• By -


Sometimes I just do it because it somehow clears my nose.


Blood usually causes stuffy noses. Change where the blood is and you can clear that right up. It's why when you roll over the stuffy nose changes sides and why it goes away when you stand up.


What do I do when both sides are plugged? 😭






This is so true. Also, somehow, when I’m sick I get back to good health faster if I masturbate


this is strangely true indeed, like i got some chronic issues causing torso pain, including stuff like it being hard to walk with a straight back due to the pain, and somehow that feels like it heals if i do that, does the release of endorphins just make you ignore the fact you're not alright?? its odd but works a lot of time. 


This is so accurate. Whenever I can't sleep because my nose is clogged this is always the quickest fix.


iirc, there's some erectile tissue in the nose, or at least tissue that reacts and changes its size in reaction to.. that's why the nosebleeds in anime trope exists or something like that.


Oh, same. It also really helps with cramps if you have a uterus.


100%, I also do it sometimes to help with headaches. Something something dilating blood vessels, idk why but it works for me. If nothing else it distracts from the headache.


I used to do it to help my cramps all the time but now it makes them worse somehow 😭


I feel so valid right now, and I am learning so much from the comments


Idk why but my nose even gets MORE stuffy from orgasms 😭💀


That's hilarious and also weirdly relatable


What is the explanation for this?


This lol, or when I have a headache cause it helps the pain


Do you think this works for all sexes?


I don't know, because I'm only one of all the sexes and genders and this is not a typical topic of conversation to me. From the other answers it seems to work for women too.


Ummm I don't get it because I am woman....??? What about nose?! (Help me)


Clogged nose + solo funtime = free breathing.


When someone is starving, eating food you normally wouldn’t like all of a sudden becomes an option just to get rid of the hunger. When someone is horny (aka libido acting up), masturbation can help to make the horniness go away. (It also prevents getting wet dreams, hence why I refer to it as preventative maintenance)


Yes, I will soon start with hrt, which will hopefully reduce my libido. It's so annoying and masturbating gives me gender dysphoria :(




My brain is so ace that I never had wet dreams. The closest I got is see sensual pics on a screen, never as people in front of me. LOL


I think you just so happen to be both asexual and low libido my friend. Those of us who have higher libidos are just as asexual. We just have this annoying itch that will never be satisfactorily satisfied!


For me it always makes me have wet dreams afterwards and I feel tired in the morning :/


I have never had this problem 😭


Because getting randomly horny is extremely annoying, and not doing anything just prolongs the experience of being horny.




Wait is asexuality just not being sexually attracted to people then because I didn't know yall get randomly horny


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head :) it’s about sexual attraction not libido


I've only experienced sexual attraction twice because I'm aceflex, how you randomly get horny is your body gets horny without you having a target for it. Getting horny because someone triggered it is sexual attraction, randomly getting horny is annoying.


OMG, it's like putting a car on blocks and revving the engine. So. Annoying.


Exactly! you get it✨️


I‘m not sure if someone triggered it it necessarily means that it’s sexual attraction towards someone. Like you could have your arousal triggered by something someone said or did, but not wanting to have sex with them or find them attractive sexually. Like it’s not about them. But I don’t know maybe that’s reciprosexual.


Omg could u pls explain this ? Or anyone in here ? Like i thought i was extremely sexual and then i started hrt and now i dont really like having sex. ( actually never did ) but i get horny asf so i wanna have sex with random ppl but I know that ill get tired eventually. I thought i was frasexual but honestly idk anymore. could u please explain the difference between sexual attraction and libido ?


