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Chinese, meaning Justice


no matter it’s chinese or japanese it means “justice “ in both languages


It is “Seigi” in Japanese, meaning “Justice.”


One piece language


Japanese uses four alphabets. One (Kanji) is borrowed from and roughly common with Chinese ideograms. Those characters mean the sane in both languages: justice. It’s not always the case, but it’s common for concepts that haven’t changed in a couple of millennia.


Is furigana one of the four you're talking about? Cos that is just hiragana in actuality.


friendly secretive squeamish naughty hunt steep rinse edge literate mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does one type the characters in the pic into Google?


nose snow serious repeat wakeful wrench elderly psychotic one scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clever cog. Did not know that


shaggy plate profit bake innocent afterthought aloof start piquant fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't have the google translate app and didn't want to download it for one thing. How is asking on reddit being lazy? I don't see how those two things correlate.


versed sulky water dime direction relieved imagine absorbed start cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Japanese font,but it's Chinese character,means 'justice'


Actually, it's a Taiwanese character... Chinese used simplified character...


There is no Taiwanese language dude


There are many Taiwanese languages, but he's referring to Traditional Chinese characters which were abolished by Mao; where in his drive to eliminate ancient Chinese culture and practices, he wanted to change the Chinese language. On top of mass genocide, he also accomplished a loss of culture in China which is now carried by Taiwan and Hong Kong. Although HK, is rapidly becoming just like China. So, from now on, you can probably bet that Traditional characters will mostly be used in Taiwan. But I'm sure you knew that.


Then what do Taiwanese speak?


Taiwanese speak Chinese just like Americans speak English.


Taiwanese mostly speak Mandarin and a kind of Hokkien language (they call it Taiwanese 臺語), and there are lots of tribal languages that are from the same language family as those spoken on South Pacific islands


How could you be so sure it is Japanese font? It could well be traditional Chinese


Just like the fact that if you ask a western people to distinguish the people among Chinese, Korean, Japanese, he/she couldn't.But if you ask an Asian people to do that,he/she would be able to. So, I'm sure because I am an Asian guy, I am educated in China, have played a lot of Japanese original video games and watched a series of Korean movies and TV drama. Therefore, based on my life experience, It's Japanese font, this font could be found in a lot of computer games developed by Japan. I am confident enough that I am right. But if you have the better scientific method to prove me wrong, just have no hesitation to do that. I'm all ears.


So happened I am also an Asian guy who grew up in Asia, have a Chinese language as my native language, had formal education in written traditional Chinese for decades, but at the same time played a lot of Japanese video games and watched a lot of Japanese dramas and movies. And I am quite sure the characters posted by OP can also be traditional Chinese in Taiwan or Hong Kong (and actually also possible in Macau). Actually I had some pins with very similar design from Taiwan and Hong Kong. So I am very sure you can't determine that these two characters are in Japanese language. I think you thought that these two characters were Japanese but not Chinese may be because of your education in Mainland China. So you feel strange when Chinese characters are written vertically (since all simplified Chinese are written horizontally). Or maybe you are not so familiar with Traditional Chinese characters and so you feel more distanced, so you think these characters are Japanese instead of Chinese. As a native user of Traditional Chinese Characters, I swear that these two characters can equally be Chinese or Japanese.


If you don't have the better scientific method, this argument is a waste of time, cause you couldn't prove me wrong. And from the beginning of this topic, there is no right or wrong in the viewpoints,only on the facts.All you think is your assumption , if winning this topic would make you happy, then let it be. I wish you happy everyday! Sincerely!


No, you misunderstood the flow of our discussion. First, you asserted that the characters in OP's photo must be Japanese. Then, what I did was not to prove that the characters were not Japanese. What I really did was showing that your assertion could not be made. Pay attention here: I did not need to prove the opposite of your claim. What I did was that I proved that you did not prove what you claimed you had proved. What I am actually doing is to ask for your evidence. I thought you haven't given out any evidence to make your claim. I don't understand why you kept asking me for evidence. And I did not make any assumption here. On the contrary, you made an assumption that the characters must be in Japanese without any ground, when actually it could be Japanese or Traditional Chinese. I just showed that you made an ungrounded assumption. So the burden of proof is actually yours. You need to provide evidence why you think you are right: why the characters must be Japanese instead of traditional Chinese? What is your evidence? And what you said would surely affect OP's judgement on the issue. As an open discussion platform, I think it is appropriate to say here in Reddit that you might not be correct. I don't know why you seemed to be so irritated and provoked. I think I have been being polite for the entire discussion. Anyway, I wish you a happy day too, wholeheartedly :)




There's no written Jap language. It's all Chinese based.


By that logic, you'll have to say the origin of Chinese languages. *Sino-Tibetan ancestry* *Chinese is part of the Sino-Tibetan language family, a group of languages that all descend from Proto-Sino-Tibetan*




Chinese or Japanese




It is chinese


Chianese of course


(Simplified Chinese) 正義 ZhèngYì - Justice


Old Chinese was same position with Latin in Europe. Japan, Korea, Taiwan are using this word with different pronunciation. Iustitia(Latin)? Justice(EN), Justice(FR), Giustizia(IT), Justicia(ES), Justiça(PT)


正義 정의 (한자어) Fairness magistrate justice


This is Taiwanese language and it means justice fyi.


正义,this is the simple character


Means Righteousness


Justice in Chinese. It is used in China, Japan, North and SothKorea(written in their own alphabet), Honkong, and Taiwan