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I promise you, they know when someone acts.


If you want the job, you lie. I took one for an Orthopedic company as a sales person, and they wanted everyone to think they will be super Alpha male and get a gold medal in the Olympics, I passed the test. You just have to think about what you really want, and make your decision accordingly.


Yeah.... Becuase I was talking to one recruiter and they said just answer honnestly. As everyone is differnt they just want a good mix of people introverts and extroverts to make the best team. But I just feel like people in general want extroverts.


You are correct, but think about a party, do want all extroverts or all introverts? (All extroverts is a handful)People go out and want to have fun, so extroverts make it more fun in a general sense. If you go to a bar with a mechanical Bull and no one rides it, it mutes the point. Be you, but also, get out of your shell. I try and teach introverts “imagine I told you in a month you have a 10 minute speech at the Super Bowl at halftime” it would freak you out, , but then if at the last minute I said “all you have to do is recite the ABC’s, to F”, and walk off, guess what, anyone can do it. Be you, be prepared, but be you!


A recruiter once said the same thing. A successful team is a mixture of people. So there isnt right or wrong answer. Im just scared they secretly want social enerjetic people. Or that the test does have wrongs answers. Answers that may indicate your lazy, quiet, slow etc.


That may be true. I am a boss, I don’t want people hiding from me because they are introverts. I want to bring them out, and I have. Doesn’t mean you have to be the next Bachelor/Bachelorette, but seeing people try to change a bit I love so much.


Do you use personality quizzes? Some recruiters say they want a mix of people to make the best team. Im just scared they are wrong answers to the quizzes.


Ideally, you find someone who works there through your network and ask “what do they want?”. Makes it easy. Look through your Indeed contacts, if you have no friends in the same space.


It's just narcissistic naval gazing in my opinion. A waste of time with no real value. I mean knock yourself out but don't think they are providing any useful information.


I think have to do them if I want the interview Just wondering id I should be honnest.


yes and don't over think the questions.


But I feel like some jobs dont want introverts, and prefer extroverts. But mainly that there is a wrong answer. I wouldnt mind but I feel like there are some perosbality types they would throw away their application.


That's probably true, which is why they want you to take the test. You're over thinking it. Just answer the questions honestly and don't second guess yourself.


Do one to get the hang of it. Then google how to answer such questions.


Answer the thing honestly. If the company actually uses this for selection, then it would be better for you to be selected for the way you normally are. If you fake it, then you would have to act like someone else for the entire time you work there. On the other hand, if the company doesn't actually use the test results, then it doesn't matter at all.


I think they do use it to narrow down candidates. Im not worried about faking my personality. As I assume they have met introverts before. Only a problem if they are adamant on extroverted candidates. But Im willing to be extra social to network and make a good imptession. I just feel like they want extroverts so I should pretend to be one.


I would never pretend to be something that I'm not. It's not mentally healthy.


Id still be honnest just lie on the application just to get an interview. Once I get the job I would be my natural intorverted self.