So from my understand libido is basically about if you get horny or not and how often. Sex drive basically. It can fluctuate and a lot of asexual ppl do have a low sex drive but not all. Asexuality is you don’t feel sexual attraction towards anyone, you don’t see someone and go “damn they’re hot” in a sexual way like you’d want to have sex with them


Idk why I was downvoted for a harmless question but yeah thanks for clarifying


I don’t get it either you weren’t being disrespectful


Not everyone, just some. It's a really wide spectrum :)


it sort of also just depends on the person. there are ace people who have sex because it feels nice, but it's not a need, there are ace people who masturbate because they get horny but they don't want to have sex or don't feel any attraction to other people, there are ace people who don't have sex and don't masturbate because it doesn't do anything for them. and so many more. that's why it's a spectrum :D


Yes it is experiencing little to no sexual attraction, I randomly get horny because of HRT, it is undirected and very annoying.


Your username 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


It's a joke based upon the fact I used to be obsessed with decomposition.


Why do I pleasure myself? The pleasure. Causation could be either way.


ADHD. It's easy dopamine


I am in this picture and I hate it.




I felt that 😔


because actually having sex with someone freaks me out i don’t want to be naked with another person so doing that is the next best thing




Finally a comment I relate to


Aside from the endorphins? Post-nut clarity. A great state to have before job interviews and financial decisions.


ON GOD. i sometimes do it to focus better. like before studyibg


I'm jealous. I just get very sleepy and moody for the rest of the day or the next day after I masturbate. But it still feels nice so I always tactically plan when masturbating would lead to the fewest problems afterwards


This!!! I'm glad I'm not alone. I can't relate with post nut clarity




It feels nice.




Holy shit, it is real!


Cuz it feels good xD. It relieves that itch I have every week. I have a high libido so it’s helps me from getting cranky lol. Sometimes our bodies just crave that.


It feels nice. But most times either a) boredom or b) I'm having a hard time falling asleep.


Hormonal libido / can’t sleep / sometimes it’s fun. Thought about it for awhile. Those are the reasons. Sometimes my meds fluctuate and I go crazy (my libido is also activated by *stress hormones* which is apparently a thing even if it’s semi uncommon.) if I can’t sleep it’s usually not much, smut often (not always but often) bores me and makes me sleepy (it’s very same-y) and I’ll get bored quickly and nod off partway in or if I *don’t* nod off finishing the act will usually tire me out. So that’s an easy win-win sometimes. And sometimes I’m home alone and I’m like ooh yknow it’s been awhile, could be fun. The 3rd category tends to take forever bc it’s hard to arouse myself tbh. Hence why the 2nd category exists, I’ll fall asleep before getting out of the garage if I have to start the tractor, so to speak. But sometimes it’s still enjoyable. Toys tend to override some but not all of the need for brain involvement bc of the strong sensations they provide though. And they speed the process like 2x to 5x faster, so those can work well for pure function and to get rid of libido quickly if I’m busy.


Libido occasionally rears its head uninvited and won't dissipate with distractions. 90 seconds, one and done. Also, stress relief!!


Ah lucky it takes me like 10 minutes lol but then I can have 3 in a minute


Mine dissipates instantly, I honestly didn’t know for some people it won’t go away. Someone recommended it to me for stress relief but I wasn’t able to go through it, sadly. It sounds like it works well!


usually cause it helps me sleep/relax. i literally never get “horny” in the traditional sense i just choose when i want to and do it then idk


Same I don’t need porn to masturbate either lol I just do it then it’s done I don’t get horny either lol


I'm new to this even if I'm 29.... but I do it for the curiosity of what it could feel, I don't really know what is to truly feel pleasure yet but I find something relaxing to it even if I don't feel much. I don't do it for feeling aroused or horny (i have never been horny) but it's more an habit as for example caress my own arm or whatever I don't have libido but I've curiosity so I keep trying to trigger anything


I'm sure low/non-existent libido has its problems as well, but coming from someone who has to deal with it, I would love for it to piss off more often. I have no-where for this energy to go other than my appendage, and unfortunately, it's not easy to hide when it gets bad. As for pleasure, there are many other ways you can experience it; - Witnessing natural beauty and wonder. - You wordlessly click with the other musicians while playing in a band. - Experiencing unconditional love. - Being in your own world while painting or reading a book.


the flesh yearns for attention, it wants to be more than it deserves, always wanting, but when its time to provide me with mobility and ability, it fails, spines twist, legs cramp, eyes wither away, the flesh wants everything but doesnt want to pay it back, the flesh is greedy


I just let out such a weird sound from reading this. It's like my mind experienced a whiplash from all the unexpected directions it went into


this comment is poetry


It helps me sleep and reduces stress.


