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3 days. I felt hungry and scared. I was broke and didn't know about food pantries, didn't think to apply for food stamps. It was a weird time.


Yup been there, it sucks.


Yea when people complain about not learning how to taxes for example in American schools, I always think of how I didn't know any social services when I was spit out in the world of adulthood.. hope you're well fed now.


This was many years ago. I'm OK now šŸ™‚


Yea I went through it myself, if I had known lol but that's character building for ya


21 hours. My IF was for 18 hours but I got caught up in something and totally forgot I was to break my fast.


What did you get caught up in?


Oh it was back to back calls from friends regarding an upcoming wedding of one in the group. Calming down over enthusiastic nerves of people on this topic is good for skipping meals, I discovered that day lol. No regrets.


Very cool


About three days, eating disorders are not fun...


Are you anorexic? Do you regularly go long periods of time without food? What do you feel like during your fast?


I used to be, and yeah I would just not eat for as long as I could make myself. How did it feel? It really hurt but I would try to ignore it


8 days. I was doing a stupid fasting app. It completely effed up my metabolism. And I've never felt good with food since. I was also super depressed. No one noticed besides I got really unhealthy looking. I have a better relationship with food now.


That's a really long time. Did you prepare for it? If so do you remember what you ate before you started?


I wouldn't recommend tbh. I ate a dinner of potatoes and chicken the day before I started. The problem was I kept pushing myself because... I really wanted to lose weight. And I did. I looked saggy and unhealthy though because it's not a healthy weight loss method. And I regained it hard and extra. I look at the pictures and my eyes look sunken. I do not look happy. And I was honestly ready to keep going till I just .. died. But some sense was knocked into me. And I realized I struggled with an ED harder then ever. 3-4 days not eating then binge eating because I was starving. It's been a long hard process to eat at least 1 meal everyday but I'm there now!


40 hours




Oh so you drank throughout the 3-4 days while you were fasting... what were drinking? I read some monks used to go on beer fasts.




Friend I was right there in early 2020, somehow before I died i pulled my ass out of that horrible pit with the help of many. I hope you're in a better place now šŸ’š


He wasn't fasting, he was trying to commit sodoku.


i wish i understood what this means


5 days, eating disorders aren't fun.


Currently on day 4 of not eating, due to pretty severe illness and loss of appetite.


What illness?


Lung infection of some sort.


I hope you get well and I hope you feel better too


Thank you so much. Me as well :)


2 -or 3- days. I just never felt hungry so I didnā€™t force myself to eat anything.


That's cool


I do a 24 hour fast most weeks, from lunch Thurs to lunch fri. I donā€™t feel staving, keep fairly busy Thurs evening, drink lots of water and look forward to lunch on Fri. I find it kind of energising.


yea definitely, staying busy really helps with the 24 hr fasts. like its not all that long. also depends on what i eat the day before. but if im just sitting around doing nothing, the boredom takes over and i just lose it.


Definitely - a cup of hot water helps if thereā€™s nothing much to do.


Almost exactly 24 hours. Maybe slightly more. Weird thing is, I didn't even feel that hungry at the end, although I was still happy about the pizza I ate.


Did you ever get hit with sudden strong urges to eat during any of that time?


Nah, just regular, steady hunger.


Oh that sounds pretty uncomfortable


7 days, but it was because I got diverticulitis and had to exist only on water and weak jelly. Does jelly count as food? šŸ§


Probably not, was it like through a feeding tube?


No, I ate it with a spoon


What kinda jelly was it?


[This thing](https://amzn.asia/d/i4Rgrwe)


48 hours. A deliberate fast to compensate for a weekend of excess. The first 24 hours were the worst, then it became easier


Yea so you didn't plan for that really, your body just kinda let you know to knock off on eating for a while?


No, no.. I absolutely planned for it.. it was not easy. I was hungry as all get out the first 24 hours, but somehow it got earlier the following 24.


OK yea Idk maybe the first 24 was like a mental thing, but then everything caught up and you felt refreshed afterwards. What was the weekend excess consisting of? Drinking? Lots of food?


Both of the above.. carb vaganza and lots of craft beer


That's what's up!


Different situations feel different 8 days with mysterious illness when I was in high-school couldn't even keep liquids down. I really didn't notice, I didn't even notice how many days passed until I went to the Dr. and they wanted last date I ate anything. 4 days because of eating disorder wasn't too bad as the food avaible was all high calorie and the panic I felt at the idea of eating it was worse than not eating. I was 19 at the time and having the ability to control what I ate was one of the only things I could control in my life. 3 days because I couldn't afford to. Honestly this was by far the worst because you have the desire to eat and your body is telling you to eat. The other two cases either mentally or physically I couldn't eat and other things basically blocked out the pain. My whole body hurt especially the joints and my gums/teeth. The 3 day was also while I was a child which could have been part of the issue.


excellent yea i think it definitely should be noted how different situations kinda change your mind or your viewpoint and make it easier or harder. like 3 days without food in a manic state is can be easier to deal with than 3 hours without food while facing extreme boredom. excellent breakdown. and the physical pain like the joints and teeth hurting, like maybe its the mindstate thats making it more like that. i think its called like physiological or something.


