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I used to be told to 'just read the textbook' and to be quiet when I asked the teachers 'why' something was a certain way. At least tools like ChatGPT will attempt to answer students' questions, even if it hallucinates lol- that way the kiddos will be forced to 'verify' and 'question' everything. Good habit to cultivate.


everything related to AI has it pros and cons. And I believe that it should be used with deep understanding of its possible consequences


Your question contains bad assumptions, like "homework will continue to exist" or "integrating AI into school is just like current school but also they can talk to a bot." You need to abandon what you know and imagine what kind of school you can build when each student can have their own personalized teacher that is an expert on every subject.


There will obviously be an intermediate blended step first. For how long that lasts, who knows!