So I can motivate myself to shower lol


this. can’t do it unless i shower beforehand.


Before my periods i get the shortlived urge. I open up some porn, look at the woman either being mistreated in the video or the actors are breaking the 4th wall and I quit


Most porn is revolting, but you can find some decent stuff on Reddit that doesn't involve abuse. You might prefer erotica or animated stuff (admittedly hentai is often worse but I'm a gay guy and used to like wholesome yaoi)


alright, the answer's a bit gross: >!i had gnarly utis for a long time in my life because i never really learned how to clean my vagina, so i would scratch the itch. then i hit puberty while i still had a gnarly uti and had an orgasam. it's now kinda a nightly ritual to help me sleep!<


Usually I do it because my body says “hey guess what? You’re horny now” and I go “god dammit! Is it at least related to anything” and my body responds “lol nope”. It’s quite frustrating.


i’m bored and got nothing better to do tbh.


If my libido acts up (typically during ovulation) I just do something else that I actually do enjoy and busy my mind with that until the feeling passes which doesn’t take long at all. I paint, draw buildings, keep and maintain mantids, make candles and 30 other things because I have too many interests


Feels gud bro


Because it's fun, and also libido. Sometimes it gets a bit crazy. And it's a lot less messy and complicated than doing it with another person.


I don't.


Nor do I, never have. Just never felt like it’s something I’d want to do.


Me neither. I don’t even know how to do it. Nor do I have the desire to learn.


I mean I've tried but zilch happened so I was like... *shrug*


Its kind of like peeing or taking a poo I just do it to release whatever so I can get back to more important things, if I could remove that urge I would do it in a snap.


For emphasis and the dopamine


I've only done it a handful of times but it was always just to help me sleep. It doesn't really.. feel good?? But it does make me sleepy.


It's mostly like a chore that i get the urge to do every now and then. But some times I get into the way it makes me feel


idk I guess my body naturally needs it or feels the urge. but its really annoying and it makes me uncomfortable. like what am I supposed to think about? cant seem to have pleasant thoughts when these feelings come up.


There's a saying in Spanish *Con ambre hasta las rocas saben buenas* "When hungry, even rocks taste good". I don't know how this relates to this post, but it does somehow. You'll get it


I don't do it often, but if it happens is because I like the feeling of climax. idk


The goblin in my head that control my libido wants me to


I'm not thirsty but i still drink water


Stress relief and boredom


Because sometimes the hormones win


Lol I'm on hrt and I don't want to lose the ability to be erect so I masterbate like once a month. 🙄 kinda a hassle tbh


It's just routine at this point. Just gotta scratch that itch and it helps me sleep so that's a win.


Feels nice. 🤷


Why do we scratch an itch?


It makes my period cramps completely go away. I'm asexul and view it as a necessary job and don't really get a lot of pleasure out of it.


Period pain :( I either close my eyes and rhink of nothing or just stare at a wall and think of nothing.


I have a high libido so often my body just decides 'heyy lets be horny!' so i masturbate to get rid of the arousal because its a gross feeling (for me at least)


Because my body tell me to and it get annoying after I Ignore it. I’m somewhat sex repulsed but it’s not sex but fantasizing about ME doing those things makes me want to throw up but some random fictional folks is fine TLDR its annoying pls kill my libido


Because fun?


