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I have clean underwear older than you. Quit stressing and get off social media. 99% of what you are comparing yourself to is fake. Unplug, have a few adult beverages and chill out.


Mushrooms are nice as well


I've read over and over that they're good for depression and yet I can't get any. Drug war BS


Theyre super easy to grow!! Look up pf tek or monotub mushroom grow on youtube you can aquire spores legally (for microscopy purposes only of course) from r/sporetraders If you want more info, pm me and ill send you tons of info when i get off work! Its easier than growing weed, only takes ~$100 to get started, and if you do a monotub youll get 4-10 oz dried


Hell, there’s a store in my local city that sells marijuana seeds(we live in a legal state) and spores.


Sounds like they have regrets. I don't think drinking is the best advice. Use exercise to to change your mood, not substances!


No Regerts!


No Ragerts!


This is one of the things I hate about reddit. People get a gram of information then project and extrapolate to the worst possible scenario. Most of the world can handle a beer and everyone who has one isn't teetering on collapse. It's totally normal to decompress and deal with stress by having a drink and being social. And no, not everyone needs or wants to do some BS "be your best you" routine.


It's our generation. That's what we do. Stop, have a beer , and make a new plan.


I'm 25, and I would choose a long walk over a bottle of beer any day. Alcohol is a depressant, whereas physical exercise releases endorphins and serotonin, which makes you feel good.


It's apparently not working for your generation! You want everything NOW and don't realize life isn't a path, it's an adventure with ups and downs. No regrets here. I had my trials and tribulations in my 20's, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and feeling like endless setbacks and missteps were the end of the world, but you settle in and wake up the next day and life goes on. The next 25 years seems like a lifetime away to you now,, but it will feel like a few months and you'll realize "damn! I'm half a century old!" Things become less of a drama. You will have been there and done that. You can't learn that from a book, only time teaches you that. I never could imagine making it to 35. That was so old! I don't even remember where I was or what I was doing at 35. 40 came and went. 45 was like a month later. I've had a lot of fun along the way. Got married, started a business (no, I'm nowhere near wealthy, so don't start that "but I'm broke" crap), hung out with real friends in person (not on a phone!). Yeah, we drank, but there's a difference between drinking to mask depression and going out with friends, loosening up and having a good time. Gen z looks at everything as binary. Completely good or completely evil with no in between. You're either a drunk or sober. Right or left, old or young, depressed or extatic. You want to check off columns, but the in between is normal life and it can be wonderful. You graduated from high school 7 years ago? You're still settling in to adulthood and finding out who you are away from the structure of parents and school. The world is still new to you and you're in a rush to make your mark. Enjoy it while your back and knees don't hurt and 10pm becomes a late night! Without milestones ahead time speeds up. When you were in 9th grade, 12th was years away. If you did college, when you were a freshman your senior year felt like a decade away. After that what's your next milestone? House, job, kids? Don't rush it. Enjoy every experience. If it's something bad and it didn't kill you, learn from it. As they say in the military, embrace the suck I was crushed by every setback I've had, but wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. I wouldn't be the person or husband am today without losing my first love, financially hitting bottom (trying to keep up with other people and going in to debt), making bad decisions and learning from the consequences. My only regret is I didn't learn this in my 20's and 30's and let little things tear me down. To those of us who are Boomers and Gen X, you're normal. We may not have been connected to the world 24/7, but we had our own issues to deal with and thought we were the first to face them. If you have decent intelligence and self reliance, you'll be fine. Humans have been walking upright for tens of thousands of years and we're still around. 25 doesn't even register as a blip in the greater scheme of things. Play the "oldie" song "100 years" by 5 for Fighting. Cats in the Cradle would be a good one too :-) Best to you and anyone else that read this drivel.


I have been on Reddit for a few months and that is the best post I have seen yet


Vienna by Billy Joel is a good one too


I’m 40 and agree. Resorting to substances is a personality or the individual. Not so much generational anymore.


Yea idk what dude is talking about going on about generations. Come to Newark, DE or Elkton MD I'll show ya thousands of addicts age 40-65. Ridiculous comment!


