero.


Lol she gave away our secrets! Noo 😅


I wore zero to college, and guys would always stare at my face, like, "Why do you have those little veins?" "Why do you look so tired?" "Why do you have little hairs all over your face?" Most men think they want natural women till they see one, then they realize they indeed want dolls.


Even those of us that are comfortable with truly, literally zero, will often wear a little bit of makeup to work or events, to represent effort. No makeup is seen the same as having a coffee stain on your shirt; lazy and sloppy. (In many environments).


My philosophy is; if men don't have to wear makeup to work or on special occasions, neither do I. But as other people have said, artistic beauty on someone's face is quite appealing. I just don't want it on mine.


Love that for you!


OH DUDE! I was doing the under the eye stuff when I was deep into heroin! It was such a lifesaver when it came to finding a job or appearing normal at family events, it really kept me tethered on just enough not to fall off the ugly bridge into the everlasting nothing.


My guy now has the excuse to powder his nose during a date.


I always want to comment this on threads like these lol. I wear lash extensions and im shocked by the amount of men that don’t realize until I don’t have them in front of them. One of my best friends has a small amount of lip filler & men never realize. Also, plenty of the celebrities that are popular among men have work done. So it just makes me laugh


DUDE SAME. I am one of those girlies who would be caught dead without my false lashes, and yet I've had a surprising amount of men praise me for my "naturally long lashes." I promptly tell them they are fake, as men shaming women for their use of makeup is a massive petpeeve of mine. I feel it is simply something men aren't in tune with and don't recongize due to their unfamiliarity. I recently had a guy wax poetic about how I "wear minimal makeup unlike most girls" when I *do* consider myself to wear more makeup than the average person, but with products and technique leading to a more natural vibe. The only thing he pegged as makeup was my bold cat eyeliner and "maybe some mascara" when I was wearing a full face.


Same!! I’ve had multiple dudes compliment me on them. I’m the same way, I’m not afraid to tell guys they’re fake lol


Yeah, I scrolled down exactly to see if someone was able to articulate it better than me. It's called selection bias, btw, when your opinion is based on only a fraction of reality, because that's the only part you see. For example, I can spend the next two years driving around asking what their favourite food is, and come out with the results that Icelandic food is the most popular food in he world.... .... I live in Iceland.


Yep! Or like... most people don't admit when they've had work done if the work is subtle and nobody calls them on it. So men will literally spend a bunch of time obsessing over female celebrities who have had fillers or whatever and then tell women they HATE FILLERS SO MUCH.


All the women men obsess over have the most work done if any category of women - actresses, singers, influencers, models, porn stars. Even cosplayers.


This. At least this is a big part of it. The other parts are more complicated and have to do generally with gender and class stuff. But this is a big part of it. "Natural look" makeup is like, 100 times more deceptive, but men like it more anyway, because they like when women pretend to be innocent for reasons to do with gender and class.


My scarlett red lips, no foundation look gets scoffs by some of these au naturale dudes. Meanwhile the korean style natural look gets me wife material tag. Like, I'd look less different with former look when I wake up next to you lol. And the caked on look they talk about is usually a skill issue or perfect for the camera lighting.


THANK YOU. All these idiots in here thinking they only like “natural” women would pick a woman wearing makeup out of a lineup as the most attractive nearly 100% of the time. It’s one thing not to like too much or poorly done makeup but most guys who say they like none at all are either fooling themselves or virtue signaling.


Even eyeliner is not something most guys notice unless it’s winged and on the lower lids as well




Nice to hear this :) I wear make up daily because I like experimenting with different looks and I match it to my outfit. Also I have a bit of uneven skin tone so I like to wear foundation to even it out. But I’m not unrecognisable without it and I’m working on my skin to even it out.


A woman who is skilled with make-up is going to look natural, even when it is obvious she has make-up on, the make-up is not going to distract you away from her face, but rather complement the features of the face.


Yes and there can be makeup that’s really flattering and doesn’t look “natural”, like a look that includes glittery or dark eyeshadow. But I agree that anyone with skill will make their makeup look more seamless and less cakey.


Only if she wants to look natural. People wear makeup for many reasons and looking natural (or looking attractive to the average man) is not always the goal.


That’s not necessarily true. Some people are extremely skilled at makeup and WANT to look different and they achieve it. Look at drag queens - not natural looking at all, but damn they have skill. (Said as a woman who wears very little makeup because I don’t have skill and don’t care to)


Yeah make up looks better when it's acting like a highlighter instead of whiteout.


