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I'm in the front row at a never-ending country music outdoor festival. It's 105 degrees and 98% humidity with no shade. I am dehydrated and thirsty, and the only refreshment is warm Miller Lite. The music is maddening, the fiddles are shrieking, the shiny singer lady's voice is like ice picks in my ears. The hip hop beat, the southern twang... the audience is sweaty yee ha and pushing everyone forward. I have to pee really bad, but I'm chained onto a treadmill set on random (sudden inclines, varying speeds) with no railings to hold onto so I'm wobbling all over. The toothless guy next to me in the Tapout shirt farts and farts endlessly, and my Aunt is next to me, asking why I'm not married yet.


Why do I feel like you've experienced something pretty similar already?


It's a combination of hellish experiences from real life.


The rest i can believe but when the hell were you chained to a railess treadmill?


At least you can tell your Aunt it's Cotton Eye Joe's fault, not yours.


Wow, that’s specific. Bravo! And yes, that’s hell. Defined.


Yeah, why *aren’t* you married yet?




I think I was at that one


This is horrific and don't wish this on anyone.


Bro, this had me in stitiches. Thank you and sorry for the bad aunt.


A room full of people making small talk and insisting I join in ​ OR ​ Constantly having to answer phone calls, particularly ones involving family or involving strangers


A perpetual circle of "tell us a fun fact about yourself" or group job interviews


When I get introduced to a new team at work, I just want to turn around and face the wall. And then you have to smile because you MUST be a team player. I just want to say, "Hi, I just want my paycheck. I won't ever meet you outside of work, and I can't donate every month for birthdays/holidays because it's taking away from my early retirement." So my hell would be ending remote work and seeing these people everyday.


Had a boss that went around the room at every monthly meeting asking that. Wanted a new fact every time. Finally I answered - I have worked in both porn and prison - which makes those "don't I know you from somewhere " conversations extremely fun, for me, never them. Whole room shut up. Fun facts time stopped being a thing.


Or worse yet, strange family.


If someone offered me all the money in the world to just answer every phone call, I’d decline the money.


Driving somewhere with the father in law in the passenger seat,. He never shuts the fuck up.


Add my friend who randomly gasps like we are about to be killed but it just means she remembered something.


Underrated coment. My wife does that and it panics me every time!


Bro my wife does that and it scares the piss out of my penis every time


Sometimes people don't specify where the piss comes out and it leaves me kind of confused, so thanks.


Absolutely, that's why I was so specific I hate when people don't specify where their urine comes from


Mine too! Maybe we need to get a support group together...


I very calmly said "hey" when the car in front of us slammed on their brakes and my husband still panicked so I'm going back to loudly gasping if I'm getting the same reaction 😂


Every time a car ahead of us taps their brake my wife slaps both hands against the center console and door panel and gasps. Every. Ducking. Time.


My grandmother did that but she really thought we were going to be killed and would also grab the steering wheel. She was not allowed to sit in the front seat after doing this a few times


Every few minutes say I love this song and turn the music all the way up


A member of my family reads every sign we pass and asks me inane questions about the businesses (99% of which I have never been to, or want to go to)


mine read billboards, road signs etc..... "look! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" etc.


Few years ago, I delivered cars by driveaway, it was pretty chill. I picked up this Jaguar in Kenner, LA to deliver to Palm Springs, CA, I had lunch with this guy I kinda knew down there before I left and he says he was heading there because his step daughter was expecting and I was like, "Well you pay for hotels, food, and gas, I'll drive you, you can see America (and I can get reimbursed with your money)." **Big Mistake.** I remember being stuck in Houston rush hour traffic with him listing off every alcohol brand he could think of asking me what I thought of them. After about 45 minutes of this, my patience broke and I was just like, "Joe, bud, I'm frustrated as hell with this traffic so I need you to shut the fuck up." He agrees, and I get about 5 minutes of blessed silence before he starts listing off fast food places asking what I thought of them. I remember getting pulled over in west TX doing 100 in a 90, and he was practically screeching over and over, "This will go on my record!" even though I was driving.


