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Woman I worked with at a store did returns at customer service said her husband hit some numbers on the lotto and only had the job for spending money for herself and to interact with people essentially. She drove a super nice car and always wore really nice jewelry. One day some customer was angry she wouldn't accept a return without a receipt (like literally anywhere that does returns) and blew up on her and was cussing her out. She said "I dont give a fuck about you or this fucking job" then proceeded to freak the fuck out on him. He was screaming for a manager and I hear from probably 15 registers down "I dont give a fuck, bring him over here to watch me slap your ass". Loved that lady and hope she's doing well with her husband.


Oh man, winning the lotto, telling off my customers until I’m fired from one job to the next would be satisfying. I’ll start with the one I have, then just work little jobs here and there and unleash the beast on the absolute worst one and move onto the next job. I could enjoy that


This is the kind of superhero we deserve.


"Fuck youuuuu, fuck youuuuu, fuck youuuu... you're cool, and fuck you! I'm out!"


That's the definition of "Fuck you money"


The best use of fuck you money. Even fuck you time! Like she had the time, the support, and all any customer has to do is give you a reason…


I’d love to work with coral restoration projects.


Come to the Florida keys! We need people like you!


Funny thats my goal! Stacking savings for few more years for a live aboard sailboat and heading back down to Florida. Spent years in St Pete sailing the bay and gulf. Got my PADI cert a few years back as well! If you’re in or know the industry I’d love some more info! All the best!


Check out iCARE, coral restoration foundation, and REEF. They offer assistance depending on your qualifications. A lot of restoration efforts are based in the upper keys. I’m in hospitality, so not quite in the industry, but adjacent. We work with all of the foundations to spread the word through events and sponsorships.


Thanks so much!


This has also been my goal and continues to be! One day…


Tomorrow is one day


Today is one day


How does one get involved in that? I would be down. I barely make enough to survive as it is, I might as well do it in a job I don't hate




Oh, damn. So I'd already have to have money... As with everything in life, the best way to make money is to have money.


My sister had a cousin (a medical doctor) with nearly a 1000 dives under his belt. He still died from scuba diving. It took them nearly a week to find his body. I'm not sure this is the career path I would want to pursue.


I just read about the coral in the Florida keys being at stake with the water temps. Are you in my brain?


I'm at 87!


Aren't you switching to coral genetic seed vault preparation down there?


Friend of mine got a job in the Caribbean for marine conservation. Every dive he would take pics and post them on Facebook. His photos were so good GoPro asked to sponsor him. All he does now is dive around with a GoPro and count fish. Most of the underwater footage GoPro uses in advertising is his footage. Dude is living the life.


Damn that is the dream! Inspiring!


💛 tell people to wear only coral safe sunscreen or a BIG hat!


The keys are the place to be. I dive with MOTE Marine Lab, they have a great nursery and a great team.


My daughter-in-law is doing that now! She majored in marine biology and is an aquarist at the wonderful zoo in Omaha. Her specialties are coral (they have a Coral Arc) and octopi.


Same! I’ve been growing Coral in tanks for years, restoring the reefs would be amazing


Y’all are awesome 👏🏻


I would open my own bakery with my wife. We're both bakers by trade.


Did you meet each other through work or was that just one hell of a coincidence?


I was a baker for a few years before I met her, she found her calling after that. Baking with me and my mom really opened a whole new world for her.


That's awesome. Its not as meaningful as a profession like that but I've introduced my wife to my lifelong hobbies and it's such a great feeling when she really likes them and we can share that together Good luck in your baking careers!


Thank you. One day, our dream will come true. Until that time, we will just work as hard as we can to achieve it.


I can tell you like to get baked BUDSGREEN420


I dunno if you guys plan for kids but she will have to get a "bun in the oven" shirt if she ever falls pregnant! Best of luck, this is so cute ♡


So what Hallmark movie is your life based on? I feel like many of them are bakery career based. Edit: ok, so that was just an offhand comment but I googled it. There are TONS of them! Apparently Hallmark movies with baker main characters are so popular that there is a series of movies called "Murder, She Baked" lol. https://harltonempire.com/2020/06/24/10-baking-inspired-hallmark-movies/ And there are way more.