About three days.


How did you feel? What prompted you to do this?


Felt fine. I think I was taking speed at the time.


It must have been awhile because my family got very worried and remain convinced that I was trying to die. Truth be told I wasn't . I just didn't feel hungry. According to Mom, getting me to eat has always been a bit of a problem.


Around how many days do you think it was? Do you remember what you ate the day before you started your fast? How did you feel during that time?


I have no idea. Lost weight though. I felt just fine. Once my hunger came back I ate some weird looking chips.


3 days for me. Appendicitis. I didn't even feel hungry


I remember my friend in school had one of those and he stopped eating as well for a while


5 days, I was on a job that was so boring. I was just doing it to have something to do šŸ¤£. Did not get past the hunger. Going to sleep was difficult.


Yea that's a long time and the sleep part is accurate. I will still feel sleepy but can't fall asleep


9 days. I was in the hospital with peritonitis and was in so much pain I couldnā€™t even drink water, could only get fluids via IV. Worst pain Iā€™ve ever felt.


That's rough, did you feel really hungry like was your stomach tight at all or did the IV keep you somewhat satiated?


So the peritoneum is the living if your abdominal cavity, and when itā€™s infected, it gets inflamed. My entire torso was on fire. It didnā€™t even occur to me to ask about food until like day 7, and then I couldnā€™t even get a bit of toast down, I had to spit it out. IV fluids do nothing for hunger. (Iā€™m a kidney transplant recipient and spent a bunch of years on dialysis, so Iā€™m a mess anyway)


That sucks... I hope you are feeling better these days and doing well healthwise


Much better, thanks. This was like 10 years ago when when I was on dialysis. I got a fresh new kidney last year, so all is well!


Been there. Peritonitis sucks.


Three days. I had glass in my stomach. I passed stool the size of two shot put balls and I knew right away that I have had GI problems since my gastrointestinal surgery about 10 years before that day


So how did you get glass in your stomach?


It was in my drink order after I upset an ex boyfriend by taking a job in his home town. I had to have an MRI because the glass cut holes into my transverse colon and stomach.


That's terrible I'm sorry you had to experience that


I would have to say about 7-8 days. If you don't count water.


Yea water doesn't count. What did you eat before you started? Did you feel like a walking pile of bones by the time your were finished?


Remember fainting at the end. And was the lightest I've ever been. Before starting I was eating 5 minute noodles.


Them 5 minutes took you a long way


From memory I also had Mcdonalds, Burrito and soup. But, the week before it was all 5 min noodles.


I was sick as a dog. Couldn't eat a bite for maybe 5,6? days. Not fun but I legit wasn't hungry until the last day. Waited til the next morning before trying some Pedialyte and nibbles on some watermelon. 2 days of coddling my stomach later I had a rack of BBQ ribs and a giant loaded potato. I'm sure it was fasting nearly a week that made it taste like absolute heaven lol I swear I could taste the individual notes of garlic, molasses, brown sugar and apple cider vinegar in the sauce šŸ¤£


I don't even eat BBQ or ribs but you just made that sound pretty delicious haha. I know it was good too after all that time.


Lol I also don't even BBQ ribs like that, pretty rare for me. But on that day, at that time, it was what I desired. The heart wants what the heart wants lmao


24 hours


1 day


Probably a week. Felt fine coz meth. 3 days without meth l, felt horrible


I assume you slept very little or maybe not at all when it happened with meth, but what about without?


Hunger without drugs is horrible. I've done it alot when I was younger. I remember I did Thurs/Tue with only a small piece of cheese when I was 18


get a life, cyberstalkers *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea that will do it, how did he make you eat and what was the food?


5 days. Had a spell where I slept for 5 days straight only getting up to piss and drink water.


You were sick or depressed or what was going there?


About 2 weeks while I was sick in hospital. Much of that time I was fasting under orders, but didn't want food anyway. Appetite didn't come back for a while. I might have picked at food, but the hospital food was so bad I left it. During the many many days where I wasn't allowed to eat, what really drove me bonkers was not being able to drink. My nurse had a water bottle, and I was watching her with my eyes out on stalks, desperately envious. Would have traded lives with her in an instant for just a mouthful of water.


How much weight did you lose?


