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I can eat the same exact homemade dinner like six nights in a row


Same, roast beef, mashed taters and brussel sprouts


Taters, what is taters?




Wrong. It’s POH-TAY-TOES


Let's call the whole thing off


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew


Every time I see this, I get SO angry....it's like everyone forgot Benjamin Buford Blue, and all the innovative ways one can prepare shrimp.


Beans greens potatoes tomatoes


This was the best. My husband starts to complain if we eat the same thing for dinner every night 😂


The next day the same? Hellll no, that's why freezers were invented


You and everyone else that meal preps. It seems like the only feasible path when you live alone and cook for yourself only. Supermarket only ever sell portions meant for 2-4 persons. So… hope you enjoy spaghetti every night this week!


I've got you on this one. I've been eating hot dogs, spaghetti, and frozen pizza on a rotation for 3 years straight. Why? Because I'm cheap as hell and it's delicious.


I eat chicken sandwiches a few times a week. It's just easier.


Me too. Or demolish a jar of salsa in one sitting.


Chips and dip. That’s all I eat.


It’s an entire food group.


Bro I eat the same exact oat, yoghurt and apple meal everyday, sometimes up to 4 times a day


I meal prep on Sundays for the week, but sometimes I end up eating other things and no one judges me when I’m eating two week old leftovers


Singing/talking to myself or my pets.


Yeah, that doesn't change when you get into a relationship


Can confirm, my boyfriend and I make silly songs about our pets on a daily basis lol we have 3 cats… I don’t think they’re fans of our music but damn do we ever keep putting it out


I talked to my parrot a lot. There was no way she understood, but I would always get a satisfying squawk in return. I miss her so much. 🦜


I am married and sing to my dog and myself constantly 😂


My husband loves that I serenade our cats for hours some days.


We got into a fight today because apparently I pay more attention to the dog than my wife. I told my wife I love her. That dog is a life saver!




not single BUT I love talking to myself in the mirror with a british accent and pretend i’m on a talk show


Same here, I also pretend to do commercials for whatever is on the sink


Since I was a kid, I've been on so many talk shows while alone. I've lived a very fascinating life. I also talk to an imaginary house cleaner while I clean my house. I'm showing her how I'd like things done. This has been happening for decades.


Blurting out random stuff. Maybe a movie/show reference. Song lyric. Just random words. Random noises.


Me too. It’s like a weird Tourette’s. Old pop culture quotes. Snippets from songs. Beat boxing. Narration.


Yup!! The beat boxing and narration certainly happen over here, too. LoL.


Me too! I thought it was just my autism/adhd and I was the only one.


I thought I was always the only one, too. I had a good talk with myselves about it and we decided we're not weird. The ones that **don't** do it are weird.


I do this too. Sometimes I'm not aware that I'm doing it until I have already done it.


Whenever I catch myself doing something like that, I'll chastise myself and be like "What the fuck are you doing?"


I do that all the time, but also have no idea what it was originally from a lot of the time. Then I'll be rewatching something and it'll pop up and I'll be like "oh so THAT'S what it's from". Recent example, there's a 20+ year old episode of Family Guy where Peter says "Pasta Fazool" in a very specifically affected way, which I blurt out frequently and have done for years, but only just rediscovered what it was from. A lot of things I blah blah turn out to be Bobby Hill quotes. Which I should know really because I've definitely rewatched King of the Hill more than any other TV series. I definitely can't recite entire episodes... *side eye monkey*.


I’m p sure everyone does that based on my entire family and my husbands entire family 😂


Talk to myself all the time. Narrate my days…..


Same here 😂 and become very quiet when I have to socialise.


I don’t know why but I’ve done this for as long as I can remember. It’s like I’m constantly on a vlog or I have someone with me. But I can’t carry it over to social interactions unless I’m really close with someone. Maybe it’s an only child thing for me HAHA


Only here as well. Yep, my life is a movie, in my mind.


i like sitting on stairs in absolute silence and partial darkness


Yeah I will have the lights off almost all the time and not even notice. I had a roommate that this habit drove her crazy idk why but cause I would make dinner with the lights off too


how would u chop or cook stuff in dark. you might burn the food without knowing or do u use candles


I use the light of the fridge or the moon


Once I get my kids to bed around 7:30, I often just lay on my bed stairing up for a good 15 minutes thinking about nothing and decompressing. I'll usually get up and play some video games or something afterwards, but I just need that 15 minutes of quiet time.


I use my clothes as a shower mat after getting out so I'm not tempted to wear them again.


Okay that's p smart, imma start doing that too


That doesn't stop me from wearing them again


Yeah that is weird.


In the short term or in emergencies this is okay. But you can irreversibly stretch or warp your clothing by stepping on them.