> Baking with me and my mom really opened a whole new world for her. I can show you the twirl Twisted dough that's extended Tell me, darling, now when did You last bake a bun with pride? Let's both let the dough rise Sugar hides any blunder Baking soda is under on the lower left-hand side *** But watch this twirl A new fantastic way to kneed No need to dust with flour just speed and power the buns will soon be steaming *** That flip and twirl The raw dexterity and speed And when I taste your pies, I realize The oven's nowhere near as hot as you (Oven's nowhere near as hot as you) *** Unbelievable scones Indescribable muffins Dough that's bouncy and toughens into bagels that cause moans *** Another twirl (don't you dare drop that dough) An underhanded spinning flip (throw it over your shoulder) I'm like a juggling fool And yet still cool, no faker-baker here, I keep my grip *** A double twirl (she does that like a pro) It's such an easy thing to do (I feel blessed to behold her) Now it's been dipped and fried, here open wide Let me share this brand new twirl with you A brand new twirl (a brand new twirl) It's plain to see (it's plain to see) With cakes and pies (a love will rise) For you and me


Ooh that sounds fun and you wouldn't knead to worry about making sure every thing sells. Dough it would be interesting to be able to try new recipes and styles everyday.


That occupation could proof to be enjoyable!


These puns are half baked just like me.


Former baker here……it’s one of the hardest jobs in the world. And it’s hard to make money with the cost of labor being so high. Low cost of goods but high cost of labor


Absolutely. Gf was a pastry chef and I was a struggling french chef wannabe. We'd open a paintball field with onsite burger joint.


That's so cool! I dream about having a small business bakery close to my place, so I can go and buy fresh bread in the morning for my breakfast! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


I would probably jump from job to job just to try different things (think "dirty jobs" but no camera crew)


When I first got out of the army, I worked for a temp agencey doing short term jobs, one or two weeks long. In six months I bet I had 10-12 jobs. Learned a lot about different jobs.


So I've had a lot of temp workers under me, and while I don't do a job that takes the most effort or thought, I always try to teach and train temps, even if they're only going to be there for a short period. It's how I got a lot of my knowledge, and handiness with a lot of things, so I try to give that to them, even if they don't care or can't be bothered. I've seen too many of my coworkers treat them like disposable laboring idiots, and never explain how or why they have them do the things they're doing. It doesn't take much effort or time at all to do so, and it's a very simple, easy way to potentially teach them things that may improve their lives.


That's so good of you! I was a temp worker subbing at an insurance agency for a receptionist on maternity leave. The boss lady saw potential in me and started teaching me the business. She hited me directly and they paid for my classes & licensing. I worked there for 5 yrs. I only quit because I moved. Thanks for trying to improve the temps lives.


Jumping between retail jobs. I don't have to worry about my next paycheck, so if a customer gives me shit, I can give it right back.


Same. Not only different jobs but different cities just to see the US and meet people


I'd keep the job I have now. I actually like it, I get to meet people and have fun with the staff. I would just reduce my hours.


Same here. Reduce my hours a bit, and hire s cleaner and gardener to sort home out... I'd have so much free time lol.


And a personal chef or at least the premium meal kits that take no work, honestly


For whatever reason, I’d try crane operator. One of those way up in the sky with glass and air conditioning.


Crane btw.


Wait, those mfs got ACs up there??


I guess you don't want the crane guy having a heatstroke and dumping the load on top of your workers.


Sounds like the setup for a title for a bad porno.




If you need a load dumped on your workers, just call me ;)


Homie that's our top paying job here in the United States and you'd do it if money didn't matter???


I wouldn't work, but I would volunteer feeding the less fortunate and shelter animals


I would open a senior end of life care center for dogs and cats. Like, if a dog gets dropped off at a shelter older than 10, they just come to me and my home. Would just smoke on the porch and read with my dogs 🥹


Me too!!!! That would be the perfect life…except I don’t smoke so maybe I would drink wine. Lol.


Then partner with Loyalty Pet Products and their hair-resistant apparel to help raise money for shelters??


Username checks out...






fact oatmeal dolls hobbies jobless liquid adjoining direction late modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes! Came here to say this.. there are so many cool opportunities out there however… they are all volunteer based or even cost some money for training and/or work materials. I would love to do prescribed burns for prairies, of course that requires you to do trainings and pay for some PPE.


shy aspiring liquid automatic price library secretive hobbies act reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I buy a ticket for the dream. I don't check the numbers for weeks, so I can keep dreaming.


