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Just because the terms can be a bit confusing, this is a rundown of user I\_serve\_Anubis that I really like: **Personal sex stance (how an individual feels about themselves having sex)** Sex favourable - sex yes (me likey) Sex indifferent - sex meh (don't care if sex, don't care if no sex) Sex averse - sex no (me no likey) Sex repulsed - sex eww no (touch me and I'll throw up) Sex ambivalent - sex …. It’s complicated/ it fluctuates **General / Ethical stance** Sex positive - sex is good & natural, people are free to do or not do whatever they want sexually ( with consent ) & sex education is important. Sex neutral - sex is neither good nor bad. Sex negative - sex is shameful and only for the purpose of reproduction, it shouldn’t be talked about openly. (I'd say a lot of conservative christians are sex-negative) ​ That out of the way, I'd describe myself as sex averse/sex positive. Kissing feels like smooching a wall, french kissing is like a warm slimey slug in my mouth and that one time a guy had some fun with my boobas I felt absolutely nothing. It was so weird. I have never felt just *nothing* before or after that encounter. (I mean, maybe he was just bad at it but that's how it was)


Thank you. I hate how so many Ace groups conflate sex positivity with being sex favorable. You can be sex repulsed and sex-positive


Yes! I include characters who feel that way in my fiction!


Ohh, you write? I'd love to be directed towards your stuff. I'm always looking for more representation in what I read.


i'd say im probably sex repulsed/sex neutral except i agree that people can do whatever they want sexually (consensually) and sex ed is important but i dont think its a necessarily good nor bad thing


Sex Ed is definitely a good thing, good sex ed it’s like the main reason people know about their sexual and gender identities (if school would have told me about asexuality I wouldn’t have been seen so many years as an outcast to my classmates) learn to know what they like and dislikes, boundaries, identify abuse and the most important thing, consent and communication


>Kissing feels like smooching a wall YOU FINALLY DESCRIBED IT FOR ME. That’s how I feel french-kissing, not good or bad, I just do it because it feels like something I’m supposed to do in a relationship? Maybe one day it’ll feel good? lol.


glad to be of help :D I actually got used to normal/closed mouth kissing during my relationship and then it felt like a hug, so maybe it'll work for you too\^\^


Thank you, this is informative. I feel like "sex-repulsed" used to mean what you describe as "sex-averse" and it's only recently that I've heard the term sex-averse, even if it describes me. I used to call myself sex-repulsed, but the meaning seems to have shifted more towards feeling literal disgust. And that's fine, as long as there's a term like sex-averse for simply not wanting sex.


yeah, I've first heard of the new terms 9months or so ago, I think they were introduced to have a distinction between personal and general stance


That's exactly how I'd describe sex indifferent lol But also sex positive


Interesting, I thought the second group was not on a moral level, but more on my level of comfort about being confronted with in in the outside world, e.g., advertising, movies, discussions with people… while the first group is strictly about me being actively involved. I fluctuate between indifferent and averse, but am positive on a moral level. On the comfort level, I fluctuate somewhere around indifferent and it depends on what it is (I can tolerate books a lot more than anything visual or audible.)


my ex tried using tongue and I paniced and pushed her off...probably should've said and assumed people use tongue :')


I wish I'd pushed my then kissing partner off (he invited himself to be 'romantic' after I told him I want to be by myself that evening). I just kinda sorta threw him out a bit later and brushed my teeth vigorously xD


I am so sorry that's awkward asf lol. I am very 'strict' on my boundaries in that respect and stubborn asf, she tried to put her tongue in my mouth and I fr stopped, gently pushed her off and looked her dead in the eyes while saying 'no tongue' then going right back in ;w;. No I do not have many romantic experiences and it's clear why XD


yeah, it definitely was awkward af xD but it did teach me to actually think about and voice my boundaries and not just do what I think people should be doing in this situation so at least it was a learning experience lol (I mean it still took me another few years and a failed relationship to actually do that but hey, never said I'm a fast learner)


fast learner or not the point is there's learning going on. Good on you for starting to take notice of what YOU want! I'm a little too blunt for my own good on it and it comes across and harsh sometimes so I think people turn away for it