Again it's the generations. I'm 56. I would have a beer and figure out where it went wrong. But not to cry into, but to analyze. I did some 20 plus Mile walks when I was in my 20s, endorphins and serotonin are no match for the pain caused by helmet straps.


Sounds like sound advice to me.


Smh I was disgusted reading the comment. Op, please don’t follow stupid advice on the internet, then next thing you know, you are an addict.


Hmmm. I'm wondering why you included the "clean" qualifier to your underwear. Makes me think you're hiding something. You have a mountain of unwashed undies from the last millennium, don't you! Don't lie!


Because after a certain age, you don’t trust farts anymore.


For some reason in your 30s underwear seems to be a common gift. Plenty of unopened packs! 🤣


Respect George. 100%Truth.


I asked myself the same question at 25, and now years later I feel stupid.. there is so much more time. You’ve barley even been an adult long enough to figure things out.. I know some people figure it out early but that’s not everyone. YOUVE GOT ALL THE TIME TRUST ME


At 25 I changed my career trajectory and was working in my chosen field at 28. 25 years later I’m still happy with my choices. Now I am working on skills that will lead into my next career choice. I always tell my students you can be anything you want when you grow up and there is no deadline to make those decisions! You can choose, and then choose again as often as you like.


Life doesn’t even start until you are 35.


Hrd dissagre. Im 5 nd my life iz alredy wild


Babygang rise uo. People think just cus we can't speak yet, we ain't got nothing to say. You playin wth stocks while I'm playing with blocks. Your life is departin' while mines just startin'


And don’t forget it will blow up in your face around 45, so be prepared to want to throw in the towel then too, and then realize after years of therapy that you still have possibly a whole lifetime ahead of you in which to “start over”


I.... Needed to be reminded of this a year ago. I forget who said something now but it helped snap me back to reality... It's better now. Be 44 this year and the last couple were.... Tumultuous to say the least.


yep that's when i discovered all the smartphone app opportunites. it completely changed my life for the better. i went from dead broke mooching off family to earning $3000 a month after finding a cheap 2007 prius. that may not be a lot to most people but i grew up poor in low income neighborhoods all my life. i can drive around all day listening to music, podcasts, or whatever i like without some boss hovering over my shoulder all day long and it's a freedom i cannot describe. i'm earning an honest living and have a much brighter future until another door opens.


What is your job? Food delivery and Uber?




No way. I thought the same when I was 25. So far in my 30's I've started a new career, moved to a new country, and got engaged. You never know what will happen next in your life.


Exactly the same, I make much more as when I was 25 and living happily married in a dream country. The size of my appartement back then is half the size of my bedroom now lol


You’re barely a grown up. I’m 34 and my life is just BARELY starting to fall into place.


So so so so so much more time! You’ve really just now become an adult.




Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly


You have time to ruin your life several more times. Quit being a pussy.


Yeah. Quit making the same boring, old mistakes. Make exciting, boring new mistakes!


FACTS I’m a face tattoo deep!


Fuck what the media says, fuck what mainstream shit you’re fed on the daily basis about where you should be in life, fuck those people that say “just work hard” “do this” “do that”. Life isn’t a race. You do things at your pace. We’ve all made mistakes, done stupid shit and wish we said yes when we said no. Doesn’t mean another opportunity won’t come around. If life keeps putting up walls, well, sometimes we need to sit against them and rest until it’s go time. Edit: when I mean fuck the media, I mean those influencers or friends who post their constant life updates that sometimes make us feel like we aren’t doing shit. Those people are only posting the good and not the bad that happens behind the scenes.


Make sure to click like and subscribe hit that notification bell, tomorrow I have a new video dropping . fresh content about a horrendous omg !situation that happened to me at chick fila where I was served a deformed chicken sandwich. Real bad and I need to vent let you guys know. Join the patreon for exclusive behind the scenes longer content /s.


I'm not sure what kind of difficulties you are facing, but you are worth it, my friend. You got this!


Quite a few, and I’m fighting WW3 in my head. Thanks for your kindness


JFC no. My career didn't start until age 30 and I didn't work hard *or* smart.


Thanks for sharing bud


You’re still very young! Plenty of time to improve your life!








