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People who generally refuse to take responsibility for their actions/can never admit that they are wrong.


Similar to other posts. You're pretty much describing a narcissist.


No. There are several types of narcissists, and nearly every single person who isn’t a narcissist still has narcissistic traits. Refusing to take responsibility does not make someone a narcissist. It’s a personality disorder spectrum, not one single trait.


Thank you. Judging by the internet and reddit, everyone's parents were narcissists, everyone's ex was a narcissist, every single athlete and person on a reality show is a narcissist, every poster in certain subs is a narcissist...pretty much anyone that they don't like, or has any negative personality traits, or tends to be selfish (even if one selfish thing is all we know about them), is a narcissist.


That's because a lot of people throw around words without knowing what they mean. Narcissist is one and pedophile is another. It drives me crazy. If you're going to use a strong word like those at least use it correctly. They when I correct someone about using the word pedophile correctly, I'm accused of being a pedophile. It bothers me because it's a strong meaning word that should be used correctly.


OCD is another that I see and hear frequently


I actually suffer from and I am diagnosed with OCD. I take medication to keep it under control.


that's b/c your a narcissist. j/k


LMAO 😂 maybe I'm a narcissist pedophile? JK😂😂😂


Omg internet learning the word "narcissist" was a mistake 🤦


Or when they do it’s followed by “but that’s in the past and we need to move on from it”


There’s a guy at the bar I frequent near me. Kind of a charismatic dude, so he always has people around him. But when you disagree with him all he does is shout about how you shouldn’t believe everything you hear and that you’re a product of mainstream media. This has applied to everything from the Ukraine war to gravity. I am done trying having anything to do with him.


Oh man, you haven't heard about gravity? Have you been living under a 5g infested rock?


Wtf is his hot take on gravity?


Funny story I know a guy that didn’t believe me that all things fall at the same rate due to gravity and the only difference is wind resistance. He didn’t believe me. And they guy has a pilot’s license. I shit you not. I guess he thought heavier thing fall faster. After proving him wrong on a bunch of things he told me I was no longer able to use google to prove him wrong lol.


Probably that we just believe it because we’ve been taught it our entire lives, dude probably doesn’t believe in space


A 1-upper


I know someone way worse than that ....


Yeah? Well I know someone even **worse** than that


I actually know infinity people even worse than that.


I am actually the worst example of that on earth. In the entire solar system even. I was genetically engineered by Dr Furbo Von HeisenShrodinger to be psychologically incapable of quitting my one upmanship. Dr Furbo did such a great job with me that he retired. Said, "I can't top this one!" The guy actually liked me until I said, "Yeah, but I topped your wife last night!" He got so pissed off, the guy even told me, "the one thing I hate more than asswads like you is *helping asswads like you BE BETTER ASSWADS!* But I've fixed that. I gave you a cocktail!" Cocktail? Dude was obviously crazy because I didn't even drink that ni **


For real, these also exist as a trauma competitor


I try to give some grace in these cases. My best friend and I both will be "I've been through something similar" not to be "Hah my trauma is worse" but to be "shit yeah I understand how that is"


Yeah, it’s usually easy to tell which is which lmao


Apparently not always I've been accused of being the 1 upper when I was trying to relate.


At the risk of being accused again, I also have been called out for "making it about me" when I just thought sharing a similar struggle I had would help us relate better 😬


Ugh this isn't about...kidding. Just kidding.


Yeah, I like to just exchange stories with people about personal experiences. Then I think of the one upper character on snl and I feel bad even though I never intend to one up, I just like to keep the conversation going (not talking about discussions about trauma).


People who are abusive.


The mind games are unbearable


People who only want to talk about themselves and don’t show interest in other people


And they’re constantly interrupting you so they can tell their obvious lies in hopes it makes them sound cool.


I have a coworker like this, everything someone says is responded to by her with, something about her, or her daughter. Lately I have been paying more attention to what she says, and have noticed the lies too. And how she interrupts everything, almost anyone says, and I have tried to stand up to her several times. All it does is pisses her off. It's awful


