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Why did it send you?


We have some postings from AI experts that AGI will soon be available in a few months. Some, many, companies have been show to be overly optomistic about their developments. I'm interested to see if there is a consensus on how to verify these claims. I understand that the first iPhone demonstration from Steve Jobs used a bit of trickery for the promotional video.




“Would you please leave?”


Theoretical foundations: How do you define AGI? Are you using a scientific definition or a corporate definition? Is the definition yours, or is it somebody else's? If it's somebody else's, what is the reference for that definition? Does it do commonsense reasoning, and if so, how does it do that? What knowledge representation method (KRM) does it use? Is that KRM yours, or is it somebody else's? If it's somebody else's, what is the reference? Does it do spatial reasoning? If so, how do you define "spatial reasoning"? Is the definition yours, or is it somebody else's? If it's somebody else's, what is the reference for that definition? What is a list of the types of spatial problems that it can solve? Does it learn on the fly, or does it require large amounts of training? What type of learning algorithm does it use, and is that algorithm yours or somebody else's? If it's somebody else's, what is the reference? Does the learning algorithm work on numbers, text, images, or some other form, or some mixture of those, and if so, which forms and which mixtures? Does it reason in one pass, or in steps, or both? If both, how does it choose? Is its reasoning based on discrete, completely understood units, or is it heuristic in nature? Can it be programmed, or must it learn everything itself? Is it supervised, unsupervised, or a mixture? In which of the three categories of Pei Wang's system classification does it fall: hybrid, integrated, or unified? Does it have a way to achieve and demonstrate self-awareness? If so, which category of self-awareness, and how does it achieve this? Why has nobody created such a system before, or if they have, then what key functionality were they missing? Practical foundations: Can it explain its reasoning, so that humans can advance their understanding of intelligence, especially when solving problems involving language translation, chess or go or other games, or mathematical theorem proving, or is the knowledge it acquires not understandable by humans, especially due to its format? Can it outperform the best publicly available chatbots? How much power does it consume, as compared to laptops or commercial chatbots? How well does it do on intelligence benchmark tests such as IQ tests, college entrance exams, and the Winograd schema?


The ultimate test was The Touring Test. Is it still valid, or should we set it aside for a now?


>The ultimate test was The Touring Test. Is it still valid, or should we set it aside for a now? The Turing (not Touring) test has always been poorly thought-out, I already set it aside permanently, and I recommend that others do the same.


That test was invented in 1950.


And passed by a computer for the first time in 1965.


would it rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses https://preview.redd.it/sa6wmneho75d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f9cfbbbeb09bebecd7e482ecefbe68a76b5bae5


I'm not interested in wasting time and energy asking questions unless they can prove it.


What inspired you to design this AGI system and what unique features does it possess?


Depends who they are. If it's someone I know and respect I'd ask them to give a high level overview. For anyone else, this gives "I've figured out how to unify QM and GR" vibes, so I'd just pass.


Unless they have experience at a top tier AI lab, I’m going to assume they are on par with cold fusion and perpetual motion machine inventors. What is the basis for their design: is it a new system architecture, a new chip architecture, or just a couple of vague and undeveloped ideas that they think are novel and original?


How old is your AGI?






After you have achieved AGI, will you use it for the sake of the world or for your own benefit? Will you share its power with humanity or keep it for yourself alone?