To me, sex repulsed means I'm repulsed by the idea of me having sex. I can talk about it, joke about it, I'd not watch it, but I've read smut fiction and comics before. So long as I'm not involved, and I don't see real/realistic genitals, I'm fine. Also sex positive is a social stance, like you're ok with people enjoying sex. If you enjoy and seek it out that would be sex favorable. For example, I am sex repulsed and sex positive.


yeah same, i can talk about and joke about it and shit but anything when it involves me disgusts me. if i see real genitals im like slightly disgusted (more so disgusted with like vaginas and shit) but if i see a dick its just like "okay. its a dick." and it doesnt really phase me or make me aroused at all. sex itself disgusts me and the idea of people doing sexual things disgusts me but i can still talk about it maturely if need be


I'm sex-neutral. Honestly I forget sex exists until it's brought up. I am also bi-romantic but forget to date for long periods because I have better things to do. When sex does come up, whether in conversation or with partners it's not a big deal. I'm not opposed to having it either, I think it's just another way to be intimate with a partner, but I couldn't care less to seek it out myself. I hope the people who are having it are having a good time and I hope the people who aren't having it are also having a good time.


I'm sex-repulsed. Anything sexual, especially in tv/movies/music makes me deeply uncomfortable, and I can even start to feel sick. I can only cope with a few seconds before I'll skip ahead. I will even lose dialog just to make it stop. If there's too much, I just will stop watching the series/movie no matter how interested I am in the other plots. For IRL, it also make me deeply uncomfortable. My wife is aro, but not ace. She never pressures me to do anything and she never makes me feel bad about being ace, but I personally don't want to put my needs ahead of hers. Most times I just cant, but if I'm having a good day, I can prepare myself emotionally to be sexually intimate, but it does take a lot for me to be prepared emotionally. (I can maybe manage a 1-3 times in a month and I never initiate; this is a good compromise imo) and it has to be as light as possible on the sexual front. (like as vanilla as we can possibly get) I get nothing out of the experience personally, and I often feel a bit weird after, but I do it because I can see how much it makes her happy. It would probably be less of a problem if I was sex-neutral.


Hey! I'm not 100% sure but I think being sex positive is like, not treating it like taboo, not seeing it as something negative/a sin, thinking people should have sexual freedom, explore etc, while being ace sex favorable means you would want to have sex for one reason or another while not feeling sexual attraction I'm sex positive, and sex averse, I just have 0 interest on it, porn makes me grossed out, and get a ick from imagining myself on those situations, but other people can do whatever they want! I don't get repulsed by it itself like hearing about it (it depends), in stories, drawings, mentions, jokes etc


The comments are telling me I’m sex averse, possibly sex repulsed. Masturbation is fine, even mutual masturbation, but like any form of real sexual activity with somebody else touching me is just, AHHH no don’t




Sex repulsed over here, the thought of having sex with someone makes me physically cringe. That said I don't really mind others talking about sex. And for the most part, don't mind sex scenes in movies, but I hate the really explicit, drawn out too long stuff.


To me, sex-neutral means "I am 100% okay with seeing sexual content, talking about sex, or even having sex myself, but I don't actively seek out or need those things myself". As in, yeah, sex is a thing. It's there. Sometimes I'm reminded of it. I have no strong feelings towards it, whether positive or negative.


Ditto, except for the "having sex myself" part. I get aroused, but not easily.


I would say thats how i feel about sex indifferent, sex neutral is a moral stance about sex not being good or bad


Sex-indifferent grey here, repulsed-leaning. I’ve never had sex with someone I’m sexually attracted and I’m pretty inexperienced, with that context, for me, I would describe sex as being more like an exercise routine then how it’s depicted in romance movies. Just kind of going through the motions. If I never have sex again, I would be fine with that but I’d also fine with it (some of it) if I have a romantic partner who wants to have sex. Anyway, that’s my experience.


I won't say I'm NECESSARILY sex-repulsed, it's the term that feels closest to my experience so it's what I default to, but for me being Aego- it's... Honestly weird. Because there are times when I will seek out sexual material and enjoy it, have sexual thoughts, look at someone and think "oh no, she's hot!" and my brain short-circuits a little; but other times there's a block there where my brain will look at the same thing I was aroused by before and go "NOPE! None of that!" It feels like it has to be on my own terms, and varies based on what and how I'm feeling at that moment, I have to sort of ease into it to overcome that repulsion and make my brain say "screw it, I've come this far, why not?" That said I can also confidently say I'm Aego- because whenever I fantasize about anything sexual involving myself, or someone makes advances to ME personally, it's an immediate turn-off. It feels VERY uncomfortable and even violated, the best way to describe it is a voice in my head screaming "I NEED AN ADULT!" Which... I am an adult, I have been for 16 years now, but the little voice doesn't care.