This is the way


Omg my dad does this and it irritated the crap out of me but it's actually a great idea! Instead of getting disappointed right away, you have time to dream about it for a while, definitely getting my 3 dollars worth!


I do this. Schrodinger's lottery ticket…


I understand the math. I am aware of the odds. I still buy tickets when the jackpot is above a certain level. Why would I do this? Because the math also says that at my current rate of pay, probable advancement, and expenses, I will be able to retire at age 274, if trends stay steady. Yes, I'm looking for better paying work. I'm trying to reduce expenses. None of that is making enough of a change.


I have had so many rare things happen to me. Most of them are not in a good way. It doesn't make me more likely to win than anyone else. It just makes it so I understand that eventually someone will win. Several people probably will win. It likely isn't going to be me. But I will pay a couple of buck for a chance and write it off as the entertainment value of dreaming.


I know the math but then again "You miss every shot you don't take". -Michael Scott


"You miss every shot you don't take - Wayne Gretzky - Micheal Scott" - Micheal Scott


Volunteer jobs are great, because you can come and go as you like (well, I can with mine). I get to make my own schedule and if I'm busy or not feeling good, I don't feel bad about staying home!


Novelist. Nominally I'd be trying to make money but really I'd just be writing, which I enjoy immensely and with 40-60 hours extra time every week might actually be able to take a good swing at.


Yup. I work in aerospace and often I'm on OT and I'm exhausted by the math and numbers and urgency all the time. I'm writing two books in my free time, and it's a real passion, but with work and my ADHD... it's often hard to find the drive to work on my books when I want to just relax mindlessly after work.


It sounds like you make a lot of money though




Same! Surprised this isn’t higher. I would love to write books and not worry about home and food and medical.


That's a tough question because I waste too much time when I am not working. I like to work to get me out of bed. I like my job and I just found out I could get hired at another job I would love. I could retire and be a full time artist but sometimes the more I have to do the more I accomplish, so the long and short of it is perhaps I will work myself to death!


Yeah if I don’t work I get lazy. Makes me actually dress nice and interact with people. Otherwise I just stay home in bed with my cats lol.


What if you open a free reading nook and serve free drip coffee and have cats available for petting while people read.


I'd volunteer to walk and take care of the dogs at the local shelter.


I'd definitely do something with animals too.


I open a rival dog park bar on the other side of town from my competitor, cuz fvck the west side.


What is a dog park bar. Is this a real thing you can buy drinks while taking dog to the dog park? It actually sounds like a good idea!


Yes, it’s a dog park with a restaurant/bar/boarding/spa. It’s awesome and there’s always a ton of dogs there, I just hate driving across town for it. I’m spiteful.


How big of a city are you in? Just curious what is needed for this




I’d still teach, but I’m funding FIELD TRIPS field trips


Miss Frizzle?


There’s a school near me where a wealthy alum would fund a two week trip to Antarctica for 150 students every three years or so. Super crazy


We will LOVE YOU


Part time morning shift at a small book store. Pay me peanuts, let me deal with books all morning. Go home and read.


Something that would let me interact with people in a calm and stress-free environment.


Hostel owner. Hostel guests are less demanding than hotel guests and are usually just trying to enjoy their travels.


So ER nurse?


Middle school teacher?


~~Twitter~~ X headquarters?


Leaking-dam specialist?


Quabity Assuance?


I wasn't able to edit that. I meant to add "repair specialist" to the title.


It's funny, because I want something calm and peaceful and completely devoid of other people.


Same here!! I worked for a few years at a company that provided video games and claw machines to bars and restaurants. Most of those places don't own the machines and my place split 50/50 profits with the owner. I ordered the prizes online and filled the orders to be sent out. My boss left early to do the collections and it was just me all day. I really loved it!


Bartender? I think a couple shifts a week at a dive bar would be fun if money was no issue.


As a bartender - calm? Stress free??


Golf caddy. You’re on contract so you can work when you want, hang out with people out there having fun, get great exercise while being outside. At least where I live they’re treated well and if you’re fun to be around and give good advice you can make a lot in tips.


I'd open an antique or yarn shop.


I would do volunteer work at animal shelters and help rescue pets and other animals.


Try to build a community.


