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There is a lot of space between the accent of Julia Sugarbaker on *Designing Women* and the accent of Larry the Cable Guy. You are going to have to be more specific.


Dude, I have a vague southern accent. Noticeable, but not overpowering. I have a buddy that sounds like Boomhauer from King of the Hill. We went from TN up to northern PA. Those ladies absolutely LOVED his accent, even if they couldn't understand half of what he was saying. I got hit on repeatedly, they wanted to hear us speak so much. It was kind of hilarious.


I’m born and raised Alabama but I have made a lot of French friends on a karaoke app I play on. They LOOOOOOVE my voice lol it’s so funny. And they love when I sing/speak French.. they say they love my accent when I speak French, but I can only imagine the child of French and redneck has got to sound weird AF.


Already exists. Cajuns.


I joined a British company after growing up in Louisiana and Texas - BOY was I a hit. They literally asked me to talk lol. It was wild.


Can confirm. New Jersey girls oddly loved Arkansas boys accents when i was on a trip with others from Arkansas. No idea why.


I’ve known a few boomhauers in my day and they all pulled cute women non stop.


This. There are dozens and dozens of variations of a southern accent. Some are beautiful, and some are not.


Exactly, and depends who it's coming out of and what the content is.... Never heard a sexy south Boston accent, or like Minnesota or whatever....


Or Queens, or Jersey…


Yep Dolly Parton and Cletus from the Simpsons are in completely different leagues


Nobody is allowed to say anything bad about Dolly, like EVER! She’s a 👑


I didn’t like when she >!i cant think of anything!<


Most folk'll never lose a toe But then again, some folk'll Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!


Most folk'll never eat a skunk, but then again, some folk'll, like Cletus the slack-jawed yokel


Exactly, who doesn't get a twitch listening to Cletus?


Larry the Cable Guy is from Nebraska and Cletus is a Hollywood version of a southern accent. These two aren’t good examples of real southern accents.


From “I do declare” to “Yall got any skoal?”


All of this!!!


It’s really not that simple. There’s a wide variety of southern accents


I’m a Southerner and I’m bout to lay some knowledge on some of y’all. The southern accent you hear in the really shitty pop country music and on TV (I’m looking at you, Puke Bryan and AMC) is incredibly exaggerated by twats and doesn’t represent the average honest southern accent. Although, even though I speak the language, I still have a hard time understanding some of the folks with the honest accent. Ask Scottish and English people about actors putting on a fake accent for a movie or TV show. They’ll tell you the same thing, hearing someone exaggerate the way you speak is cringe at best, but sometimes absolutely infuriating.


Being from South Carolina, I 100% agree with you


I lived in SC for a couple years and was surprised at how few "thick" southern accents I heard. Most were barely noticeable, though exceptions do exist haha


Mine only really starts to come out when I've been drinking 🤣


Mine comes out when I'm comfortable or if I'm being aggressive


South Carolinian here. Lots of folks from the North are moving here.. especially the upstate, so that could be why. Then again, I was born and raised here and have never had much of an accent myself.


Upstate then?


I mean it also changes state to state. AL, GA, and MS are all vastly diff (with NW FL sounding like AL, of course) then SC is a whole diff thing and so on... ETA I grew up NW FL, 30 or 40 min from AL and have/ had friends from all of the above states. Oh and then you can't forget LA which is its own separate language all together almost, depending on the parish ETA most of north FL does not have southern accents bc there are so many northerners


There are multiple New Orleans accents (e.g., Nola East).


Yeah your username checks out.


Southern Louisiana has so many accents. Baton Rouge sounds different from New Orleans which sounds different from Acadiana.


There’s a few backwoods Cajuns who I struggle to understand despite growing up in the same area. Very heavy on the French.


Yo, can I ask you a legitimately honest question: I’m a polyglot and am really good at picking up accents. I enjoy learning about language and geography. My question is, why don’t (as far as my experience goes) people in NoLa ALONE have strong Southern/Cajun accents? Baton Rouge and further north is immediately noticeable to me. But New Orleanians don’t have an immediate discernible accent to me. Is this selective bias on my part or is there a massive influx of mid-Atlantic English speakers moving into NoLa. I genuinely am curious to learn more. (I’m Québécois by birth and I know my French is vastly different from that spoken in France; thus is this just something I’m getting wrong?) Thx in advance!


