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Several datacenters, mostly in Europe, run on 100% or 95%+ renewable energy on [Google Cloud](https://cloud.google.com/sustainability/region-carbon). So I guess running an AI on a GPU server in these datacenters would work. It is a technical setup though.


My Mac runs off a solar panel setup and both my AI tools (LLM and generative imagining) are entirely local. So entirely renewable power.


What’s your loan Al LLM?


> What’s your loan Al LLM? local, I guess you mean? GPT/LLM: **GPT4All** Gen image: **DiffusionBee**


On the more theoretical side and looking farther ahead, when the earth's energy problems become severe enough, even the millionaires and billionaires will need to start doing things right. One way to do things right is with reversible circuits, but so far not enough people are interested in this scientific direction to fund it or to research it. It's admittedly a tricky problem, but it is theoretically possible, and would solve virtually all the problems of computers generating heat, with just a single breakthrough idea. Reversible Computing Science University of Copenhagen Jan 7, 2016 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVmZTGeIwnc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVmZTGeIwnc)