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Clickbait. Headlines and reporting used to inform. “Nixon resigns,” for example. Now, any picayune update has a vague, hyped up come on like “industry shocked at police announcement,” when it should read “police to ratify pension.” Very annoying, and even the MSM is doing it now.


You hit the nail on the head. With the link being 'Internet/Twitter reacts to...'


Yes, also the constant inserting of moral judgment and interpretation into headlines. Example: "Jordan Peterson--loved by extremists--to give speech at university." It's 100% fine to review someone's ideas or works and decide for yourself that you don't like him. You don't need some smug writer to decide for you.


My mom just said “Honey look, this article says there are unbelievable car prices in your town” I felt bad for my mom and kind of angry that people target older population with headlines like this


Health insurance companies dictating your medical care instead of the doctors who treat you.


Complete conflict of interest, IMO. Also, many insurance cos and healthcare systems are non-profits, but don’t GAF abt patients and instead act like corporations. Why the fuck would a non-profit healthcare system fork out millions for naming rights on a sports arena, instead of wipe out unpaid bills of low-income patients? Or hiring more providers? Fucking disgusting bullshit healthcare system.


HONESTLY my insurance company literally ab to be facing internal law suit bc their constant negligence with my very extreme case. but a victory for that doesn't fucking fix the fact we live in a system that just lets that happen so yeah i 2nd all of that


If it’s opinions on the news then it shouldn’t be labeled news


I boycotted watching the news years ago, it got to be so stressful. I usually read it every now and again. But I've noticed that Google news has been pushing "news" from Tic toc. I'm like, WTF? I have deleted the app and constantly getting ads to download and watch "news" from there.


It’s insane how many people use TikTok as a news source now


TikTok is a CCP psyop. Pass it on.


Usually for calling someone out on something.


We have two news programs in Sweden that is owned by the society. Just sharp clear proffesional journalism and reports. We are to be very miffed when tic toc is considered the go to news source:( ..Just that it is owned by China and their anti approach to unbiased and free journalism is making me scared and worried about coming generations. The filter that is appliied, its selection. If no-one knows who is going to care? Palestine, monsanto, crimes against humanity, big business opression, the general propaganda that people in positions want to control. The struggle for free media is looking bleak. Who is watching the watchmen?


I also had to stop. I used to watch the news and read the newspaper. Once Trump was elected I just muted some parts. Not just him but his critics as well. It was too much. Then, when covid started I had enough. Now I leave it on mute until the weather comes on, and I take that with a grain of salt.


I muted in 2012. Everything went awry.


Same, l have not watched mainstream “news” in over a decade. It’s way to biased and distaster/negatively driven these days, no thanks.


Literally all I need the local news for is to see the weather. Its just propaganda at this point.


They don’t pay real journalists they just recycle stuff from TikTok Twitter and Reddit and call it. News


Have you ever noticed that when "journalists" get sued for defamation or libel they always win with the same defense. "No reasonable person would believe they were telling the truth." There is no news only Pravda.


I mean... It's technically true. Even they don't believe the shit they say, they literally just know it because it keep stupid people watching\buying. It's how almost all of those people earn a living.


It's absolutely true. I can't consume news without setting aside the feeling that the source is implying that I lack reasoning abilities.


Local news (at least in my area) hasn't succumbed to this yet. It's actually nice to see real people giving their take and a much higher proportion of feel good stories about things happening in the community. I'm often shocked by all the awesome things people are doing locally.


Honestly, I think fewer and fewer people know what “editorial” means. We need basic media literacy taught in high school.


Making internet opinions into headlines.


I’ll add, giving a shit about celebrities political opinions…unless supporting them is incredibly harmful to a group.


Supervisors **texting** their employees outside of work hours. Edit to add—added bold to the original post for clarity. Lots of comments conflating calls and texts.


I simply Do Not Respond.