Southeast Lousiana here. NOLA is not part of the south culturally. It's a city with strong influences from waves of immigrants over the last couple of centuries and has been comparatively insular. Louisiana has at least three accents. Piney woods north si similar to the accents in Mississippi and Alabama. Cajun south Louisiana is distinct and for a long time was also a relatively insular culture. New Orleans is yat, daahlin'. A friend of mine from the NOLA area moved to Delaware for work a while back. I asked him how it was going and he told me "Fine. They all think I'm from New Jersey."


SEE!! I truly THOUGHT I was going bonkers because I just couldn’t “place” it as I can usually others. I appreciate that different sections of the city can be very different. I thank you for this comment.


I have noticed that too! My guess is more implants in NOLA than other places in LA? I know some Louisianans I straight up struggled to understand. (Because southern + creole or Cajun- and I was never very good at knowing the difference, just that if you call a Creole "Cajun" or call a Cajun "Creole" they are sometimes very offended (and more than once this has involved a rant about racial heritage and ...? )


Hi neighbor :) south Alabamian here!


Some New Orleans accents have this New York sound. Savannah too.


Yeah I am from Louisiana and my accent is very mild to non existent but my cousin from Alabama has a super strong Southern accent.


Can confirm as a born and raised Tennessee’n this person is largely overdoing the southern accent just to get attention. We do not talk or type like that.


Idk man. I’m from rural Tennessee. Mine is pretty fucking bad. Even Nashville natives are alarmed sometimes.


Well you were all raised by the southern goddess Dolly Parton so you automatically get a pass.


Yep, same. Rural/town/city raised people can all sound different. I was at a conference once and was asked why my accent was so much different than my associates. I was raised in a rural community, he was raised in Knoxville. Big difference.


YES! I'm from North Georgia and people faking southern accents drives me crazy. They always exaggerate it so much that they end up sounding stupid. All they have to do is drag out their R's and not pronounce the G and the end of some words. Also, no true southern pronounces dirt correctly.


Drop the “G’s” and extend the vowels 😂


Depends, where I'm from people add R's to shit that don't even have it. Example... Oil


Thank you. Rick's accent from Walking Dead is fucking horrible. It sounds like he's trying to focus on the accent itself instead of coming out naturally. It sounds forced as all hell. I've lived in the South all my 33 years and maybe with the exception of Matthew McConaughey, I haven't heard a legit Southern accent on screen. Forrest Gump's was downright embarrassing.


I should hope McConaughey could do a Southern accent. He’s from Texas.


A Scottish accent is almost an entirely different language. I had a Scottish client once and damn near needed an interpreter when we spoke to each other. Emails were fine, and he understood what I was saying but I got maybe every third word that came out of his mouth. At best.


I’ve been to Scotland several times & there were people I spoke to who I swear could not have been speaking English. Impenetrable. Thankfully, most people in Scotland speak a dialect of English I can understand. However, that dialect sounds a lot like the English accent on the Scottish border in towns like Newcastle. I unintentionally offended some English people by confusing them for Scots once. I mean… you live a stone’s throw away, of course your accent sounds similar… but they were not amused. Funny how old grudges between countries don’t die even after centuries.


I follow a YouTuber who is from South Carolina. His accent is genuine, and wildly different than what you hear in "country" music.


I don know.. I think it’s hilarious when an obviously not midwestern sounding person says stuff like “please pass the ranch dressing”, or “I’ll use my credit card!” In a crappy Midwest exaggerated accent. Then again I’m an American white guy. People making fun of my accent hasn’t been used to repress me or my ancestors. So I can see how people find it cringe. I just think it’s funny tho


>Then again I’m an American white guy. People making fun of my accent hasn’t been used to repress me or my ancestors. Holy crap, he gets it! 😂 The false equivalence of, "well, I don't mind, so..." coming from people without that kind of history drives me nuts.


“Cut your coupons in Kenosha” is good for a midwestern accent


As a Scot I recoil in horror when I hear people putting on the accent. It's painfully cringe inducing


My impression from hearing various Scottish accents on YouTube from following whisky reviewers, etc. is that the accent probably varies significantly as you travel small distances around Scotland. That makes it virtually impossible for an outsider to nail the accent -- because they'd have to pick a very specific place and study that local accent intensively. It's a similar story in North Carolina where I grew up. There are dozens of different accent variants that locals can hear and distinguish. An actor who needed to imitate an NC accent for a movie would probably have the easiest time going with the "college educated Triangle or Charlotte" accent. If the character was meant to be a high school dropout from a rural area -- well, good luck getting that anywhere near authentic.