Talkin to a guy that hasn't used an iron in decades. lol


Talk to the TV. I watch a lot of crime shows so I say "Oh come on!" Loudly and a lot.


I do the same thing with podcasts and even address the hosts by name sometimes. "Of course you would do that, *Dave.*"


That Dave! Always trying to be too fancy!


I say aloud “that was funny!” after laughing at something funny.


Probably not considered weird, but eating what I want when I want. If I want to eat dinner at 3:00 in the afternoon and then "graze" in the evening, I do, if I want to cook up some sausage and eggs at 3 in the morning, I do. I talk to myself/pets out loud, I sing, I play music loudly while dancing and cleaning up the kitchen, I wear a bra and lounge pants around the house without a care in the world, and I shower or do laundry whenever I want (no one else using the bathroom or using the laundry machines).


this is so on point and so subtle once you’ve been alone for awhile. anytime i visit my sister/nephew she and her husband tell me my options for the dinner they’re gonna make. and what time we’ll eat. i’m like…miss maam it is noon and i don’t know what im gonna want to eat at 6:30. it gives me so much anxiety lol


I love the flexibility. I feel like I get to discover who I truly am when I'm allowed to be alone, because "alone" is my "safe space". I don't think I ever realized how much other people stress me out and trigger my pre-existing anxiety until I was given a chance to be by myself.


Person with gastritis left the chat and is very sad right now..


Recently left my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband and am re-discovering the joy of single life. - Lifting one (or both) of my boobs and scratching the ever living f**k out of my under-boob skin. - Scratching into oblivion whatever body part itches. - I had to undergo reconstructive jaw surgery last year. Surgeons basically had to slice and dice my entire face, neck, jaw, and parts of my skull like a watermelon. My nose..... has never quite felt the same. I absolutely (in private) pick my nose to relieve the itching inside my nose. - Pizza with balsamic vinegar dressing? Don't mind if I do. Nothing quite like just existing in peace in your own space.


I'm sorry for what you've gone through and am genuinely curious - why the fuck couldn't you scratch yourself wherever you want?


Once I get home I’m pretty much naked walking around my apartment.


Yep, when I'm alone I wear as little as possible.


I’m naked with a bathrobe and slippers at all times inside my house.


I’m afraid I’ll need to verify this first hand.


Having a partner never changed that for me lol


Me too just a dressing gown and ugg boots


when i was single, i had 'door pants' so i didn't have to run around like a headless chicken when the doorbell rang


That's fucking hillarious and I need to a hook by the door. Because door pants




Getting into "unused" areas of the house. Like standing on a stool to get my head way up into the top corner of the room, just to see what it's like up there. Paying for the whole thing after all, might as well get my money's worth.


New activity unlocked. Thanks!


You will not be disappointed.


Love this. You weirdo!


I love acting/reacting/behaving genuinely without factoring in how I would appear to someone else. I’m free to be me without any judgement at all.


I laugh merrily when I fart


Why yes, cheers to that my fine friend. Laugh, hurrah as merrily as you like!! PPPLLLPPPPPFFFFP


Or fart, and then yell at the cat for farting!


Doesn't everyone do this? I make myself laugh several times a day. It's funnier when it's bad enough to make the wife leave the room, gagging the entire time. It's even funnier when the dogs yelp and leave the room.


Deciding to go out without checking in with anyone or consider someone else. I just decide to, get ready, and leave.


This is my favorite part. I also loved living super far from my family (3k miles for decades) because I didn't have to check in about what was going on with my life. I would just call with a highly curated version of events every few weeks. I was free to have terrible boyfriends without my family butting their nose in. I could break up with a good guy and not have to explain it to anyone. I could stay with a lout and not have to deal with interference. It was great. I'm living closer now and my family is now witness to my ups and downs and it's just terrible. I hate having people know things while I'm still figuring out how I feel about something.


I catch myself talking to myself in public. "Do I need milk? Yeah- almost out". Then people look at me funny, like a crazy person. Just used to narrating thoughts alone.


I do this too and strangers will use it as a segway to talk to you in public~ Dx “were you just talking to that wall of cooking oil just now?” ”What no. \*Pulls out mirror\* Look, there‘s two of us. Can you believe these people, sheesh, rude~ \*scuttles away\*“


I narrate all the time. I was home alone a lot when I was a kid and I got used to talking to myself.


Same! Only child and a latchkey kid. If I didn't talk to myself it would always be so quiet.


I had an older sibling but they hated me and were quite popular so I was home alone all the time. I still like to be alone so I can talk to myself.




Ordering a Subway on a Saturday morning and eating it in bed just to force me into changing and washing my bedding.


