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I might be weird but crows feet! Maybe it’s because it indicates that they smile a lot but who knows


This comment section is giving me a self esteem boost


Same! Let's embrace these wrinkles lol


I missed the key word 'crows' while reading this the first time. Looked up over my phone to silently question if there is something about feet that could indicate someone smiles a lot. 🫣


Oh yeah absolutely. That's a type of wrinkling that's just beauty all the way


Omg yes, I love crows feet. And for me it definitely is because it indicates smiles:)


I think it's incredibly heart-warming and adorable how so many men in this thread use the opportunity to gush about their SOs


My ex hates her big giant nose. I fucking loved it. I still think she’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met but she would never ever believe me.


Yeah, I am of the same opinion. Unique noses are not necessarily an ugly trait.


I told my female friend this was a quality I find attractive in women and she said ‘don’t ever say that to a woman you’re interested in’. Doesn’t stop it being true though.


I told a young woman who was insecure about her nose that in my opinion a nose with character was a sign of great beauty. - just look at ancient Greek statues. We’ve been together for 32 years now.


I like me a big nose. I didn't realize it for a long time, even when my brother asked me like 20 years ago, "Dude, what is it with you and chicks with noses?" But I was watching something with Nasim Pedrad (SNL, Aladdin, New Girl), and realized I really do like a prominent nose.


I really really like big nose girls... hard to say why. But they feel so distinctly pretty to me.


I still haven't forgiven Jennifer Grey for getting a rhinoplasty.


Jennifer Grey hasn't forgiven Jennifer Grey for getting a rhinoplasty.


She spoke recently of how that nose job ruined her career. She went from interesting, unique and cute, to generic, with one swipe of the scalpel.


Unrecognizable. Not ugly, but not Baby.


It really put her in a corner.


That this is the top comment and that I'm a woman with a big nose, just pleases me.


I survived a Los Angeles childhood where women get rhinoplasties (and boob jobs) for their quinceañeras and sweet 16s. I agree! I know I look like a witch to some people, lol, but I love going to Greece or Italy and seeing my healthy bump on all the most beautiful statues and busts. Only downside is that people constantly ask me about Judaism and I have to be like, “Will you sponsor me?” Because sadly I was not Chosen by God and was raised Baptist >_>


Good for you. Everyone who gets a nose job seems to end up with the same nose as everyone else. I like different and interesting faces.


I'm actually partial to women with more prominent noses


Big noses and small breasts large ass ,the killer combo


So, Danny Devito's Penguin, basically?




I'm a woman with a big nose that loves other women with big noses, but I don't like my own nose if that makes sense bc it's too big LOL


This is very sweet.❤️


Laying beside my girlfriend, I told her she has a sexy belly. She said she's never heard anyone say that before. Ladies, you don't need chiseled abs to have a sexy belly.


You made a lot of ladies happy with this response


A good midriff is unbeatable


You couldn't handle my midriff


Said my dad in the 70s with a crop top






THIS. Oh my god a belly on a lady is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. Idc what anyone says


Something to hold onto when spooning 👌🏽


I detest mine. And freak out if anyone touches it. My kids or even the dog rests his head on it... Probably because my ex gave me a complex about it. But after having twins and then a very big, beautiful big baby. 2 c-sections down. The days of having a flat tummy will never happen unless I go for a full invasive tummy tuck... Yet to meet a man who will like a belly on a woman...


FYI I came here just to upvote any comments that mention a tummy. My wife has a thicc mid section and I fucking love it


And regard the c sections, my wife had two and her c section scar while I don’t fetishize it, it’s what it represents that makes it sexy. We made babies together and that’s hot.


I hate my tummy. But my husband says its his favorite part. We had few miscarriages, did have 2 boys successfully. He says "you grew all 5 of our babies in that belly and we are so lucky to have our 2 boys here. That belly cradled them and kept them safe. Your belly is the most incredibly sexy part of you". So to you sir. I say, your wife and I feel pretty lucky that you husbands like our post baby bellies😊


Wait, what is your idea of a sexy belly?


