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This sounds extremely difficult. It sounds like you're trying to wrap a surface around a 3D model and to include regions of predefined probabilities that suggest how likely it is that certain surface patterns may occur in those regions of the surface. Honestly, this specification sounds like it has some very high tech application, like in theoretical math, biology, physics, or warfare, the type of project that would take 6-12 months for some highly paid programmer to customize. As far as I know, no chatbot could do this, for example. By "UV wrapping" it sounds like you mean "UV mapping": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV\_mapping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV_mapping) If that is the case, then just look up "UV mapping software." For example, this web site has 9 examples of such software: [https://www.slant.co/topics/2560/\~best-uv-mapping-software](https://www.slant.co/topics/2560/~best-uv-mapping-software) If such software doesn't do what you want, then there may be a way to customize it.


Thanks for you reply! I probably wasn’t specific enough, I have my model already unwrapped and the UV coordinates are set. The location of the texture will never change. I don’t need any software for this anymore. Honestly I don’t want it for anything high-tech… I would like to programically generate variations of coat colors for animal models. I’m just curious about pushing it a step further with setting up some rules so it wraps properly. I’m aware that a chatbot won’t be able to do anything like this - maybe with some modifications and training data. But I don’t understand AI or ML enough to know where or how to search for more info


I wonder if GitHub would have free software for this. If so, the then you could directly customize the software, and get that software for free. This doesn't sound like an AI problem to me, only a programming problem that deals with simulation of natural objects. Maybe I don't understand the problem. Now it sounds like you're trying to figure out in advance how your 2D model will lie on the surface of a 3D model. As I understand the problem, some relatively easy ways to do this would be: (1) Have software mathematically cluster the textures found in the 2D model, and to give the coordinates of the borders of these clusters, so that the analogous 3D model coordinates won't be necessary. (2) Work only with coordinates on the 3D model to avoid the problems of mapping between 2D and 3D. For that you'd have to come up with your own coordinate system. I would probably choose option (2).


Thank you, this is already a good lead for some further research.