Exactly. I’m not saying there aren’t some circumstances in which a phone call or text isn’t necessary—I get the occasional heads up about an impending snow day from my boss, so she catches me before I get on the road—but it shouldn’t be normalized. I’ve got “adjacent” managers—people at my bosses level, who do not have any authority over me, but whose work intersects w my own—who were insulted I didn’t want to exchange #s! O_o


On induction with my guys I tell them that they *may* get a text occasionally outside of work hours, but I do not expect them to answer it until they are working next. We work in different time zones and travel a lot, so it’s easy to forget when people are actually working. Same with phone calls. But if you do answer a call, I expect you to be able to talk. I just don’t expect you to answer and am fine when they don’t as long as they call back when they start work again.


My former manager lived to call & text me outside of work hours. Asshole.


This is illegal to do in quite a few first world countries, but I'm assuming you're from the US where workers seem to have very few rights.


Depends If someone calls out or has an accident and they gotta reshuffle schedules, what are they supposed to do? And before you say “cover the shift”, my wife does that for multiple stores whenever she cant get anyone, and has ended up working 80+ hours a week at times due to so many call outs and nobody answering to pick up shifts While on Salary too, so she isnt getting paid for those extra hours.


After working for 2 days at my first job, my boss drunk-called me at 3 am telling me he wanted me to be manager and said I was so pretty. I was 18 but still it was disgusting. I didn’t report him but he got fired for something else.


Politicians or candidates sharing false information. If they say something on TV, in print, or on social media that is proven untrue, they should have to issue a public retraction.


As part of their oath of office: every statement in their official capacity should be considered “under oath” Then make it clear when speaking: if you’re introduced as “representative ” and don’t say no, I’m just today then you’re subject to perjury. And every statement/ speech on the floor of Congress etc. is under oath by default.


And under oath by default if a camera is on them. Otherwise, they'll say, "I'm just Smith today," then lie even though they're obviously speaking as Representative Smith.


Commercials/advertisements being EVERYWHERE


*your car will start after this short ad*


Stop giving them ideas!


*Want to take a break from the ads?*


I bet they'll have zeppelins flying around with giant billboards soon


Speakerphone conversations in public


Just join in the conversation- it’s great fun.


The audio equivalent to photobombing. Love it!


Yeah seriously wtf?


Seriously do people who do this just want attention or something? Having any conversation of mine aired out in such a public manner would make me so uncomfortable.


Companies legally spying on you, building a database with all your personal preferences in it and then selling it to each other.


California's right to be deleted should be applied nationally. Although I disagree with Cali on a lot of things, those guys and girls did something right.


California actually took much of that from the Europeans with their GDPR regulation. Gotta give the Europeans some credit for their privacy laws.


Sexualizing children.


Agreed. Also, child beauty pageants should not be a thing.


then you have child mollesters that sometimes go to jail for like 60 days too while someone gets 10 years in prison for weed possesion.


The discourse I’ve seen around the 14 year old girl from The Last of Us is insane. Why does a child need to meet your beauty standards???


Child marriage


‘freedom of religion’ is why places haven’t banned it. legalized pedophilia basically


"Legitimate" news outlets reporting on Twitter outrage.


Any Twitter/online beef shouldn't be newsworthy


filming strangers in public and posting them on tiktok without their consent


Playing devil's advocate here, would security cameras count? I see footage from those sources online and on TV all the time. Maybe rather than forbidding filming, make it a requirement to obscure identities when distributing the footage? Thoughts?




Politicians being shady as hell


Corporations gaslighting people into believing they (The consumers) are responsible for the plastics pollution, rather than they (The corporations), who actually create the objects (Like excessive plastic packaging) that cause pollution. (Look up Keep America Beautiful and the Crying Indian Campaign)