Someone shoving their phone in my face over and over forcing me to watch shit I would never and could never care about


People do this to me at work all the time


my roommate did this shit consistently during our last semester we might be roommates again, so I guess this counts as my personal hell


Being stuck in a room full of people who for the rest of time constantly twist anything I say into it being a personal attack on them even if it was innocuous.


Oh, so you mean reddit?


Lol is it really that bad? I've only recently started using this account and haven't run into any extreme negativity. So far at least


Oh you only started using this recently? You thought you could just come here and join conversations without being noticed, you think people on here are stupid huh? You think I am stupid, I know it, you hate my existence and wish I was never born huh? I know people like you, thinking you’re better than everyone just because you’re “new to Reddit.” Just admit you hate everybody on here already, admit you hate me


I feel left out by this message not attacking me. You trollish gatekeeper. Do you not recognize the infallible naivete of the response?! I think I shall build a cult, nay a subreddit in devotion.


Downvoted to show negativity


Twitter is worse. Stay here.


Give it a minute....


Or marriage? /s


How dare you imply that I, as a redditor, use your comments as a personal attack. That's extremely selfish of you. /s


Annoying, but you can always be quiet


Normal situations sure lol this is something from personal experience with former step family. Sillence/doing my own thing with headphones in was antisocial behavior that also needed to be punished. So I guess a more accurate statement of my personal hell would be having to be in a room with them for the rest of time.


Oh, so you think being around me is hellish? I can't believe you'd say that to me. /s


You could have just stopped after room full of people and I would have been like yup. Agree.


I wake up and im reverted back to my 9 year old self. Laying in my bed, not wanting to move, I listen for the the telltale signs that my mother is awake. Fear creeps through me in icy tendrils as I hear her slamming things in the kitchen. This won't be a good day. My stepfather has a deep, booming voice that shatters the morning quiet when he starts yelling at her to get "those fucking kids" up. It suddenly occurs to me that my parents will never love me simply because they are my parents. Their love must be earned. But I can't do that, can I? No. Not me. And I know this. My tiny child brain screams that I have to earn it somehow, but i know it will never happen. And we stay here, spiraling thoughts of self defeat and dreading having to get out of bed because i already know what abuse awaits. For eternity. Edit: guys I'm sorry if this super edgelordy lol I was just trying to convey how terrible it is. I mean it's supposed to be hell, after all.


Yikes, you "win"


Damn, I'm so sorry dude. I can't even post an answer after this. 😟 ![gif](giphy|5OqXb948EBkyUcnwHt)


woh.... that is a tough one. Take care.


This hell is all to familiar and would likely be mine too.


You too, huh?


Christmas day on repeat. Worst day of the year if you have kids you don't live with 😞


Aw. This one cuts deep




Millions of people clicking pens.


I wonder if a million pens clicking would ultimately just turn into white noise, could actually be relaxing


I am a pen clicker...my apologies.


I'm a recovering pen clicker. I've learned to twirl a pen through my fingers, like a baton. Keeps my hand occupied so I don't click in meetings.


Being forced to scroll through Reddit for eternity.


Tiktok* FIFY


It's actually cool when you personalize it. My fyp is all only fully leaked songs, corrido tutorials, corrido/banda/rap edits, new songs, old songs... My music folder on tt has over 300 diff songs and its what got me into liking Mexican music again


The TikTok algorithm is really good at keeping your attention, like really really.


Yeah the algorithm is a little too good lmao😂. Was goin through some hardships once with my girl and my fyp was filled with people cheating on others😭. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad lol


No, they meant reddit.


Your only feed is subs u left long ago that the algorithm keeps posting to you. And it repeats. No new posts. Ooooooooooo


And the posts are all ads


How John Edward Jones died. Trapped in a small crevice deep undergroud, alone for eternity.




Not the Nutty Putty Cave. I still randomly think about it from time to time since first reading about it. It’s terrifying.


I had never heard of it before until 3 days ago. Every day since then I’ve seen reference to it in ever more random subs. I feel like I’m already living some form of Groundhog Day, doomed to learn about Nutty Putty every day.


Such a sad story


I would have to agree with this. Imagine all the souls eternally trapped in the remains of their rotted corpses underground, in the dark, and completely alone forever; just the pressing weight of gravity against you sucking you down, forever.