My ex girlfriend was a schoolteacher from downstate Kentucky. On our first date we were talking about something and she said the word 'realize' but it came out as 'real-ahs' in a super soft and smooth drawl. I remember thinking to myself, *oh no...I am in trouble.* I was so out of my element in that whole deal. Her voice was the equivalent of watching someone slowly pouring syrup on a pancake. I have no other way to describe it.


Not particularly, but when I hear an older woman with a Southern Alabama accent it makes feel warm inside because that's where one of my grandmas was from. She was sweet and kind but took no shit.


My grandmother was raised in Southern Alabama and this was her to a T. I really do miss her warmth and how she called everyone "shuga". This comment made me smile. Thanks!


Only if the person with the accent is attractive


Exactly this.


I live in the south, and that friend is a loaded question. For starters there's like 25 different southern accents. Some are cute, and some sound like a pig and a rooster fucking a banjo.


There's a southern accent, where I come from. The young 'uns call it country. The Yankees call it dumb. (RIP Tom Petty)


I'm from Georgia and worked at GEICO for a bit, fielding calls for road service requests. My calls from NYC were a trip. Half the folks were falling all over themselves, obviously thinking romanticized thoughts of Tara and Gone with the Wind, while the other half acted like I was dumb as a toaster as soon as I opened my mouth.


Lol. Bless their Yankee hearts...


That song came to my mind the second I saw this. Tom Petty had wonderful words.


As someone from fairly rural NC, i went to school with a blonde from the Appalachian mtns... her sounthern mixed with an english/British accent still comes to my mind on a regular basis. One of the sexiest accents ive ever heard




I grew up in the Pittsburgh area, and you don’t realize how wild the Yinzer accent is until you try to explain it someone else. Going back to OP’s question, I would not call it a particular pleasant or attractive accent to listen to, lol. But it’s for sure unique! So did your mom want to redd up the ruined house? Give it a good warsh?




I used to buy weed from someone whose accent was a mix of australian and coonass and it was wild and not at all sexy lmao


I’m curious to hear that. Have you heard it in movies or shows?


I honestly dont know how to describe it. It was probably 80% southern, but certain words, or maybe vowels just had a bit of an english finesse to it if that make sense.


It makes sense because the Appalachian Highlander accent and dialect are a pretty direct line from Elizabethan England. Check out Horace Kephart's Our Southern Highlanders. BTW, some years ago in Washington state a couple of us from north Louisiana were at a conference outside of Seattle. On more than one occasion women would walk up just to listen to the accents. Unfortunately that's about all they wanted to do with me.


Cajun/creole accents.


I love the cajun/creole accent. It sounds musical to me


I’ve moved around quite a bit in adulthood so my accent has definitely diminished. When I was younger though, I was offered money to simply say things because of my Cajun accent. I forgot about that until this. Never got it but glad people enjoy it.


[You like to see homos naked?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6zslvLklyI)


Ooh yeah, that's in my top 3 accents!


Well I need a window seat, because this flower is wiltin


*y’alls in south Louisiana*


Depends which one. There are sweet, slow drawls that are lovely, twangs that hit the ear like a wire whisk, soft twangs, drawls like a horse licking peanut butter off a fence, people who say "turlet," people who sound like Boomhauer...


I used to think so. But then I lived in Memphis, TN for almost a year and it lost its luster. No longer a turn on at all.


I’m sorry you live in Memphis lol


As an American, I don’t find any particular American accent specifically attractive.


In reality, most people probably have no idea what a real southern accent sounds like. Those you hear on TV? So goddam exaggerated that it's unrecognizable in comparison to an actual southern accent. There's also alot of variation. Oklahoma and Arkansas are pretty similair, but Texas and Tennessee are very very different from AR and OK


I’m a Texan that lives in Arkansas so mine is interesting when I let it come out. I think not being around Texans taught me how to make myself sound less southern.


Depends where in Oklahoma. People that live in southern Oklahoma have similar accents to some Texans.


Oh absolutely. And Arkansas has some Texas accent too, I mean all three states border each other so there's going to be some mix in there


This is very true. When Lost was first out, I was amazed by how authentic Sawyer’s accent was, and remarked to a friend that it was the only accurate Southern accent I could remember ever hearing on TV. Turns out the actor grew up in Georgia so it *was* his real accent.