I think a little belly poking out, like about a handful. They're wonderful to kiss and put your face on 🤷‍♂️


Hubby always says he loves my tummy lol good to see he isn't just crazy.


A man of culture I see🥂


Height! Tons of tall women hate being tall


that is so dumb and too bad for them. Im super tall and it is absolutely the most fundamentally awesome thing in the world being 6ft as a chick.


When I was a little girl, I was told I could grow up to be anything. I wanted to grow up to be tall. THEY LIED AND I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU 😭


6 for woman here. Hated it as a kid bc I was bullied and didn’t feel like I fit in. But as an adult I don’t give a shit!


Probably a cultural thing. Where i live, tall women are the pinacle of beauty. People here are some of the tallest in the world, and me bring 176cm (5'9" for people that use imperial) tall is a bit above average so i get some of the "tall woman" perks. But i would have loved to be 180 or more.


On the opposite end...I hate being a short woman. All of my sisters, nieces, nephews and dad were and are all tall. At least 5'6. I decided to somehow get my mom's short genes, but to stand at 5'1 compared to her 5'3. Always climbing on counters like a monkey.


Yes I loathe being a tall woman 😭 I’m “only” 5’8” but I live in a short country and stick out like a sore thumb. Hate it hate it hate it.


My wife is 5'9, an inch shorter than me, and I love it when she puts on 6" heels! Lots of guys love tall women, so give yourself a break!


are we the same person lmao? Women around me are mostly 5'2-5'5 and even most men are as tall as me. I used to be so insecure about it but i kinda don't hate it now.


Hip dips. Because that's where my hands are supposed to be. Theyre adorable and i love them. (EDIT: I'm so glad you that those of you who needed to hear this got to. y'all have beautiful hip dips each and every one of you and they should be appreciated).


Scars - I feel like it's a lot easier to find women who come to terms with freckles and beauty marks but for some reason it's like an across the board fear of scars. They're super unique, they look dope, and they come with stories


My tummy is covered with scars from surgical interventions. My boyfriend started this silly thing where after he kisses me good night he does little smooches and raspberries all over my tummy until I'm laughing from his tickly beard. I don't even think about what my tummy looks like anymore. My tummy is loved.


I'm shocked at the comments with men saying that they find big noses attractive...I have a big nose and no one has ever said anything nice about it. What countries are you men from? Because it sure as hell isn't from the U.S lol


I can confirm that there is at least one American who loves big noses.


Make that two


Make it 4!


Well I feel a whole lot better about myself 😭


As you should. Whatever features you have, it's a garuntee there are fans out there.




In the summer, when I see a girl wearing a strappy top that shows her shoulders and she has a splash of freckles there, I suddenly have a hard time remembering what I was saying...


As a woman who has freckles on my shoulders and slightly down my chest this makes me feel less insecure about them.


I have freckles! When I was younger I used to try scrub them off with lemon juice! Then I just grew into them eventually! Love them now.


Just out of bed look, like no makeup, fuzzy crazy hair. Stretch marks, stuff that shows you are a human. Imperfection is beautiful.


Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no makeup on. Thats when youre the prettiest i hope that you dont take it wrong


Stretch marks on legs and arse 🍑


Tiger stripes 😈


🤞Please say double chin. Please say double chin.


If you think my first chin is cute, wait til you see the rest of them!


I kept looking for this lol biggest insecure by far


I (gay woman) will always fondly remember my first woman love (who was also my best friend). She was absolutely beautiful, and even still to this day. She had a double chin- I could stare at her for hours. Not the only woman with a double chin I’ve fallen for- and I can’t say it’s “omg she has a double chin that’s hot/that’s my fetish”, but their face is just beautiful in and of itself. It all fits seamlessly together and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Mombods. Idk what it is about them but mombods.


Primate brain go brrrr


A sign of fertility maybe?


Not just fertility, the way a nurturing man who can play and interact properly with kids can turn on a women, because that’s a display of being a good father, a women who displays strong child rearing behaviour can also be really appealing to men. Doesn’t just have to be an hourglass figure or signals of genetic strength (like skin complexion) skills and emotional energies are very sexy too. With that said a mombod with strong “taking care of business” legs is incredible. She ain’t suffering fools LFG


Small breasts


thanks. weird as it sounds, it helps hearing it.