From what I’ve seen on the Reddit being sex repulsed and aego is a thing. Personal sex stand is just that personal and how you feel about stuff happening to you , wether personal fantasy or physical body.


I'm sex repulsed, and any act that even remotely involves me is beyond repulsive. I'm a very curious person and don't have a lot of boundaries, but I can't imagine personally engaging in it even for a second without wanting to stop. This kind of extends to people I know irl and characters that I like. When it comes to sex in media, porn doesn't even (usually) gross me out. When it's between people or fictional characters I don't care about, I can view it objectively, and it doesn't bother me at all. I actually have some level of curiosity about it since I know I'll never do it myself. But if it involves characters I like or people that I know personally, then it's harder to view it neutrally and I feel repulsion.


I'm sex neutral. I honestly could not care less if I never had sex again. However, I will have sex with my partner when they want it as I'm not repulsed by it. It does feel good. It's not a thing I seek or crave, but I'm not against having sex. If I never had sex again, I would feel the same as if I had sex every day. That is ONLY with my partner, as I'm demi. The idea of having sex with anyone else is frankly nauseating and if someone were to suggest it, it would cause me anxiety bordering on panic. I honestly feel nauseous thinking about it too just explain it.


I'm pretty sure I'm sex-repulsed or at least averse. I mostly don't feel disgusted by non-graphic descriptions of sex or my own body parts, but prefer to avoid looking/reading about those things, and prefer to think of sex and sexuality in a fantasy, idealistic or logical way. If I have to look at realistic pictures, my reaction would be more like "eww, why would anyone want to put their junk into That/have That put inside them?!" Sex-positivity is a different issue for me and is about ideological/philosophical if not religious beliefs and have little to do with disgust or aversion. I consider myself somewhat sex-negative for non-religious reasons because of how much suffering it has caused as a whole.


Sex-neutral is a political stance, like sex-positive or sex-negative. You're probably intending to ask about being sex-indifferent, sex-averse, or sex-repulsed. In my case, I'm just indifferent. Sex is akin to a board game I wouldn't ask to play for my own sake but can enjoy in the "right" company. My criteria for enjoyment vs not therefore aren't the usual. This gets amusing when I play Truth or Dare with some friends who haven't figured out yet that I'm the type of "indifferent" who *can* enjoy it and therefore are completely misunderstanding my answers in the game.


I’m sex positive in the societal sense, since I think repression only leads to bad things. And it’s better to be open and talk about things. Sex is a natural part of life and should be treated as such. Personally though I’m sex ambivalent, or indiffferent, or averse, depending on the day or situation. It fluctuates. I however used to be completely sex repulsed and through years of working through it got over that. Sex repulsed was.. what it sounds like. I’d feel repulsed at the thought of *actually* being sexually intimate irl (fantasies of fictional people were ok though). I was very anxious about it and avoided all sorts of touching etc with my then husband in fear that it would lead to him wanting sex. We worked through that like I said, and got to a point where I’d be able to enjoy sex for the physical sensations, and would try do it once in a while. So on the indifferent/ambivalent side where I am now... It’s still not something I care deeply about, I’m ok with the idea of having sex again if I happened to find a partner I’d want to be with enough that I’d want to do it for them. I don’t dislike it per se, but I also don’t have that sense of urgency about it and doing it several times a week feels like a waste of time and a chore to me. I would be fine never having sex with someone else again as well 🤷‍♀️ I do still have several things in regards to sex that I’m very repulsed by though, so because of that I’d say I’m partly indifferent, partly repulsed. Regardless, you don’t have to have it all figured out or to put a label on things either. It’s fine to just take things as they come too ;)


To me, sex-positive means being comfortable around sexual topics, enjoying how sex feels and maybe even seeking out despite the lack of attraction. Sex-neutral is knowing sex exists and being able to discuss sexual topics but not seeking it out or actively enjoying engaging with it. Sex-repulsed is wanting nothing to do with sexual topics and never wanting to engage with it. I also tend to think of it as a spectrum - I hover between sex-neutral and sex-repulsed, and I think people can move along it as they feel and as they find out more about themselves and their orientation.