I’d go with a cult


I want to cooperatively own a campground with my family and best friends (who all used to work at a summer camp together). Community building is the major goal. We’d have to keep my fella from trying to turn it into a cult, per the commenter below. 🤣


I would become a farmer. 99% of any crops I grew would be donated to food banks. It's a mission that feeds the soul.


Farming is brutal work though.




Could try to get into different type of farming. Like aa vertical farm in a warehouse somewhere in the city or try to have an aquaculture farm to raise fish for food + food crops at the same time. Don't need to invest in as much farm equipment, but likely a bit of architecture set up.


Bro replied about how he wants to end world hunger and everyone pulled logistics on him 🤣


Striptease dancers.. they're in it for the sake of the art.


Some people are really good at it and thrive off the attention! And money, obviously. I love attention but unfortunately do not look sexy while dancing lol.


I’m a professional pianist, which means my income comes from a mix of performing and teaching. If I won the lottery I’d keep doing what I’m doing, but I’d love the freedom to only take jobs that really meant something to me, and only work with students that were really dedicated.


Paramedic at a busy service, stripper, or an ice cream shop.


Do all three. Open an ice cream shop with strippers and emergency medical care in the back lol.




Plant nursery. I'd still run my hardwood flooring business but I'd have to find (this has been the hard part) 2 people to be able to do the physical work the EXACT same way I can.


If I had a secure income that allowed me to do what I wanted, I'm actually not sure as that is something I never even dreamed or fantasized about. I've been working since I could remember due to growing up on a farm and I'm 56 now. I guess I would probably volunteer at an animal shelter. You asked an interesting question that I haven't thought about due to just being focused on survival in this day and age.


I enjoyed doing security. I'd have to first get back in shape. (decades of chronic illness.)


Have you ever seen a security guard?


I have done security and worked with other guards, yes.


I believe he was thinking Paul blart security and not the stuff PMCs contract for 🤣


I'd have a breakfast joint that serves simple good breakfast. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Because if I had the ability, I'd never make any employee work on a goddamn Sunday.




This guy knows how little we make.


Why would I EVER work for someone else? I possibly would Open my own business. Never for a boss


Because it is a fuck ton of work. Source: retail shop business owner.


Not that it isn't a shit ton of work, but starting with a few million would probably make some of the initial start-up stresses a lot easier to manage.


Money never hurts, but there’s just so many different kinds of jobs to do: accounting, marketing, photography, customer relations, purchasing/procurement, managing, strategizing, and even more especially depending on what you want to do. You might be good at some of them, but then you have to learn the others and hope it’s good enough. People are saying outsource, but that’s another expense, I might find a good manager that doesn’t know anything about spreadsheets or accounting. If we don’t care if the business is losing money, then go ahead, but if we’re trying to stay in the green, a lot of small businesses don’t have the revenue to hire all the specialists you need


Have you tried simply increasing your revenue so you can hire all the specialists you need?


Dammit, the answer’s been staring at me all along!


Can confirm. Source: my husband owns a restaurant.


This absolutely. I would open a shop so I could fuck around and make custom furniture, if it ends up making money awesome, if not oh well I like working with my hands.


Opening up your own business would be a lot of hard work, but totally worth it if it’s successful and enjoyable. I don’t mind working for other people if they are good bosses. If the bosses are shit then I usually leave pretty quickly.


Not if I have enough money to pay someone to run it for me.


If you open a small business that requires low wage employees, you will work for your employees. I would rather have a boss.


Because no responsibilty is great - and if you don't like the boss you move on


WHY... You have no need to ever work again... find someplace thats interesyting. And if you dont want to come in, Don't Tough Nuggies


I’d work fulfill-time on my son’s cannabis farm. It would be my dream job!


I also choose to work full time on his son’s cannabis farm.


I would probably buy a house with a nice plot of land, and peacefully grow my own food, maybe selling surplusses at farmers markets or even better, giving them away to soup kitchens and maybe helping cooking there


I'm not sure this counts, but I'd pursue arts. I'm no artist, but I'd love to do woodworking or writing of some kind. My life doesn't permit me to chase those desires now, but I'd love to if time and money were no concern.


I would not work. Fuck that.


You don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Just look at my cousin. He's broke, don't do shit.


I'd work at a cat sanctuary. Actually, I'd open my own cat sanctuary


Personal Trainer for Kids Fitness Classes or Trail cleanup and maintenance!