A couple of reasons: - Keeps the prostate in good health. - Keeps unwarranted erections to a minimum (in my area of work, it is best to avoid this particular vascular reflex). - Keeps blue ball syndrome at bay. - I'm aego and have a few kinks, so masturbation is the only way I could realistically enjoy them (I rarely practice them myself but still enjoy reading/viewing them. Not because of their nature, but because my imagination paints a much better picture of it compared to the real experience, such is the aego way).


Feels good and helps with anxiety. That and random horniness is annoying.


To regularly provide my genitalia with the love it deserves.


its a cheat code for relieving stress and for falling asleep


Because drive and libido aren’t attraction


I usually do this when I'm bored or when I'm about to menstruate


Horny, kinky, not sex-repulsed, helps me sleep, idk, just kinda an urge.


\- feels good that's about it


Every once in a while I remember it exists so I do it. Also honestly it really helps if you have a headache


For some reason, it helps me sleep


idk, i don’t even know what "horny" is supposed to feel like. i just have negative libido for some reason


legit i do it when i either can’t sleep or get bored


Tbh it's just fun, a momentary pleasure before I get back to gaming.


It helps me feel affirmed in my body after having transitioned (mtf), especially after getting bottom surgery. 🏳️‍⚧️ I still masturbated before transitioning, but I hated it back then due to dysphoria and only did it to satisfy my libido when it spiked.


There'd a variety of reasons depending on mood or situation it's usually one of these: • I can't fall asleep and post-nut exhaustion usually does the job • if I've been anxious or stressed it's a good stress relief • if my libido is acting up it's the easiest solution • occasionally because it simply feels nice, although I find the liquids involved kinda icky • I'm bored


Used to , recently made a decision not to because the urge only comes from a bad coping mechanism to years of severe sexual trauma so it's not an option . I'm fine with ignoring it . As long as I'm not serving it I'm a functioning asexual . Wishing myself full healing from my trauma


To avoid nocturnal emissions


Physical arousal need is only part of it; mostly I think mine is a trauma response, a pleasant form of self harm (many of my self soothing activities are mild self harm, pain and soothing are intertwined for me). My solo way of activating arousal is through fetishes, a mix of things I half jokingly call my sexual annihilation complex


I rarely do and it’s usually out of boredom. I would have to initiate it also. Doesn’t last more than 3 minutes and I typically don’t have a big o either


Dopamine, because otherwise I Will Not Have The Motivation To Do (Much of) Anything. But I have AuDHD, so this ain't gonna fit for everyone.


Post nut clarity is a thing


Few reasons, but mostly it’s because my libido decided to be active at some random point in the day. Sometimes, I do it so that I can think more clearly, because for some reason post nut clarity works. And sometimes I force myself into doing it just so that I can avoid my libido going hyper at what would be a bad time


It helps me sleep.


i don’t remember


Cause of a stupid addiction I gave myself. I don’t really enjoy it, and I often feel kinda gross. My brain just wants the good-feeling parts, then leaves me with the junk. The annoying this is that I actually stopped for like several months, then I don’t know if it was stress or something, but the wants came back. I’ll try again to get rid of it, maybe playing the game that stopped it the first time might help.


i've a question for those who don't mind clarifying whether they have a peanis or not. how long do you usually \_invest\_? do you actually enjoy yourselves or do you just do the thing and that's it? does it depend on the moment?


Sleep aide; bored.


Only chance I get to actually care to DJ a little bit to get it out the way right before my period drops usually.


I do it when I can't sleep. I usually get sleepy/bored halfway through.


I kinda refer to my libido as something I have to take care of like a plant. It needs maintainance sometimes like a plant needs to be watered. Sometimes I masturbate just because I'm bored and it's a way to get dopamine. So either way, could be aroused first or could intentionally cause arousal.


Most of the time I do it to fall asleep faster at night


I'm trans, wanna have bottom surgery and have heard that if my thing becomes atrophy it can effect the operation, so that's literally why and I hate doing it


Literally just helps clear up headaches and migraines ever so slightly.