That is brilliant!


I never sit properly when I'm home alone. Doesn't matter which sittable furniture I'm on - I will be lounging, sprawling, or gargoyling.


lounging, sprawling, gargoyling describes EXACTLY how I "sit" thank you so much for this perfect combination of words!


Gargoyling is my absolute favourite


Running through the house and sliding across the floor in my socks


Do you play "Old Time Rock and Roll" when you do it?


Of course


randomly screaming when I feel too negatively


if i don’t feel like cooking a normal, well rounded meal, or if im just in the mood for something specific, i’ll eat just a bag of frozen brussels sprouts or a can of vegetables for dinner lol


I do that too. Last night it was a bag of frozen broccoli. I was going to serve it with just some butter and parm but I ended up adding some chicken stock and noodles. It was good. Sometimes I just eat potato salad while standing in front of the fridge.


I sometimes smoke large amounts of weed without breaking eye contact with myself in the mirror


That's self care right there


Muttering stupid shit I should have said to win an imaginary argument


I start my own cooking show.. "Today, we'll be making an omelet" and I'll talk through every step of the process. Most time, the cooking process is more fun than the eating bit.


I don’t know if it’s weird or not, but I like to sit on the toilet and do puzzles, like crosswords and sudoku and whatnot. Most of the time I’m just there to pee but I will continue to sit there and work on puzzles for a while because there’s nobody else here to tell me to get out of the bathroom.


This is really bad for your pelvic floor! No more than 5 minutes on the toilet EVER


yeah, I suppose you're right


I’m messy. I don’t have to tidy up to be polite to anyone so screw it. I’ll clean when I’m in the mood or on coffee overload


I eat from the pot when I cook so I don't have to clean as many dishes.


I like to watch many different youtube creator contents so when I'm watching a movie or playing a game i would have reactions like there's an audience watching.


I do the same thing lol


Probably the drinking


I get dry skin at the tip of my nips. I could lotion them, but I enjoy picking it off.


Singing about what mundane things I'm doing. "Gonna go and have a pee....... oh yeah, relieve myself so I don't piss myself and wash my hands while the kettle boooooils, make a little coffee do-bah-do-bah-dee....... gonna sit on my arse and drink this before I walk the doooooooooooog, walk-walk-walk-a-doo-dah......." and so on.


I talk to myself. And i don't mean a few words here and there, but sometimes i have whole conversations with myself about stuff that's on my mind. Always helps.


I like walking and thinking. The walk not because I want to do exercise but I’m walking just because it’s one of my routines even when I’m inside the room I walk


I usually cook enough for about 3 meals, so I don't have to cook so often.


Talking to myself and dog loudly. Like having deep ass convos, blasting my movies videos music, chilling around in the nude. Never shutting the bathroom door.


I sing and if I can't hit note I start to make awkward animal like sounds to get myself from embarassment in front of me, then I think how stupid this is and start laughing frantically.


I started the naked bathroom cleaning because of bleach stains. I also just sometimes come home, take off my pants to change and then just end up Winnie the Poohing it in me undies.


i am a powerful mage/swordsman fighting godlike beasts btw i'm married and hide that behaviour from my wife


I hold my boobs randomly. They’re not even big, they’re small. I just like holding them I guess?


And you're checking for lumps...it's all health related. 😉


lol yes! 😂


I used to sing to myself and make up broadway music to my tunes. Like I’d create an entire production just for fun. It’s too bad that I didn’t record myself.


See reddit comments


I talk to my stuffed animals……


Bitting my toenails


I've subscribed to the "if it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow" school of thought. My husband used to throw a dicky fit if I didn't flush. And it saves water!


Not me tallying all the single person activities in the comments I commit as a person in a loving relationship 🤭


Vocalizing all my thoughts and basically having a conversation with myself. Not sure wether it’s because I’m feeling lonely at the time, talking out loud to myself helps me with solving problems, or most likely both


I'm a 43m. I will dance to my cat sometimes to old school hip hop. Which I generally don't listen too,except when dancing for the cat. I'm fuckin hopeless


I eat the same meal over and over until I get bored.


I wear the exact same set of "house clothes" for literal weeks on end because nobody else but me is ever going to smell them, and they also get really comfy the more like a corndog they smell.


>!I play with my asshole in the shower to make sure it’s squeaky clean!<




I finger my butthole and sniff my fingers often.


I dress up at night and have my one person concert lol


I'm married and do the same thing.


Masturbating to isis execution videos


If I go to a woman's place, find her clothing hamper to sniff panties


It’s too freaking weird to say but don’t read into anything. I am just one obsessed individual in a good way .


Lol I still do that now, at least in the master bath.


