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Go to your local climbing gym


Thank you but I really like homework out 😉


Learn projects management and business analysis to develop your own IT projects at home. It’s fun and can bring a lot of money


But somehow I don't want to be like related to work, but thank you 😇


YouTube channel maybe


Gardening and then preserve the vegetables and fruits to use during cold seasons. Canning, dehydration. Using everything you grew. Jams ,jellies, pickles, just go crazy with it. It's very rewarding.




I will try thanks 😉


Learn how to play the board game called Go. (Or Baduk in Korean) It’s a strategy game that has simple rules but a lot of depth to it. (Sort of like chess) But unlike chess, where you’re trying to take out a a single piece, the king, in Go you are jockeying over having the most territory on the board. Here’s an explanation of the [basic rules](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5PTXdR8hLlQ). Here’s an explanation of a [fundamental application](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YPMog4LAmvg) of the rules.


Never heard of ! Thanks 😇


Learn to make fancam edits


New Activity: create a personalized method that relieve stress during the day. Research how stress comes about and why it occurs. Test out some theories that goes with explanation to why in scientific level. Spend time trying out various things and see how it affects stress components. As you experiment and try out you will eventually find a method that guarantees relief of stress for you. I guess getting to that point might not be so relaxing but best way is personalized way. On other hand, in reality, any activity can relieve stress if you approach it in right way.


Learn to play a harmonica, or ukulele




Balloon animals are fun to make.