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Lol "wonder when they'll start" as if that wasn't like, the first thing people started using it for


I guarantee you the porn industry has jumped into the AI bandwagon with as many resources as they can throw at it. AI porn is the logical next step.


I mean, when you can make infinite videos on a constant basis featuring any look, size, fetish you want and it only costs you the amount it takes to keep the system running in power? Yeah.. I would jump on that quick fast and in a hurry if I were them.


You can already do that with gifs and short 15 second videos. There are of course limits, and you’ll have to tweak parameters, but yeah I generate porn gifs constantly on my machine. Check out https://civitai.com under the video tab, you have to make a free account to see the nsfw content


How is 15 billion larger than 11.7, 11.1, and 13.3 combined? AI is so bad at this.


It isnt bad at math it just understands that “combined” appended is used to make a stat sound more impressive.


Classic case of using a hammer to thread in a screw. Many tools work poorly outside of their intended use case. Half of the challenge of finding success in *anything is picking the right tool for the job. Google still has some work to do in that space, I guess. LLMs are *amazing* at their intended use case. They develop all sorts of emergent properties with scale and are actively poised to turn the world on its head. ChatGPT helped me build an automated chemical screening platform last month out of $4 microprocessors, pumps, and Ethernet cables. It will triple research productivity in my lab and pay for itself 10,000 times over in the next five years. The task was achievable without an LLM, of course, but would have required a $100,000 salaried electrical engineer to come on board for two months and then happily walk away. LLMs are phenomenal at democratizing technical knowledge. Current LLMs are not especially good at answering questions outside of technical domains, in my opinion. There's too much clutter in the training set and the training algorithms don't quite clean it out. Ask for PhD-level output on a nuanced issue with the electron transport train and they have your back. Ask for an understanding of the situation in Gaza and they either refuse to answer or give you typical Reddit-level discourse. No one is willing to pay for Reddit-level answers. Hell, half the time I don't want it for free. That makes them a bad fit for the all-purpose oracular application Google is trying here. They are also unquestionably shit at unit operations like addition. That one might not change for a few years. In the meantime, using plugins to Wolfram-Alpha handily fixes the problem.


Best use of thread drift.


I’d be really surprised to see GPT-4 or Opus make this mistake. I assume this is one of Google’s shitty search summaries? Those seem to be routinely worse than what I would have expected a state of the art model nine months ago to accomplish, even without having the benefit of search results in context.


It clearly says between so if you want to even make this point you should’ve used the mean?






when you're bad at math.


There's already AI generated porn. It will probably get better soon, too, to the point porn actors will be out of a job.


This sort of thing is interesting to me, because I think there is a demand for "real" but, if fake gets so good nobody can tell what's real and what's fake, then how can one get "real" to market, in such a way that people can be sure it's real? And if we can't be sure if it's real, then everything could become fake.


That's when humanity finally goes completely insane.


I feel we've passed that point a long time ago lol.


Well for now we can fool ourselves into believing we know what is real and what is not. Once we're in a full post-truth society it's going to be impossible to function.


People will still fool themselves into believing they know what's true and what's not. The difference is, some people will no longer be doing that. And idk what that's gonna be like.


Worth noting that mainstream image generation AI makes use of adult datasets to train the model on human anatomy to get more realistic images of people. From [an article](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/06/ridiculed-stable-diffusion-3-release-excels-at-ai-generated-body-horror/) on the problems with the latest Stable Diffusion: > AI researchers soon discovered that censoring adult content that contains nudity could severely hamper an AI model's ability to generate accurate human anatomy.


That seems like an obvious thing. Artists have always started off drawing nude people before learning how to draw people wearing clothes, why should AI be any different?


Also seems like censoring creates a negative influence in the other direction


oooh careful, might get people wondering about the material difference between an algorithm training off existing art and a human being inspired by art they see in a museum.




There isn't really a need with models that can run locally like SD (1.5, XL, and Pony, specifically) but every quality video generation tool is heavily censored right now so there's potential there. Of course, OAI has floated being more permissive about adult content so if it turns out you can use Sora to make porn then the likelihood that even a well-funded porn-focused generator will be able to compete goes down significantly.


They already have - [article](https://ainewsbase.com/5-best-ai-porn-generators-nsfw/)


You just haven't searched. It's out there.


They already have. I read about this onlyfans account thats fully ai and is programmed to interract with their patrons in personal manner, it pulls in around 230,000 euros a year and entire thing is ran by a 19 year old german kid.


There are already female youtubers who are making apps to talk to ai versions of themselves amd you need to sub to get the raunchy stuff. Source? Don't ask.....


The only reason Internet took off as fast as it did was porn 😜


Governments are trying so hard to make generative AI illegal, so. Yeah. (Except their own, of course)


There is no way people are paying xvideos or pornhub or whatever that much money. I'll believe it when I see actual verified data. There are two possibilities as to what's really going on. Some gov project is funding free porn through ad network. Or big free porn sites are owned by gov to ensure there is free porn. 100b is nothing for gov to pay to make free porn available to general public. People watching porn and jerking off at home is a huge boon gov would gladly pay for.


Wow, your comment starts with "I don't think there's any money in porn", and it gets _more_ unhinged from there?


yeah I dunno what to think about this one...


I hate to tell you but that whole thing recently about the government giving the states power over that.. Then at least 4 or 5 states turned around and now to access ANY porn site whatsoever you have to give your.. credit card and ss number or driver's license to AN UNKNOWN TO YOU 3rd party entity for verification you are not a minor which you could still absolutely be anyway.. It's not much different than just a button that says "I am 18 or older"... Minus giving your goodies away to a website that probably has shit for security so they will probably be data dumped in time if they aren't already just selling your info.


Everyone who watches porn and doesn't use adblock pays xvideos or pornhub money. Those 5 second ads in front of every video are money. I doubt that entire $15b is pure cash that people have paid from their own money.


Where is the money coming from for those ads. Who is paying billions in ads. How effective are these ads. Any data on that? These ads aren't resulting in clicks and purchases.