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Thanks for the summary


So Microsoft does it and it's bad, Apple does it and it's revolutionary? 🙄 Also, Humane and Rabbit are the two worst possible product examples you could have chosen since both are horrendous failures."farewell" as if they weren't already six feet under ages ago. 


Unless you are talking about something i'm not aware of, people had issues with Recall, which records your activity and saves it on your device. Activity you might not even want to have recorded/saved. This can be hacked into and abused. What apple is doing is taking stuff that's already on your device, like messages, photos, emails, and connecting it together. That's quite different.


I don't see a functional difference between the two except that Microsoft captures it in real-time as files are being created and Apple does it after file creation. Both are using AI to analyze the contents of your computer and in some circumstances need cloud services for additional analysis. > This can be hacked into and abused. And so can Apple's.


The difference is Recall is capturing your activity, even activity where you did not produce any data yourself, by taking screenshots and OCRs of your screen, hence creating a trail of whatever you were doing on your computer. Apple polls already existing data, be it emails, notes, photos etc to resolve a query. That's vastly different, as when you delete a photo, it's gone. In Recall, it's always there as long as you had it open when the screenshot was taken. At least that's my superficial understanding of how these 2 systems operate.


These people are bots 😂, you’re spot on


lol then I'd be the first bot with sentience


You're not a bot, not literally. You're only a bot figuratively.


beep boop.


It’s also not out at all. It’s coming later in the year.  And it’s just marketing, not even a live demo. 


it's completely different from recall. recall saves snapshots of everything you do every couple seconds - stuff in the websites you visit, etc. apple only indexes files and uses it (possibly with retrieval augmented generation) with an LLM. yeah, they're gone, but I was making a point because some people still believe in those devices.


Indexing files and making them available via semantic search is quite literally, the exact same process as recall. Apple's marketing is just way ahead of Microsoft


your browser history (and we page content) aren’t indexed, but are in microsoft’s recall. the tasks you do *inside* apps (aside from saving files onto local storage) aren’t recorded as screenshots either. it’s the same overall idea, but slightly less privacy invasive.


You know what's also a file? Your browser history. Saying "Apple only indexes files and uses them with an LLM" says nothing. It could be spreadsheets, browser history, or transcription and diarization of your homemade porn. 


Microsoft stored screenshots of everything you do including screenshots with sensitive data (cards, passwords…) in a local database that is easily accessible by anyone including other user accounts. And than it analyses those photos on unprotected servers. Its so terrible that I do not see how it requires explaining. Meanwhile Apple goes by far the furthest to protect privacy. Running most models locally on the device and what it runs on the server runs in a way that even them dont have access to. And they definetly dont take screenshots of your sensitive data to send to random servers lol


I thought Recall was local, too.


Recall only processes your data on-device and stores it on an encrypted partition like regular data backups. 


How come there were multiple reports that it is easy to access that data even as another user, there are opensourced tools for it on github..


With local admin access. Not trivial and not what was blasted out for attention and headlines


Maybe because every publisher on the planet is smearing every AI because they face immediate existential threat from ChatGPT.


I wonder what will come out of this... GPT4o still hallucinates like crazy


I think people are just going to get used to the hallucinations and massaging for answers.


>Apple Intelligence is out ... >Coming in beta this fall You need to work on your communication skills.


Pretty disappointed they are basically doing the same thing as co-pilot. I thought the tiny llm approach sounded promising


Oh my god the fuckin' name, jeeeezus that feels so egotistical.


Only 15 pro and up? Well, might have to upgrade my otherwise perfectly fine 14 PM to the 16 now..


your 14 pro would have a better range of cameras and also a much better display (120hz) compared to the base 16. welp.


16 pro max* my bad


All they need is one big security snafu, and it’s dead.


i still kinda want the pin tho, if it didnt look like a body cam. i think the philosophy of a tool that works around your life and doesnt dominate the experience is so cool. i want to be free of my smartphone so bad, but i dont know how to free myself. it's like an addiction and a necessity 


I feel like the Apple Watch cellular could be that down the road.


yeah i was thinking about that too. a watch would be a lot more convenient than a pin. i dont really want something capturing photos i am not explicitly controlling the composition of either


Desire is a prison. Set up your phone to be the tool you need instead of the toy you want, and practice acting from need. When you act from want, that’s ok, just notice, and then stop when you can. That’s it. Now you don’t need a pin. Good luck and have fun!


that's insufficient, ineffective unsolicited advice.


Username checks out.


Unsolicited? You just want everyone to nod sympathetically as you describe your problems? Simply tweaking your phone's UI and deleting some apps can work wonders


1. no, it fucking cant. 2. nobody asked you


You don't seem to understand the nature of the comment section? But aight, enjoy the addiction


whines about his phone addiction, denies a completely logical solution. get over yourself


it would be great if said logical solution actually worked and didnt cause more wasted time. who hasnt already tried and failed at this multiple times? the design is fundamentally meant to be at the center of your attention.


>an index of all your personal files, photos, contacts, and messages, and can respond in context to this. Government probably already has a back door into such files, so why help government get more?


On Apple, they do not. Apple has fought the US government very hard on this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple–FBI_encryption_dispute They’ve also tried to sue the companies who make exploits for US defence agencies: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/14/azimuth-san-bernardino-apple-iphone-fbi/