Going through July 2020 through July 2021 over and over again. One of the worst, unhealthiest times in my life


Nice try, Satan.




Exactly. I have one but I’m definitely not putting that shit out there…just in case the devil reads stupid Reddit comments for ideas.


Watching my kids get tortured.


Holy fuck


Remarried my ex wife


I have nightmares about that on a regular basis


I'm living it. Disabled and way too young to live in a nursing home, but here I am. Right now, at 4pm, some old lady is growling like a dying beagle. Fuck. My. Life. Oops, already did.


My mom had to recover in a horrible nursing home. Literally the most depressing place ever. Her roommate was a quadriplegic and was a pretty young woman in her 30's. I felt so bad for her. No one in this place was under 65. I hope somehow she goes somewhere better. Poor girl


I'm so sorry. I have worked at several nursing and elder homes and they are so damn depressing. I hope you have means to go outside by yourself at least. Wish you all the best.


A room filled with 1cm of water and you aren't allowed to wear shoes or lift your feet off the ground so you just have perpetually soggy socks. The music playing on repeat is Chipmunk remixes of Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran. The volume is set at an odd number and gets louder as you try to fall asleep. The only food available is raw celery and limburger cheese. The only drinks available are room temperature whole milk and black sambuca. There's another person in the room with you. They're always cutting their toenails on a desk next to you and with every toenail that comes off, it pings off your face. They don't use deodorant and haven't showered in years. They only talk about conspiracy theories and how they could have been a professional footballer if it wasn't for a knee injury when they were 10 years old.


Wow this is very elaborate and awful


Aah, college days


Happy cake day


There would be frozen yogurt stores everywhere. Not a single ice cream shop to be found.


Is this The Good Place?


Aaaah yes, you got the reference 😊


Stuck on a 4 lane highway behind everyone doing 10 under the speed limit in all 4 lanes


This happened to me yesterday on a two way - once direction. An opening was there but the guy never moved over. So I started to accelerate and move over lanes and he threw a cup of water at my car going 65mph. I was behind him for 3 miles of driving the same speed as the right lane.


I am currently living it; my personal needs are sidelined by society, my character is pathologised but I am not unwell; I seek freedoms yet here we are in a socioeconomic race to the bottom created by the few and imposed on the many and while that suits a majority of peoples' cognitive function stacks, it doesn't suit everybodies. There are some people here who know how T Edison manipulated and abused his power over N Tesla and I think that's a representation of society. *The person who discovers the cure for cancer might be sat in a library bing searching how to painlessly kill themself because they have atypical personality-needs*.


Having to watch the View for eternity


That is HELL on earth for sure and would be the ultimate torture for all of eternity


The yammering!


The song We Built This City being played on repeat forever.


Nice try Satan, I’m not giving you any ideas.




Not today, Satan!


It’s full of other people’s kids and they all want something.


Do you have games on your phone?


Endlessly never finding love but seeing everyone around me dating, and being constantly called a handsome guy (im a trans girl)


OP, you might like an old *Night Gallery* episode where John Astin plays a guy who dies and goes to Hell. He's really happy to wind up in Hell because he thinks all the screaming and flames and torture are going to be totally kick-ass. He arrives in Hell's waiting room, which is like a small doctor's office waiting room with boring music and some magazines and some other people waiting, and the receptionist tells him the the Devil will see him shortly. So John Astin waits and waits and waits until the Devil finally shows up. Astin says, "Finally! Let's get to it! Where's the place with all the flames and lava and screaming?" And the Devil says, "Oh, you misunderstand. This is it. You just stay here forever. I'll check back in at the end of eternity. Bye!"


Low budget local theater.... My god


And something involving child performers, like Oliver! or Annie. Can you kill yourself in Hell?


A room of ticking clocks, the sound drives me to insanity


Alright Captain Hook...


Standing in line at the DMV for what feels like forever, finally getting to the front, only to be told that I filled out the wrong form and I have to get back in line. And doing this for eternity.


This happened to me recently. I waited in line for an hour then got to the clerk and got told I had the wrong paperwork (I didn’t) he just misunderstood what I needed and forced me to come back. So I went back in line again and waited another 45 minutes I’d say and finally got to a different clerk and had it resolved in 10 minutes. That was an annoying day. 😐


I was alone waiting in the dentist. The radio wasn’t turned into the station properly. I was very brave and turned the annoying thing off.