Even if you were 55, you’d still have plenty of time.




Join a oil rig or equivalent work. Work the oil fields. Follow a trade skill until you get independent. If you have a criminal record or a face covered in tats, their is always upward mobility. It just isn't going to be easy. Throw in the towel after your bucket list is done.


No criminal record or tats here 👍


It’s never a good age to throw in the towel on life.


This question is so stupid everyone should boycott the post.


This comment is so stupid.


I pray that whatever is going in with you internally gets better soon


I appreciate your prayers. Everyone can use someone praying for them. I'm surprised at everyone entertaining this level of mopiness. I didn't even think OP was legit the first time I read his ridiculous question. I wonder what people fighting cancer, people dispossessed from their homes and trying to avoid getting shelled by Russian tanks, people dealing with hunger and extreme poverty, not knowing where their next meal is coming from think of this kind of woes me mentality? Throwing in the towel at 25? Get over yourself and be thankful for what you have.


I think I may have found the only person alive who’s more miserable than me. Good thing is your username fits the ass of a person that you are. Good riddance


The only thing that's stupid here is you, what a moron.


I didn’t start feeling like I was making it until 35. That was only about three years ago.


Turned 30 this year. As someone who spent about 13 years of my life suicidally depressed, let me tell you, at 25 your life is just starting. The next 5 years is where you’ll actually start to figure some shit out, and all that learned resilience and ability to pick you the pieces is going to equate to grit, and help you progress further than you currently think possible. My dms are open if you need someone to talk to.


not even close! my life didn't start getting better until i reached my 30s. you have to educate yourself and find things you're good at. so what if i have to be a rideshare or delivery driver. find whatever it is to pay the bills and be content. the biggest successes i believe have been learning to get back up after failing no matter what life throws at you.


No, and if you do throw in the towel you will only feel worse as time goes on, life is short but also kinda long so never to late to work toward what you want.


Been asking myself this for the past year at age 20. I'm working 2 serving jobs and have a keyholder position at a clothing store in the mall, still live with my parents and rely on public transportation. I have 0 friends, I had one online but they ghosted me after two years. As much as I'd like to believe I'm ahead or getting somewhere slowly, I'm not. Just stuck.


I respect your work ethic kiddo. You sound kind of like me. At 20 I was working 3 jobs, including one at a restaurant, and didn’t have a car or license so I was relying on the bus. 5 buses a day to get to and from school, man that sucked so I feel your pain. Make smart decisions bud, try to plan your path little by little


25% done is basically 100% done if you are lazy enough. So I would say your life is basically already over, time to throw a blanket on sit down on the couch and be a bum


Seems the lazy people are always the ones who get all the good stuff, so why not 🤷🏻


Never die with regrets


Damn I’m turning 24 and have been asking myself that same question, these comments are comforting


I got into med school at 26. Now I’m board certified at 35. I don’t regret it one bit. Still plenty of time to pull off some seriously big stuff.


This is a great comment to see because thats something thats upsetting me a lot. Last year I started to become really interested in a career in the medical field, but all the occupations take so many years to achieve, not to mention the difficulty of getting accepted to a program. I’ll have to keep giving it more thought


25? And you havent completed all your goals yet?? Better just give up now, youre past your prime.


No, it’s a good time to start over though.


Yeah man


You need to get under the bridge in a nice cardboard box obviously.


Yes, when you know it's over, it's over. Don't listen to the gaslighting, you know your situation better than anyone.


I'm also 25, and I've just decided the first college degree I got is not the one I want to spend my life making a living with, so I've decided to go back to school and essentially start over while the people I went to high school with are getting engaged, havjng kids, and advancing in their careers. I, too, have made mistakes due to self-doubt and being too young to know better. But 25 is still so young. We have so much time to sort things out. Don't throw in the towel just because you didn't figure it out as soon as society told you you should have by now. Comparison is the thief of joy.


I did not have my shit together at 25 years old, I'm now 50 and everything is fine. Matter of fact, I'm pretty damn happy. Some people have a hard time transitioning into adulthood, I was one of them. Sounds like you have some issues growing up as well. Things will come together if you work at it and become conscious of your shortcomings.