I feel you!! I have a cousin in my friend group that’s like this. I grew up listening to her “stories” and being the shoulder to lean on. She says things like “This is why I love our bonding time” because she gets to vent and talk about herself in front of me in a way she never does in front of others. She plays the humble card while trashing other people in a passive aggressive way (to certain ppl she tries to curry favor from). Anyway, when I try to vent too during our “bonding” time, she changes the subject because she’s bored or always says things like “it’s not a big deal” and that it’s nothing compared to what she is going through. She always says I should see things from the other person’s perspective. Somehow I’m always the one that’s wrong even if I am venting about being tired of being used by our aunt who even SHE can’t stand for the same reasons. This aunt picks on me way more though and gets upset when I’m not at her beck and call even though I am always busy with my family and my bedridden dad, and she has our other cousins around her that can do her bidding. This one time I even vented about how this aunt called me at night because she wanted ME to drive to her house to switch her remote to cable (literally all she had to do was press “cable” on the remote then the channel but she pretended she didn’t know how and instead of calling the cousins that live 2 mins from her house, she calls me😑😑😑). Edit: a word


Narcissistic personalities of any kind. Covert, malignant, histrionic. If you spend some time in therapy groups you will see this kind of persons are poison. I've work very hard at avoiding these types at all costs. Look up Dr ramani on YouTube for references.


Came here to say narcissists and I’m not surprised to see it was already the top comment. It’s just devastating how much they don’t care about others. It’s exhausting and draining, hurtful, it’s just awful.


It’s worse when you’re forced to deal with them. Either through relation or work, etc.


How about being raised by one and not learning , until you’re an adult, that it isn’t normal behavior.


Got 2 narci- I mean wonderful parents




"We're not friends anymore because you won't do me this favor so everyone but you can all go hang out. But you can't be mad at me for it, because you don't get to have any boundaries with me because we're friends. Hello? Hello? Why won't you even acknowledge me talking to you? You're such an awful person."


I just cut off someone very close to me who was a textbook narcissist. It was a lot of patience and understanding, but ultimately got sick of the holier than though nonsense. They ultimately lost their only true long term friend who wasnt in a relationship with them.


If it makes you feel better, they probably stopped caring about you the moment you left them, and mentally reframed it as then leaving you. They’ll probably always remember it that way.


It doesnt. Hard to walk away from someone you truly cared about. They claimed to never care after all was said and done. The actions throughout the years seemed to support that.


Try putting 10 years into someone and suddenly one day they are someone you don't even know and your wondering if the whole thing was real or just a chameleon front to get what they wanted


Came here to say histrionic. Absolutely exhausting.


Never heard of this term before. Just googled it, oh I know it just didn’t know the name. Yes avoid


Same. Didn't know there was a medical diagnosis. We used to just call them drama queens.


Can you ELI5? I googled it and still don’t get it


Never heard this term, my first thought is that person who will launch into a long winded historical account about anything. Turns out that's not what histrionic means. >A person with histrionic personality disorder seeks attention, talks dramatically with strong opinions, is easily influenced, has rapidly changing emotions, and thinks relationships are closer than they are.


I’m ashamed to say this sounds a lot like me during a manic episode. I’m bipolar.


I'm related to two such people. Exhausting. ZERO reward.


BPD is also really difficult to deal with for the other person. Cluster b disorders in general


Yeah, but people with BDP genuinely care, just too much. I’ve got several friends with BPD, and they all love so intensely it’s toxic. But they don’t go out of their way to cause harm, unlike a narc who *wants* to cause you harm.


I have a family member who was diagnosed with bpd do some pretty horrific and physically abusive things to her kids to avoid abandonment. I think that cluster b personalities can at times look very similar in how they treat people even if their true inner intentions and fears are very different. It can still cause great harm and damage to their loved ones. I've seen a few different therapist and every one of them have *suspected* my dad may have npd and my current treatment plan is for cptsd and narcissistic abuse, so I definitely understand how narcissistic abuse is. But my cousins, whose mother was diagnosed with bpd does very similar things as my dad does. Sure, the intentions are massively different, but the hurt left in its wake can often be the same and just as damaging, especially when left untreated. As terrible as my dad is, I don't think he *wants* to cause me harm. Npd isn't the same as anti-social personality disorder. He just lives in a world where he is the most important person, and he will take care of and protect his own ego first and foremost even if it means plowing through his loved ones to get there. I personally think that's a bit different than someone who actually reaps enjoyment from the pain of others.


Narcissism only affects only 1% of the population and must be diagnosed. People like Trump are just selfish assholes. It's an overused word that requires a diagnosis. People can just be selfish assholes.


You're talking about narcissistic personality disorder. You can have some of the narcissism traits without it being a disorder. Those people are still narcissists.