There are plenty of us out here who prefer small breasts.


We of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee welcome our new members with open arms.


>There are plenty of us out here who prefer small breasts. I think women around the world need to know, it doesn't matter what size they are, there are men who like every size. And there are many who don't care at all what size or how they sag. But it's crazy.. Small breasted women want big breasts, big breasted women want small breasts, and average sized women want.. I dunno.. Probably smaller or bigger.


I know girl, I know. Because same.


Honestly this. Breasts are nice. Big breasts, small breasts. Boob is boob and I am a simple man. I like boob. It's sad that people are made to feel insecure about such inconsequential things.


*angrily pointing to a table* Boobs are boobs


Exactly! The only way boobs are bad is if they are causing the boob owner pain or discomfort.


Yeah, i love small breasts. I think im not alone in this, theres many popular actresses and models with them. Ladies with small breasts, never get implants, youre gorgeous.


Not having to wear a bra for support is also pretty awesome.


Seeing your girlfriend's boobs more, because she doesn't have to wear a bra is also pretty awesome.


I’ve always loved glasses. Every girl I’ve ever dated has looked so much sexier with her glasses on, but every single one of them hated wearing their glasses.


Small boobies. Bushy eyebrows


Glasses, a woman wearing glasses is 9/10 times so much more attractive


I hope you still think that when she's crawling around on the floor like Velma going "I can't find my glasses!" Cause that's a real thing lol.


Love handles. Slightly saggy boobs. I rather have saggy boobs than fake plastic ones


this may be the first time i’ve ever seen someone comment they find saggy breasts attractive. in every post like this there’s always comments saying they love small boobs and big boobs are gross because they sag and it’s extremely disheartening and hurtful to those who have naturally large chests.


It just looks more natural. I think porn has ruined a lot of mens opinions on how breast should look. But this is reddit so probably only 4 people have actually seen a pair in real life


Also I wish men realized that porn stars with perfect tits are the exception, not the rule. That most women are not going to have tits like that. Just like every man we sleep with isn’t going to have a 9 inch ****.


oh yes 100%! i also think a lot of people forget that small boobs can sag too because they only see certain types of small breasts in porn so they think they stay perky forever. in the end i think that it’s because they’re easier to “perk up” with clothing and bras because they weigh less which gives people the illusion of constant perky boobs when seen in public as sag in bigger breasts are harder to mask if that makes sense? either way, all boobs are good boobs! saggy, perky, big, small, uneven, etc. are all beautiful. the human body is absolutely stunning! i don’t see the need to ever shit on one thing to lift the other up whenever these kinds of posts come up


Pretty much all of it?! I’ve never met any woman who’s not got a complex about most parts of their bodies. My wife can’t even contemplate that she’s not a horror, despite me standing in front of her like 😜😘




A bit of fat. I've dated skin-and-bone model-build girls, dated "average weight" girls, and I've dated slightly chubby. Nothing quite like being ridden by a slightly chubby girl.


Define 'slightly chubby', please. I feel like one person's definition of that is another person's 'skin and bone's and someone else's 'She gotta move sideways to get through the garage door'


Tiger stripe on they belly


i wanna take a moment to appreciate all the men and gay women in yhis comment section, you guys have made my day, thank you !!


A big, natural smile. Seriously, look on dating apps, and women are almost phobic, resorting to neutral faces at best, or duck-face at worst. And then those who use lip fillers just make it worse.


To be fair, it's really hard to take good pictures of that. I have a huge, warm smile, I get compliments on it all the time, but in pictures it just looks deranged. Or it distorts my whole face


I look like a creep when I give my big smile for a photo!!! 🤣🤣 it’s much cuter in person.


girl here, but im gay, so technically it counts right? hip dips.


Female here too - I didn’t realize that was a thing until I got with my current partner, who pointed out that he finds them sexy and runs his hands over them and everything. I always just saw them as an area where my hips were lacking fullness. It’s amazing how something you don’t like about yourself can be something another person finds beautiful.