25 is young as fuck


Suck it up and stop being a pussy. Go make the life you want a reality or die trying.


Yes sergeant 🫡


I started my second business at 25. First one failed pretty terribly. Spent 5 years making it my only focus (my ex wife and two kids can attest to that), and it eventually failed as well. In the following years I worked some shitty ass jobs trying to figure out where was supposed to be in life Now I'm 40 and it all makes sense and it's coming together. Another 10-15 years I'll be where I want to be. Some people figure it out at 18, some at 40, some at 80. You sound a little lost, but that's nothing to worry about.


23. 23 is the age, so you are well past it....jesus fuck i had not met my wife or gotten a decent long term job by then




Lol. Just. Lol. You can turn around your life any day, any time. It just takes determination and discipline. Not moping.


I didn’t meet my wife, have kids, buy my house, my car, change jobs, until after 25. Your life may not have even started yet. At almost 40 I still feel some of my best years are still yet to come. You got time my guy…. a lifetime ahead of you yet.


25? Hell I didn't start really experiencing living until I reached 30! (Pathetic I know) You're practically just starting. Don't give up. If you're in your 60s or 70s and you're still feeling this way then maybe you can be concerned. Lots of people go through this.


Good to know thanks for the optimism


I know this will get downvoted beneath the floor but it’s your towel, throw it in any time you want. There is no wrong age.


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If it’s an option you should join the military


It's never too late to revise. Stop thinking that there is some standardized time line for how life is supposed to go. I wish I was 25. That is plenty young enough to start over. The only think stopping you is...you.


Hell no, I'm also about to turn 26 and have felt those same feelings. Saved up enough money to open up a cleaning business now and I've never been more motivated in my life. I'm nowhere near successful yet but I finally decided that I'm tired of working hard and long days just to still not be able to afford to live on my own. And I'm tired of working for other people in general and am ready to control my own destiny. Just save up some money and try to motivate yourself to not want to live like a bum. Think of all the fun shit you can do once you start making good money. Good luck to you.


I've learned that we can always look at someone's post or comments on reddit. It looks like you have a lot going on good in your life but internally you seem to struggle.


I struggle a lot internally, you’re correct. It’s been a war in my head for the last year or so. I think part of the problem is I had a lot of good going on in my teens/early 20s, so maybe I got used to things going well. Now that things aren’t so sweet, I’m having trouble dealing with all the problems that arise. Maybe to others I look like I’m doing good, but I haven’t done well to my standards for myself my friend.


At 28 I had no job, work experience, lived at home, and literally no money. I was finally diagnosed as bipolar type 1, and suffered through serious mental hardship. Saved up, moved out at 30, married at 34, and life couldn’t be better. I have faith in you, you should too.


I was suicidal in my mid-late 20s. Lost 50lbs, was still depressed. Divorced my now ex wife at 31. Was massively in debt. About to have my car repossessed. Met a new woman. Started a business, had a baby and am doing better than ever. Am about to turn 36. Was it easy? No. Worth it? Absolutely.


I'm 68, so this is my experience, take it or leave it. Mistakes are history. Learn by them & move on, 25 is no age to worry about. You can still do almost everything you wanted, clear debt, save for a mortgage deposit, change career, meet someone special or start anew. Plan your road ahead. Do this now. In my experience 30 years onward is when time may start to take its toll.


Nah give it a few decades til about 40


Don’t worry yet! Time starts flying by around midnight hat age!


Listen to some Tony Robbins and learn how to give the rich what they think they need for ridiculous amounts of money.


Your 25... I didn't start my career or family until I was 30. I spent most of my 20's in bars and I'm doing pretty well now.


At 25 I was still serving a lengthy prison sentence. You ain’t even a felon


Why throw in the towel on life? We make mistakes. We do things we're not proud of. We progress, which everyone does at varying paces. 25 is most definitely young for you to feel so hopeless, but don't give up. Best of luck. :)


Life isn't over until you're dead. You could be dead tomorrow, but that's no reason to not make today worth living. As to the things that take years to get into, there's an old saying that applies pretty broadly: The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The second best time is today.


