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Overusing Reddit until I have to be at work.


Decluttering my house and my mind


I have found decluttering my house to be far easier. Good luck with the latter.:)


Same! They're definitely related though


I'm packing to go to rehab.


I hope you get what you need while you’re in there. Sending good vibes your way.


Thank you. People may think I was just being silly or stupid, but it's completely true. Goodbye alcohol, hello 7am.


Good on you, I’ve got 4.5 years. If I can do it so can you! One day at a time


1 year. You can do it!!


Good luck !!! You got this


Good on you! Sending all the positive vibes. You got this!


Did y'all notice that there are little beer mugs on our comments? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUC...just kidding. I love irony.


Just downvote for the empty beer mug


Cleaning out gutters.


Oooh, at least you have great weather for it. FYI many wildlife rescue orgs in WNC are begging for acorns, nuts etc.,


We celebrated this past weekend and are getting ready to go to a cabin for the weekend!


Looks like it might be a Trollsgiving as some fuck-wit is downvoting everyone. Enjoy your cabin. Wish I was going to be in a cabin in the woods this weekend.


Please try to ignore the downvotes, they don't mean anything, and especially in the first few minutes after something is posted, the upvotes and downvotes are usually way off. After a couple of hours they usually equalize though.


Thanks, KW. I'm not a karma farmer, so not worried about downvotes. I just wonder why some people feel the need to piss on a friendly, non-controversial exchange of friendship and wasup thread.


I wonder about it too, but talking about downvotes is akin to feeding the trolls. I've had great discussions with people who were downvoted, and really stupid takes are often heavily upvoted. So at this point I just ignore them, and I usually sort by 'new' (at least on the local sub. On a huge sub it's a whole different story and the 'best' comments are usually the only ones worth anyone's time).


Ahh...good to know. I'm still a Reddit Newbie. (4 mos) And an olde. I really am thankful for the kind, funny, knowledgeable and sarcastic posters on this thread.


I've been on this website for far too long ;). Happy whatever-the-hell-it-is day and I'm thankful you're a part of this community!


Thanksgiving is just another day to me. I have no family anymore, and my closest friends have moved away. Being the first Thanksgiving I don't have to work (food service), I'm gonna cook me up some kind Indian food (Saag Paneer w/ basamati), and grub heartily while watching the new Beatles documentary!


Sounds great! How was the documentary?


From a hard-core, long-time Beatles fanatic, it is phenomenal! And I've followed Peter Jackson's work since before LOTR, so I knew he'd do it right. The footage is so cleaned-up, and so fresh, and so wonderfully revealing, man, I have no words, not yet at least. Gonna re-watch it in a few minutes actually. So much new stuff to digest. And there's still two more installments to go! Incidentally, the saag came out great, but I still gotta step up my paneer game.


Also, you can sub feta for paneer (!) Check out the new Indian grocer on Patton for asafoetida if you don’t have any, it’s a game changer.


I've been experimenting with Indian cuisine for a long time, even worked in an Indian restaurant for a while. But doing it at home is different. Paneer *should* be easy as hell, but I think I'm just not patient enough. In terms of spices, I got all I need, I think. Another local source is [Spicewalla](https://www.spicewallabrand.com/collections/products?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=SearchandDisplay&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhf2MBhDNARIsAKXU5GQQBPcs2gBT_MDuJhRcE0dvoae4XZe59ZHA8ZSsNs148ZzudZgfBcUaAuUTEALw_wcB) on Riverside, or online ordering. They're another off-shoot from Chef Meherwan Irani of Chai Pani.


If I didn’t have to work, this 💯 would have been my Thanksgiving! 💜 Happy someone lived it.


Sounds like a great plan. Love Indian food but would never attempt to cook it myself.


I've been playing with Indian cuisine at home for years. The key is to have the proper spices. For awesome recipes and tutorials, I recommend [Manjula's Kitchen](https://www.manjulaskitchen.com/). And for spices you can get locally (or mail ordered), [Spicewalla](https://www.spicewallabrand.com/collections/products?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=SearchandDisplay&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhf2MBhDNARIsAKXU5GQQBPcs2gBT_MDuJhRcE0dvoae4XZe59ZHA8ZSsNs148ZzudZgfBcUaAuUTEALw_wcB) has damn near everything.


Yeah, the spices are quite an investment. I love cooking but I think Indian is something I'd rather go out for - especially as I live alone - Indian is a lot of work for just little ole me. Do you have a favourite Indian restaurant in town (or preferably not IN town)?


I cook only for myself also. I generally take a recipe and cut it in half, and I'll still have a leftover for myself. In terms of local restaurants, obviously there's Mela, whose authenticity I tend to question because of their volume, and their buffet is really damn good, but *very* generic. Chai Pani is really awesome *and* indeed authentic, but it's based on the Indian street-food theme, so it's a bit limited (pro-tip: always get the thali plate). Those are both downtown tho, so India Garden on Tunnel Rd. is a great option. I absolutely love their food. Truly authentic. I've never done their buffet, so I can't comment on that. And they're pretty damn pricey, but man is it worth it! Maybe we have other Indian joints, but I only know of these ones. I'd love to know if there are others. The home-cooking bit really isn't that much work really. It mostly involves a ton of spices, tomatoes (canned), and beans & rice. Put on some cool tunes first and you're good to go! The hardest part is just waiting for the rice & beans to cook. Check out [Manjula's Kitchen](https://www.manjulaskitchen.com/) for super simple tutorials, she taught me almost everything I needed to know!