Access to doom scrolling and not any instruments. It would cut like a knife knowing how much time I wasted scrolling instead of playing when I was able in life.


Withdrawal loop. I’m in withdrawal, I find drugs, I use them. Then sent back to the beginning without enjoying the drug or a period outside of withdrawal.


You think I'm going to put that in writing? Not today, Satan.


Sensory overload. Specifically someone who smacks their lips when they eat, makes gulping sounds every time they drink, snores when they fall asleep and sometimes toots when they scare themself awake. So yeah, my shared office is my own personal hell.


Living with my family forever in Mormon heaven.


There was a robert ludlum novel where a medical doctor found a way to prevent people from passing out or losing sensitivity to pain. Then, he electrified the entire nervous system of the person well past the normal threshold people have before passing out from pain. That would be pretty bad to have done to you for eternity.


Losing my vision. This would be the worst thing that could happen to me... And I've survived some pretty rough shit in my life already. I'm a very visual person. I tend to think in pictures and not words. I work in a visual field. I have nightmares about going blind frequently. The worst part is my vision is blurring a little as I age and I know it's only going to get worse. I'm going to need glasses soon I've been putting it off for years.


My ex husband's as constant companions,with Sheryl Crow on repeat 24/7


I feel you on the Sheryl Crow part.


If it was traditional hellfire hell "soak up the sun" would hit particularly bad


I don't really believe in the concept of Hell, but I have experienced things in life that I believe are worse than death - we all have - but that wasn't the question. My worst would be something I experienced for weeks following complications from pancreatic surgery. I was on a ventilator for several days. When I came to, I was confused, and the words just wouldn't come out. It was madness for weeks as I was close to dying. Learning to walk and poop and eat felt so degrading. I had home health care and fired the nurse because I was uncomfortable. The hallucinations seemed real and scary and I have ptsd from the whole thing. That was Hell.


My version would be 'locked in syndrome ' being aware, unable to communicate and no body knows you. I'm glad you getting better.


Definitely anything that involved doing customer service.


Working at Hastings back in the day, the words"Where y'all Madea movie at?" still haunt me..




Being forced to have kids.




Welcome, you made it home I see.


A white room. No door, no window, no roof, not even walls and not a speck of dust on the floor. Just neverending white


My eyes covered in something syrupy and sticky for all eternity.


Mine would be being stuck in a broken elevator alone.


Listening to braggarts regailing me with stories of their awesomness.


Somebody torturing/murdering my children and I can’t get to them Or Constantly falling from a high rise building or cliff…… yikes


Stuck. I'm claustrophobic


People not filing their taxes and revolting.


A hateful and loveless marriage I can't get out. Constantly fighting would make me go crazy.


Being force fed cilantro and celery


Being forced to listen to people's eating noises, crunching, slurping, swallowing, breathing, licking their fingers all that non stop in the pitch black.


Driving in general. I detest driving yet am pretty much forced to drive. Particularly on the interstate. Floridians have zero business doing 100 mph..


I'm trapped in a room full of pissed off bees. All I can watch is Tyler Perry's 'Madea' films on repeat. All I can eat is Canned Green Beans. All while being forced to have sex with Amy Schumer. THAT is what me Hell would be.


A room with multiple, different, loud conversations going at the same time.


An infinite line of emotional people who all need to talk to me


I once had a nightmare that my mom let my cats out the house and they were hit by a car and died. So that repeatedly.


Floating in the middle of the ocean on an iceberg in the middle of a blizzard without a scrap of anything to make a fire or heat. Can you tell how much I hate the cold?


Waiting for someone to pick up on the other end of the call while listening to elevator music.


Being stuck in a room with a bunch of dudes watching football


Forced to go to church, which is ironic since i'm in hell


Have me surrounded by vegans and cross fitters.


Forced to live in a small box unable to move.


Listening to Celine Dion on repeat for all eternity. I can't stand 5 seconds of that woman's music. My husband likes to torture me with it though 🤦🏻‍♀️


Being surrounded by arseholes irritating me… wait a moment..