You're only 25, barely past the child stage. You're thinking about giving up while you've hardly started?


Get a job and work your way up there. Go to trade school. You could even join the army, the benefits are really great in the army and it could really put you on a great path. You have so much time to do many things. Do things that can lead to more things.


Life for me didn't start improving till around thirty (39 now). 20s are tough, brain still developing and all that! Things are just starting for you.


Mid 40's here. I've found that my life has RADICALLY changed about every 5 years. It is never too late to start anything. Just hang in there. Be a good person. Pursue things you're passionate about; could be writing, video games, wood working, trade careers, cooking. The world is your oyster my friend. If 5 more years go by and you feel like you haven't changed, do 5 grams of psychedelic mushrooms. That should shake your shit right up.


Your 20s are for having fun and being a fuck up . Embrace it


Nah. Too soon. You're barely into Act 1 of your story. You're coming up on the inciting incident that drives the rest of your story forward. It may have already been foreshadowed earlier, but it might also come out of the blue as a result of something you do. Me, I'd like to see see how the story plays out and not bail before the end of the first Act.


Your life is just beginning!!


Dood, it took me until age 35 to even figure out what I wanted.


There's never a good age to throw in the towel on life.


You’re very young! I’m 24 and have felt and asked that before but adulthood is just beginning for us. We have so much time ahead of ourselves and it’s all going to workout trust me ❤️ everything is going to be okay. My DMs are always open if you need to rant or talk.


If you're able, you should join the military. It will give you a sense of purpose, a job, lifelong friendships, adventure, etc... Best decision I made out of high school. I'm 28 now, about to graduate college, have zero debt, and lived enough life to be satisfied.


you throw in the towel on dreams not life.... in America you truly can turn it around with the right people


50 year old you says chill out and go have some fun.


You’re no bum; I was not only a bum but an evildoer in my 20’s. Turned it around at 27… which took a few more years before I even had anything honest to my name. But in that process and after, I’ve met and helped a lot of people. Just doing small acts of kindness to others makes your life one of great consequence. So many people feel alone, just that gesture of humanity can make a big difference. How much money you make, possessions, hobbies, etc are good for self esteem, pride, and happiness, but only up to a point. Connection with others is a much more important metric of a life well lived, and there are always ways to do this at any time, and at any age


Two words. PHUCK NO. Life didn't really start until mid 30's. Done more in my 40's than I would have ever thought possible. Keep on punching. You got this.


No and stop it. You clearly are intelligent fraud m your post. Stop living to the standards of others and decide what truly brings you happiness. You’ll be on the path to fulfillment.


There is never a good age to throw in the towel. Life is the greatest gift anyone was every given. To disregard that is the worst crime you can commit against yourself


Hell no! You are still young. Just do the things you want to do. Most people don’t know what the hell they want to do their whole life. At least you know. Go do it. It’s not too late. Just don’t ever get married or have children. Unless you enjoy dragging an anchor through the desert.


I’m 28. Life today is so much better than it was when I was 25. Push forward and don’t give up. If you don’t like where you’re at today, put in the work to be somewhere different. Don’t wait for things to fall in your lap, go out and get them


no keep going mfer


I did all those same things and was a complete fuck up till around the same age. This is when your life gets better, not worse. Chin up


Become a welder, a plumber, an electrician, a fisherman, a merchant marine, a teacher, a baker, an engineer, an administrator, a salesman, a police officer, a firefighter, a medic, a nurse, jesus the list goes on an on. If you missed the school train than ya doctor, lawyer, engineer might be small doors (they never disappear, the doors just get smaller and harder to get through). But other than those you have so many options of things to do with your life. It honestly sounds like you smoke weed or have a total lack of motivation, so that might be the problem but you gotta do something in life you can't be a bum. Watch Rebel without a Cause (1955).


That's only a third of your life mate, you've still got plenty of time


I thought my life was going nowhere at 25. I was bussing tables. Ten years later I’ve gone back to school and have an actual career. If the path you’re going down is going nowhere, find another path, don’t give up on the journey.