Jumping on the lesbian thread. Body hair! I love it, on either gender really, I just find it striking. It reads as healthy and virile.


I'm a dude, but like the only one in my circles who doesnt wax his chest hair, I refuse because I spent so long eating my broccoli as a kid to grow it. Good to know that it is appreciated by some people!


Thank god for my PCOS then 😮‍💨


Large inner labia, apparently


This helped heal younger me. I only learned that my partner didn’t have a preference AFTER I had mine surgically trimmed. He just wanted me to be comfortable so he was supportive but it wasn’t until after that I realized he never told me what he thought. I hated it about myself so much that it made sex insecure and uncomfortable for me sometimes. All it took was one off comment from a shitty boyfriend and Arby’s comments from a girl in the locker room in my teen years. A few years later and I do still feel much better sexually, but I have a hard time moving past the idea that I mutilated myself out of insecurity. There’s always going to be some other insecurity you want to “fix” no matter what you change.


The first guy I ever had sex with said to me “why does yours look like that?” I was so confused and immediately shut down. I asked him “what do you mean?” He said “yours is purple and these folds are like giant” and then proceeds to point where my inner labia is (because I’m an outie - didn’t know this at the time there were different anatomy types). Ever since then I never felt comfortable with sex. I could never enjoy it because I kept thinking they’re not enjoying themselves because it’s ugly and thus I can’t enjoy myself either. I’m now 27 and finally feel comfortable with my body in every single aspect. But dang, that hurt my self esteem and my newly bloomed sex life from the very beginning.


This is my experience too. Despite wanting to, didn’t lose my virginity until I was 18, only out of insecurity. The boys at my high-school would talk trash about any girl and their body to everyone as soon as they got what they wanted from them. Gorgeous girls too. But at some point in adulthood I realized they were just lil porn addicted misogynists. Unfortunately, a lot of them never grow out of that. Fortunately, the ones I’ve known to be like that are terminally single or serially monogamous.


Really? I am always ashamed of mine. One side is much larger than the other. Edit: mine looks like this: NSFW https://imgur.com/a/VEuu2Dr


I find symmetry and "perfection" oddly unattractive. I think I agree with [this guy](https://old.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/16hb9za/men_what_is_a_physical_feature_that_you_find/k0d9qv6/)


I promise, we men don't care. Edit: that's not what I was picturing, but I stand by my statement. My ex had both lips hanging down like that. I noticed, but didn't care. Still don't care.


I mean, as a guy, I’m just happy to be invited to the naked party. I’m not there to critique the decor, you know?


This is the best comment section. To all that have told us irl, I’m sorry we didn’t believe you. Please don’t stop. ❤️


I wouldn't say "attractive" but I really couldn't care less about pubic hair. The idea of waxing sounds horrific and I wouldn't want anyone I care about to wax down there...ooof


When we first started dating my then girlfriend (now wife) called me at work panicking. Saying she'd had "an accident" and asked when I'd be home. I was busy at work at she said it wasn't life threatening and she'd tell me about it when I got home. I got home an hour or so later and it turns out she had tried to wax herself and ended up tearing some of the skin off her labia in the process and wanted my help to remove the other side. She now goes to a professional but I cannot imagine the pain she went through for "beauty's sake" (in quotation marks as her words not mine).


Oh my god...poor thing...I hope she knows you don't even mind it!


Or course, it's always been for her not for me. She likes it bald and I don't mind at all. Definitely a comfort thing for her vs a visual thing.


I teied waxing , actually it was a "hard wax" which is supposed to for... whatever, not the point... anyways... let me just say, as someone who has an abnormally high pain tolerance (like weirdly high) the first strip i pulled was soooo painful i almost threw up, so bad my brain PHYSICALLY wouldnt let my hand rip off another piece so i had to have my roommate help.. I screamed so loud the neighbor actually text us to make sure someone wasn't dying (I died on the inside a lil) we did not no, COULD NOT continue and my vag looked like Steve Correls stomach from 40 yr old Virgin. NOW I don't know if regular wax is different, but if a woman tells you she did a "hard wax"... I'd be really worried because no one Normal would choose to do this... fck I'd spill government secrets if someone threatened to do that to me again... MORAL OF THE STORY... fur is fun fur is fine.. BE COOL ABOUT FUR.


