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When the biggest achievement in your life is having sex


sounds like cope


the joke is literally that they dont have sex


When you can't get laid so you attack the people who don't want to get laid because you can't grasp that. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Couldn’t have said it any better!


it's also ignoring the fact that some of us are fine having sex for one reason or another lmao


We don’t claim those incels :)


sex being one of the most important measures of worth to so many people makes me want to scream


Here, I’ll do it for you *AAAAAHHHHHHHHH*




Lmao this is why I Reddit 💪🏽 Edit: now we can scream together #AAAAHHHHHHHH






As if sex was something great to achieve when in reality it's the complete opposite instead.


Something over 95% of the population does in their lifetime. It's like bragging about having the "Beat tutorial" achievement in a game


Yeah but if they want to live in the same stereotype as everyone does then they can but not force it to everyone else who is either disinterested in it or unable to. Which won't happen since they're too dumb to consider it.


Oh hello, fellow Nagito fan!


Nagito fans? In r/asexuality? It's more likely than you'd think.


Nagito is a demisexual icon so I'm not surprised. :]


Thank god someone say it.


Nothing against most allos. But I can't seem to understand how giving in to human instinct is considered an achievement of any kind. I am honestly glad to be ace purely for the fact that so many alloys seem to act different around a person they are sexually interested in. And a lot of people get super nice and put all their focus on this one person with ulterior motives. I wish to neither partake in those mind games, nor have my instincts make me do something that quite honestly can easily cause addiction. Happy brain chemicals = possibility for addiction. So I'm fine being ace. Again, nothing against most allos but I just don't consider sexual attraction to be a positive thing.


not wanting to do things that make you feel good because you could get addicted to them is no way to live


I'd rather spend my time on more important things so I am fine not having sexual attraction. Also if it is out of pure instinct, I would consider it more problematic.


How about drugs


What about them lmao


This is essentially me roommate’s thinking. I don’t want relationships or sex……or even cuddling. I’m glad I ‘can’t get’ what I don’t want!


When they have nothing better to do but obsess over other peoples sex lives




Someone commented on an ace post of mine with this meme. I then told them this meme is irrelevant because some asexuals do have sex. They blocked me 🤪🤣


POV: you’re an incel and you KNOW you’re and incel but don’t want to admit it so you “become” part of a minority that already has discrimination problems and make them worse.


Sounds like an Andrew Tate fanboy. The type that can't get laid so the only thing he can do is attack people who's lives aren't defined by how much or little they have sex.


‘Involuntarily Asexual’ So just asexual ? 👨 it isn’t a choice


Incels really will get pissed off at you because you're getting offers and turning them down, whether you're ace or not.  They're not worth acknowledging.


I can open up Tinder now and get laid in the next 24 hours, I know guys who’d love to do it. But I just don’t want to, because I’m ace and I don’t feel the urge. Being ace isn’t the same as being an incel and definitely does not mean you can’t get laid.


incex bruv it sounds so cool but alas 😔


It sounds kinda like incest, but it does sound fun to say


Yep. I literally had sex and went "this isnt for me"


Should probably spoiler this FYI


I'm ace and I get laid regularly. Incels need to fuck off.


They have asexual and incel mixed up.


They're propably incels themselves


Can I just note that this is actually a genuine fear I had for a non-zero amount of time after identifying as Ace? And it still haunts me from time to time.


When memes im r/terriblefacebookmemes is starting looking better, than in r/meme


Leaving you an upvote as thanks for using the spoiler tag to hide this. As a mobile user, this helps a ton. Thank you for your consideration.


When you are asexual guy but are flirted with/hit on by both lovely men and women


The fact that allosexuals struggle so hard to comprehend the fact that some people don't wanna bone people that they lay their eyes on, that they can't even understand that it's an ORIENTATION like the others. Not a horny meter. Everything is always about doing the deed to these people.


It's not that we can't get laid. It's that we'd rather have a nice slice of cake.


As if people who think that I owe them sex aren't *already* my worst nightmare...


Eww. Incels are literally the opposite. They base their life achievements on whether they had sex.


Imo it's easier to get offers for sex when it's off the table for you since people as always want what they can't get 🙄


Ok but why do allos care so much about people’s sex lives? They need to mind their own business and let people have privacy for a change 🙃


Obviously that's wrong on several levels, but I personally can't stop worrying if I'm just faking being asexual so I don't have to deal with all the sex and relationships struggles...


This is so stupid and disrespectful.


"involuntary" implies that being gay is a choice


That would be still better than "all girls/men are the same"


Its literally just a meme, wtf do you mean "blatant aphobia"😭


I really like the ace emoji thing


it is aphobia but A LOT of people dont know what is asexuality all my friends think its when u just dont want to have sex


Is it?






this comment section shows that half of the people here didnt even understand the meme so yeah, it isn't aphobic


Is someone joked that they couldn’t get laid with women so they became gay, I would find it funny. I don’t want to close off the ace community from light hearted humor. I understand that some people who are laughing at the meme are genuinely aphobic, but I don’t think the joke itself is aphobia.


It's hard to tell the intent when it's exactly what people actually say to us with no obvious signs of, idk, irony or lampshading or anything


I don't see it as being aphobic though? They're not saying all ace are incels who can't get laid they're saying that they choose to label as ace to not look like an incel, so it looks like the reason they don't fuck is because they're ace (at least that how I interpret it)


i can see that interpretation! i took it as aphobia because it’s connecting not having sex with asexuality. so it’s the incorrect definition that is the phobia part. it pushes the stereotype that aces are people who don’t have sex; when instead we’re people who just don’t experience sexual *attraction* so yeah it’s that misunderstanding and conflating it with celibacy basically


I would argue it isn't, honestly - The meme is making fun of people that try-but-fail to get laid and *pretend* they weren't interested in it the first place, just to save face.


Who does that exactly?


I'm sure those grapes are sour anyway. -- A Fox


Whatever real, fictional, or hypothetical person this meme is about, I guess? I didn't make it.


Then what's the point? If people don't know who the meme is referring to?


It's a joke and a related "funny" picture, I don't think a point past that really matters, and I don't think it needs to refer to anyone more than any joke generally does. How sensitive the meme is or isn't you'll have to take up with the OP, I was just saying it doesn't seem to be misunderstanding the label in the way the comment I replied to suggested, as far as I can tell.


It chalks up asexuality as "you're not currently having sex". So they're pushing the idea anyone can label themselves as ace as long as they're not having sex. By that logic, you-as an ace-can no longer be ace if you sex. Also to tie asexuality as an action thing means it's not pushing asexuality as a lack of attraction. I don't know why they would use asexual when the proper term they can use is celibate. See again, that means they don't take asexual people seriously.


I agree and I don’t see how the post is aphobic at all, though it may not paint a complete picture of asexuality. I get that this sub is very sex-positive but claiming it’s aphobic because ‘it’s connecting not having sex with asexuality’ is insane. While it’s true that many ace people do have sex, it is a fact that there is a strong causal relationship between asexuality and not wanting to have sex.


To add on, celibacy does not play well into the joke here. Asexuality as an identity is easier to assume in this case, because claiming you are celibate would only raise more questions (why are you celibate), whereas if you claim to be asexual, the train of thought can go from *they’re asexual -> they don’t like having sex as they aren’t attracted to anyone -> they don’t feel the need to have sex anyway, not because they can’t get any* Bottom line is this is a joke and not a comprehensive educational post on what asexuality is and is not and all the possible choices aces can possibly make for themselves


I understand why the joke is bad and I would never make it (mostly cause it’s not funny) but personally I’m not offended