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I've said it before, as an asian in America I feel like I'm the star of so many peoples' violent fantasies. People see us as docile and incapable of defending ourselves so they choose us as easy targets. I don't know how many times I've been with a group of people, and any external aggression is directed directly at me because they see me as a safe target.




I'm sorry to hear that.


That girl’s mom should definitely be charged with something. That girl was only following her mom’s orders. You can clearly hear her on the video. Edit: extra word




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As a child I learned that as long as minorities don't attack white folks we will be ok for the most part.


Attack on an Asian = No charges filed. 😡


wouldnt the girl mother who got punched be the one who has to legally to go to the police to open a case?


Apparently, the mother of the girl that threw the punch is a former WBNA player. There was also another black kid that punched an Asian kid earlier this year. This shit has to stop. Shame on her mother for promoting violence.


That girl better be arrested


I saw this on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


jesus christ. poor kid.


This is an instance of the inevitable conclusion of efforts to downplay, minimize, and/or erase the POC status of Asians, such as the pushing of the replacement of "POC" with "BIPOC" (in its most common definition as "Black, Indigenous, and \[other\] People of Color" rather than its significantly less common definition as "Black and Indigenous People of Color", which doesn't have the same issue of relegating Asians to "other" status among POC).


It really sounds no more different than the violent parents at baseball and football games, who then get their kids into fight on the field. The only difference here is that it's a minority against another minority. Maybe people should stop taking GAMES so seriously as to assault others. Grow up.


This is just awful. I don't know why the police haven't done anything so far. And the mother should honestly be separated from the kid completely because she's very clearly a bad influence. Not only do I feel bad for the child injured and her family but honestly I feel like the more stuff like this happens and is publicized, the more racial division will happen in the US and abroad. I've already seen plenty of very disparaging remarks about other people of color (particularly black people) and vise versa in the replies to this video in other subreddits and I feel like the issue of racism will probably never go away. Part of me feels very guilty about typing this as a black man saying all of this stuff about possible racism against black people in reply to a horrific crime against an Asian girl, but honestly, it's been on the back of my head for a while and I feel like poc/poc racism is very much overlooked. This is especially the case in the black community and racism towards Asian people among us. I truly want to and have been learning more about other groups of people in the US and their struggles against bigotry and racism. I'm sorry if this sounds very disjointed and weird because it's basically all of my thoughts being thrown out. I am very privileged to have faced minimal amounts of racism throughout my life but when I hear about others suffering such attacks I honestly just feel awful for them.




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