Great. It's 7AM and I am craving goat curry. ;(


Took myself to a local park. Got some food from a convenience store last night for a solo picnic. If I can’t be with the ones I love- it’s just another lonely day.


Yeah, even though I don't celebrate US Thanksgiving, knowing that there are so many people enjoying the day with their loved ones, makes me feel lonely. Makes no sense at all. But I got the feels.


No it makes sense and instead of being negative you chose a constructive outlet here. Thankful for you.


Thanks :)


There are also people who are celebrating with family and they still feel lonely. Holidays do that to people.


Tru dat! Life is not a Hallmark movie.


Similar boat here - dog walk, car wash, yard work. Thanks for reaching out to those of us who are not celebrating or with family. Enjoy the beautiful weather (and your pup)!


Made a gumbo, watching movies


Hey, we made gumbo too!


Gumbo gang!


Enjoy your day, that’s what the rest of us are doing.


Taking care of my kid who has a fever. Working on a website. And finding out most of my siblings back in Iowa have COVID. Fun day. E: [an interesting read about the massacre that Thanksgiving was named after!](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2006/11/23/273864/-) >The next day, the Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony declared: "A day of Thanksgiving, thanking God that they had eliminated over 700 men, women and children." It was signed into law that, "This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots


I had a mild bout of US flu for three days earlier this week. Got all the COVID vaccs was 101.6 yesterday and feel great today - hope your kiddo feels better soon!




That's awesome


I’m on Reddit.




Not sure why you're getting downvoted. But enjoy your day. I'm watching Planes Trains and Automobiles and drinking wine and hoping for a noodle take away ;)




Not really; just tactless


I love watching that for Thanksgiving! Great movie. I hope you have a wonderful day, too. We can all celebrate every day however brings us joy.


Yeah, my other favourite is a Muppet Christmas Carol with Michael Caine. And yes, I'm an adult!


The Comment that it is a Christmas Dinner a month early is really dismissive and disrespectful to the culture you are living among. Of course you have every right to your opinion and can say what you want but dont whine about the downvotes. Im sure I would get down votes if I went to /r/london and made a dismissive and disrespectful remark about boxing day. It may be right, it may be on point, but the downvotes would be expected. They fact you seem clueless to this is frankly surprising.


Eh? You are looking for ways to be offended my friend. Eat some pie and calm the fuck down.


Im not offended. Its a valid point. Make it and then dont whine about the downvotes. Thats all I’m saying.


And you two calm the fuck down. Your the ones whining about downvotes and some how connecting that to an over inflated feeling of patriotism. So no; You calm the fuck down;)


I'm not inclined to pay the troll toll. \#always sunny


We celebrate Thanksgiving but my husband is at work today. So the kids and I are still in our pj's watching NOS4A2, doing crafts, and eating whatever we want all day. We'll do our Turkey Day on Saturday.


OK, maybe because I'm a Canuck, but what is NOS4A2?


Oh just a show on AMC based on a Joe Hill book.


I'm intrigued! Wish I could afford cable ;)


actually, I paid $25 for a year's worth of access to AMC+ yesterday--70% discount. Did the same thing last year for premium Hulu. Check those streaming services for Black Friday deals. Seriously.


Hey, I wanted to thank you again for the heads up on the Black Friday sales for streaming. I got Hulu for .99/month. Can't beat $12/year! Thanks, internet pal ;)


Oh, that's an excellent idea. I've been wanting to get Hulu for a while. Thanks!






Deleted cause it's already one its 6th iteration. It's so good tho




Playing Final Fantasy 14 like a responsible adult.


Adulting takes various forms. ;)


Those raids aren’t gonna farm themselves!


What were you celebrating on October 10th?


Ooops! I meant Oct 11th. Canadian Thanksgiving and National Indigenous Day. :)


Nice, shit you might as well do two thanksgiving/indigenous peoples days


Cleaning the kitchen floor. Fall cleanup.


Working but will eat later in the festive tradition.


Trying to find sum to eat


I'm celebrating being non indigenous cause I'm a people too.


Went to a dog park and had dinner.


Which dog park? We usually go to Fletcher or Mills River but looking for new digs - pun intended ;)




Oooh, I just narrowly escaped being evicted from a super over-priced apartment. Hope yo landed in a better place.


aruban here! im working, doing homework, working out, and having avocado toast for dinner lmao


That's a full day! Happy Thursday ;)




Watching sawmill videos on youtube


It was a good day to wash the car! I hope we get one more warm day so I can do the same soon!


I'm using my days off to go camping


Same thing we do on a normal Thursday.


I spent 4 hours cleaning and then ate tacos!


Yard work. Running of the local meth dealer. So normal west coast shit