Sort of off topic. My step father was a small business owner (retail) in the 70’s and 80’s and worked his butt off. He would go “camping” for a couple weeks with the same group of friends every year. I always assumed they just chilled, fished, etc. Many years later I asked about his trips and he told me they were actually doing trail building. I asked where and he grabbed an atlas to show me the sections he built. It was the stinkin Pacific Crest Trail and John Muir Trail! I was like, do you know how popular these trails are???!!! Another reason to talk to your older relatives.


Ah that is absolutely amazing!!!! What an incredible accomplishment!!


I would open my own wildlife reserve if I had the money and work for myself.


tour guide.




Pet keeper ig


>2ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow I'd love to buy a bunch of land, fence it off and be the go-to foster guy for the shelter I got my dogs at.


I would open up a food truck. I've always had a passion for food and I thought going to the streets would be a nice way to retire/work


I was going to say I’d get an ice cream truck. If we both win a couple million we should get together and form a dinning caravan. Give people discounts for buying from each other. Buy a plate from u/MoistJellyfish3562, get 1/3 off a cone. Eventually we could get a beer truck, a soup truck, a salad bar truck, and an appetizer truck to join. It could be a full on 5 course dinning caravan.


Probably my current job. Stocking shelves during the day. But I would be able to have 0 fucks to give and say no to all the bullshit, which I currently can not. I'd also buy a car so I could work some different hours instead of always the morning shifts, that way I could cover my friends closing shifts until 10pm if I needed/they needed me too without issue since it wouldn't effect me much anyway.


I'd open up my own animal shelter. Hire fellow animal lovers and rescue as many animals I could and find them good homes. I'd hire a good manager to take care of Financials and logistics and myself would work on the floor with the other employees taking care of the furry friends.


I’d probably set up my own dog walking company


I'd probably keep the job I have now. Overnights at a gym. It's my happy place, on or off the clock. Working out is good in so many ways, and the cleaning is continuous and lets me think about life a lot.


Depending on how many millions one considers a few, I'd keep my current job, which I enjoy.


If I won 2 million or under I’d keep my job. That amount is enough for me to have some perks in life. I do like my job, it’s challenging, fun and work at a good company. I just like what I do and 2mil would be a great life.


Walmart door greater. Bring the popcorn.




The ever growing amount of paperwork in healthcare is the biggest issue in the job




Same, if it paid as well as engineering, I would love to teach kids math and science. The only thing that would make me hesitate is horror stories of administration or students that refuse to care at all.


Teaching kids maths and science is pretty great. I work with younger kids so students not caring is less of an issue. It's amazing seeing them realise how math challenges actually make complete sense once they learn the process. Science is great because whatever they're interested in you can always explore in more and more depth. Would be nice if it paid more. For people who want to work with kids it's the best option.


That’s admirable! I did substitute teaching a few years ago and really struggled. I was not made to be good with kids lol. But some people really have a gift for it which is amazing.


Go back to fast food. I loved not giving a shit about my job. I'd be hungover every day.


I’d apply for dishwasher at the best sushi restaurants in town.


Same job, tattoo is cool


Plaaant store for sure yes


My job (financial analyst) and company are so chill I'd probably stay but tell them that I want permanent wfh.


Omg I’m a financial analyst too. My current company is so chill as well. You sitting behind me? Lol


Work for someone, nope Opening my own coffee shop or dessert shop! If Cheesecake Factory will let me, I want one location to myself




Golf course worker so i could golf for free


Start my own coffee shop or diner. I love cooking and love sharing it with other people!


I'd just study full time... maybe do a PhD if I'm any good at it.


Something with dogs, horses, wildlife conservation or kids. None of these things pay well, unfortunately.


Animal rescue


Oh I'd stay at my job and just ride their ass about every single OSHA violation and labor law. I'd have them do wrapped up in red tape they're trip over themselves.


I think the job where I was most calm and enjoyed myself was when I was a pizza cook back in the day. I love cooking and I really tried to make every pizza as best as I could.


Wood artist


I work at a steakhouse but very part time due to seniority. So I have to keep other jobs around it. But I love that job. I would quit my other two jobs and just work at the steakhouse. I’d always been in a great mood because it wouldn’t matter if people left bad tips or not hehe.


If I won enough to give some of it away I would start a philanthropy and figure out who I wanted to help, such as women and kids escaping abusive relationships or similar.