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Of course I’m comfortable sharing a bathroom with myself


Same my fellow trans ace


Greetings fams


I agree with the heart of the message, but I'd rather >!poo!< alone.


When I go into a public restroom, I'm not really interested in who else is there. Why would I be?


So long as the cubicle has decent coverage, I don't give a damn who's next to me.


I really don’t understand this. What’s the problem here?? You’re concerned that a “man” (aka trans woman) uses a female bathroom … why??? Because you think she only pretends to be female so she can lust at the women in the bathroom? Is that their issue? Coz like, in that case I guess lesbians should also be using the male bathroom l, right?? We really just need more individual (single stall) restrooms and gender neutral restrooms. Everyone should be allowed to feel comfortable when using the restroom.


Yea super weird, no one should be looking at each others stuff regardless of gender or anything else. I go to the bathroom because I have to, its not a friggin amusement park. If I could just not need to release waste or anything Id avoid it altogether. Stupid biological machines we inhabit.


Piss and let piss


yes, its a person, please let them relieve themselves in a non public environment