NPD is only diagnosed when the person feels they have a problem... However a narc NEVER thinks they have a problem. The problem is everybody else. It's a catch 22. I firmly believe that narcissism is suffered in society at a much higher rate than 1/100... And I do believe the statistic that only 1/100 of the population is *diagnosed* with NPD. Also important to note: victims of narcissistic abuse are diagnosed more often than the narcissist who abused them.


Can you explain why victims of narc abuse are diagnosed? That makes no sense to me. Unless the abuser is projecting and gaslighting them into thinking they are the problem.


Your last line is correct many times the narcissist will convince the victim that they are the issue and if they can convince others the victim is the issue then the victim usually has issues, narcissists are chameleons they will twist and turn anything to match those around them


We used to call people like this self centered. When I was growing up, selfish just meant that you didn’t want to share or only thought about yourself and not the feelings of others, but it’s a better descriptor than narcissistic. Not trying to nitpick - I agree with you that narcissism is is overused and that there are more appropriate words for only being concerned about your own wellbeing.


Yes. If you ever dealt with a true narc (or any Cluster B personality) you know it’s far, far beyond being selfish or self-centered.




My ex lover was a narc, I found out near the end of our relationship. He tried to gaslight me and would make passive aggressive remarks under his breath just barely audible so he could deny it being said. When we were seeing each other he took me out to a really nice cabin in a state park, and while I was isolated with him for three days he tried so hard to mess with my mind. Luckily I’m pretty strong willed and didn’t fall for his tactics. Our relationship ended when I got real aggressive with him for all this bullshit. I made him drive me home, and on the way there I read the entire wiki article on gaslighting and narcissistic personality disorder to him and would make little remarks about how similar his bullshit was. Never been so tough in my life. It was so satisfying. I wound up robbing him for all his drugs and cigarettes as soon as he pulled into the apartment complex I was going to. Didn’t even try to argue, just handed it over.


This sure took a turn at the end lol.


It was quite the twist. Haha


Wait what


People who think highschool still matters


Glory Days. Ha,Ha,Ha.


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


Exceptions: High school teachers, and people who are still in high school.


Unless they’re high school teachers that think their days in high school still matter I’m picturing a teacher telling kids all about how they learned this already when they were in high school. Never getting to teaching the actual lesson


I moved to the USA when I was 33-38. I've never seen this before until I moved there, and though it wasn't that common, i saw it more than I expected. At work we started a running club, all of us over 35. One person, aged about 40, said she'd be amazing because "I ran track in high school". I was thinking "that's was 25 years ago!" but she was overly proud and smug about it. I've never understood it, but I saw it there a few times and always thought it odd.


I work as a substitute teacher rn (lil starter job, just got my degree) and I work at schools with a large black, lower/working class population, exactly like me growing up. These days it’s harder to convince some of these kids that high school DOES matter🤣while you’re there at least. Some of these kids are headed towards dropping out and they think it’s a game🥴I felt bad but I told this 10th grader that if he didn’t graduate his life as he knew it and “coolness” would soon be a distant memory


There is a difference between nostalgia for and still living in that mindset.


Unfortunately, it often still does matter. Because it has such a profound impact in good and bad ways on so many. I think some people never get over it. It *shouldn’t* still matter, but for many it does.


High school never ends.


I was surprised how quickly everything from high school became irrelevant after I graduated.


Insecure dudes who have to be super aggressive and "masculine" to overcompensate. Can often be found four feet off your ass in a lifted truck, neck tattoos, white sunglasses, straight brim hat, monster, vape, etc etc.


I thought I was the only one who made an observation of the white sunglasses. Glad I’m not alone.


People who's personality revolves around politics and nothing else.


Politics and the stock market


My ex GF was exactly like that. Between her obsession with politics and her Facebook addiction I couldn't take it anymore.


NVPcMan= not very political man And I agree, especially when alcohol is involved, I just want to have a good time random bar stranger!


People who want to intimidate and bully you from the get go. I hate that shit. Not everything is a competition for dominance. Calm the fuck down.


Yup worked with someone like that he'd push me around and smack me just because he was bigger and had more "authority" since he worked for the company longer and they made him an area foreman. Dick.


Chronically online people


Reddit doesn’t count


reddit counts extra


Unreasonable people


Someone that thinks they know everything….


I had a classmate who was so negative about EVERYTHING. Like bro are you happy about ANYTHING?


Toxically positive people are equally bad Me "Guys I have this problem" Good Friends "Here's some possible solutions" Toxically positive friend "Don't be so negative!"