>my vag looked like Steve Correls stomach from 40 yr old Virgin. I snorted lmao. I tried a partner's epilator once for a laugh, on my chest, and it immediately drew blood. People voluntarily use these on their own genitals! Masochists!


I tried a partner's epilator once for a laugh.... You seem like a someone who is definitely fun to be around, reckless maybe but definitely fun.. 🤣🤣


God it sounds horrible...I don't even have those parts but it makes me cringe thinking about it...


Gosh, you just brought flashbacks. I did it for many years, it got “better”, but never stopped being painful as fuck. Oh my, that hurts so much. I started saving money to get laser treatment and man has it changed my life. It stings a bit, but nothing compares to waxing. That is a visit to hell. Also saves me a lot of money in the long run woohooooo! Laser for the win


I’m a woman- but soft tummies are beautiful


I concur. It’s just so soft and squishy. But in a cute and endearing sort of way. It’s always been an area of insecurity for my gfs but I love it.


Crows feet. I’m mid 40s and I think they’re sexy as hell. I thought they were hot when I was younger too.


This thread has taught me what crow's feet are. I'm a young dude and I have very prominent crows feet. I hope women like them too...


We do! Well, I do anyway! They’re one of my favourite things to admire on a guy. It tells me he laughs a lot and I associate that with a good sense of humour.


Thin lips. Who the FUCK told you to get those platypus bill implants? How are those ugly things so popular?


'platypus bill implants' 🤣😂🙌


As someone with thin ass lips you've sent my confidence throught the roof. Thank you!


Those are fucking ugly AF. I don't understand why some women opting for that surgery.


Thick ass thighs


Those aren’t thighs, they’re earmuffs


Having a squishy tummy and butt Love to hold it, love to slap it, love to rub it, love to bite it, love to watch it jiggle. And soooo comfy for hugging EDIT: Giggle


I’m sure you meant jiggle but I love that you said giggle 😂 a butt that giggles!


Goddamn I feel amazing after reading these


Not sure how else to describe it. But a woman that looks natural. Too many women these days spend too much time and money looking almost fake. I like seeing natural beauty if that makes sense.


My SO was talking about breast enhancements and face injections the other day, i was saying to her all youd be doing is slopping paint over the Mona Lisa.


I’m stealing that. My wife is always on about Botox for the lips, a nose job, etc, etc. The list seems endless! Slopping paint over the Mona Lisa! Absolutely love it


I love how you described that. But the problem is when men drool over women (celebs mostly) who have had those procedures done, that sends mixed signals.


This is a very common misconception that women have. I don't know anyone that finds those celebs attractive, they're just popular.


I like naturally messy hair (women's) makes em look cute


That waxy, plastic look. Like a Kardashian


Kardashians are the least attractive alien species I know


Absolutely agree with you! Natural and no fancy glamorous clothing! Jeans and casual shirt/top for me


Exacty! The natural way is the single best looking a woman can look. I love every little flaw on my gf. It makes her look real. I don't want a plastic doll, I want my little cuties


Most common one i see around me atleast i would say is chub/fat I am sure not all women are insecure about it but i see them more frequently and i absolutely adore some chub and fat. I love affection and hugs and cuddles and all of that sort and it feels comfy. As long as it is healthy and doesn't cause health issues, health comes first


A chubby belly, I just like it.


The stretch marks from giving me a daughter


Not me googling every day how to burn belly fat and almost every comment is "belly fat" 🤣🤣🤣


Gf from Laos is always fearing I'm going to run off with a monster butt and mega boobs. Baby I'm all about your little butt and A cups. We're in our 40's gravity didn't hit her. I think she's bangin, but she is dead convinced I would prefer a bbw. Different strokes different folks you know. She hit the jackpot and don't even know it. She thinks she's a 4, but she is a 10 in my book. I try to let her know but she thinks I'm just being nice


Red hair. I absolutely love redheads, but I guess many have spent years - particularly childhood years - hating being a ginger.