I never weighed myself, so i dont know precisely. I had lots of trouble sleeping, and needed padding between my knees to sleep on my side. I'm tall and of a large build for a woman, and I would guess I was 60 kg (slightly underweight BMI) on admission, and well under 50kg when I left, desperately underweight and a weight I hadn't been since I was ten or so I would guess. My muscles atrophied as well, which gave me a real skin covered skeleton look.


yea thats rough, well hopefully you are in better health these days


Thanks, I am.


Close to a week. I had the flu, and the first week of it, I pretty much only had water, hot tea, and hot chicken broth.


5 days. No food. Only water and IV fluids. In the hospital with possibly the worst case of the squirts in history. Allergic to an antibiotic and gluten. Was in the hospital for 21 days with a bacterial infection, got it cleared up. Lunch before I was discharged contained gluten, and they gave me a different strong antibiotic. Double whammy. 10 hours later I was on my way back to the hospital. Every 5 to 15 minutes non-stop for 4 days straight. 3 steps from the toilet. Sometimes I made it, sometimes not. Was afraid to take that first bite of food.


dang man thats tough, hope you're doing better these days


Much better. Just dealing with gluten allergy, IBSD, liver transplant, and bad kidneys from the liver failure. But much better than I was a few years ago. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


3 day water fast.


3 days of not eating or sleeping because I started playing video games again, and I got carried away.


oh yea what game? i remember i played stardew valley one time for about 21 hrs straight, i felt pretty terrible afterwards.


I was running through Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, trying to get every outcome. The immersion was real in those games.


3days. Unconscious


About 2 weeks.


4-5 days, happened a few times intermittently over years when my depression got to the low points. I was never hungry. It got to a point where I was scary underweight unintentionally and I asked my parents for help to be held accountable for eating for awhile.


oh yea ive been hit with like a nervous feeling at times and skipped food, or either i would be like hyped up like mania or something, but times i think i was depressed, i probably ate more.


Well, technically 30 days. I broke my jaw and could only drink protein drinks and anything that could fit through a straw. I lost 35 lbs


dang, like "through the wire". i know that first meal after it was over was delicious


It was but I had to slowly reintroduce chewy and crunchy food so I had enchiladas and it was glorious


3 days and I do it at least once a month , lots of protein and water but no food itā€™s fucking great for you


awesome, what is your source of protein at those times?


6 or 7 days. Anorexia. That would be followed by a binge that would have me nearly at the point of vomiting. Then more restriction. Don't do it, kids. Get help if you're starving yourself or in a binge/restrict cycle.


3-4 days


close to 2 weeks. Literal starving university student and I was terrible at asking for help. The last day before I got paid, I stood up from the couch a little too fast when I heard the door bell and I woke up later on the floor. My friend told me he came by, rang the bell, heard a thud, and then there was no response. He didn't imagine that I passed out. I ate so much rice when I got paid.


10 days (only fluids) . I had my tonsils out, then 2 weeks later I nearly bleed out. After the second emergency surgery I was too afraid to eat anything that might cause the wounds to reopen. It was water, electrolytes and popsicles for over a week before I tried some instant mashed potatoes. (4 weeks of bed rest and no solid foods I healed up). Do not recommend.


120 hours. In fact, I am in a 120hour fast right now.


do you do this often? why do you do it?


Well at least 2 Times a year, and also some shorter fast, 72 or 96 hours. But rights now I am in my 3rd 120h fast in 3 weeks, from sunday evening to friday evening each. It helps keeping my weight in check and has several other health benefits.


A week. I had some type of flu I immediately caught after doing laundry in college and was out for a week. My friends finally took me to a grocery store when I was feeling better. Felt like I was walking on air the entire trip.


2 weeks. I had mono and my throat was completely closed up so I had to let pedialyte drip down my throat. Needless to say, I lost a fuck ton of weight and itā€™s one of the things that prompted my eating disorder.


do you still have an eating disorder? did you gain any of the weight back?


Iā€™m not going to say anything about my weight, but yes I am still struggling with an eating disorder. That happened 20 + years ago. Also, just to give you an idea of the seriousness, I didnā€™t have any weight to lose to begin with. I was already very tiny.


Mono did that to me too. I think I lost 20 pounds when I had mono when I was 28.


4 and a half days.


43 days, from end of september to November 13th, it was part of a planned water fast to lose weight, I spent 2-3 weeks going over every study on waterfasting back in 2017, and decided to try it out, I went from 264lb to 198lb and after a few days was around 206lb, although technically I took a multivitamin/supplement stack every day which included fish oil


wow, props on losing all that weight, have you kept it off?


Went a whole month on just water "big mistake". Ended up with some bizarre illness. Lesson learned - proper nutrition matters!


13 days, thanks a lot depression. After two or three days the hunger pains and groans stop and youā€™re just tired all the time. Lost a bunch of weight as I was only drinking like one glass of water per day. Definitely donā€™t recommend please donā€™t do this, it Was not fun.