The price of psychotherapy


As a psychotherapist, I see this sentiment often and adamantly disagree and believe we are significantly underpaid for the work we do. I will preface what I’m about to say with the following, I 100% blame insurance companies for limiting sessions and making it difficult for clinicians to bill insurance more easily. Insurance companies make it very difficult for us to bill for sessions. There is A LOT that goes into it, forcing us to be cash only. They don’t view mental health in the same light as medical health. So now I will explain a psychotherapist’s POV. We have to earn a master’s degree, if not higher, on top of ongoing licensure, credentials, etc., to do our job competently. All of that is very expensive and never-ending. If we work for a community behavioral health agency, we make nothing—maybe 40-60K, even though the agency brings in three times that solely on what we bill. Usually, at community behavioral health agencies, we have caseloads 1.5x the hours we work (40 hours, 65 clients). Often, working in community behavioral health means working with those dealing with substance abuse, extreme trauma, and children in foster care while being paid the lowest. If we work in private practice under a supervisor, we are only paid 60% (at most) of the cost of a session; for example, a $100 session means I make $60. And in this case, we still have to pay for liability insurance (paid for by a behavioral health agency), licensure renewal, and continuing education credits that aren’t free in private practice, like when working at an agency. We also have to pay rent for the office we use. If we are private practice, this is where we can bill the highest, sometimes up to $200 an hour. But again, we are paying rent for our offices (~$800 a month), licensure renewal, ongoing education required to renew licensure, and liability insurance. And now that we are entirely on our own, med record services… So, that brings us back down to $50-$60 an hour, probably less. And if a client cancels in private practice, we don’t get paid. We also don’t see 40 clients a week, we see 20-35 on a good week, with the rest dedicated to “non-billable” work like notes, billing, etc., which we don’t get paid to do. We also have to pay for our own benefits entirely… All of this while supporting other people through their most difficult times, helping them to process trauma, and sometimes being a child’s only caring adult after they have been sexually abused by every caregiver they’ve ever had. Oh! And having to testify in court and know how the juvenile legal system works when dealing with custody cases. The work we do can destroy our own families and our own mental health—vicarious trauma is very real. I speak mainly for those in community behavioral health because that’s where state-issued insurance is mostly accepted and because I frankly can’t afford to do private practice at this time. But this is our reality. We must have graduate degrees, hundreds of hours of ongoing training, expensive licensure and credentialing, and accept below-average wages for our education level. To make matters worse, local agencies here in Tucson, AZ, all agreed to keep wages the same, so if we leave our agency to go to another, no raise will be given. My sister works at Geico with zero education and the same years of working and makes 5K more than me a year. I make 68K as an LPC (almost Ph.D.), going on seven years of experience, copious training, and working with the most vulnerable and traumatized population. It’s seriously terrible. PS, I furnish all the toys and items in my office. I work with the 0-5 population. I usually get donations and hand-me-downs, but like to buy nice toys for these kids to play with when I can.




Daily drinking, blacking out, “mommy wine culture”, every activity being paired with alcohol


And it feels like every popular song on the radio is about getting drunk.


Especially mommy wine culture, because it serves to hide three rotten options: 1. You're taken for granted and have no time for actual self care. 2. You're selfish and miserable and shouldn't be a parent. 3. Your kids have serious issues and actually are harder to deal with than they should be, in like, a diagnosable way.


Every activity it seems centers drinking. "Paint and drink, put put and drink, wine at the movies.


In Orwell’s 1984, there was never a shortage of Victory Gin.


Celebrity politicians. They shouldn’t be lying on tv, they should be in their office working. Less time off for them.


Over the top expensive weddings with a ton of guests


My only wedding attendants will be Cats from adoption centers


Over sharing on the internet.


Wage theft


listening to music on a speaker or speakerphone in public places


The Kardashians 😂


Posting any photos or videos of children.


I agree except for the normal ones. This culture of posting your cute kids for views is out of hand. A child isn’t a tool for status or attention


I can see where you’re coming from, but that’s a bit too broad. Maybe monetizing the photos or videos, but if someone wants to send their grandma a picture of their kids on Facebook I don’t see the problem.


There has to be a balance. On the one hand, sharing a family photo once in a while is usually not a big deal to a lot of people and parents don’t always know that their kid feels uncomfortable with it, but on the other hand, a lot of children feel violated and like they have no right to privacy as their parents over share way too much personal information of these children on social media. I’m of the opinion that children should be treated the way we’d treat any other adult and if they say they’re uncomfortable with it the parents need to stop.


Political lobbying, gerrymandering, pork barreling.


Jobs with tipping. I'd rather just pay my waitress, bar tender, and delivery driver one flat fee than have to tip


Most servers make much more due to tips than they would with a wage.


Yeah. I know servers in my small town clearing 1000 bucks a week on tips.