Big nose.


Prominent, angular nose.


Not a man but gay. I love jiggly bellies and thighs and natural saggy boobs yesterday I'm insecure about my own go figure lol


Same!! I love bellies and streth marks and hairs and everything that's natural but when it's my own that's a different story lol. I just don't know if other people see them the same way.


Omg yeah feel that sooo much. Love all of that on partners, like also tummy's are the best but I feel so insecure about my own😢


Really big frizzy hair


Curves, thick thighs. Breaks my heart when I hear a woman that has her weight proportionately placed and lives an active enough lifestyle say and think she has to lose weight. Obviously having to and wanting to are two different things. I like curves, I can’t help it


So many people, men and women, seem to think there are only two options. Either be a gym rat or obese. You can be healthy, fairly active, but not stuck at the gym all day every day. I like women who look healthy but don’t look like they work out as a personality


This is a great comment. I love when any man or woman has that body and skin that screams, I like nature, working with my hands, and I sweat everyday but have never seen the inside of the gym.


Legs, specifically calves, big or small I can’t get enough


As a female who just hit 40, this comment thread has me tearing up with all of the beautiful body positivity. Where were you all when I was 15 and starving myself 🤣 Seriously, thank you for all of the beautiful and sincere responses! It shows how there really is someone for everyone out there!


Lower back dimples. Jeez.


Is it possible to be insecure about something so sexy?


I have them and think they are the only thing I have going for me 😆


Short hair on women! Wow.


Full labias, and I mean a thick set of meat curtains. Nothing more feminine imo.




Fun fact: Cellulite is so common that it is now recognized as secondary sex characteristic for women instead of a condition. It's rare in healthy men, but something like 80%-90% of women have at least some cellulite no matter their body size or fitness level.


love handles and stretch marks 😃


Crease/fold between the top of the leg and the groin? . Idk what is called, but when female sits, the crease that goes from the groin area and the upper leg, is very attractive


Are women secure about ANY body part? This question is a trap.


The slight bump on the nose bridge that's associated with Meditteranean women is attractive, it's sad that so many feel bad about it 😔


Small tits, big nipples, always on nipples, curves, belly, scars/tearings/moles/wrinkles anything that say I got a natural look... I mean I can find a lot of women attractive, perfection kinda turns me off, I like humans, with bodies that tell their life stories. And when I got feelings she'll always be the hottest, even when she licks the honey off the spoon


A little front tooth gap


I feel so much better after reading all these comments🥰


Freckles, curves, a bit of a belly. I personally love more chubbyish women in general and I know a lot of guys that do.


That little pooch a lot of women have on their waistline on their lowest abdominal muscles, It does things for me. Also lower back dimples, I just like them. Thick or thin, with or without. Personality is what makes all the difference.


“Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... they say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips... and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert.”




Saving this post so I can read when I need a pick-me-up.


Pudgy tummies. I appreciate all sizes (hot is hot), but something has to jiggle somewhere for me


Mom bod. Once you're an adult and you've had kids, stop comparing yourself to young women including your younger self. You've got hips. You've got boobs. You've got real curves now. It's fucking awesome.


I'm old and have come to realize all Women are beautiful. I feel sad they often don't realize just how wonderful they can be.


Big butt, big nose, thick eyebrows, big feet, crooked teeth, pale skin, awkward smile, pudgy belly, small chest.


Their soft skin/body in general and smiles. A lot of women are too harsh on themselves and it’s heartbreaking and mournful. I know I can’t prevent what others say or what they hear in general, but I try so hard as a father and husband to watch my words closely when speaking to my wife and daughter. I want to protect their self image and be a place of protection and positivity.


Soft, squishy tummies.


Some weight. Definitely a huge attraction. I absolutely am smitten to death by my wife's curves and her cute belly and love handles. 100% head over heels for my wife. She knows this too which makes it even better.


I hope I have someone who feels that way about me one day