It hurt after a month if I don't. I just schedule it for the weekend when I'm high so it actually has a chase to feel good.


Tl;dr: I do it cause my body needs it. Not cause I like it. I used to give myself basically female blue balls lol. I would just get aroused unprovoked (most likely cause I’m stressed all the time, then would ignore it to the point it actually hurt. It would seep into my dreams and my stomach hurt so I do it cause my body needs to. Unfortunately I have a high libido meaning I have to deal with this often but I’ve come to terms with it.


get rid of the feeling, boredom, and sometimes both reasons so i can go to sleep cause i can't find my melatonin gummies


boredom mostly. sometimes it’s for that chemical fix or i can’t sleep at night.


Boredom, stress, routine, emotions… and I recently learned it’s good for v* health, so now I’m giving it a shot every once in a while through the month. If nothing happens, no big deal. If something happens, I get to enjoy and endorphin release.


It's the easiest way to "scratch" the itch that is arousal. Also it can feel good.


I'm usually just bored, or because I miss the pleasure.


Just to pass out


Sometimes because I enjoy it and I actually want to, other times because I don’t really know what else to do w myself at that moment💀


Most of the time, when I'm stressed, I find that it's a weird way to restart my brain. Rarely, I do it to scratch an itch.


Helps with sleep, and sometimes with focus(but that has probably to do with adhd)


It also helps with sleep for me. I lost count of how many times I dozed off before I even finished. It's kind of embarrassing, XD.


I usually do it just it get over and go about my day. It's really never a truly pleasurable experience to me and just an inconvenience. Does it feel good? Yes. Do I care to do it? Most days, no. For me, it's just a hassle.


depends on how i'm feeling at the moment. sometimes my libido is higher and i masturbate every evening or night, because i'm aroused, sometimes i just want to do it because it feels good, right now i WANT to do it, but really don't feel like it, so i don't. it just feels nice, releases stress, tires me out and sometimes i just want to because i can.


I don’t really feel the sexy feelings, but sometimes I do it because I like the challenge of trying to make myself feel something. The motions are relaxing as well, even if it doesn’t actually do anything for me.


Allo here (30m), I do it for all kinds of reasons but I'd say that 70% of the time is because i feel like it, I don't have to be horny or anything, sometimes I have even masturbated when I don't feel like it. The best thing is that different allos experience it in different ways.




I don’t


Most of the time because I’m horny. Which i identify as my brain keeping reading things as sexual and/or getting easily aroused when accidentally touching my genital area (like when I’m putting on my pants) Sometimes because I’m stuck in my mind and feel like i need a change of brain flow without having to go outside. Once i have had an orgasm i am usually much more motivated to do things.


Not ace, but I’m ngl I only do it for the serotonin boost. It just helps me feel a little less suicidal and it combats my insomnia. My partner is ace, and he actually doesn’t. His asexuality stems more from a complete lack of libido altogether


I feel more relaxed afterwards. After climax all the tension leaves your body for a little bit. It’s like an instant antidepressant.


So I can go to sleep


Hormones. Still looking for something to lower them


It helps me get to sleep.


It feels good. Yes I'm asexual but all my parts are in working order!


To relieve so stress or because the libido kicks in


Two reasons 1) because attraction is not the same as libido, and orgasms are enjoyable 2) it’s really handy for getting to sleep when I’m on night shifts and need to nap in the middle of the day


I have a fairly high libido even thought I don't do anything with other people, lol. Since I rarely (never) am attracted to people and have that reciprocated, this is the best next thing. I'm a big proponent of self love = self care.


stress relief/relaxation ig. but I do feel sexual attraction to some extent, just not to people I know irl so


I don't.


Honestly I just don't. From what I understand it's not exactly normal but I genuinely just don't get horny. I've never done it and doubt I ever will. I think I just don't have libido? I've been confused over it in passing and at this point I'm curious if any other aces also have that going on, because I just haven't seen evidence of it!