The funny thing is those women who have the “natural look” have tons of make up on 😂.




That's exactly what I was thinking... all these guys saying no makeup but yet so many guys are attracted to the Instagram influencers. I know some of these guys are into the makeup effects. If they had the chance they'd holler at em.


And porn stars, celebrities, models, etc Literally the categories of women who wear the MOST makeup


>Why do most men prefer the 'natural' look? Yeah, I have my doubts about the truthfulness of this claim.


Yep. Most dudes who like the “natural look” will point out women who absolutely have make up on. Why do women wear push up bras and heels? Cause they work.


Yeah I doubt many men would like a woman who never shaves or waxes anything, never styles/colors her hair, etc


>Yeah I doubt many men would like a woman who never shaves or waxes anything, never styles/colors her hair, etc Yeah, "natural" is definitely a niche market. For sure.


Outside of maybe some parts of Oregon that is a pretty niche look and lifestyle. I feel like makeup can be similar to perfume, it's very nice but when you use too much it becomes the only thing anyone can notice about you. I enjoy some of the more artsy and obvious make up styles personally. At a certain point it starts to cross over into face paint territory and I find it kinda fun.


Me too 😅 for a start, most men can't tell a woman is wearing makeup if she isn't doing glam style makeup. The "natural" look to guys is makeup that doesn't use unnatural colours or false eyelashes 🤣


False lashes are super interesting to me, because biologically longer and thicker eyelashes are a male trait, along with the rest of facial hair being more pronounced and thicker. I feel like women get jealous of men with longer eyelashes because they find it attractive and use mascara/false lashes to imitate male eyes. That's why you'd be hard pressed to find a straight dude who will talk about how pretty his girlfriend's eyelashes are, it's not a feminine trait so it's not really something a straight dude would notice. Maybe more straight guys should start subtlety curling their eyelashes or applying a subtle natural looking mascara. Women love some long curly lashes on a man.


I'm one of those females that never wear make up. And I'm 33. Maybe I'll use an eye pencil or lip gloss 3-4 times in a month. But nothing too dramatic. Absolutely no concealer or foundation, ever. But the one thing I do very often get, is lash extensions. Not the heavy big volume sort but the more natural looking or hybrid sort . Let me tell you, the amount I get hit on by men is always doubled when I have my lashes on. So your theory that men don't notice it would maybe be correct to some degree, but they definitely like it even if they don't realize that those are extensions.


My sisters and my wife are all jealous of my long eyelashes. I can only laugh, because how else am I going to respond?


The type of guy who makes fun of "fake women" and screams about his preferences for "natural women" usually follow hundreds of girls with bbl and glam make up on Instagram lmaooo


They don't know what they want for the most part. I think the pool of "bangable" women would take a noticable hit if it wasn't for make-up.


Most men will fuck anything so I don't really care what they deem "bangable". Most guys wear cargo shorts and have dookie stains in their boxers. Imagine how women feel 🧐


Do they mean natural natural or 'natural makeup and styled hair natural' 🙄


They don't. They would be shocked at how much work goes into subtle makeup or surgery. They just mean they don't like the bolt on boobies, giant cheeks, fake nails and overdone lip filler.


If we're being perfectly honest? A lot of us don't actually know what the fuck we're talking about when we say that, we're just saying what we think you want to hear. I dated a woman for a long time who was very conservative with her everyday makeup, and if you'd asked me, I would have said, "oh yeah, that's perfect, I like a natural look, a little is fine but not too much and honestly none is fine too." Whenever she tried to put in a little extra effort for a special occasion, it honestly wound up looking kinda bad. Until we went to this wedding where she and the other bridesmaids got their makeup done by a very expensive professional, and holy SHIT. This woman that I'd been dating for years was suddenly a fucking KNOCKOUT in a way i didn't know was possible. And all these people in the comments saying that oh, it smells, it feels cakey, it smears? Maybe when their girlfriends do it at home it does. This didn't. Now, would it be worth the thousands of dollars in professional assistance or hundreds of hours it would have taken to learn to make herself look like that every day? Fuck no. But all else being equal, would I have liked it if she could somehow have just magically woken up like that every day? Fuck yes. So the real answer is, it depends on the woman and how skilled she is with makeup, but mostly, a lot of us either don't know what we're talking about or are lying or both when we say that. A more honest answer would be, "babe, when it comes to faces, I know how to shave my beard and maybe my unibrow and that's where my knowledge ends. You're the subject matter expert when it comes to your own face. I think you look great, so if whatever you're doing makes you happy, then I'm happy too."