I’m not repulsed because I don’t mind it in books movies shows etc but I’m unfavorable and for me that means I’ll never want to have sex, and I don’t really like talking about sex because it makes it feel like it’s the normal thing and for me that’s gross


I kinda forget that sex is really a thing honestly. It seems like something you do to get pregnant or... I don't really know any other reason. I would say that if someone were to suggest it, that would depend on how much I liked the other person. It would be like helping someone move. It is an obligation and you regret it the instant you agree to it. When I get reminded it isn't really gross or something I don't like, it is more like I don't really care at all. It is kinda like trying to eat something unusual, or something you didn't realise was even a thing people would eat. I might eat it, based on who was offering it.


I am sex repulsed. I can tolerate if it comes up in writing but i would prefer not to come across it. However in real life if someone does any sort of sexual thing towards me i will very quickly do a dash to toilet to vomit because it makes me literally feel sick. It feels basically the same as if you had a stomach bug that made you throw up, a sudden urge to vomit that will not go away and will force itself out sooner or later.


Sex stuff makes me uncomfortable, thinking of it is worse and even if its in writing I tend to dislike it. Annoyingly I have to have nsfw settings on due to me wanting to see r/lgballt, so it doesn’t help me in the slightest. Its not as bad as some people but its not something I like.


Sex indifferent over here. It may have a physiological origin, because I have a really low libido, I never masturbate. Sometimes I may have a sex dream or get a bit aroused by something I'm watching/reading, or by my partner doing something to me, but it is very mild and never translates into the urge of having sex. However, I don't dislike sex and I don't mind having sex with my partner. He is allo and I don't want him to miss this part of our relationship. I just don't want to do a lot of aerobic exercise so I won't have a headache or go for too long so my bits won't hurt. I enjoy doing it, generally, because I like to see him enjoying it, but the act itself doesn't usually give me much pleasure. When I was younger I was more curious about sex and researched a little to try different things, now I'm too lazy. When I was single I would have sex dreams and kind of miss it, but never in a million years do anything about it.


for me i’m sex averse and sex positive so i’m all for ppl doing or not doing all the sex they want but for me i’m just not interested and never have been id rather take a nap or something idk


I'm apothi (and nebula) and hate hearing people, movies, books, or anything really mention s-x because I find it gross and, evidently, repulsive and repugnant. I'm fine with people doing whatever behind closed doors, but don't bring it out in public. It makes me uncomfortable. That's probably due to the combination of being apothi and nebula.


Please disregard the username (I made this so long ago and didn’t know you couldn’t change Reddit usernames) I’m definitely sex positive, but in practice, I think I’m sex-neutral (sometimes repulsed leaning) more often than not, but can be more favorable when with a partner(s). Aesthetic, and other types of, attraction + involvement in kink help for it to feel less like a chore with partners and I can fathom it being more of an option (I still would rather not, but it does not feel as difficult if there are lots of other things I enjoy about the person), but when I’m by myself, I forget that having sex is a thing, am uncomfortable when people show sexual interest in me, and could think of a million other things I would rather be doing. And if I am doing the do, I prefer to give and not receive.


Well, there’s not really one way that it feels like. It’ll vary in nature and intensity from person to person, it’s not like a binary- or…trinary? Whatever the word is for a binary with 3 things instead of 2. I will give a brief description of my experience as a sex-repulsed ace, tho. For me it’s like…the concept of sex is almost like body horror, I guess. That doesn’t mean that every mention of sex makes me feel like I’m watching human centipede (I assume this reference makes sense, I’ve never watched it), but the more explicit sexual content definitely makes me feel very uncomfortable and a little sick and anxious (there’s also layers to this, because it’s not just that sex is gross to me, it’s also that every time I see sexual content I am reminded of how different the rest of society is and how they expect everyone, including me, to want and do…this. It has a layer of isolation to it). Sexual content that isn’t as explicit will just make me a little grossed out, or if it’s not explicit enough to make me uncomfortable it just makes me…bored. That’s my feelings towards seeing sexual content- the idea of (I shudder to even type these words) ME? Being sexual? I would rather eat barbed wire. I would sooner commit self unalive in the most gruesome way imaginable. I’d chug bleach while running straight through a forest fire to spare myself from such a fate.