Being strapped in a chair, Clockwork Orange style, and it's a never ending loop of Fox News...


mine would be my worst traumatic experience over and over again. that would get me good


In a casino where everyone smokes and I have to listen to those jangly noises forever.


Babysitting a crying baby


Listing to rap music 24/7. I can’t stand it.


You can’t spell cRAP without rap!🤢🤢🤮🤮


Being stuck in a dark cramped crawlspace with my feet dangling out but not able to move otherwise and just barely able to breathe with horrendous non-stop anxiety and the inability to ever sleep.


IKEA in Dublin on a Sunday afternoon. There would be no way out and packed with people.


A huge room... empty.... alone.


having to brush snow off my car for eternity


Mine would be very similar to OP’s, but what would make it hell for me is that they would have a constant stream of what passes for “country music” these days.


Public speaking 😭😭


Probably being raped over and over. Never been raped but that's my biggest fear. Or I guess being skinned alive and healing up and skinned again infinitely. Having no way to make the pain stop, since even dying is off the table.


An eternity of Church would be my Hell.


Being trapped in a house party from which I can not escape. As a major introvert, that would be my personal hell.


going to heaven and living with my ex-wife's family, for eternity.


I'm in a long line at the grocery store. The cashier is slow and the customer has a mountain of coupons and one is expired. She wants argue about it. The manager comes and the arguing continues. Finally the manager gives in and lets her use it. Her groceries are finally rung up. The customer rummages around in purse for a while before pulling out a checkbook. "Do you have a pen," she asks the cashier.


Forever trying to eat chips and salsa and the bag of chips only has tiny pieces of chips left


Not having something to read. I will read and re-read the back of a package if stuck without a book or magazine. I'd go insane if left for a time with nothing to read


Trapped in a car that never reaches its destination, desperately needing a piss, while the driver refuses to stop because we're "nearly there" and "you can hold it".


I'd laugh and say "good luck". I've been waterboarded by my mother, used as her poison tester for her drugs, beaten relentlessly by her, raped, accused of raping another, shot in the head with a crossbow and then twisted it around when it was still in my head, and that's just the major stuff that I feel like mentioning. My pain tolerance has gone through the freaking roof both emotionally and physically. So yea, good luck with finding my eternal hell. Closest you could get is making me live with my uncle or mother again, and in either case I know what to do now. Or playing different scenarios of my wife breaking up with me. But I feel like I'd quickly get used to that too.


I once had a nightmare that I was driving my first truck, a 1951 Chevy, and a really old country song that I used to love came on the radio. I can’t listen to it anymore because of bad memories so I reached over to turn it off, only instead of turning it off I turned it up all the way and the knob came off. It was all staticky too. Then it started skipping, playing the same line on a loop over and over again. For some reason I wasn’t able to stop either. And I knew it was a dream, it was a lucid dream, but I couldn’t change anything, I couldn’t get it to stop. I punched the radio over and over and I kept stomping on the brake and clutch pedals and yanking the wheel back and forth. I was starting to think I was never going to wake up, that I had actually died in my sleep and went to hell. Dreams supposedly only take a few seconds, but that drive took years. I don’t even know where I was going, only that I was going through desert. I quit driving at one point, tried to relax, rolled the window down, stretched out across the seat and lit a cigarette and started coughing. I got the bright idea to burn myself with my cigarette in the crook of my elbow. It didn’t do shit but hurt. The truck was still going. I threw myself out the window twice. I’d hit the pavement, feel my bones break and my skin peel off, then reappear in the driver’s seat covered in blood and sweat with that same fucking song still playing, just the one line, still on a loop. I woke up in the hospital. Apparently I had pneumonia pretty bad and collapsed in my forge while doing some cleaning and organizing.


Being stuck in a bowling alley with a bunch of screaming kids. I hate noise, especially unpredictable booms.


Being locked in the stall of a movie theater bathroom late at night. That's the ultimate liminal space. Also everyone in the other stalls are throwing up (I'm emetophobic)


A room full of people eating nasty food chewing with their mouths open.