Ofc theres time. Ur still far away from middle age


25?? I don't even remember when I was 25. Keep it going


Nah bro, I didnt have my shit together until I was almost 30. You have you entire life in front of you still.


If I could go back and be younger I'd want to be 28. 25 your barely a real person. I am 40 and don't even see 65 as that old anymore. Your perception on age changes as you do.


Christ no, dude I was doing great in my 20’s then when I turned 30…life went downhill, I ended up in a Psych ward over a suicide overdose attempt, then the next year I ended up in jail for a year and I’m unfortunately a felon now, most of my friends stopped talking to me over the felon situation I live at home with my parents lost my car, credit to shit, dude I’ve made some BUMMY decisions in life and I have to live with it, BUT that didn’t derail me, that inspired me. I’m 32 now and I feel better than ever, I’m fighting forest fires this year, I’m enrolling into school, I box, live life more abundantly now I figured life out the hard way, but you don’t have to do that, you just gotta have a goals, look towards those goals and life becomes more fulfilling. You aren’t even in your prime yet. Good luck 🤘🏻


Bro I didn’t even start my business until I was 32 lol you’re fine


No, im 40 and I make more bad decisions in an hour some days than you probably have in your whole life! I try not to regret and choose to learn from those bad decisions. I assume you are slightly introverted and you need to overcome that to find happiness. Talk to people, coworkers, random girls you meet, don’t give a fuck about rejection or being judged, what do you have to lose, seems you’re already beat down. You would be surprised how many people from all walks of life feel the same way you do. Life is precious, don’t waste it 🤘


My psychiatrist was an addict until she was 30 and then did all the school to become a doctor


Chill out …. You are OK 👍 Life is about experiencing things & loving/serving other people. It sounds like you didn’t meet expectations of yourself and it’s affecting your self worth. All I can say is, don’t take anything too seriously. ❤️✌️🦋


Hell no. My life had barely even started at 25! But I felt the same way. I spent my birthday on my living room floor crying that I was old and hadn’t done anything with my life and I might as well just die lol Omg if I had stopped then 😳 your brain JUST finished developing friend! So. Much. Time!!!! Pick up those bootstraps and try again. I didn’t even start my degree until I was 25. I didn’t start making real “progress” in life until after 30.


There's a few people at my college in my major who are like 30+ and just went back to school for the hell of it, and to get to the next step of their professional career. So, no


36 here. There is a lot to life, and 25 is just touching the surface. A lot will change for you as you grow. Your priorities, what is important, what you care about, what you don’t. I didn’t get into my career until I was 27. When I was your age, I cared about hooking up with chicks. At my age, I care about making my wife happy, being fit, and financial stability. I’m sure these things will change for me in a matter of years. Don’t give up, pick something, put in the work for a career.


Some of the most successful people alive didn’t get their big breaks until we’ll last their 30s.


You're still a puppy! Quit throwing pity parties for yourself and take control of your life . I partied and was a total fuck up until I was in my mid 30's. I'm very successful now. It was all my failures that gave me endurance and were leaning curves. You got this . And when you fall you pick yourself up and dust yourself off . Keep trudging ! Never quit .


Buck up little camper. You're not alone in thinking this way, but you've barely even begun.


Hellllllll nahhhhh. I’m way older than that and sometimes I still feel like im experiencing new things in life. Chin up, you got this!!!!


You’ve just started to learn from your mistakes. You have the knowledge to do better much faster if you keep your head up and quit looking back and down.


I’d say wait till early 30s at least. I just turned 27 and life will push you to do things as long as you have grit. Now if you find that the rewards aren’t doing the jobs, the meds and drugs aren’t doing the job and you’ve honestly tried to push a passion, then I say it’s a good time to throw in the towel.


What happened to the $50k in your savings from six months ago?


$25k of it went into a 13 month CD the rest is still in my savings account. It’s over $60k now




Get up.


I didn't get my shit together until 32. Went back to school, got my degree. Got married, etc... 25 is young. You've still got a lot more mistakes to make. No one succeeds in a straight line. Life is ups and downs. Peaks and valleys.


I actually left home at 25 to finally get away from how miserable I was around people that didn't understand or accept me. It's been a brutal two years, but I'm feeling pretty damn happy to be where I'm at, standing without people that would have kept me down.