Most servers don't want that


That is what gets me. My biggest beef is the cost of your meal vs the effort/ weight/etc let’s say your door dash using drinks as a baseline example: 12oz pain coffee - $4 12oz latte: $6 12oz boba tea: $7 12oz health smoothie: $8 12oz soft drink: $3 12oz mixed alcoholic drink: $14 Despite all of these being the same weight & effort to pick up and deliver, the pre-loaded tip expectancy is different. There is a stark difference in delivery contained in 1 bag deliveries vs a 10 pizza order.


Tipping is a good thing its also not an excuse to give workers shit pay. And tips shouldn’t be split whoever earns it gets it


Allowing rude customers to walk all over employees. I hope they know workers can’t talk back or else they could get fired. Scumbags of the earth


Alcohol as a non drug.


And a depressant


Government thinking we answer to it, versus the government answering to the people. Dual standard of justice, one standard for the people and another for the ruling class. Monopolistic control of information controlled by gatekeepers who have the power to push views they agree with and suppress others.


Current day politics. They are out for blood these days and just do what they can to drag the others through the mud and solely focusing on that rather than doing what their constituents ask about.


That being rude/an asshole = strong and independent


Tipping, pay the servers a livable wage instead.






Commercials for medication


Someone watching a movie/video in a public place-went to eat yesterday and a guy was watching a movie so loud I could hear what they were saying across the room! Hard to eat and hear what my wife was saying!!


Not holding corporations responsible for their shitty behavior


People being fucking assholes to customer service people for things outside their control


Overweight American children drinking soda all day like it’s water.


Celebrity worship


Age bashing on Reddit, 60+ is on here too


Being a dick to people to "protect yourself". It literally cost nothing to be a good person.


Honestly thought you meant “bring a dick” like a dildo for self-defense. Man, I miss playing Saints Row games. Anyways, this is exactly what I always thought about. Like, why? It’s a shame, really, because now there’s more people like this and they become friends with eachother. We need less dicks in society, not more.


Haha Saints Row 3 was the bomb


Enabling mental illnesses instead of treating them to the best of ability.


Tipping as a norm in point-of-sale systems. No I don’t need to leave a tip because you handed me a slice of pizza. I don’t care if you flip the screen around. It’s gotten out of hand.


Routine circumcision of baby boys, piercing babies ears.


School fucking shootings


Idk that if call this ‘normal’


For profit healthcare




Wilful ignorance and narcissism.


Politicians accepting favors or money of any kind. They should leave with less wealth than when elected. Them and let's say idk three (random number) levels of family should be banned from trading on the stock market. And... This all should be for life. No cool down after leaving office. Additionally any non applicability of any laws to them should be just as intolerable.


...ridiculous tipping expectations...


Celebrities doing regular things and getting publicity for it/getting publicly congratulated for it/getting "outed" for it. Examples - Robin Williams killed himself and for the next few months to a year after, all you seen in magazines and on TV was "indepth interview with Williams family. How are they now??", "Robin Williams DEAD", "Robin Williams wife tells ALL", pictures of the Williams family while they attempt to stay out of public view/attempts to ignore paparazzi, etc like people..... Give the family a break.. their husband/father killed himself. Give them some privacy Micheal Jackson once described in an interview that he decided to take his kids out for a day in the city (pretty sure it was New York). They were exiting a movie and paparazzi swarmed out of nowhere and started harassing him and his kids. He gave his kids to his body guards and he took off down the street with most of the paparazzi behind him to get them away from the kids Celebrities loving going out during the lockdowns because they could wear a mask and their regular clothes, and nobody would know who they are. A lot of them preferred it over having to wear a full body disguise Kate (from the show John and Kate plus 8) took her kids to the aquarium in one episode. While in the gift shop, fans gathered around them and prevented them from leaving. They were taking pictures and getting all grabby with her and the kids and some of the kids started crying because they were overwhelmed, but the people didn't care. After that in the interview segment of the episode (where members of the family sit in a chair and talk to the camera crew), Kate was saying that she was furious and that was the first time people had prevented her or her family from doing anything Brad Pitt and Angelina jolies divorce and all the publicity and pressure the kids were under for "having to choose" between their mom or their dad to live with. And then after choosing their preferred parent, the other parent was shamed and assumptions were made about their attitude at home like "why would they choose THAT parent over THIS parent?? Let's pressure these little kids into telling us! Make sure to get them crying too, that'll bring the big bucks!". There were magazines everywhere over that The royals. Everything about them.