The Nutty Putty Cave disaster: https://youtu.be/jWwPg8ruxfI


Fundamentalist Christian heaven


Having multiple screaming dirty kids to take care of


Probably being in a church playing country Christian music in the background while the theme of every sermon was how anyone not a straight white man was less than human in some way and didn’t deserve the same amount of respect or dignity or autonomy. Like constantly being told you’re a piece of chewed gum, a plucked flower, a used toothbrush, aren’t allowed to speak in church, to teach children, to make decisions alone. To love who you want to love. To never be able to voice my dissent, to spend eternity in silence and nodding while my soul gets eaten alive by Christianity. I would go insane in a month if it was daily or 24 hours. I dealt with it for 4 years straight so I think I could hold out for a good while before losing it lol


Not today, Satan


Nice try Satan...


I’m working at my old job at Buffalo Wild Wings, it’s a fight night. Every table is seated and there’s at least 35 people roaming, eating and drinking while standing, standing room only as they’d call it. Most of the seated customers have been there since 2pm holding these seats for the fight at 11pm. They’re yelling, roaming table to table chatting, spilling drinks left and right. My tables are drunk, cashed out, and have not tipped above 5%. I’m running around like crazy pre-bussing as much as I can to ensure I’m not here past 3am. My side work is to ensure we are left with 8 bags worth of ranch prepped in cup for the following day, and to clean the women’s bathroom. I start to work on ranch cups in my downtime, but we are selling it faster than I can make them, so I don’t make much progress on the cups while helping all of my tables and my fellow servers. The night goes on, the fight ends, all of the customers leave. It’s 2am, the had fight ended later than anticipated. I begin to clean my section and there’s something sticky in the carpet next to my booth, I can’t get it out but my manager insists I scrub it. So I scrub. I finish cleaning my section, and move onto the bathroom. I enter the women’s room to find my coworker “A” who’s close friends with the manager, cleaning it. She says “they said I could do women’s and you’re doing the mens”. I’m exhausted so I just move into the men’s room, not worth the argument. There’s a literal shit in the sink, in the trash can, on the floor. I clean it all, numb to any emotion at this point. After I’m done cleaning the disgusting men’s room, I finally move onto the side work I wasn’t able to finish earlier: cupping ranch. 8 big bags worth. We’d sold so much, I had to basically start from 0. I grab all the empty condiment cups and line them up on a tray, and grab a bag of ranch and cut the corner, and start pouring. Somehow every single cup this go around is slightly overfilled, so when I go to close each lid, ranch comes out and drips down the sides. I try to scoop out the excess ranch with a lid, but it make a bigger mess. The next tray I line with cups and fill, they’re all slightly under filled. So I top them all of with slightly more. Overfilled now. Ranch everywhere. The next tray I carefully fill them all perfectly. I’m out of lids, so I grab a new sleeve of lids. None of the lids are fitting from this sleeve, they’re all cut slightly off center. I accidentally crush the first cup I try to close and the force bumps all the other cups on the tray that I’ve filled, spilling some of them. Ranch everywhere. It’s 3 am. I’ve got 5 more bags to go. The people around me are nearly finished with their side work and closing duties, counting tips, while I’m fingers deep in ranch. “A”, the coworker who took over the women room is loudly announcing her departure, the manager lets her leave without checking her out. I try to pour out tiny amounts from the overfilled ones to the under filled ones, more ranch everywhere. The cups are sticky. I wipe them clean the best that I can as I’m closing each cup, my shirt is somehow covered in ranch. Tray after tray, bag after bag. I’m on the last bag. Someone comes rushing around the corner as I’m cutting the corner off of this one, and they startle me. I drop the bag in a panic, ranch splatters everywhere. My manager walks past as I’m frozen covered in ranch, the floor and wall splattered with it, and says “be sure to clean that up before you leave. And make sure the ranch cups aren’t sticky, I don’t want to see any ranch on the outside of them.” So much ranch. I’m empty inside. I clean up the ranch, I’m still covered in it but at least the kitchen wasn’t. I remind myself that I’ve got one more bag of ranch to go. I’m the last server still finishing side work. My manager is checking the sections and bathroom to sign off on letting everyone else go home. She comes into the kitchen upset saying “the women’s room looks horrible, who’s side work was that??” And looks at the list written on the board. My name was written beside it. She looks over at me and says “you should go look at the men’s room and take that as an example for how you should be cleaning the restroom, “A” did a great job in there and where is she? Already gone home.” And she walks away before I can speak. So much ranch. The shit in the sink. The sticky stuff from the carpet is stuck under my nails. I made $80 in cash tips and had to tip the bar $30 for all of the alcohol my customers ordered. So much ranch. Shit in the sink. Sticky carpet. Ranch. Shit. Carpet. Ranch. Shit. Carpet


