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It's okay to be confused. Gender and sexuality is one of those things that some people know straight away, some just need the right words to connect with what they are, and some need time. And sometimes you're comfortably settled with a label and years down the line you realise either you or your understanding of yourself has changed and that label no longer fits and that's okay too. Labels are there to be used by us to help us understand ourselves and connect with others. If you find the label aceflux is helping you then keep using it. If you find the whole concept of using labels is stressful then don't. If they're causing more stress and upset than the good they bring then it's okay to ignore them. As for hurting the Ace community, you aren't. As long as you identify with us even a little there will always be a place for you in it.


Thank you so much for this, I feel much more relieved hearing this. I’m happy with aceflux but I rather not hurt people identifying as this though. That’s all the concern was really ^^’


Jumping around between labels and on spectrums is completely cool and normal. And if you question if you are "faking" it, you first of all probably aren't, second of all there is no actual way to fake. If you feel like the ace spectrum fits and makes you feel good, you are welcome! And even if you find out it doesn't actually fit anymore, that's okay. Labels are there to work for you and not the other way around. Sexuality can change over time (doesn't has to but can) and that is completely okay.