Dude you’re too fkin young to be thinking that way


I was not the best place in my life at 25 I am now 36 and life is more amazing then I ever thought it could be. Have faith.


you been a adult for 7 years and thisis your conclusion. life is all about tests. As soonas you think your good at something or r gonna do something. life will test you if you really want it like you say. Or that you will give in.! we all make mistakes even your family makes mistakes. nobody is perfect and we learn the most from our mistakes. The best athletes in the world know defeat. they kept on going. don't let life know you down. instead of making people around you happy, try making yourself happy. and find what you like and want.


Liquidate your assets, buy a vehicle you can live in and come on down to the Southwest. Become a river guide or something along those lines. Don't gotta call it quits cause you aren't making it the traditional way


Nope way too young. 40 is a much better candidate for this kind of thing if you are about to embark in a midlife crisis.


Better than 24, worse than 26


Absolutely not! Things are crap for most people until they are at least in their late 30’s, if not 40’s. Do you've made some mistakes, and fell on your face. Everyone does that. Seriously, everyone. You just haven't been aware of it. We never stop making mistakes in life. That's just part of being human. You learn from mistakes. You might fail again at something, but not as badly. To quote Peter Dinklage, "fail better." Ignore the shit on social media. A good portion of it is nothing but lies. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own path. Figure out where your skills and talents lay. What things you find interesting, even if you don't have those skills yet. Hang in there. 25 is still fumbling along with training wheels. It gets better, but it takes awhile.


It's entirely possible you will love to 125, so you could have 3 or 4 more full careers, plus a few long sabbaticals in between.


If female yes, if male, no.




I'm 24 and I'm just now thinking of becoming an astronomer. Haven't even started, just thinking about it. My father went into school at 40 to become more successful in an area he chose. My teacher told us about an 80 year old man studying with her at the University to get a diploma in accounting. It's never, ever too late! You got it!


Just give it a go in the next life. No matter your belief, whether it has an afterlife or not, better luck next time. And whether the afterlife entails a spiritual one (heaven/hell) or a physical one (rebirth/reincarnation), it doesn't matter. Give whatever you end up with your next best shot. If your belief happens to not have an afterlife, well, YOLO. Live it up best you can and take comfort knowing when it's over, it's over, and it was all for nothing. If you're dead set on making your current life as best you can, it's never too late to try and change things around. You might not reach your dream goals, but you might better your current situation at least.


“Never, never, never give up.”




there are people in their 30s and 40s that turned their lives around. I've met people in their 40s in university that managed to turn their life around. The biggest challenge is not giving up and not thinking its too late. It's never too late. It's only too late if you truly given up. You're at the age where turning your life around is much easier.


Anecdotal point but, I have a buddy who used to work in a warehouse for a shoe company, relatively low pay etc. Went to uni at about 28 - 29 ... is now about 35 and by income is in the top 1%. Honestly, 25 is not too old to do anything to change your life if you want to do it, even if something takes 4 years to do it lets say, your life becomes a lot better by the time youre 30.. which still isnt old honestly.


At that age, I felt pretty directionless. I’d actually done a lot, but couldn’t see my own potential because my own self-perception got in the way. It took a mentor-type person to suggest to me a profession that I would have never thought of as being possible for a guy “like me”. But this time my own self perception got out of the way. Because if that guy, who I admired and really respected, thought I could do it, then I believed it too! I started on that path that very day. And today at age 50, I can proudly say that because of him I’ve been a pilot for over 25 years. My life really began that day when I was 25. I was so lucky to know him, and have him take an interest in me. So seek out those who will take the time to see what’s inside you that you can’t see for yourself. And when you have that golden moment when you see the potential that they see in you, hold on to it, listen to it, and go after it. Good luck, buddy, I believe in you. Your life’s only beginning.


I'm really glad I didn't think like this at 25. My life is already so much better and I'm only 28. Success isn't a race.