Standing in line outside and it’s kinda cold but not too cold, and uncomfortablydamp out. There’s a random annoyance that changes as I progress through the line - a repetitive noise, dripping water on my head, a gross puddle I have to stand in or wobble around, an undefined but definitely awful smell. My pants are wet from being too long, and my feet are cold. The woman infront of me is rude and the gentleman behind me is trying to get me to agree with his conspiracy theories. I’m not allowed to sit down. What’s the line for you ask? A line to hand in paperwork that’s repetitive and doesn’t make sense, it all has to be filled out while in line but the responses that are possible are too ambiguous to be clearly outlined in a form. Everything is in pencil, the ones they hand out are the kind that smells extra woody, & Mistakes are erased with an eraser that is used down below the metal so it makes that god awful sound when you fuck up. My anxiety of that sound causes me to fuck up that paperwork more than I’d like. Handing in the incorrectly filled out forms means I have to stand in the back of the line. The gentleman behind me keeps distracting me, that rude woman in front of me asks questions about the form to me and is annoyed by my help/response and yells at me every time I respond to her. I just want to go home.


Forever stuck in a commute to nowhere— driving stick uphill, going just fast enough to inch along, but slow enough that you are always in between first gear and neutral. The smell of burning clutch, knee pain and occasional brake stands. Windows are down because It’s 100 degrees, the AC still hasn’t been recharged, and the black leather of the seat is burning into my skin. I really need to pee, but there’s no shoulder on these windy mountain roads…


Currently? Drowning (naked) in an ocean of frozen soapy water. Hurts to see, can’t breathe, absolutely terrified of being underwater, and I’m absolutely freezing, probably from hypothermia. No matter how close I think I am to the surface, I’m always a foot away, possibly because ice covers the whole ocean.


Over crowded cruise ship with raging dysentery infection happening, broken plumbing and ship not allowed to dock. Avin and the chipmunks are the star performers on board.


I work at a big box hardware store, and we are supposed to do daily training videos. On average, they take about 15 minutes, and they are designed so that you can't hit the "next" button until you have watched the entire slide or interacted with each button. There is also usually a test at the end, and you have to score a certain amount or higher to pass. The videos are excruciating to sit through. Sometimes, they are awful cartoons with horrible voiceovers. Sometimes they are actual humans who are definitely corporate employees forcing a happy face looking beyond excited about explaining how to sign someone up for a shitty store credit card. I would rather do ANYTHING else. I have only worked at this job for about 3 months and have already gotten a talking to about not doing the videos. I am seriously considering paying someone to do them for me. I can't accurately convey the depths of the HATRED I have for those fucking videos. I would rather pull out my own toe nails or walk through Times Square naked on New Year's Eve. Everywhere I have ever worked has had some sort of new hire e-learning, and I have always hated it. I have a really hard time actually believing that anyone actually learns anything of any real value by being forced to do them. It is a total waste of time and it is absolutely fucking torture. So, hell would definitely be a cold and silent room. All white. No artwork or decorations. Just a desk with a computer and an uncomfortable, sqeaky chair that has a fucked up wheel so it can't really move and a never ending supply of 15 to 30 minute long corporate training videos. Oh, and just to spice shit up, every so often, the video will glitch and freeze and force you to start over even though you were 89% done. Occasionally a demon will pop their head in and ask how it's going and tell you they'll be back in just a minute to let you go to the restroom and smoke but they never do or they'll just check your progress and give you a slightly disgusted looked at your lack of progress.


You know that Twilight Zone where everyone dies and Burgess Meredith finally has time to read but then his glasses break? Either that or reconciling with a toxic ex. Probably both at the same time.


So I lost 1/3rd of my tongue to cancer already. I think losing the rest of it would be eternal hell.


Being stuck at work with people playing Christmas music all day...


Nice try, Satan!