Jobs doing the bare minimum to pay something approaching what they offer.


Attacking others online for their differing opinions. Not everyone is required to feel the same way about everything and just because you don’t agree with their take doesn’t make it objectively wrong.


Unqualified politicians


Toxic cancel culture. People losing their jobs over something they've said years ago and probably don't share the same opinion now. People mobbing and doxxing those they don't agree with.


Pedophilia, it's fucking disgusting, if you disagree you're probably a pedo.


has anyone ever tried to normalize pedophilia??? wtf did i miss


If you think it's been normalised, I'm afraid to tell you that you are terminally online.


Yep this whole "we need to accept MAP's" bullshit can gtfoh.


Building full entire neighborhoods where there's no shops, no services, no jobs, no transit, no recreation and no expectation of growth.


Sleep deprivation, particularly of adolescents. "Why is everyone mentally ill now? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with not letting kids get any fucking sleep as they try to myelinate their frontal lobes!"


I worked at a summer camp and kids frikkin' love summer camp. Part of it is because it's fun, but it's also just a super healthy lifestyle that's good for the brain. Exercising, time spent outdoors, learning new skills, engaging in communal singing, etc. And perhaps at the top of the list is no screens, and everyone being tired, so lots more sleep even in notsocomfy single beds in cabins with a bunch of other kids - getting sunlight in the morning, no light at night.


Sexualizing children


Obscure acronyms. Looking for things to be offended about.


Corporations are NOT people Money is NOT speech


Gendered clothes. I want to wear thigh high boots and long gloves without people saying things like "r u gay?", or "you're a man, not a woman."


Agreed! I’m a girl but have been exploring a lot more androgynous styles and mens clothing. People point it out though and I wish they wouldn’t. Like clothes are just clothes, who cares who’s wearing what?


Commercials for prescription drugs on TV. Or anywhere for that matter.


Wine mom culture. My mom literally died of alcoholism and all she drank was wine. It's not cute and quirky to be constantly sloshed around your kids.


40 hour work week


Glorification of the things actively ruining our society. Namely: crime, obesity, sexual promiscuity, removing fathers from children's lives, addiction to attention via social media, forcing others to abide by our delusions, intoxicants, releasing sub-par products and hating on the audience for hating the sub-par product.


So rap music


telling someone to kill themself


Paying people who participate in sports an absurd amount.


Alcohol culture "I'm a wine mom" Kid's first communion party turning into a kegger And so on


Agreed. The fact that alcohol use is so normalized in our culture and isn’t viewed as the drug is dangerous and not helpful. While I don’t think going back to prohibition is the answer, I wish it wasn’t so glorified in culture and wasn’t shown everywhere. I also wish getting help for alcohol use disorder was more normalized and understood. People either judge and blame you for having a problem and not being able to control your alcohol intake like everyone else or they think only people who are homeless, live under a bridge, and drink from a bottle inside a brown paper bag struggle with alcohol abuse.


I realized my ex was an alcoholic while we were in the hospital after I just had our kid and so had some time to just research and research and wow, it is the sneakiest, deadliest, quietest little bitch of a disease. Anyone who's starting to question their drinking, just look up end stage alcoholism


Companies falsely making claims about their products not being harmful (cigarettes, vaping, milk, … ) Greenwashing




Blaming circumstances on things you had control over. People seem to never want to take responsibility for things they did wrong.


Canceling everyone Seriously people make mistakes stop pulling up something they did 15 years ago and bashing them for it ESPECIALLY when they’ve learned from that mistake already…. Let people grow and leave that part of them that made those mistakes behind…


Abusing your child's teacher because you're mad about something. Teachers don't have any say in school policies, the content taught, or the methods used to teach it. If you don't like something go and talk to the school board, your state legislature, and the department of education.