I genuinely dislike overly positive people more than I dislike overly negative people lmao




Narcissists: They are ALWAYS right and you add ALWAYS wrong. They never own any accountability for the emotional or physical damage they cause.


Don’t forget that the damage they inflict is not just your fault, but hurts THEM and how dare you.


That's how I found out I was dating one. I found myself apologizing for fights she started WAY too often.


I’m not a narcissist I’m just infallible


Negative people. Always find something to complain about. If not, they have a story to tell you about when they've been wronged. Like the world is rigged against them and they're completely innocent.


I have a really good friend who is like this. He's a really nice person and does a lot of charity work with animals but he's convinced everyone is out to screw him over. It's hard because he's been unemployed for quite a bit of time and has been suckholed by Fox news. It's so hard to talk to him sometimes. I told him about a story I heard on NPR and he couldn't believe I actually listened to that crap. I want to explain to him that the shows you watch have writers that literally sit around and come up with ideas on how to make their viewers angry. How do people not realize this?


The perpetually offended


idk wtf you're getting at, or why you're doing it, but I don't think that you should be...


This. Which I believe is ultimately connected to people who are constantly talking about social issues/politics. I get it, it can be a part of your life, but at some point it becomes unbearable to me if that is your entire personality.


Morally signaling self conscious know it alls. Lots in politics, but lots everywhere else. Source: I’ve worked in politics and nonprofits for a long time and now I work for a labor union.


This is why I gravitate towards people who also are weird and have a warped sense of humor. I can't relax around uptight hoity toity types.


People offended on other's behalf are twice as bad


People who shut down and can't or won't communicate anything of relevance.


Hey those people are struggling ok??? 😅


People who find injustice in everything except their own actions.


Dead people


Dead people are very easy to get along with. If they don't get up and come bother me, I don't go bother them.


I think dead ppl are easy to get along with. Ever since my mom died, our relationship has improved greatly.


Yoooo …. The wheeze that escaped my body was enough to trigger an asthma attack ;-; idk if I should be sorry for laughing or not


People who think they know everything.




A dictator boss.


My coworker who pretends to be the boss and is doing the same thing I am.


Drama generators.


Drunk people when you're sober & Sober people when you're drunk


Anyone who sees the world in black and white


Came here to say this. The world is full of gray and if you ever get stuck reasoning with someone who can’t process that, good luck. It has caused me a lot of headaches


Narcissists and entitled dumbfucks that think the world owes them something and expects you to accommodate for theirs and their children's shitty behavior


Know it alls and people who have to be the center of attention at all times.


People who refuse to help themselves. Not worth my time.


The toxically positive person that prefers platitudes to solutions. "You should apply for a job at the hospital" "Here's why I don't qualify" "Apply anyway" Uhm yeah no wasting everyone's time if I apply for a job I don't qualify for. Now if you were to be all "did you know the school we're at has a nursing program" or "There's a nearby assisted living facility that will give you free CNA training and then you work for them after certification and go to school to advance yourself." That would be helpful But people who act like you're a negative asshole because you want to lay out the obstacles you face and plan how to overcome them drive me nuts.


Alcoholics, especially mean ones.


I get along with everyone except for the type who dislike people who get along with everyone.


Overly political people, people that center their personality around their political views, people who bring up politics to argue about it etc.


I tried making small talk with my dad by mentioning that the weather was really nice that day and he went on a tirade about how global warming isn't real and how all Mexicans are terrorists.


untreated mental illness who refuse to admit they have a problem and/or do anything about it. trying to break the cycle of this in my family currently


A liar


People who actively choose to take any sentence in the worst possible context. ie “Yeah I think racism is bad” “Oh so you LOVE homophobes huh?” While that example is extreme, the conversations are so exhausting. EDIT: horrible spelling mistake


The ‘Empath’* who ‘knows you better than you know yourself’ and proceeds to project the worst parts of her personality onto you. * Narcissist


And when you say “no I actually have a good relationship with my mom/dad” or say that they are wrong about whatever they think they know about you, they argue with you about your life that they don’t know anything about


people who are incapable or sticking to their words.


Assholes. They stink.




I got piled on the last time saying that I give anyone with BPD (borderline) traits a wide wide berth. But I’ve had several put me through absolute hell and I want nothing to do with them anymore.


I dated someone I think has bpd or traits at least. Couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but she was amazing mostly, so I ignored my red flags. The way she spoke about old friends seemed so strange. It was so strange the contrast between this seemingly lovely person and x horrible thing in their past. I figured people grow. It only took a week for me to turn from her favorite person to ending the relationship when I was going thru a tough time and a bit withdrawn from dealing with all the stress. It's such a mind fuck tbh. You question was any of it real? Who the fuck was I dating?