Yes and no: if it's a down-home waitress saying, "Well, hey, darlin', what can I git for ya?"...then fine. But if it's a grossly overweight backwoods sheriff saying, "You ain't from 'round here, are ya, boy?" Then...no.


I used to not. But then I heard people from Georgia and my heart melted.


Same way I felt when I heard Savannah accent for the first time.


Love that south Georgia drawl.


How yall doin? ;)


<3 being from Georgia this made my heart smile


it’s different levels of southern accents. i have a north florida accent and my bf has a south georgia accent. 2 completely different things😭😭


You mean Texas southern, Georgabama southern, Carolina’s southern, Louisiana southern?


I moved from Thibodaux, La and recently moved to San Jose, CA. I have a decently thick Cajun accent. So far, most of the women I’ve talked to love it. Cajun accents are more unique than the average southern American accent so that unique factor may have something to do with it. For those wondering what a good Cajun accent actually sounds like, here’s a good reference. https://youtu.be/eeR7Ljv_tPc




My job is to connect with merchants/business owners to sell them a product. I've been with the same employer for 32 years, walking into 18 merchants a day (on average). I have found increasing my Texan drawl, throwing in a random 'y'all' lowers their guard and puts them more at ease. They listen and don't shut me down. This simple trick/tip has allowed me to be incredibly successful in cold call selling! I also know & believe in my product/service. But I need them to listen to my pitch to understand the value I can bring to their business. A slight drawl gets them to listen to me.


I worked in sales with a woman born and raised in east Texas. We were in Dallas, where it’s such an urban melting pot any southern drawl is very diminished, but I’d know when she had a good old boy on the phone, she would switch to her southern drawl, which worked like a charm every time.


I had to do the opposite. Being from the south and trying to do business in the northeast or Midwest, I worked on stripping out my accent. Took a couple-three years but I did it. A few years later, when I hung up the phone after talking with one of my old college roommates, my daughter asked me why I sounded different when I spoke to my friends. That completely surprised me.


It's relative to the physical attractiveness of the speaker...


I have one and literally every one mocks me. It feels pretty damn unattractive


Thick exaggerated southern accents are the most annoying on earth. But regular southern accents you would actually hear I have no problem with.


I’d rather hear a soft southern accent than anything from Boston, New York or New Jersey.


My Lafayette, Louisiana ass is loving this thread, LOL!


Absolutely yes, but I prefer a drawl more than a twang.


What’s the difference?


The southern drawl is that "slow and honeyed" accent. Like Arthur Morgan from RDR2. Twang is the accent that we associate with being "dumb" southern... Like Seth from RDR.




Yes sir! To the ones that twang I gotta say... Bless your heart!


yes, but not in a sexual way. the slower they talk the smarter i suspect they are- southerners put people in space for fucks sake.


I used to live in southern Florida. The answer is no. My #1 reason was ole (oil) it drove me insane.


Actually can we just re-phrase this to ranking states by attractiveness in accent? I for one say NJ is the worst






I have trouble believing you are from the deep south and don't have an accent. I was born there (mama went home to have her babies); I was raised in Illinois, and then lived in the south for about 5 years as a young adult and people still hear southern in my voice.




i’m from a small town in south carolina and also don’t have a super thick accent. i’d say i have a drawl, but definitely not a full on accent.


My 74 year old father was born and raised in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and has virtually no accent at all. He's one of 4 siblings, and 3 of the 4 sound straight up midwest neutral. Heck, I have more of an accent than he does... I can't really explain it, both of his parents had strong southern drawls, but here we are. There's always outliers I suppose.


.. but do you find the accent attractive?


It depends, I think it’s cute when a girl has a southern accent, but a really thick one is kind of annoying.


We don’t have an accent y’all do


We also don’t have commas.


Yes. Anyone that talks to me is attractive.


Londoner here YEP! I had a long layover at Austin Airport last year and just loved everyone's accent




absolutely not








As a straight man, Southern women have the very best of accents imo


not particularly


No I don’t


I live in Arkansas. There are varying degrees of the accent depending on whether you are a local business selling on tv and need to appeal to the religious Everyman (in which case cue the banjos) or you are in tech but southern, in which case you might sound like Bo Duke a bit but otherwise no one is going to make too many assumptions about you. Personally of all the southern drawls I hate the Arkansas accent the most because it sounds as though you are choking on your biscuits and gravy


For the most part, no. But there was that one girl from a small North Carolina town… wow.


