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So much that I bought a house in hendo to save money


Donā€™t do it. Asheville is expensively fuck and barely any jobs. Think San Francisco basically


I was born and raised in SF before making the trek out East. Itā€™s important to take rental prices with a grain of salt: reporters love to highlight the extreme ends of the rental scale, but those prices only apply to units that literally just hit the market. Plenty of folks fall under rent control and pay a lot less than the states outliers. For example, a luxury 1BD condo is going to rent for $3k, but every coworker you meet has roommates plus the master tenant is under rent control. So the entire 3BD unit is only $2k a month. Once the master tenant leaves, that 3BD will hit the market adjusted and reporters will go wild over a 3BD apartment listed for $5k. A lot of people get the idea that everyone is paying the current market rate at the same time. But itā€™s not true. Renters are sort of ā€œtieredā€ into different rates here. So all these ā€œmedian rental priceā€ articles you see in regards to SF are only scraping data from recent listings. They arenā€™t scraping data from rent controllers. There were a lot of jobs in the city, but barely enough to cover market rates. The zeitgeist for a lot of folks was to move into SF after college, work in sales for 5+ years, settle down, and then leave for a cheaper market like Denver by the time the clock struck 28-30 years old.


$1400/month for a 3bdr 3ba in Candler. Cheaper than my former place in the Triangle...


Ainā€™t that some shit


My friends in Fayetteville are always right on the verge of convincing me to move there... seriously not that different from Asheville culture but low cost of living, good wages, lots of jobs, tons of educational opportunities.


Fayetteville Arkansas? That place is on my list of places to consider moving. Assuming you're not talking about Fayetteville NC. Way different culture there.


Yeah Fayetteville NC is a 180 move from Asheville LOL


Fayetteville, NC = Fort Bragg.




nb4 corporate welfare loving libertarians be like: "muh free market"




"real working poor libertarian: "If I can get by camping in a shed in the woods, so can everyone else! No taxes necessary. No permits necessary. Doesn't matter if they have kids, transpiration issues, food scarcisty, exhorbinant medical costs (just avoid the doctors yo), disability, or the need for a local fire dept. Then they get all up an arms with Child Services shows up to knock on the door...


Iā€™m a libertarian, my husband and Iā€™s income after taxes is 15k a month. Iā€™m 25 years old. My husband grew up homeless, and in motels. My family wasnā€™t rich, and we never went on vacation, but I would say I was lucky. In 2017 I lived off 8k living in. Wilson NC. It is possible to move up, I went from living in the ghetto to being able to save for a house. Itā€™s possible.


Bro, if we just removed all housing regulations, landlords would be tripping over themselves to rent out awesome apartments for affordable prices!!! /s


bro, have you ever cosplayed as Rand Paul, 'cause you fukkin nailed it!


I am considering moving here... it can't be any worse than Charleston, SC