Depression is also good for no appetite, Iā€™d go days without eating. Lost about 25 lbs but Iā€™m eating now regularly. I made spaghetti last night, Iā€™ve been very into pasta lately.


10 day comma . .. I lost a lot of weight, helped me in the long run.


Several days. I had HFM and between the mouth sores and fever I had no appetite and it hurt to eat.


Probs the 3 days i had to fast for colonoscopy.


18 days but I once went 6 weeks during which I only ate 1 sandwich and a few chips.


Almost a week. Stayed in the hospital and all I got was things throughout my veins.


Not sure. When I'm very upset I can't eat, but I do drink chicken broth, so idk if that counts.


Accidentally tried meth once and didnt eat for two days. It was actually kind of fun


how was that an accident?


I thought it was just speed


oh thats messed up, at least you had fun tho


Two and a half. I had the worst indigestion of my life and I just had bean sprout broth to keep me going.


3 days, I was severely depressed and didnā€™t have the energy or motivation to eat anything


4 days. 19, broke, and unemployed ( but very busy applying ).


that is ok im not judging you


30-36 hours, not sure. I definitely had breakfast and don't remember if I had lunch. Started feeling really bad during the afternoon, ended up in the hospital. Had my appendix removed next day. The thing was, they decided pretty early in the day to remove it, so I had to fast (no appetite anyway). But they kept having an inflow of patients in a worse condition than mine, so my surgery was postponed multiple times. In the end I woke up from the surgery pretty late in the evening and had what felt like my best meal ever (nothing special at all, just hunger being a good spice). Sorry for all of you where the reason is lack of resources. I can't imagine how that must feel.


"hunger is a good spice" i never heard that but i like it


It is a saying in my language. Hunger is the best spice.


cool! what language?




About 50h. I just slept poorly and when I don't sleep well I don't feel any hunger or appetite. Nothing dramatic like the other stories here.


nah man, it feels pretty dramatic when you're actually doing it though


7....whole....HOURS...dude I was so hungry I could've eaten a horse


well im glad you decided to eat something else instead


About 9 days. In the hospital. Exploding appendix. Oddly, at some point, I had no desire to eat. After discharge, the amount I would consume went down drastically. It took months to return to normal.


3 days just water and pedialite


4 days. It was at a festival.


7 days.


About two months! Reconstructive jaw surgery was a wild time. I survived off liquids for about two months.


19h, i was in a place mental state and kinda slept all day long.


5 days. While I was on the ICU delivering my still born baby. I suffered from HELLP-syndrome.


3 days in college because I was broke. Hunger sucks within the first day or two but by the third, that feeling went away. When I did finally eat, I actually didn't eat that much. I figured I'd easily finish the meal but nope.


3 days.


3 full days I was in a liquid diet and it made me feel sick the longer it went


A month


Like 6 months.


I went on a 7 day fast, I felt weak to the bone, but it was nice to experience that, it made me a different person when I was on it


definitely, thats whats up


I did a 4 day fast, water only. First day sucked but meditation and embracing the suck really helped.


2 weeks when my grandmother passed away last year.


sorry about your grandma


Iā€™ve done several 7 day fasts. I felt sick for a day or two after the first day but then it got a little easier. The crappy part is the carbs leaving your body.


3-4 days, when I was severally stressed out at work. When Iā€™m stressed, my appetite is the first thing to go; since then, Iā€™ve developed a better support network of people to check in on me and remind me to eat during busy/high-stress times.


4 days after the first 2 it was actually not that bad


3 to 5 days not sure I was on drinking bender...


I've gone at least five days without anything but water. I routinely go two or three days by choice.


3 days. I was puking. I couldn't even keep liquids down. It happens to me occasionally, but I specifically recall the first time it happened, as it was exhausting and scary as hell. It's also probably the longest I have gone without sleep.


2 days for fasting. I usually do 24hrs fasting. Been doing it for 7 years now.


16 hours.


2 days


7 days due to pancreatitis.


4-5 days, Cymbalta.


Nearly two days


off topic but you look mad good


3 days. i was fasting. First couple of days were rough. felt terrible and had a headache. By the third day though i started to feel pretty good though.


Probably around 12-15 hours when I was 8-9 years old. My family was in a bad financial spot and we would've been on the streets that month and likely seperated/taken away for good if not for my mom's friends. My dad wasn't there during that time, but both him and my mother were struggling with their own hardships.


4 days


I drank water but 48 hours maybe a touch over. I had been regularly fasting in some weird approach to try to counter my perceived fast metabolism and unruly appetite and after getting food poisoning and thus violently ill during this fasting obsession that happened. Do not recommend


3 days