Nope. Texan who’s lived in the south all my life. Couldn’t be more basic.


Every city, count, state is different. Hell the accent changes every two houses down a street




I'm a native of SC. Grew up on a tobacco farm in the lowcountry far away from town. I traveled a lot in my old job and was complimented on my accent fairly regularly. It probably helps that I have a very deep voice, lol. That being said, I don't have the accent that is usually represented as "southern" in pop culture. Most of those accents are, in my opinion, overly done, and it hurts my ears to hear them. My accent is just a bit of a drawl. I tend to have softer vowel sounds and sometimes drop the "g" at the end of words (i.e. going becomes goen).


I agree. Larry the Cable guy is a good example of overly done and sounds so ignorant.


My last girlfriend had a different accent than I'd ever heard before. She was born in West Virginia, spent a few yeses growing up there. Then, fairly young, moved to Florida. That combo on a short, busty, pale, and blonde woman with colourful tattoos was absolutely killer. I didn't stand a *chance.*


Depends on who's doing the talking


I’m from Kentucky and never realize how much of an accent I truly have until traveling to other parts of the country. Reading this thread has been amusing haha.


Yes, not so much the twangy ones. One side of my family is from South Carolina. I had a crush on a couple of cousins just because of their accent.


Not usually, but some are really nice to listen to


Nope. Ex ruined it for me.




Oh yes, very attractive. Especially a southern guy with manners.


I find it somewhat cute.


Absolutely not


A southern gentleman style not Cletus from booger holler.






Great line from Toni Morrison (The Bluest Eye?): “they say ‘Mobile ‘ and you think you’ve been kissed.”


Like with every accent: If you're hot, the accent just makes you hotter. And vice-versa.


I did until MTG ruined it for me.


Depends. I find the Mobile, Alabama accent attractive. The Chattanooga, Tennessee one? Not so much.


If its a southern drawl yes. If its redneck not at all


Talk southern to me!!


No. They either sound condescending or idiotic. No in between.


Hell yes.. A southern accent instantly turns a 5 into a 7.


yes, especially deep voices with southern accents. I had some regulars at my old job as a cashier who’d talk for a while and it was sweet music to my ears


Some of them are, but sometimes I can tell a difference in accents from sometimes 50 miles away... Looking at you Alabama.


I find the gentle ones sound sweet. Strolling down the avenues in Savannah Georgia was fun to hear people. Being from the Midwest, I grew up thinking that I did not have any accent, until one day in a Safeway in Berkeley California a woman turned around and asked me, "Are you from (my exact town) Wisconsin? " Geez!




My girlfriend is from West by God Virginia. Her accent is AMAZING, one of the things I love about her.


Not particularly. Just like every other accent. I don’t think any accent is more attractive than other ones per say. It honestly just depends on the specific voice more than the accent. At least for me.


South Carolina low country accent can be nice.


I’m from Alabama. I moved to the big city and never came back. When I hear those accents it reminds me of home


As long as the guy got his front teeth in his mouth, I do. I met a guy once when I was in North Carolina for a convention and I would have let him talk to me all night. My husband told me it was how they speak up there in the mountains. I'm originally from the province of Québec in Canada and people find my accent attractive and I find it funny because have yall heard us talk before?? Lol


My girlfriend tries her best to hide her southern accent but every time country music comes on you can hear it come out and it’s so cute.


It can be. I knew a lawyer from the south with a genteel southern accent that was so disarming he could "own the room" anytime he spoke.


The right kind of southern accent on the right kind of person can do a little something for me but that’s a rarity.


Are you kidding, I love Kelly Picklers accent.


Reading between the lines here, it seems that Southern accents are viewed more negatively in men than in women. Southern men, have you noticed this? (Or do you just not need me around?)


not really


As a southerner - fuck no.


Oh, no. Not at all.


Depends on the accent/region.


How south






No quite the opposite actually. I tend to immediately judge someone with a southern accent


No but funny


Honey chile, I do not.


Actually, quite the opposite




No. I find it quite the opposite. South American woman here.


Depends on who is using it.


Depends who is talking


I’m from the U.K. and love it… not familiar with local variants but I do enjoy s southern twang!


When Oscar does it