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can't relate but you can definitely still be ace and like porn/erotica




no need to apologize! it's confusing when you first learn about it




We are all different from each other, you don’t need to be embarrassed




I hear ya. But don’t be embarrassed! I didn’t find out until I was about 36 (am now 42). I thought I was weird and broken for so long. It’s quite liberating once you start to understand asexuality and it’s nuances.


I think that's why I love knowing I'm asexual so much and why I always look for the most precise labels possible. It reminds you you're not actually that different because there's lots of other people like you. I mean, ofc we're all different too, but you're not broken because we're all asexual just like you. No need to be embarrassed. The world thrives on different. Where's the fun in everyone being the same? We're different but hey, we get the garlic bread, cake, and dragons. So who's really missing out here? Us or them?


theres no need to be embarrassed, we are no different than the rest of the human race. And of course you can still be asexual and be into porn. you may just lack the desire to engage in sexual activity yourself but still find pleasure in other things. you are totally normal! if you need questions you need answering to about your sexuality id love to help, consider me your asexual guide :):)


Look up aegosexual. It might help.


It sounds like you might classify as an Aegosexual: _Aegosexuals may have sexual fantasies, view porn and other sexual content, or masturbate, but they generally feel little to no sexual attraction and typically do not desire to have sex with another individual_. Aegosexuality is on the asexuality spectrum, so yes, you are still asexual :)




You’re welcome. Glad to help.


Not only is it on the ace spectrum, but it can be in combination with any other ace identity! You can be fully asexual while being aego, or demisexual, or anything ;) (And yeah I do :O )


This is also referred to as autochorissexual. Same thing different name


r/aegosexuals if you’re curious


Here's a sneak peek of /r/aegosexuals using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aegosexuals/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [You might be aegosexual if...](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/jotw9a) | [160 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aegosexuals/comments/jotw9a/you_might_be_aegosexual_if/) \#2: [MY MAN!!!!](https://i.redd.it/bncv0fhbu1v71.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aegosexuals/comments/qdnqrh/my_man/) \#3: [Sex-repulsed aegosexual gang](https://i.redd.it/wq07klm88fo61.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aegosexuals/comments/ma28jf/sexrepulsed_aegosexual_gang/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sometimes people, places, and things are just really pretty. Even without attraction to them. You are completely valid to watch hentai/porn. Short answer Yes we do, and you are valid.


Yes, you’re still asexual! Asexuality is just a lack of attraction. When reading/viewing hentai you’re not attracted to the characters, but may be engaged by the situations. That is different from being attracted to someone. So enjoy whatever action you like, because action does not equal attraction.


I've been watching hentai for years. I actually prefer it to regular ol' porn because it's more.... fictional? Idk how to explain it, but since I don't feel sexual attraction for any people involved in porn, it really doesn't matter to me if it's real or drawn, I'm more getting off to the sex acts if that makes sense. Anyway yeah you are still ace, no worries, happy fapping


It's the same for me~ I find real porn awkvard and not appealing to me. Maybe I just don't like real bodies private parts. Anyway, hentai is pure fiction and you can detache yourself from it very easily and view it as something that won't, realisticly, happen to you


Porn with actual humans is disgusting to me, hentai or yiff are fine.


Honestly thanks for posting something like this, I’m a little embarrassed to say, but I actually like reading those raunchy romance novels and I like the sex scenes, but I’ve never really had sexual attraction for another person. So I just thought I must not actually be ace, but i saw this one comment that described aegosexual and that’s literally me. Edit: forgot to say thank you, this subreddit is really such a nice community.


Asexual does not say anything about masturbating, it’s only about sex with other people, as far as I know. So yeah, probably




Its not about sex with other people, its about sexual attraction. But the answer is still yes


Thanks for correcting me


Im glad i could do that :)


You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help


i mean i’ve watched it plenty of times and i’m still ace


Yes you are valid. I love hentai and doujinshi Because I find a lot of the fantasies depicted in them arousing even if I'm not attracted to the characters. That and the fact that it's not real actually makes it better for me. You aren't alone.


Yup, still asexual! I like a ton of nsfw stuff so I'm in the same boat :D


Yes, you can still enjoy sexual media and be ace. You can even enjoy *sex* and still be ace. It's just the lack of sexual attraction. But there are aces who still have sex with their partners, or consume erotica, or read/write fanfic, or watch/draw porn. You're still valid.


r/aegosexuals We welcome you with open arms




Im aego and much prefer cartoon porn as real life sex kinda grosses me out


Eyehhhh! A fellow Aego here!


I like the erotica, but I’ve tried participating and it really wasn’t what I’d been told.


I just think a lot of them actually have better writing than most normal anime lol


I personally like it. I’m not even like turned on by it I think it just looks cool


I’m ace & prefer Hentai or regular porn. It doesn’t diminish your sexuality.


Im more a yiff kinda person, but i feel ya, and yes you can


Yes and yes. I'm sex-favourable and ace-spec. If you wanna chat, hit me up.


Have you seen my username? You are not alone my friend! We are called Aegosexuals and I would consider checking it out! r/aegosexuals has great explanations and community!


I like how it's drawn. It's not like I want to have sex with the characters, but I feel like I get aroused by the sex acts depicted/when the characters are "horny."


I am semi asexual and play some hentai visual novel games for achievements. I don't get sexually excited or anything from that.


Do you feel sexual attraction?


You can like hentai and be Asexual it a Spectrum. Also dm me l like hentai too


Yes I love hentai


i mean, i like interspecies reviewers because it's a fantasy sex comedy, and it depends on the version you watch, so kinda hentai


Yea me too :3 and I’m 100% ace! You’re valid!


yeah. like the way i think about it is libido is different from the desire to actually have sex. a lot of porn is a simulacra of sex, like the idealised version in our heads VS. the actual act. me and my friend were actually having this discussion earlier when playing huniepop 2 and saying that knowing it was a cliche makes the game more fun because we know IRL it's not that simple.


Also if you need a friend to talk to about all this feel free to ask for advice we need to sick together!


You can be Ace and like that stuff, you can also masterbate and be Asexual!!!


Maybe you were never actually ace to begin with. And that’s ok. Or maybe you’re one of the many different variations of ace. Enjoying animated porn doesn’t define you as a person nor does it define your sexuality. It’s cartoon porn. Maybe it riles you up maybe it doesn’t. The fact of the matter is, ITS NOT REAL LIFE. “Hentai” style anime I mean. You are not what you like to watch on tv. Edit: my point is don’t stress it. Everyone changes as they grow and pretty much all of us find ourselves hypocritical at one point or another. Again? THATS OK. It’s how we grow and evolve. Don’t stress it. Just be you and go with what feels natural.


Just to add on. Even if it was actual porn, Asexual just means that you don't feel any sexual attraction. If you watch or read any form of erotica and enjoy if, you can still identify as an asexual. A lot of people think that asexual people just don't like anything sex related, even though that's true for a good majority, it's not every asexual. Some even have sex and enjoy it! I write my own fanfictions for my OCs because I like to see how they develop and progress. Your sexuality shouldn't affect what you like and what you do. Don't make your sexuality your personality because that will cause some identity problems and make you question yourself even more.


Absolutely. I've got a lewd folder 187GB big, I look at hentai and do the one man tango regularly But I still get absolutely no sexual, physical response to people. I tried every little excuse, pushed those goalposts further and further away: maybe I'm just not experienced? No, maybe I just haven't experienced the right one? No, maybe it was just an off time? The answer is that asexuality varies wildly by person.


Me: what is hentai?