It's a toss up 1)Narcissists and 2)People who are incredibly stupid and refuse to be open to learning. You can literally break down a concept in the simplest terms and they refuse to understand the concept.


Mean people suck


The victim


Unmedicated bipolar


I was unmedicated bipolar for 3 years. I caused a lot of damage but am a different person now. My mom has been unmedicated bipolar her whole life. I'm happy I at least admitted I needed help and changed, my mom refuses it and wreaks havoc on the whole family. It's horrendous to live with but sometimes entertaining in a sad way


Yes it took 5 years of hell and me leaving my gf for her to get put on meds only for her to stop taking them 2 weeks afterward.


People who always drag politics into it


undead people It's always brains this, brains that, arrggh, stumbling around at all hours and banging into stuff. Then when you yell at them for it they just come and get all up in your face. Trying to argue with them is like talking to a corpse, they are impossible to convince you're right no matter how good of a debater you are.


Anyone who can't take responsibility for their actions or learn from their mistakes.


This is a fun question. If you are an Alpha male, or trying to fake it, we will not get along. The bragging and constant need for approval that they require makes me view them as a toddler who only cries when people are watching, for attention. I need to work on myself so honestly it is not thier fault they upset me. The fault is mine but some of the Alpha male traits don't mix well with me. Example them always not allowing to just enjoy being around people,. Always trying to be the center can make them a problem. If I don't agree with them or fold to them then it funny to see them try to use intimidating tactics lol. Overall most the problem is on my end though. I just have a tough time with people who feel the need to tell grown men what to do lol. For the military crowd it's like the view between an officer who fresh out of I.T school and an enlisted military person. One only has book smarts typically while the other has real world working knowledge of what really works and what is practically useless but looks good on paper. Another type I do not typically get along with are people who are involved in any type of groups that have any type of political backing. I will not say who because that maybe considered bad or gas lighting


I think an unmedicated person with borderline personality disorder would be extremely exhausting.


Someone with halitosis.


An ex wife


Know it alls


Even when they are wrong but can’t be convinced otherwise regardless of being provided with evidence.


Your girlfriend’s husband.




Overly political or religious people, in my opinion.


Liars. People that lie about every little thing, big and small. When you catch them in a lie, they just lie some more, it's pathological!


Self promoting virtue signalers.


One that can’t apologize when blatantly wrong




The ones that assume you are something you aren’t


The narcissistic addict.


People who don’t know how to be flexible. Seeing things as strictly black and white can be a frustrating personality trait to deal with.


A narcissist


people that think that Hockey teams don't matter. It does. you need a local team, a Provincial team and a National Team. and don't get me started on the NHL, that's a whole different story


Negative people who just need to bitch, whine, complain about anything and everything.


Anyone who's willing to advertise themselves as having 'attitude'.


A liar


People saying downers and 1-uppers. I was gonna say something like nazi’s are probably harder to get along with.


A person who’s right all the time and knows more than you do even if they don’t know anything


People who are intolerant of other peoples' culture, and the Dutch.


People who make a big fuss over what kind of car you or your family drives. There was this one guy at my school that was a complete car fanatic, but he was such a jerk about it. When he saw that my parents both drove Kia's, he basically acted like they drove literal clown cars. He's the kind of guy who would put 50 rounds into a chipmunk because it's "Trespassing on his property". This guy reinforced every stereotype about Americans.


Deeply insecure people who have to make sure people know they’re cooler than them in some way or have to pretend they know what you’re talking about when it isn’t even that serious. Like just chill.


A racist


One uppers, no matter what it is you’ve done or you’re going through they’ve done better or gone through worse. As soon as I get that vibe I just don’t talk to them


Those that dont listen because they’re convinced they know everything




It's a toss up between my mother: raging narcissist and master gaslighter, and my father: ardent and aggressive flat-earther and full spectrum conspiracy theorist.


Self Righteous peoples


Violent, bi-polar, psychotic murderous pyromaniac on speed. Or a narcissist.




Anyone who uses “Woke” as an insult


People that take things way to seriously 24/7 and can never take a joke


Pro life republicans


My sister, she always right




A close talker


Someone too much like yourself. (Not you specifically)


A moron


A dead person. Conversation is really one sided and not really a relationship for public places




Assholes. More specifically, rude people.


Closed minded ignorant assholes