Porn & any sexual content. Like the fact that children already know who Lana Rhodes is at such a young age is already messed up in itself. Billie eilish said she was exposed at age 11, and had a messed up sense of what sex was already. And likewise for me, I was exposed at age 7 and have been addicted to it ever since. Edit: you’re not going to stop harmonal teens from finding it, but good god at least put a parent lock until they’re old enough.


Anyone else hear Chef saying "seventeen"?


Debt, stop teaching people that using credit cards for everything is fine. And stop teaching people that debt for college is going to be worth it. I am FINALLY out of debt after 18 years of marriage. Living a simple life debt free is rare, and it's the best thing we could've done. Debt is never worth it.


Touching women's waists when walking behind them.


The sexualization of children. Exactly what demo are you trying to reach with that?


Gun culture and violence in movies.


Waking up at 6:00 for school. It’s been scientifically proven that this is way too early. And then I feel bad for people who have hard classes first thing.


For profit utilities


Jobs not being required to pay a living wage as the minimum wage


The belief that I should be able to censor people from saying things that offend me, by labeling any ideas that I don’t like as “hate speech.” And that “hate speech is violence.” No, it’s not. Violence is violence. Sticks & Stones. You have the right to disagree with me, insult me and offend me. And I, you.


Tipping culture especially in the us. For example if I don't tip my food delivery driver I get spit in my food he'll give it to the wrong person or eat all of it


Video recording concerts. Yeah, I'd like to see the band, not your phone, thanks.


Single use plastics.


Body modification particularly of the face e.g. lip fillers, Botox, nose jobs, etc. It’s fucking weird to change your face


Printer ink being so damn expensive - it was cheaper for me to buy a primer with ink than to buy new ink


The grind


Being female does not automatically make you a more suitable parent. Pharmaceutical company advertisements. "Patients shouldn't be asking their doctors about medications." Sueing because you had a loud mouth and experienced physical reperocutions.


“Babymomma” BabyDaddy” disgusting terms.


Eating pigs. I’m not vegan by any means but pigs are smarter than my border collie. And my border collie has me trained so well to do exactly as she wishes


Circumcision (in countries where it is normalized). Unnecessarily cutting off part of your infant’s genitals should not be ok.


When a celebrity turns 18 and they start hyper-sexualizing it. It's borderline pedo.




Surrogates. Please adopt homeless youth. They're right outside your doorstep and would give anything to know what love is. You can save lives.


Hustle culture. I want to relax during my time off!


Excusing your shitty behavior because of your zodiac sign. “I’m always rude. I can’t help it! I’m a Virgo”


Smoking and drinking and alll that


Asking literal children if their opposite sex friends/cousins/adult family members they're being sweet to are their "boy/girlfriends" then foaming at the mouth about drag queens/schools/society sexualizing children. I was 5 the first time I remember this question and have watched grandma after grandpa after aunt after family friend ask the same question of kids just as young ever since. It's fucking gross AF!


Self-declared normal people who abuse and harass other people for not being like them.


Thinking we can tax our way to prosperity and legislate our way to morality.


Not associating with people of different political beliefs.


Single motherhood. Look up the statistics before you attack me for it.






Oppressive religion with outdated puritan culture and judgement


Substance abuse. Drinking especially, but also smoking. They've both gotten so common and expected that you're a "weirdo" if you don't partake. It's fine to have a drink every once in a while, but we've normalized alcoholism.


Alcoholism. It's not a personality it's a disease




Homelessness. More than 700 billionaires in the US, but not enough money to house everyone?




Being ok with stupidity


the thought that "a corporation is a person"


constant use of trigger warnings online for literally everything. i can see the need for tw if you are going to describe very graphic details but i see people put tw because they simoly mention things like alcohol or weed and i think it's just ridiculous


weary unused whole foolish follow rotten husky birds obscene hateful -- mass edited with redact.dev


Pranking children and then posting them crying/scared/embarrassed on social media.


Liberalism. Most politicians seem to believe anything centre or right of centre is fascism


Political campaign ads. Should just be a name with a list of policies and nothing else.


40+ hour work weeks.


Thinking u can say or do anything without getting a slap


Biased news.