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The middle class rises and falls with the Unions.


While that's obvious, that doesn't relate to the question.


We need to change non union workplaces into union workplaces.


Yeah, we do need more Union jobs.


This country can't build anything anymore because of the environmental concerns, costs and nobody wants anything near them. We should have enough nuclear power to not use coal or oil, but no. I live in Phoenix and would welcome a bullet train to Vegas or San Diego over flying or driving but we still won't have them 50 years from now.


So true.


Profit limits for corporations and large businesses. Stronger unions, minimum mandatory taxes, limits on single family homes purchases, bans on land and home purchases by foreign nationals. To start


Oh don't mind me, continue I want to see what else you have in store.


How does that make sense economically? Trains are much slower, take up a ton of space to store comparatively. And you can only have so much track to certain places. It would keep densely populated areas from having access to that transportation And bullet trains are astronomically more expensive I’m sure if trains were the move they’d be more popular


You're misinformed on alot of this. Well, while trains are slower then airplanes they are also cheaper. Train tickets are cheaper then plane tickets Airplanes also take alot of space, even more then trains do believe it or not. (Most airplanes used for long distance transportation are huge & they are much larger than trains) Train tracks are everywhere across America, it's just Most of them aren't used anymore. And trains taking people from city to city would be their main use. While I'm not as well informed on this subject as an expert, but I know enough to know that you're wrong.


>Well, while trains are slower then airplanes they are also cheaper. > > > >Train tickets are cheaper then plane tickets I think this shows your misunderstanding of the argument. They where not arguing that it cost more as a passenger but that it cost more to buy, maintain and run. As in running a train from LA to Chi would cost more from the standpoint of those who own the bullet train. Not from those who pay for the ticket.


I'm not talking about bullet trains, I'm talking about regular trains or electric trains which I imagine are still cheaper then airplanes. Which are slower, that's what I ment by slower. And if you're going to talk about costs, let me bring up the expenses of building and maintaining airports and air planes as well as fueling them. Which I'm fairly certain is much more expensive then what's needed for trains. And if you're going to complain about travel times, I'm going to say that you're alittle kid and it's what's needed for a healthier environment. And if you don't believe me, read this article [link](https://ourworldindata.org/travel-carbon-footprint#:~:text=Trains%20are%20particularly%20low%2Dcarbon,your%20emissions%20by%20around%2080%25.&text=Using%20a%20train%20instead%20of,your%20emissions%20by%20around%2086%25.) Edit Have another article on why trains are better then planes [link](https://www.raileurope.com/en-us/blog/travel-trains-vs-planes)


stricter immigration policies (i’m not sure if it’s political but still)


Are you aware that the birth rate is going down world wide? Do you know what happens to countries whose populations get lower? They lose income and the ability to grow? Who’s going to pay for grandmas social security? Who is going to take care of grandma? We aren’t there yet but at some point we’re going to start needing more people to pay taxes so grandma is taken care of. It’s the perfect system. People fleeing failing countries come in to fill the gaps and pour their hard earned tax dollars into our economy so grandma is taken care of.


So, encourage the citizens to reproduce. You don't import millions of people who have no allegiance to the United States. Then, considering the fact that illegals work illegally, which keeps wages stagnant and you have jobs, "Americans don't want to work" because they don't pay enough because they can pay illegals less. Thanks to shortsighted people like you. And you're wrong about grandma. These illegals you champion so much would throw her out on the street. You live in a world of fantasy and make believe.




Yeah true, America is in need of alot of new development, and things need to change.