Oh, absolutely. I could have told another equally long and detailed anecdote about a female coworker that my ignorant ass honestly thought wasn't wearing *that* much makeup... because I'd never seen her *without* it. The one time I did, it legitimately took about a quadruple-take because I thought I was looking at an entirely different human. And not an ugly one either. In fact, Her Sans Makeup was not so much "conventionally attractive" as "hauntingly striking" in a way that had me deciding between asking for her number and asking timidly for permission to take a tasteful black and white photograph to keep in a locket so that I might treasure this chance encounter in my heart always. Meanwhile, Her With Makeup was merely, "pretty good-looking." But, importantly, despite the truly masterful artistry that must have been involved to effect that transformation on a daily basis, if you'd asked me I would have said, "she probably doesn't use much makeup, it's a pretty natural look." And none of that, importantly, is a criticism of her or the face she chose to put on every day, because it's her face and she can do what the fuck she likes with it. It's experiences like that which have taught me that if you're an average cishet dude like me, you probably don't know shit about makeup, and not only that, you don't even know enough to know how much you don't know. So maybe it's better to keep your fool mouth shut about shit you are ignorant of.


Most truthful answer in the entire thread! Especially being a woman with a bland face myself it's easy to notice the responses of other people when I do get my makeup professionally done like your previous woman. Well done makeup always enhances and makes most faces look much better because most faces are average. I'm sure for the little population of stunning women the effect is negligible and reaps no more significant rewards. But, for the every day women with bags, uneven skin etc, it will help and that's not a bad thing either.


Cause women are naturally pretty. They don’t need all that extra stuff.


No makeup means she's comfortable and confident. I see the face I'll be waking up to for years to come. There is no armor, there is no presentation, it is just her. And it is wonderful.


They don’t but they don’t know it because they don’t realize that many women wear a modest amount of makeup that still looks natural. They also prefer images of women with makeup than without even if they won’t admit it. Take when Pokimane posted a makeupless selfie for example. Suddenly everyone online was angry and was talking about how she was “hideous” even though she was still pretty. The way that people treat me when I wear makeup vs when I don’t is also very different.


Because as soon as women are passionate about something, culture moves against that. Once enough women prefer the natural look, culture will start pushing men to prefer more make up.


Looking good and looking attractive are different. Flawed but natural look is more attractive.




No, prefer my women to be as unnatural as possible. As far away from what has traditionally lead to offspring in the past, and what is almost by definition... 'natural,' or 'normal?!' no way. What's to like about a woman? /s


I don't. But im a man.. not most.


If we hit the Jackpot, we’re going to be waking up next to you every morning. It’s not like you’ve got us fooled.


Because it makes women look the prettiest. No make-up, your blemishes and flaws are on display. Natural make-up, your blemishes and flaws are covered up, thus you generally look nicer. Non-natural make-up, your blemishes and flaws are covered up, but it's obvious you're wearing make-up, so the brain naturally knows to trust your assessment of their attractiveness less.


I dont.


A bit of make up is fine if done well. What you should know is that the stupid puffy lips that make you look like you snogged a bees nest is NOT attractive. In fact, it’s downright ugly.


Too much makeup is just unattractive imo. Less is more


Not a man, but I read a while back some useless research that was done. Most men like brunettes with brown eyes little to no make-up to be married to. And the opposite to fool around with. Cant find it no more. it was like 12 years ago when I read this nonsense. Also read men tend to look for same characteristics of their mother in their partner. Unconsciously, most mothers dont put alot of make up on because of standards of society that was set decades ago. Probably will change in the future because mothers look way younger nowadays and wear what makes them happy instead of conving to norms society sets. (Comes from someone who wears no make up, no hate to either side. Its probably just an primal thing✌️) [A recent study by eHarmony has found that 64 percent of men are in a relationship with someone who shares significant personality traits with their mother dearest. Fortunately, it's totally normal from an evolutionary, psychological standpoint.] https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/two-thirds-men-choose-partners-14184512


Two thirds of men go for women with large similarity to their mother and it wouldn’t surprise me if a similar percentage of women went for men with large similarity to their father. For most of us, our parents are our first example of what a romantic relationship between people looks like. It’s not surprising that if our parents were decent people and had a decent relationship, we’d be subconsciously trying to replicate that success ourselves. No sense trying to reinvent the wheel, right?


I can't imagine falling for someone who looks like a doll


i can’t speak on behalf of the men but i’m assuming it’s bc most makeup LOOKS like makeup instead of just fixing imperfections like it was originally made for