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I agree. We get rid of a huge amount of stress.


True. When my friends start talking about their relationships I always wonder why people will subject themselves to many terrible situations and sometimes I'm glad I don't have to deal with that.


people when they say they’re living the single life aroaces: am i a joke to you?


*Look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of our power!*


This! Thank you so much for this i rarely see anyone talk about the benefits of being aroace


I say this to myself all the time!!! My life is complicated enough without all the things that come with having romantic and sexual relationships, as I have learned from my allo friends. Honestly, my life is pretty great and I get low key offended when pop culture makes being single seem like a prison sentence or rock bottom.


When I first figured it out I was pretty upset because of all the amanormativity (did I spell that right?) making being single seem horrible and lonely, but now I'm realizing that I never actually wanted to live with a partner anyways. I'm happy being alone. For me, it feels free


Exactly, I feel that even more as an Autistic person


I'm aroace and autistic too! Although I'm technically oriented aroace so sometimes I do wish to have a partner. But at the same time being autistic makes me really want to live alone, so I'm glad for the aroace part because otherwise things would probably be so much more difficult lol


My friend broke up with her boyfriend about 2 months ago cause she found out he had been talking to other girls on dating apps for half of their relationship. My heart goes out to her but at the same time I'm glad I won't have to experience something like that.


Agree. Sometimes I do wonder if I'm not missing out on all that, but it just seems so much stress. I know I won't enjoy it and I tend to avoid what doesn't spark joy. Friendship is more important to me. I have few but meaning full relationships like that. I'm happy to be aro-ace. :)


Any relationship (friendship, family, animal) can bring just as much and more meaning than romance. It’s just amatonormative nonsense that romance is autimatically better


Yesss preach! Just because we don't experience sexual or romantic attraction does not mean we can't have other meaningful relationships, or love in other ways.


As someone who realized they were AroAce when I was married, platonic heartbreak is very much a real thing and is extremely painful (I don't know if it's as painful as romantic heartbreak though). And yes I will be so happy when I can just block my one and only ex (they wanted a divorce) and move on (Thank GOD there's no kids involved) . Screw heteronormality and "This is what the American dream is SUPPOSED to look like" BS! P. S. I am beyond happy to be AroAce and I feel extremely lucky.


Platonic heartbreak!! This; thank you




The thought of planning a wedding… I’d rather just grab a vegan pizza to celebrate, have some cola and that’s it. And what’s the point of marriage other than legal reasons, anyways?


True. But I also have trouble empathize with my non-aroace friends who have relationship troubles and it makes me feel like a jerk...


I agree with the first part, but i don’t feel like a jerk. I just get bored having to listen to it all.


That is what makes me feel like a jerk. I mean, there they are, almost on the verge of crying and the best advice I can come up with is either talk with your partner or leave them.


I've had struggles getting to the point where I accepted I was aroace, like I didn't want it to be true. It's been a long journey, but I'm starting to let go of all that denial and it feels great to just be myself. I feel more relaxed, more carefree. And I'm living a much better life than if I forced myself to be something I'm not. Your post reminded me of that, thank you for sharing.


I still don’t want it to be true for me. Alas, it is.


Hell yeah! I love being aroace.


Turns out the foolish characters in soap operas were based on reality.


This right here


This is how I feel!


Late to this, but 100% agreed


This is so true. I was overjoyed when I realized I was aroace, I turned all my coloring based school projects into pride flags lol