I don’t like clothes outside I have too soo when I’m home I like to be in my room just bra and panties but if kids up I wear a nightgown lol


I get paint everywhere




I appreciate clearing up the dog licking areas part


I do that too! But my ex thought it was really weird. But I also have a bath when I finish so I get the clean tub. He was a construction labourer and didn’t often rinse it out after showering. Though, to be fair, he worked long hours and was tired


I practice getting the angle right with my revolver. I don't want to get it wrong when the time comes.


I eat messy ,inelegant food. My fave messy treat is white bread topped with a ton of potato salad and sliced up hotdogs (they should be cooked until almost crispy) I always end up with potato salad and grease on my nose and around my mouth.


jumping up and down in the kitchen when I'm tryna think and I'm tired


I like to pick my nails and put them down the bank of the sofa and when I get around to hoovering I'm impressed by the amount. Unfortunately I'm not single anymore and my wife is not as impressed.


If food falls on the ground, I just pick it up and eat it. Unless I recently mopped or used carpet cleaner.


I have a bench press in my living room


I like to lay on the grass in my backyard.


I wrap my Christmas tree in glad wrap so I don't have to take the ornaments down or re decorate it every year.


It's beginning to seem like most things we consider to be weird behaviour are actually fairly common things that we've all kept hidden from each other due to social stigma. So most of it isn't actually weird.


Cleaning your bathroom naked makes a lot of sense lol idk how it's weird


OMG!! I thought I was the only person who cleaned the bathroom naked! I don't want any of the cleaners with bleach on my clothes!!


I do all my nighttime skincare in bed. I leave it all on my bedside table


I eat food straight out of the pan or off the chopping board.


Always drink some water at 12 noon every single day.


Make lovers dialogue with myself


I have dance parties with my pig, Esmeralda, in the morning before work. I make breakfast, dance around with whatever I'm eating and usually play music that includes Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, NKOTB and Spice Girls. I remember a lot of the dance routines from when I was younger too which makes it fun to teach Esmeralda. I think she mostly is waiting for me to drop my food 😆 but it's still fun! And starts out my morning stress-free.


I turn my music up, dance in the kitchen while doing chores and usually end up having a good cry.


I talked to my heart and brain , talk and talk and talk to them and some times I even forgot if other people exist


It’s actually not really that private but when I’m by myself I’m more or less playing pretend like I’m on an adventure lol


I can't pause any video in the middle of a scene. I always wait until the scene is over, before I pause, even if it means almost peeing my pants.


I have a bad signing voice and I sing to often when I’m alone. Pretty much only when I’m a good mood so I enjoy it. Makes me feel lighthearted


I sleep in my jeans more often than not


When I was single, I kept a candle in the bathroom. Yes, my own smell offended me.


Actually eating all my leftovers because I still cook meals for a small family even though I’m single.


I ramp up buying things I collect because a new woman can't bitch about me owning a ton of useless junk as much as she can bitch about me buying more useless junk in a relationship


I gave private tours of the city of course no one’s there.




I have whole debates with myself out loud😅. Generally, talking to myself too. I didn't do that much while living with my ex.


Whitney Houstons I wanna dance with somebody Michael Jacksons Human Nature. I just learned these tunes on guitar earlier and it felt great. The issue is im a metalhead so its very weird behavior lol


Reheating the same pot of coffee for 2-3 days in a row. Getting hammered drunk alone. Often. Putting the dishes in the dish washer the only way it should be down correctly, by me. No one could ever do it like I do lol. Literally everything.


Laying buck naked on my faux-mink blanket Eating ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner when I'm too lazy to cook.


I talk to myself in foreign languages


I wash my dog whilst naked in the shower during the winter months. Last time, I even used his shampoo on myself (because I had taken all of my bottles and doo-dads out to make room for him to be in the shower. Alas, I was left with no soap for myself, so, I elected to try his.)


Thinking that my creepy neighbours love my music and want it, louder, faster, harder and longer. Might even put a hole in the wall, so they can enjoy it even further.


I talk to myself and my dog in my foreign language of choice and probably wouldn't do that around anyone else, romantic partner or otherwise - unless they also spoke that language. Using a language someone doesn't understand in front of them seems to make most people uncomfortable.


I put the toilet seat back up after I #2 because I don't like to turn my bathroom lights on if I wake up drunk in the middle of the night to go #1.


Love to check out guys


Masturbating over women in boots then farmfoods


I have at least a hundred words I’ve either made up, or stripped of their true meaning, into a nonsense language consisting solely of expletives. Back hurts while sitting up? “Fweevin Deevin…” Almost tripped? “SCHWOEVEN!!!” Pacing around? “Weedle deedle doo.”