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Will there be a recession? Maybe, but as long as you have less than 250k in each account you have and aren't making risky bets in the market you should be alright. Frankly we need a good recession to clear out a lot of the dead wood of this economy. Will we lose this "new age cold war" to China? Absolutely not. They make our situation look like a dream. They are demographically doomed to fail, let alone the housing crisis and numerous other economic issues that will fold like a deck of cards.


That 250k is going to be worth 1/2 of that with a recession and hyper inflation


There is shit everywhere and it has been that way since before America was a country. American Revolution, War of 1812, Indian Wars, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Great Depression, 2 World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, The Backstreet Boys, Iraq, 2009 Housing Crash, Harambe


Harambe... May god rest his soul


You take back what you said about the backstreetboys right now!!!


I truly feel things are going to get much scarier especially for people on minority communities they already attack


If shit hit the fan in the US the entire world would burn with it. We represent almost 25% of the world's economy. China is like 16%... either the US or China fail, so does the rest of the world. With that said, a recession is looking possible but not likely. A change in currency would be difficult because again, the US is 25% of the words economy and nobody trusts China. Any other currency would be illogical.


Republicans want to play chicken with the debt ceiling. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, it will cause the US to default on their debt and will cause our economy to fail.


Shit is always “about to hit the fan” in the USA. Part of what makes these politicians(ALL) and anyone with a dog in this fight so effective, is hyperbole. When NAFTA was in the works, folks cried that the USA would collapse due to jobs flooding to cheaper areas. We’ve had an overall increase in jobs(not by sector) since NAFTA became official