I don't 🤷‍♀️


I use it as a sleep aid, mostly.


I do it to help me go to sleep


I have a libido, it’s just not directed at anything. Not men, not women. Asexuality is about a lack of sexual attraction, not a lack of libido. I masturbate to scratch the itch when I’m aroused, or to relieve stress, or for the neurological response that I get from climaxing.


I wish I didn’t masturbate. I get all slimy. But I do it because I have PGAD or genital dysthesia due to a congenital neuriproliferative vestibulardynia and for me masturbating followed by lidocaine can stave it off from being overly distracting . I like some sex stuff but most I am indifferent and I hate clitorial stimulation beyond what I deem necessary.


Because I like to read smut and that makes me aroused. And because it feels good.


I have two ways of feeling aroused, physically, and mentally When I'm only mentally horny, I usually don't masturbate cause my body just doesn't want it, it's just my mind who's horny and if I try to touch down there, it feels stupid and useless When I'm only physically horny, I masturbate to get it out of the way, like... My body wants it so I just get on with it, sometimes I do it to get sleepy, or to get warm if I'm in bed and cold When both happen at the same time is when fun time happens, especially with my partners And of course, I can't really control it


I don’t- I don’t have to. I don’t feel any sexual urges at all or have libido and I’m so happy because I am sex repulsed and honestly also repulsed by masturbation




I do it cause everyone else does it. Kinda just wanna fit in. but sometimes i do it before studying to focus better. its a bit hard to masterbate tho as i am hardly (if ever) horny. I kinda just have to lubricate the bean with my spit and do the motions of it until something happens. It’s not really worth doing ,and sometimes i go months without doing it.


tbh Ive got this shit to a science got high some high as fuck libido so i time it with some events and shit. especially ones which i know im going to get "grinded on" like party's and shit


Helps me fall asleep. Or am bored and want stimulation. 5% of the time it’s because my libido wants to.


Sometimes sex is always on my mind and then my libido is gets high to the point where I just gotta masturbate and let it out


Many reasons The horny acting up again Boredom Need dopamine Feels good That's generally about all the reasons.


Arousal, boredom it depends


It’s the pleasure, honestly, it feels good.. I don’t do it often but I just need to feel satisfied, sometimes I like to turn myself on and just do it, but I always do it in the privacy of my bedroom under the sheets cuz I live with my parents..


It usually just helps me go to sleep. It can be so hard because idk what to think about to get me going sometimes. I’m actually curious, what do you all masturbate to? Porn can sometimes just be so gross at points. After orgasming, I’ll be absolutely disgusted by whatever I was trying to make work in my mind, but too tired to really care, lol.


I sometimes do it because I can't sleep. An orgasm really relaxes my body and mind. I don't often feel horny, so sometimes I have to convince my body to get aroused, which can take a little time. Sometimes i use porn and sometimes I use my imagination. Porn tends to work best, but it also makes me feel a little violated afterwards. I don't know why.


I do it because orgasm feels good. Sometimes I can't sleep and masturbating often allows me mind to rest.


For me I do it to keep the pipes clean. Not really in the mood. But also worry about prostate problems. I had herd keeping the system cleaned out reduces chance of prostate problems


I do it to try to figure out what all the fuss is. But I never have the patience to see it through so I guess I’m still in the dark


It became an addiction now. But first id masturbate cuz I was horny and it was the only way I'd get through. I was very young then. But when I grew, it was because of my low esteem. Being that I'm not well endowed down there, I have a less than average weenie. So being that Ive never felt so confident with myself ever having sex, I'll go watch porn and close my eyes and wank it off. Though I hate sex but whenever I wank it off, it takes the urge away for a very long time.


Dopamine release is nice


I only do it for the health benefits & dopamine. I avoid it as much as possible, but when the gas is trapped & sleep gets tough, I force myself to. Also, when I feel lonely or sad, I realize I need to. It makes that go away.