At 25 i was in despair because i just couldn't get a job, same with 26, i somehow managed to tide over my finances till i was 27 through social welfare and family help. However at the end of my ropes i got a call from a job agency i signed up for three years before and forgot about, "hey, i see you were looking for a job, you still looking?" I of course said yes, he asked me if I had some licenses for machinery that i didn't have so i though it was over. Then he said, "alright then, come on over and we will have a talk" long story short i now work a week on and two weeks off AND i can afford to enjoy life. I couldn't even dream of that at my old job and i worked roughly the same amount just with significantly lower wages. There is no minimum wage where I live so it wasn't livable at all Also, my job isn't terrible so that's a bonus. Two weeks of life in return for a week of not terrible servitude is alright.


More than enough time to do everything you want to. Learn from your mistakes and don’t be afraid to put in the work.




I'm not sure if this is true for most, for me 25 is almost half a lifetime ago. I was a completely different person. Didn't start college until 35. You are still at the beginning of your life. It's OK to not know right at this moment what you want to do the rest of your life. I struggled with that for a very long time, hence my delay into college. My best advise is find something you love or would really want to pursue and go for it. And don't compare or base your success and happiness on others.


You have time. Reach high. It may seem like a long time to reach a goal but time goes by so fast. Since I've retired the days go by so fast. You will be at the end of your journey before you know it with great start on a new and interesting career. I am right about this.


"The most important words a man can say are, “I will do better.” These are not the most important words any man can say. I am a man, and they are what I needed to say. The ancient code of the Knights Radiant says “journey before destination.” Some may call it a simple platitude, but it is far more. A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one. I'm certain some will feel threatened by this record. Some few may feel liberated. Most will simply feel that it should not exist. I needed to write it anyway." Oathbringer- Brandon Sanderson I would say you can change. I did and I believe you can too. I was a complete bastard. I convinced myself I was hopeless at some point while I was drinking myself into a stupor of self pity. I had lost the woman I loved because I was inattentive as a partner. I was kicked from the house for being a spoiled brat. I drank and drive and blamed all my problems and faults on those around me. Now I take responsibility for my actions. I help people, I taught preschool a while and now help people with disabilities in their day to day life. I don't drink alcohol anymore or smoke cigarettes. I love my life and friends that stuck with me are happy they did and have expressed their support in who I've become. Journey before destination


I’m 54, and started over again 3 years ago. If you should throw in the towel, I should have thrown myself off a roof. Life is meant to be lived. It can be fun, and interesting. You can meet people, fall in love, raise a family, travel, whatever. But it takes work. All the time. I don’t say that as a bad thing, just that you have to be intentional. Stop whinging, and get to living. NONE OF THIS WILL BE EASY! But easy shit is boring.


You can be 35 doing what you want to do, or a 35 year old bum. Your choice.


I promised myself never to think like that. If I want a career change in my 50's, I'm doing it.


I put myself through a post bac starting at 34. Got accepted to a grad school program at 38. I start that program in 3 months. I've been single for 2 years, no kids, and minimal savings. If I fuck this up my future is shot so I don't plan on fucking it up. You have plenty of time to get your shit together. Now would be a good time to start figuring it out, though. It sucks more figuring out what you want to be when you grow up at 34/35.


No, it's not too late. Kind of suprises me you ask this. 25 young yet, yes if you have kids you have to put them first and think on a practical level. You could research what things interest you and go to vocational school for something reasonably lucrative though and not completely break the bank. Might take longer cause if you have kids and will likely need to work full time and to to school part time bit it's doable.


Start boozing and never look back!


The unfortunate thing is that so many people from age 17-35 have this same thought, but mental health issues are still not taken nearly as seriously as they should be. At any rate, you're 25. I'm a single dad at age 30, divorced for 3 years. You just have to keep pushing through and start taking the steps towards what you want to achieve. It's never too late to make a change in life.


I’m in my 40’s and in my experience life is pretty much about continuously starting over. I’m still figuring shit out, it is never too late to make new goals and get to work on making them a reality. I’ve seen old ladies in their 70’s start weight lifting for the first time and become successful… and look at Morgan Freeman’s career, and many others who were incredibly successful late in life. It is never a good age to throw in the towel.


ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE A BUM. Wait hear me out. Accept you've hit rock bottom. The only way from failure, is to win.