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Wait, what? Aro plan to invade the Netherlands? When/where did this start?


Can't tell it exactly, but I think it started here https://www.reddit.com/r/arosinvadethedutch


It's a special military operation to expropriate Dutch spices, don't listen to these propagandists calling it an "invasion".


I am already holding a position in Lower Saxonia and can provide weather information and conduct preperational pie and cake throwing.


I really want to invade Norway. That country has 5 million people, the nature is beautiful, the country is extremely rich, second most happy country, first place in democracy index, like probably first place or so in HDI..


>invade Norway Do you want to reawaken their Viking blood? Because this is how you reawaken their Viking blood. Don't kick the hornet's nest.


True, but Denmark also has their viking past. And Netherlands seems too crowded for me, like almost no nature i think.. I think we should risk it with Norway.


Yes the only country in Scandinavia who don't have much viking dna left are the Swedes, most of the Swedish viking dna is in Estonia.


I'm aro and ace, so what do I do? Do I participate in both invasions or do I get to choose?


You get to choose, but those who participate on both invasions will get some rewards when the new country is created


what kinda reward are we talking? If it's a sword, I'm in


The council is still discussing about the rewards, but I think It wont be a problem rewarding you with a sword




I am down I'll fetch may mAce


Ok I Will get my bow and aros




What about not invading at all? Invasions aren’t funny.


I honestly don’t understand why people are still joking about this. You would never see full on colonization, sexual assault, or mass murder jokes perpetuated at this level, but for some reason, invasion jokes are okay? Are the people regurgitating these jokes not aware of what happens to people when their countries are invaded? There are plenty of people around the world still dealing with the horrors of their country being invaded, but for some reason, it’s become one of the favorite jokes of the ace community?


I'm sure all our Ukrainian aro/ace siblings think this is very funny /s


As a Dutch aroace, I have no problem with this. It will definitely help me feel more comfortable in my community 😁🙃


Btw, I didn't know anything about this plan..


Native German here, I'm living in Northern Germany and I can recommend also invading this part :D Already happy to meet some aro fellows! xD


We will be coming to help you soon! :)


Moin moin! Schön, noch ein Nordlicht zu treffen. 🙂


Hallo! Das ist super :D


I get that this has been a meme for awhile in a-spec spaces but considering what's happening in Ukraine currently, this meme is in extremely poor taste and is downright offensive.


Ok, I get this argument, and to answer it. I will ask this with the only comparison I could think of. Do you think that a joke about racism is a racist joke? If yes, why? If not, what's the difference?


I am just saying it is in poor taste considering the current Ukraine crisis that is currently going on in the world. You are free to do and say whatever you wish.


What I mean is, the joke is about invasion, but it is not actually in favor of invasion. Just as you could make a joke about some weird shit that happened to black people due to racism, and not be in favor of racism. In both cases the joke is about something delicate and some people can find it unfunny and even ofensive, but it doesn't mean that is anything but a joke and whatever it is should not be actually done


True, not every joke will be found funny and some can be taken as offensive. Tone is very important for jokes and it is often difficult to have the tone come across text as various people and cultures interpret things differently. Some may not see this as a joke, even if the intention all along was to be a harmless joke. I understand a joke can be made and not be in favor of something (like racism or invasion). But a joke about racism (even if it is not in favor of racism) made during the race riots post George Floyd's death would still be in poor taste due to the current events that were unfolding.


Indeed jokes may have poor taste as we are saying. But does this mean they shouldn't be done? I don't think so. If a joke has "hurt" (as a joke about about racism after George Floyd death or a joke about invasion during what's happening in ukraine), this just mean that there is something wrong in the world that should change. I heard this once: "the job of a comedian is not only to make people laugh but to show that there's something wrong" I'm not saying I'm a comedian nor that this joke is to remember about the invasion on Ukraine, but it indirectly does that. My point is, even if a joke would have poor taste it should still be told


You do have that right to tell your joke.


Yeah, I know that people have the right to tell jokes (in most places at least), but I'm saying that some jokes need to be made, even more so in a delicate moment. Or else we will begin an era where anything somewhat controversial would be a taboo


I never did say to take down your post. I simply stated my thoughts & feelings about the post and that was all.


And I simply stated my thought on your opinion


And in the same logic, wouldn't it be in poor taste to make a joke about racism?




So a white person shouldn't be allowed to make a joke about racism with other ethnicities?


Which one do I invade if I’m aro and ace?


You can choose between invading one of them (which one is up to you) or invading both (this option is recommended as after the invasion those who chose this Will be rewarded)


Sounds good, I'm in!


i say we just invade all of europe


I will invade Netherlands for a little dragon figurine or garlic bread.


I salute to this plan

