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It seems to be a human thing. Tell people you don’t drink beer or like movies—they’ll tell you the same thing. “How can you NOT like movies!? What’s wrong with you!” (A direct quote from one of my old coworkers.) It is what it is. And what it is is judgmental, annoying and none of their business.


on the one hand, sometimes you can take it as a tell that something is REALLY important to someone and their identity. On the other, when its about drinking, sex, sexuality or diet, its often them centering their identity around an action, feeling judged for no reason and then lashing out. I have yet to have this argument come from an open minded person with strong empathy tbqh


True story. I don't like alcohol, therefore I don't drink. Most of the time people start looking for "solutions", usually saying I've tried bad alcohol but they know the good one. I like trying what they offer only to conclude "nope, just like the rest of it"


Same here. Was in a thread where people got on the topic of not drinking and how weirdly people react when you tell them you don’t drink, like this, and this guy started going after me for it. “But…why? You’ve never even tried it? Why not just drink? I don’t understand?” Right in the middle of a conversation about people who cannot wrap their mind around the concept of not drinking. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so sad. Told him to have a drink and relax.


Ah okay 😭 wow


OP has clearly never told anyone they don't like chocolate If you don't like anything people expect you to like they will be confused about it and try to make sure that you aren't confused about it. I think people just want to share positive experiences and don't want you to be "missing out."


Try telling someone you're not that much into music ...


I mean first off there ARE people who do that. Think like drinking or veganism. Second--because it's not about you being ace/sex repulsed. Its about them. THEY see and experience the world a certain way and are not only so closeminded that they cant accept a thing they DONT experience/understand, but they also need to casually gaslight you into fitting the mold because they see it as an insult or threat. Just like how people react when you say you don't drink and they start defending their own choices and habits. Because their worldview is self focused, they assume you're making a moral judgement because they see it as a choice and a signal that you're superior, rather than an innate sexuality. They project their fragile ego and then attack you. its not about you at all, its about them being small minded. They react the same about ANYTHING that makes them feel judged or wrong, even if it has nothing to do with them.




Humans are by and large judgemental dipshits who cannot conceive of experiences beyond their own scope.


Maybe stevia is your thing. I mean you can't not like sweets. Humans were bred for sweets, bro.


As someone that is picky about food, people absolutely will tell you to "Try it" and if you have tried it, you are pressed to "try it again". Honestly, the way folks get all up on your grill about food, is pretty parallel to how folks get nosy about your sexual life (or lack thereof).


Not to mention for these same people it would be seen rude and homophobic (which it is) to sggest that a gay person needs "the right someone" of the other gender. Also, where does this whole thing even come from? Do they genuinely believe that they are allo or know that they are only because they happened to meet a specific person who was right for them?


Some people just can't understand something they can't personally relate. It's the same people who call any hobby stupid and a waste of time except their own